Saturday, November 28, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* does taking from recycling container = stealing? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* "Promote the general welfare" means what it says - 4 messages, 4 authors
* replacing a muffler on 1994 Dodge Caravan - 2 messages, 1 author
* Some silly liar - 5 messages, 2 authors
* The back lash begins P T Barnum would be jealous of this Hoax - 2 messages,
1 author
* TNB: Negro With Gunshot Wounds Drive To Hospital - 1 messages, 1 author
* HOT!HOT!HOT! == ==Fashion & Brand Shorts,Jeans,Cheap
Wholesale Good Quality Evisu Shorts,A&F Shorts,ED Hardy Shorts,G-Star shorts,
LEVI'S shorts,Iceberg shorts,etc.Paypal Payment - 1 messages, 1 author
* Discount Cartier Stainless Steel Silver Dial Leather brand Ladies www. for sale all kinds of pretty replica watches! fashion
watches,luxury watches,discount - 1 messages, 1 author
* Just Buy It!!! Pretty Fashion Accessories Bracelet,Earrings,Necklace,Rings==
Coach,D&G, - 1 messages, 1 author
* Opposition to health care not about race. It's about stupidity - 4 messages,
3 authors
* Discovery channel video on how to survive a tornado - 1 messages, 1 author
* As a pressure group, we have to emotionalize issues - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: does taking from recycling container = stealing?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 10:38 am
From: Coffee's For Closers

In article <eBSPm.37055$ky1.36303@newsfe14.iad>,
> I was out banging on the exhaust pipe of our van, testing to make
> sure the pipe was in good shape, when I saw a guy stop by our trash cans
> and city recycling containers. He took an old blender out of our trash
> (I had already removed the copper wire windings), and also took some
> items from our recycling containers. I'm not worried about the trash -
> I've always felt that as long as people aren't taking any personal
> papers, they are welcome to anything else - especially since they have
> to brave loads of dirty diapers in our dumpsters.
> However, the recycling containers are a different story. My
> understanding is that the city gets some $$ from the aluminum, etc.,
> which are put in there, and that $$ helps keep our cost for waste
> collection from going up. If these guys are going around and taking the
> aluminum out of the recycling containers, doesn't that take $$ away from
> the city, and ultimately make us pay higher rates?

Yes, taking from official city recycling containers may be
designated as theft of city property.

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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 11:53 am
From: "JonquilJan"

This thread reminds me of the drastic difference between city and rural
living. I grew up in a city - back before recycling was even considered.
Even then, my parents were of the reuseable mind set and very little went to

I now (since 1981) live in a rural area. I can have trash pickup once a
week if I pay for it but prefer to go to the recycling center a few times a
month. The center, and its workers, are very much into reuse/recycling.
They encourage bringing in older books (paperback and hard cover),
magazines, egg cartons, small items that can be repaired - and also
encourage others to take the items for their own use. The village nearby
has a once a year disposal pickup drive. And they encourage residents to
put out items a few days before the actual pickup. People browse along the
streets and take items they have a use for. There is no problem with this
as those browsers are respectful of the others property and leave things
they don't want in a reasonable order. It also leaves less for the
town/village to pickup.

I prefer the method I have at hand now. But thats a personal like. YMMV


Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying

TOPIC: "Promote the general welfare" means what it says

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 11:47 am
From: Day Brown

Patriot Games wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 21:55:19 -0600, Day Brown <>
> wrote:
>> Patriot Games wrote:
>>> The richest 1% paid 39% of the income taxes, up from 37% in 2000.
>>> The richest 5% paid 60% of the income taxes, up from 56% in 2000.
>>> 39%+60%=99%
>> Take accounting.
> See my post to 'Rod Speed'....
I never saw anything Rod had to say worth my time to read. so I dont.

>> Now, if the rich had taken their tax reduction and invested it in
>> creating jobs in the USA, the unemployment rate would be lower,
> Its their money, its not your money, its their business what they do
> with it, its NOT your business what they do with it.
Machiavelli knew about this. The aristocracy always transfers the tax
burden to the lower classes. Who are soon broke. So then, he says, the
government goes to the rich to BORROW THE MONEY. And this works. For a
while, but at some point a creditor sees the tax base will no longer
service the debt, refuses to lend more, and the financial panic results
in a demagogue arising from the masses. He seizes the assets of the rich
to gratify the instinct for revenge on the part of the masses.

However, while revenge is sweet, it is best served cold, and even at
that, is not nutritious. The resulting mess is worse for everyone.

>> But they invested in making foreign jobs instead
>> that put even more Americans on the welfare dole.
> Wrong. So-Called rich people made no such investments. Corporations
> did that.
At the direction of aristocratic ownership. Hello?

>> But if we raise taxes on the rich, the government would be able to lower
>> the deficit,
> Wrong. If you raise taxes on the rich they will take their money and
> leave.
To some extent certainly. But they cant move the manufacturing plants
so easily. One of the reactions has been the takeover of investments by
the employees. Venture capital knows they are not going anywhere, and
sees as well that the prices need to be inline with markets. The cost of
labor has gone down and the productivity up to the point now where its
the cost of management that affects profits more. coops have lower costs
of management.

> Wrong. If you raise taxes on anybody you have NO GUARANTEE the gov't
> will pay down our debt.
Nobody has any guarantee of anything, but Machiavelli has been right so
often we'd do well to consider what he has to say. Which you dont.

> IN FACT - the Gov't is currently 100% preoccupied with raising taxes
> to give Criminal Beaners free citizenship and free Buckwheatcare.
The government is not 100% anything. Ergo, you are delusional.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 12:33 pm
From: clams_casino

Patriot Games wrote:

>On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:19:39 -0500, clams_casino
><> wrote:
>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 18:15:30 -0500, clams_casino
>>><> wrote:
>>>Liars are exposed:
>>>On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 15:29:48 -0500, clams_casino
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>No, That's shear ignorance ON YOUR PART. The top 10% (>108k/yr) of the
>>>>population pay about 50% of all Federal income taxes, based on having
>>>>some 60% of all income.
>>Since you are obviously too challenged to do a simple search (as opposed
>>to listening to Rush, Beck, etc), I'll try to keep this very simple:
>>"While the media spotlight shines on federal income taxes each April,
>>many Americans may be surprised to learn that federal income taxes make
>>up only 26 percent of the nation's total tax bill. The remaining 74
>>percent—nearly three-fourths of the U.S. economy's total tax burden—is
>>comprised of the other federal, state and local taxes paid by American
>>households every year."
>YOU SAID: [The bottom 50% paid 3% of income taxes...] "and essentially
>all the payroll tax with a significantly higher share of
>property, sales & excise taxes."
>Your CITE SHOWS: The highest income group paid 23-cents per tax dollar
>to Federal Payroll taxes and the lowest income group paid 21-cents per
>tax dollar to Federal Payroll taxes.
>YOU SAID: [The bottom 50% paid 3% of income taxes...] "and essentially
>all the payroll tax with a significantly higher share of
>property, sales & excise taxes."
>Your CITE SHOWS: The Total State and Local Taxes Averaged is $9,400
>per taxpayer, with the LOWEST FOUR income groups paying $28,666
>COMBINED and the SINGLE highest income groupo paying $24,421.
I didn't "Lie". I have supplied true, documented facts with references.
You, on the other hand either made claims with no substantiation or
totally misunderstood / misrepresented your references.

You claimed the top 5% pay 99% of all federal income taxes. That's
obviously totally wrong.

You stated the bottom 50% earners only pay 3% of the total taxes. That's
obviously totally wrong.


Care to dig your hole deeper?

Hint - What percentage of Warren Buffet's income did he pay in payroll
taxes? What percentage earnings of someone making $10k/yr is payroll tax?

Another hint - one is >0.01%, the other is about 6.5%.

Based on YOUR logic, obviously the higher must be paying most the taxes
in this country.

One last hint - One can not determine the tax burden by looking at just
one type of tax.

In conclusion, let me know when you've passed that 4th-grade remedial
math class. Otherwise, no more discussion - Bye Bye.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 1:46 pm
From: "JonquilJan"

> Patriot Games wrote:
>> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 21:55:19 -0600, Day Brown <>
>> wrote:
>>> Patriot Games wrote:
>>>> The richest 1% paid 39% of the income taxes, up from 37% in 2000.
>>>> The richest 5% paid 60% of the income taxes, up from 56% in 2000.
>>>> 39%+60%=99%

Learn about the term 'mutually exclusive'. The richest 1% is PART OF the
richest 5%.

Basic math.


Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 5:59 pm
From: no_one@void.nul

On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 13:42:44 -0500, Patriot Games
<Patriot@America.Com> wrote:

>On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 19:42:05 -0500, no_one@void.nul wrote:
>>On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 15:11:33 -0500, Patriot Games
>><Patriot@America.Com> wrote:
>>>On 25 Nov 2009 19:55:22 GMT, Michael Coburn <>
>>>>On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:20:34 -0500, Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>> On 24 Nov 2009 22:31:09 GMT, Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>>>>>On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 11:16:41 -0500, Patriot Games wrote:
>>>>>>> On 23 Nov 2009 20:08:53 GMT, Michael Coburn <>
>>>>>>> wrote: Liars are exposed:
>>>>>>> On 8 Nov 2009 21:15:59 GMT, Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Yet wages have stayed flat or diminished since the mid 70's.
>>>>>>> Wrong. YOU HAVE BEEN CAUGHT LYING, again: National average wage
>>>>>>> indexing series 1980 12,513.46 1981 13,773.10
>>>>>>> 1982 14,531.34
>>>>>>> 1983 15,239.24
>>>>>>> 1984 16,135.07
>>>>>>> 1985 16,822.51
>>>>>>> 1986 17,321.82
>>>>>>> 1987 18,426.51
>>>>>>> 1988 19,334.04
>>>>>>> 1989 20,099.55
>>>>>>> 1990 21,027.98
>>>>>>> 1991 21,811.60
>>>>>>> 1992 22,935.42
>>>>>>> 1993 23,132.67
>>>>>>> 1994 23,753.53
>>>>>>> 1995 24,705.66
>>>>>>> 1996 25,913.90
>>>>>>> 1997 27,426.00
>>>>>>> 1998 28,861.44
>>>>>>> 1999 30,469.84
>>>>>>> 2000 32,154.82
>>>>>>> 2001 32,921.92
>>>>>>> 2002 33,252.09
>>>>>>> 2003 34,064.95
>>>>>>> 2004 35,648.55
>>>>>>> 2005 36,952.94
>>>>>>> 2006 38,651.41
>>>>>>> 2007 40,405.48
>>>>>>> 2008 41,334.97
>>>>>>I give you the nice graph of actual wages as adjusted...
>>>>> Adjusted?
>>>>> Your attempt to Change the Subject has FAILED.
>>>>>>I give you the nice graph of actual wages as adjusted by the CPI found
>>>>>>The data source for the graph is the Fed cited right there on the page.
>>>>> Wrong. We already covered this.
>>>>> The "source" is an INVALID comparison of "Average Hourly Earnings: Total
>>>>> Private Industries" AND "Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers:
>>>>> All Items."
>>>>> YOU SAID: "Yet wages have stayed flat or diminished since the mid 70's."
>>>>> YOU LIED.
>>>>> Case closed.
>>>>The actual SOURCE of the _wage_ numbers is the BLS.
>>>>Using _NOMINAL_ _SALARIES_ _IS_ a lie. It has always been a lie and
>>>>always will be a lie.
>>>Your attempt to change the subject has FAILED.
>>>YOU SAID: "wages have stayed flat or diminished since the mid 70's."
>>>>A _SALARY_ of $16,822 in 1985 would be a _SALARY_
>>>>of $33,660 in 2008 money adjusted to inflation.
>>>You FAILED to CITE your Source.
>>>The COMMON Source is the CPI Inflation Calculator at:
>>>$16,822 in 1985 would have the SAME buying power as $33,660 in 2008.
>>>Yet the 2008 number is $41,334.97 representing a 22.80% INCREASE.
>>>YOU SAID: "wages have stayed flat or diminished since the mid 70's."
>>>>A yearly gain of less than 1% per year
>>>$16,822 compounded 1% over 22 years is just over $20,000 but the
>>>ACTUAL average wage is $33,660.
>>>YOU SAID: "wages have stayed flat or diminished since the mid 70's."
>>In 1964 I bought a 12 oz brand name beer for $.75. What does a brand
>>name beer cost today.
>Does it cost $5.15?
>$0.75 in 1964 is $5.15 in 2008 based in inflation.

Thanks for the info.

>>I don't know as I quite beer long ago!
>Apparently you switched to the hard stuff...

No! I did quit. Smoking was harder. I finally quit the smokes after 42

>>Inflation took hold in this Country in 1966 or 67.
>Inflation comes and goes.
>Our gov't will be introducing us to inflation again in a couple of
>years so we can reduce the value of our debt to China...

TOPIC: replacing a muffler on 1994 Dodge Caravan

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:32 pm
From: Al

On Nov 28, 9:14 am, Ohioguy <> wrote:
>    I drove to a local place that used to only sell auto parts wholesale
> to retailers.  Got a decent muffler, mount and clamps for a grand total
> of $55, including tax.  The place is only 2 miles from here, and I've
> put the receipt in the box.
>    If we have trouble getting the old muffler off or anything like that,
> I'll just take this back for a refund.  Muffler Brothers down the street
> quoted me $118 with tax if "all we need to do is the muffler".  I'll
> take that with a grain of salt, and figure they would have added on
> another $20, so I'll say $138.  However, I just got a coupon for $15 off
> $100 at Muffler Brothers, so I'll just say the job should cost me $123
> or less if I need to go that route.

OG, just as a point of reference here, you are majoring in minors. By
your own numbers, you have almost nothing to save on this deal. You
have already spent way more time than it would take to do the job
professionally. I could do it in less time myself, but you cannot. And
what kind of neighbor works all week doing brakes and mufflers and
would be delighted to come home and work on the weekend too only on
the ground with poor conditions? Something is way too fishy about that
statement. You have a good deal waiting for you down the street, but
your distrust of professionals keeps you at home doing the work in a
non-professional way. Meanwhile, you could have used your time working
at a real job or looking for one. This is no way for a man to live,

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 4:44 pm
From: Al

On Nov 28, 1:35 pm, Bc112 <> wrote:
> On Nov 26, 10:07 am, Ohioguy <> wrote:
> >    I have 2 options now:
> > 1- muffler brothers - probably about $160
> > 2 - my neighbor, who works on brakes, mufflers and such, says he will be
> > home with his kids this weekend, and they would enjoy working on
> > something like this.  He has an air chisel, and various other tools that
> > could be needed, depending on how easy things come apart.  I think my
> > son would also enjoy working on something like this, so it would be a
> > learning/fun project for several of us.  I checked locally, and I can
> > get a muffler for $50-$60.  Then I could give my neighbor $50 for the
> > trouble, and buy a couple of pizzas for everybody, and STILL end up
> > saving about 50 bucks.  I'm sort of tempted to go this second route.
> Your third option would be to drive it off a cliff.
> Make sure your computer is also in the van when you do.

If it has not happened already, he's probably looking at a new
transmission around the corner. Those vehicles are notorious for the
repeat tranny rebuilds. And ironically, many of the failures come from
people putting the wrong fluid in them. I've seen shops doing it and
wondering why they keep having to redo the same units. Well, OG will
let us know how it all comes out.

Let me see here. He takes the Muffler Brother's quote of $160 and
subtracts $60 for his retail purchase and another $50 for the
neighbor. That leaves $50 and he says he's still saving $50. He must
have coupons for FREE pizzas. Fuzzy math is where this whole thread

TOPIC: Some silly liar

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 5:11 pm
From: "sr"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> sr wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> sr wrote
>>>> Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over
>>>> carbon tax
>>> No they didnt, you pig ignorant clown.
>> MyFreePress : Article : Al Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book
>> Signing: #climategate #gore #wimp
>> the crowd was right after him, they took off in the car and the crowd
>> was pounding on the car as they drove off.
>> I would pay to see that on the news LOL
> Irrelevant to that stupid lie you posted.
---------everything you believed is false, how does that make you feel? and
you are repeating yourself, not a good sign

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 5:45 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

sr wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> sr wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> sr wrote

>>>>> Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax

>>>> No they didnt, you pig ignorant clown.

>>> MyFreePress : Article : Al Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book
>>> Signing: #climategate #gore #wimp
>>> the crowd was right after him, they took off in the car and the
>>> crowd was pounding on the car as they drove off.
>>> I would pay to see that on the news LOL

>> Irrelevant to that stupid lie you posted.

> everything you believed is false,

Nope, not one of those resigned, fool.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:44 pm
From: "sr"

You don't want to take their high paying jobs away from them? It is a scam
that keeps on giving
you are a meanie aren't you?

"o n z o b" <> wrote in message
> Malcolm Turnbull Stance Cops A Poll Axing
> November 29 2009
> MALCOLM Turnbull's hopes of fighting off a Liberal rebellion over climate
> change to hold on to the Opposition leadership have been shattered by a
> poll showing a whopping 60 per cent of Australians are against Rudd
> rushing the Emissions Trading Scheme through parliament.
> Despite Mr Turnbull insisting the ETS must be passed now - ahead of the
> UN's Copenhagen summit - the poll overwhelmingly backs his opponents -
> with 81 per cent of Coalition supporters wanting the vote delayed.
> Incredibly, nine out of 10 Coalition supporters - and three out of four
> Labor voters - say they don't understand the ETS and want the Government
> to explain it better.
> The Galaxy poll, conducted exclusively for The Sunday Telegraph on Friday
> night, shows a huge 80 per cent of voters do not believe the Government
> has provided sufficient details about an ETS with only 26 per cent now
> supporting the Turnbull-Rudd push for the Senate to pass it into law
> immediately.
> Fewer than one in five Australians believe the Government has provided
> sufficient information about the ETS.
> Even 73 per cent of Labor voters are in the dark over the ETS.
> Mr Turnbull will face a leadership challenge on Tuesday from Tony Abbott.
> But frantic efforts will be made by Liberal MPs over the next 48 hours to
> convince their preferred candidate, Joe Hockey, to stand. Mr Hockey, who
> is torn between his commitment to his young family and the need to take on
> the top job, will be buoyed by the Galaxy poll which shows he is neck-
> and-neck in voter support with Mr Turnbull, with both on 29 per cent. Mr
> Abbott is not far behind on 22 per cent.
> Among Coalition supporters though, Mr Hockey is the clear favourite
> preferred by 39 per cent, with Mr Turnbull on 25 per cent running third
> behind Mr Abbott on 26 per cent.
> Mr Hockey has previously said he will not challenge Mr Turnbull out of
> loyalty, friendship and the fact both belong to the party's moderate wing.
> A confident Mr Turnbull yesterday re-affirmed to The Sunday Telegraph that
> he'd have to be blasted out of the leadership.
> Asked if he would be a candidate, Mr Turnbull replied: "Absolutely. I've
> said it a thousand times. I'll stand."
> As well as trying to convince Mr Hockey that if Mr Turnbull lost a spill
> motion and re-nominated Mr Hockey would not technically be challenging,
> his supporters are also try- ing to strike a deal with the Right through
> Senate leader Nick Minchin.
> This would involve the right-wing climate change sceptics in the party
> refraining from publicly crowing they had won the day if Mr Hockey -
> previously a supporter of the ETS legislation being passed - were to stand
> and win.
> Senior frontbencher Christopher Pyne, a supporter of Mr Turnbull, is not
> deserting his leader.
> But, critically, MPs say his closeness to Mr Hockey and Mr Turnbull now
> makes him a key factor in any smooth transition between the two.
> If a deal can be done Mr Hockey will send the ETS Bill off to a Senate
> inquiry and then use the findings of that inquiry in the new year to
> position himself as supporting an ETS but not the one being proposed by Mr
> Rudd.
> But Mr Abbott, in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph, says
> the view of him as a narrow conservative is wrong, citing his plan for
> paid maternity leave as an example of his changed views, describing
> himself as a "commonsense pragmatist".
> He also pledged not to let his Catholic beliefs influence his role as
> leader of the Opposition.
> "The internal party criticism is that I'm ill-disciplined and too inclined
> to fly solo," Mr Abbott said.
> "I think as a frontbencher you have to float a few ideas, but, obviously
> as a leader, there's a sense in which you don't have the luxury of a
> private opinion. I would be careful as leader to be collegial and
> consultative."
> Independent assessments suggest Mr Turnbull and Mr Abbott each would have
> 30 solid votes. The remaining 25 MPs are understood to be leaning Mr
> Abbott's way, believing that if Mr Turnbull is re-elected, the undermining
> will simply continue.
> Some of Mr Turnbull's supporters judge he has, at best, 20 solid votes,
> with 39 "on a very good day" - well short of the 43 needed for victory.
> Some put Mr Abbott decisively ahead "in the high 30s".
> Warmest Regards
> B0n oz
> "It is a remarkable fact that despite the worldwide expenditure of perhaps
> US$50 billion since 1990, and the efforts of tens of thousands of
> scientists worldwide, no human climate signal has yet been detected that
> is distinct from natural variation."
> Bob Carter, Research Professor of Geology, James Cook University,
> Townsville
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> sr wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> sr wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> sr wrote
>>>>>> Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust
>>>>>> over carbon tax
>>>>> No they didnt, you pig ignorant clown.
>>>> MyFreePress : Article : Al Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book
>>>> Signing: #climategate #gore #wimp
>>>> the crowd was right after him, they took off in the car and the
>>>> crowd was pounding on the car as they drove off.
>>>> I would pay to see that on the news LOL
>>> Irrelevant to that stupid lie you posted.
>> everything you believed is false,
> Nope, not one of those resigned, fool.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:46 pm
From: "sr"


Hockey Stick Graph Creator Mann to Be Investigated by Penn State #climategate

"sr" <> wrote in message
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> sr wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> sr wrote
>>>>> Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over
>>>>> carbon tax
>>>> No they didnt, you pig ignorant clown.
>>> MyFreePress : Article : Al Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book
>>> Signing: #climategate #gore #wimp
>>> the crowd was right after him, they took off in the car and the crowd
>>> was pounding on the car as they drove off.
>>> I would pay to see that on the news LOL
>> Irrelevant to that stupid lie you posted.
> ---------everything you believed is false, how does that make you feel?
> and
> you are repeating yourself, not a good sign

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:48 pm
From: "sr"

If I'm a liar, I got alot of followers, it now turns out. The scam is over,
they have to take their hands out of our pockets.
Maybe next time. In the 70s it was the ice age, the same people tried the
Global Warming, than Climate Chg. what will it be tomorrow? P T Barnum,
would have loved this crowd of scam artist.

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Irrelevant to that stupid lie you posted.
> sr wrote:
>> "sr" <> wrote in message
>> news:3b1d3$4b10b5e1$ccb58410$
>>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> ==========
>> GlobalWarmHoax
>> - Opinion: Rigging a Climate 'Consensus'
>> -----------
>>>>> Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust
>>>>> over carbon tax
>>>> No they didnt, you pig ignorant clown.
>>> 1. The earth is cooling. Click here.
>>> 2. The Sun causes climate change. Click here.
>>> 3. Al Gore was wrong about C02. Click here.
>>> 4. Violent weather isn't getting worse. Click here. Where are all
>>> those Hurricanes? Hardly a one this year in the USA
>>> 5. It's been hotter. Click here.
>>> 6. Climate computer models are proven wrong. Click here.
>>> This debate matters! The science matters.

TOPIC: The back lash begins P T Barnum would be jealous of this Hoax

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 5:12 pm
From: "sr"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> sr wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> sr wrote
>>> Pity its a lie. Just because its in some shit rag doesnt make it
>>> gospel. ---------- Global Warming is often called a hoax. I disagree
>>> because a hoax has a humorous intent to puncture pomposity. In
>>> science, such as with the Piltdown Man hoax, it was done to expose
>>> those with fervent but blind belief. The argument that global
>>> warming is due to humans, known as the anthropogenic global warming
>>> theory (AGW) is a (deliberate fraud). I can now
>>> make that statement without fear of contradiction because of a
>>> remarkable hacking of files that provided not just a smoking gun,
>>> but an entire battery ofmachine guns.
>> Someone hacked in to the files of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) based
>> at the University of East Anglia.
> You dont know that that is how it got out.
>> A very large file (61 mb) was downloaded and posted to the web. Phil
>> Jones Director of the CRU has acknowledged the files are theirs.
> Irrelevant to what was discussed in the cite at the top.
It was the biggest scam since PTBarnum, he would be proud of Al Gore

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:36 pm
From: "sr"

you are wise beyond your years Balvenieman

Hockey Stick Graph Creator Mann to Be Investigated by Penn State #climategate

"Balvenieman" <> wrote in message
> (Gary Heston) wrote:
>>Wonder what all the lib media is going to do when they finally realize
>>just how badly
>>they've been deceived by these frauds...
> Nothing; you know that. They'll minimalize and rationalize because
> they share the same goals as the world-changers: Destruction of the
> carbon fuel based economy in order to force a transition to so-called
> "green" economy regardless of economic or societal damage. Remember that
> the nobility of the end justifies any means.
> --
> the Balvenieman
> Running on single malt in U.S.A.
> Peninsular Florida,
> USDA zone 9b

TOPIC: TNB: Negro With Gunshot Wounds Drive To Hospital

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 5:43 pm

On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 18:21:37 +0000 (UTC), Look, I made it jump!
<> wrote:


Guess who pays?

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TOPIC: Opposition to health care not about race. It's about stupidity

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 7:47 pm
From: "sr"

leftie scum
CO2 - Love It
Gore flees in panic from Chicago book signing

"Michael Coburn" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 05:59:24 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>> On 26 Nov 2009 05:57:41 GMT
>> Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:17:08 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>> > On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 19:35:05 -0500
>>> > Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> In article <>,
>>> >> Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> > It's about preventing the government from wrecking health care and
>>> >> > access to it that satisfies most people. Idiot leftist looters
>>> >> > who say it's about race know they've lost the debate.
>>> >>
>>> >> Geez! Isn't it obvious that the health care system in the United
>>> >> States is imploding? We Americans pay the highest rates for our
>>> >> health care of any westernized nation, yet we rank near the bottom
>>> >> for most metrics that determine the quality of our health care such
>>> >> as life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.
>>> >
>>> > So you think we should fix it by making it a lot worse? What passed
>>> > the House amounts to fixing a flat tire by pushing the car off a
>>> > cliff. -Dave
>>> What passed the House is pretty good.
>> What do you like about it? The fact that nobody will be able to keep
>> their current insurance coverage?
> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
> lying.
>> The fact that coverage levels are
>> specified (read: rationing) by the government?
> Yes! I very much like the idea that government will be regulating snake
> oil and that a package that says "Health Insurance" on it must actually
> contain health insurance.
>> The fact that it's
>> going to bankrupt our country?
> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
> lying.
> But I must admit that the Republicans certainly do have the experience
> edge on this "bankrupt the country" stuff. You lying sacks of tax
> cutting shit have been doing it since Reagan.
>> The fact that it's going to send a
>> significant percentage of honest citizens to prison when they can't
>> afford to pay for it?
> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
> lying.
> But maybe it isn't a lie. Maybe you really are the stone cold stupid.
>> The fact that it does nothing to address the real
>> problem of skyrocketing medical costs?
> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
> lying.
> The Public Option in conjunction with Medicare and Medicaid will, in
> fact, reduce the cost of provider services -- "control skyrocketing
> medical costs."
>> The fact that it also does
>> nothing to fix the problem of frivolous medical lawsuits?
> It also does nothing to end the war, establish world peace, arrest all
> illegal aliens, and send a thanksgiving dinner to the moon.
>> What is so
>> good about it?
> The NUMBER ONE good is:
> It moves the burden for indigent care from the middle class insurance
> premium payers to the rich with incomes greater than a million a year. By
> subsidizing insurance for those who currently depend on "free" care that
> is then cost shifted to the middle class insurance buyers, the bill
> reduces the cost of medical insurance for the middle class. Those who had
> to rely on "free" care will now be covered by insurance that is
> subsidized by the rich and less "FREE" care will be shifted onto the
> middle class.
> But you aren't actually smart enough to understand that and you are
> following along with you nose firmly planted in the ass crack of your
> fearless Republican lead liar.
>>> The Senate is doing all it can
>>> to poison it.
>> I don't think the Senate bill is going to be much better. But if the
>> Senate bill is significantly different, that could actually be a good
>> thing, if the two bills can not be reconciled. -Dave
> I hope that "reconciled" means what it says. A simple majority vote on
> the "reconciliation" of the two bills. In that case we may get a decent
> bill.
> --
> "Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:33 pm
From: no_one@void.nul

On Sat, 28 Nov 2009 22:47:00 -0500, "sr" <> wrote:

>leftie scum
>CO2 - Love It
>Gore flees in panic from Chicago book signing

Tell us about it!

>"Michael Coburn" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 05:59:24 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2009 05:57:41 GMT
>>> Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:17:08 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>>> > On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 19:35:05 -0500
>>>> > Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> In article <>,
>>>> >> Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> > It's about preventing the government from wrecking health care and
>>>> >> > access to it that satisfies most people. Idiot leftist looters
>>>> >> > who say it's about race know they've lost the debate.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Geez! Isn't it obvious that the health care system in the United
>>>> >> States is imploding? We Americans pay the highest rates for our
>>>> >> health care of any westernized nation, yet we rank near the bottom
>>>> >> for most metrics that determine the quality of our health care such
>>>> >> as life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.
>>>> >
>>>> > So you think we should fix it by making it a lot worse? What passed
>>>> > the House amounts to fixing a flat tire by pushing the car off a
>>>> > cliff. -Dave
>>>> What passed the House is pretty good.
>>> What do you like about it? The fact that nobody will be able to keep
>>> their current insurance coverage?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>>> The fact that coverage levels are
>>> specified (read: rationing) by the government?
>> Yes! I very much like the idea that government will be regulating snake
>> oil and that a package that says "Health Insurance" on it must actually
>> contain health insurance.
>>> The fact that it's
>>> going to bankrupt our country?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> But I must admit that the Republicans certainly do have the experience
>> edge on this "bankrupt the country" stuff. You lying sacks of tax
>> cutting shit have been doing it since Reagan.
>>> The fact that it's going to send a
>>> significant percentage of honest citizens to prison when they can't
>>> afford to pay for it?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> But maybe it isn't a lie. Maybe you really are the stone cold stupid.
>>> The fact that it does nothing to address the real
>>> problem of skyrocketing medical costs?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> The Public Option in conjunction with Medicare and Medicaid will, in
>> fact, reduce the cost of provider services -- "control skyrocketing
>> medical costs."
>>> The fact that it also does
>>> nothing to fix the problem of frivolous medical lawsuits?
>> It also does nothing to end the war, establish world peace, arrest all
>> illegal aliens, and send a thanksgiving dinner to the moon.
>>> What is so
>>> good about it?
>> The NUMBER ONE good is:
>> It moves the burden for indigent care from the middle class insurance
>> premium payers to the rich with incomes greater than a million a year. By
>> subsidizing insurance for those who currently depend on "free" care that
>> is then cost shifted to the middle class insurance buyers, the bill
>> reduces the cost of medical insurance for the middle class. Those who had
>> to rely on "free" care will now be covered by insurance that is
>> subsidized by the rich and less "FREE" care will be shifted onto the
>> middle class.
>> But you aren't actually smart enough to understand that and you are
>> following along with you nose firmly planted in the ass crack of your
>> fearless Republican lead liar.
>>>> The Senate is doing all it can
>>>> to poison it.
>>> I don't think the Senate bill is going to be much better. But if the
>>> Senate bill is significantly different, that could actually be a good
>>> thing, if the two bills can not be reconciled. -Dave
>> I hope that "reconciled" means what it says. A simple majority vote on
>> the "reconciliation" of the two bills. In that case we may get a decent
>> bill.
>> --
>> "Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:45 pm
From: <.... tHe_PC_JelLlLy BeAn!! .! !!! .>

"sr" <> wrote in message
> leftie scum

rightard liars and fuckwits

> CO2 - Love It

killing for oil, you love it.

> Gore flees in panic from Chicago book signing


see, this is fun!!

> "Michael Coburn" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 05:59:24 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2009 05:57:41 GMT
>>> Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:17:08 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>>> > On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 19:35:05 -0500
>>>> > Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> In article <>,
>>>> >> Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> > It's about preventing the government from wrecking health care and
>>>> >> > access to it that satisfies most people. Idiot leftist looters
>>>> >> > who say it's about race know they've lost the debate.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Geez! Isn't it obvious that the health care system in the United
>>>> >> States is imploding? We Americans pay the highest rates for our
>>>> >> health care of any westernized nation, yet we rank near the bottom
>>>> >> for most metrics that determine the quality of our health care such
>>>> >> as life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.
>>>> >
>>>> > So you think we should fix it by making it a lot worse? What passed
>>>> > the House amounts to fixing a flat tire by pushing the car off a
>>>> > cliff. -Dave
>>>> What passed the House is pretty good.
>>> What do you like about it? The fact that nobody will be able to keep
>>> their current insurance coverage?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>>> The fact that coverage levels are
>>> specified (read: rationing) by the government?
>> Yes! I very much like the idea that government will be regulating snake
>> oil and that a package that says "Health Insurance" on it must actually
>> contain health insurance.
>>> The fact that it's
>>> going to bankrupt our country?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> But I must admit that the Republicans certainly do have the experience
>> edge on this "bankrupt the country" stuff. You lying sacks of tax
>> cutting shit have been doing it since Reagan.
>>> The fact that it's going to send a
>>> significant percentage of honest citizens to prison when they can't
>>> afford to pay for it?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> But maybe it isn't a lie. Maybe you really are the stone cold stupid.
>>> The fact that it does nothing to address the real
>>> problem of skyrocketing medical costs?
>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>> lying.
>> The Public Option in conjunction with Medicare and Medicaid will, in
>> fact, reduce the cost of provider services -- "control skyrocketing
>> medical costs."
>>> The fact that it also does
>>> nothing to fix the problem of frivolous medical lawsuits?
>> It also does nothing to end the war, establish world peace, arrest all
>> illegal aliens, and send a thanksgiving dinner to the moon.
>>> What is so
>>> good about it?
>> The NUMBER ONE good is:
>> It moves the burden for indigent care from the middle class insurance
>> premium payers to the rich with incomes greater than a million a year. By
>> subsidizing insurance for those who currently depend on "free" care that
>> is then cost shifted to the middle class insurance buyers, the bill
>> reduces the cost of medical insurance for the middle class. Those who had
>> to rely on "free" care will now be covered by insurance that is
>> subsidized by the rich and less "FREE" care will be shifted onto the
>> middle class.
>> But you aren't actually smart enough to understand that and you are
>> following along with you nose firmly planted in the ass crack of your
>> fearless Republican lead liar.
>>>> The Senate is doing all it can
>>>> to poison it.
>>> I don't think the Senate bill is going to be much better. But if the
>>> Senate bill is significantly different, that could actually be a good
>>> thing, if the two bills can not be reconciled. -Dave
>> I hope that "reconciled" means what it says. A simple majority vote on
>> the "reconciliation" of the two bills. In that case we may get a decent
>> bill.
>> --
>> "Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 9:17 pm
From: "sr"

Gore flees, crowd bangs on car Gore is fleeing in~ I love to see that
monsterous body fleeing ROFLAF

<.... tHe_PC_JelLlLy BeAn!! .! !!! .> wrote in message
> "sr" <> wrote in message
> news:9d41c$4b11eed2$ccb5840c$
>> leftie scum
> rightard liars and fuckwits
>> CO2 - Love It
> killing for oil, you love it.
>> Gore flees in panic from Chicago book signing
> bullshit.
> see, this is fun!!
>> "Michael Coburn" <> wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 05:59:24 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>>> On 26 Nov 2009 05:57:41 GMT
>>>> Michael Coburn <> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:17:08 +0800, Dave C. wrote:
>>>>> > On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 19:35:05 -0500
>>>>> > Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> In article <>,
>>>>> >> Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> > It's about preventing the government from wrecking health care
>>>>> >> > and
>>>>> >> > access to it that satisfies most people. Idiot leftist looters
>>>>> >> > who say it's about race know they've lost the debate.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Geez! Isn't it obvious that the health care system in the United
>>>>> >> States is imploding? We Americans pay the highest rates for our
>>>>> >> health care of any westernized nation, yet we rank near the bottom
>>>>> >> for most metrics that determine the quality of our health care such
>>>>> >> as life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > So you think we should fix it by making it a lot worse? What passed
>>>>> > the House amounts to fixing a flat tire by pushing the car off a
>>>>> > cliff. -Dave
>>>>> What passed the House is pretty good.
>>>> What do you like about it? The fact that nobody will be able to keep
>>>> their current insurance coverage?
>>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>>> lying.
>>>> The fact that coverage levels are
>>>> specified (read: rationing) by the government?
>>> Yes! I very much like the idea that government will be regulating snake
>>> oil and that a package that says "Health Insurance" on it must actually
>>> contain health insurance.
>>>> The fact that it's
>>>> going to bankrupt our country?
>>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>>> lying.
>>> But I must admit that the Republicans certainly do have the experience
>>> edge on this "bankrupt the country" stuff. You lying sacks of tax
>>> cutting shit have been doing it since Reagan.
>>>> The fact that it's going to send a
>>>> significant percentage of honest citizens to prison when they can't
>>>> afford to pay for it?
>>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>>> lying.
>>> But maybe it isn't a lie. Maybe you really are the stone cold stupid.
>>>> The fact that it does nothing to address the real
>>>> problem of skyrocketing medical costs?
>>> The Republican method for all things not strictly Republican is to lie,
>>> and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, and lie. And then lie about the
>>> lying.
>>> The Public Option in conjunction with Medicare and Medicaid will, in
>>> fact, reduce the cost of provider services -- "control skyrocketing
>>> medical costs."
>>>> The fact that it also does
>>>> nothing to fix the problem of frivolous medical lawsuits?
>>> It also does nothing to end the war, establish world peace, arrest all
>>> illegal aliens, and send a thanksgiving dinner to the moon.
>>>> What is so
>>>> good about it?
>>> The NUMBER ONE good is:
>>> It moves the burden for indigent care from the middle class insurance
>>> premium payers to the rich with incomes greater than a million a year.
>>> By
>>> subsidizing insurance for those who currently depend on "free" care that
>>> is then cost shifted to the middle class insurance buyers, the bill
>>> reduces the cost of medical insurance for the middle class. Those who
>>> had
>>> to rely on "free" care will now be covered by insurance that is
>>> subsidized by the rich and less "FREE" care will be shifted onto the
>>> middle class.
>>> But you aren't actually smart enough to understand that and you are
>>> following along with you nose firmly planted in the ass crack of your
>>> fearless Republican lead liar.
>>>>> The Senate is doing all it can
>>>>> to poison it.
>>>> I don't think the Senate bill is going to be much better. But if the
>>>> Senate bill is significantly different, that could actually be a good
>>>> thing, if the two bills can not be reconciled. -Dave
>>> I hope that "reconciled" means what it says. A simple majority vote on
>>> the "reconciliation" of the two bills. In that case we may get a decent
>>> bill.
>>> --
>>> "Those are my opinions and you can't have em" -- Bart Simpson

TOPIC: Discovery channel video on how to survive a tornado

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 8:34 pm
From: zeez

They even tell you to be aware of the floor plan above you if you are
in a basement because heavy objects can be pushed through the floor
during a tornado.

TOPIC: As a pressure group, we have to emotionalize issues

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 28 2009 9:37 pm
From: "sr"

Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration
AIP National Issues Affiliates -> Committee for American Resource

"As a pressure group, we have to emotionalize issues."


Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace, admitted that his
organization's recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 2030 was
"a mistake." Greenpeace said in a July 15 press release that there will be
an ice-free Arctic by 2030 because of global warming. BBC reporter Stephen
Sackur on the "Hardtalk" program pressed Leipold until he admitted the claim
was wrong.

Posted 2009-11-26 1:06 PM (#29216) By: Editor


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