Today's topics:
* cinnamon pine cones - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cookware - 2 messages, 1 author
* A couple of things you ought to know about the Healthcare Bill - 2 messages,
1 author
TOPIC: cinnamon pine cones
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 10 2009 7:51 pm
From: Michael Black
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009, jaygreg wrote:
> Bought two bags of these (ten bucks!) at Joann Fabrics on impulse.
> TREMENDOUS aroma in the foyer of the store. Scent lasted two days in-
> home! Anyone have a recipe for refurbishing cinnamon pine cones?
Make gingerbread cookies and hang one around your neck.
TOPIC: Cookware
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 10 2009 9:27 pm
From: The Real Bev
Dan Birchall wrote:
> (Marsha) wrote:
>> We're looking for good quality cookware. Is Calphalon worth the price
>> or are you just paying for the name? Does a good set of cookware really
>> make a difference? We are not gourmet cooks. We just want skillets
>> that last more than a year or two. Thanks for the input.
> Been ages since I shopped for cookware, but names like "All-Clad" and
> "Master Chef" and "Wear-Ever" come to mind as sturdy things with handles
> that don't fall off (which is important to me, just in case the zombies
> come...)
If zombies are in your future, I suggest cast iron with as long a handle as you
can get. Leverage counts.
Cheers, Bev
"No matter how cynical I get, it's just never enough to keep up."
--Lily Tomlin
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 10 2009 9:30 pm
From: The Real Bev
h wrote:
> "Dan Birchall" <> wrote in message
>> Been ages since I shopped for cookware, but names like "All-Clad" and
>> "Master Chef" and "Wear-Ever" come to mind as sturdy things with handles
>> that don't fall off (which is important to me, just in case the zombies
>> come...)
> Or you cook heavy things in very large pots. Standing in the middle of the
> kitchen holding a handle in both hands while the pot hits the floor and
> splashes boiling tomato sauce all over the floor, cabinets, and your legs is
> not my idea of a great start to the evening. Been there, done that, which is
> why I love my old Revere Ware stuff. I'd put it up against zombies, too!
Guardianware is nice if you can find the detachable handles. Do they still
make it? heavy aluminum with heavy glass lids. The bottoms warped, but if I'd
really cared I could have taken them to an auto machine shop and have them
ground flat.
Cheers, Bev
"No matter how cynical I get, it's just never enough to keep up."
--Lily Tomlin
TOPIC: A couple of things you ought to know about the Healthcare Bill
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 10 2009 10:19 pm
From: "ChairMan"
In news:hfs67f$1mn$,
Marsha <>spewed forth:
> jeff wrote:
>> You believe everything you hear on wingnut radio?
>> If you guys stop running on myths and fear we can get somewhere. But
>> maybe that's all you got?
>> Jeff
> "much like the one Congress has enjoyed" What are the differences?
> And why are there any differences?
> Marsha
Thank you. If it's going to be social, make it social across the board. Do
away with Medicare, congresscare and make it equal to all.
One system, NO execeptions. But , we all know the government can't do
anything simply
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Dec 10 2009 10:32 pm
From: "ChairMan"
In news:hfs0qu$vjd$,
jeff <>spewed forth:
> ChairMan wrote:
>> In news:hfrk11$bk8$,
>> jeff <>spewed forth:
>>> George wrote:
>>>> On 12/9/2009 15:46, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 7, 3:21 pm, "sr"<> wrote:
>>>>>> "Cindy Hamilton"<> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Dec 7, 11:05 am, "sr"<> wrote:
>>>>>> That's not a link to the health care bill, dumbass. It's a link
>>>>>> to a paper
>>>>>> that was published in the British medical journal, The Lancet.
>>>>>> I did not state it was the healthcare bill link
>>>>>> we are following Europe , have you noticed?
>>>>> No, I haven't noticed. Even if we are following
>>>>> Europe, I haven't seen any compelling argument
>>>>> to believe that's a bad idea. It might be a bad idea;
>>>>> it might be a good idea. Running in circles
>>>>> screaming "The sky is falling! We're following Europe!"
>>>>> does not form a reasoned argument.
>>>>> Look, if the health care bill is going to
>>>>> do the things you say, then it says so somewhere in the
>>>>> bill. Quoting unrelated journal articles doesn't support your
>>>>> position. Find where in the health care bill that it says
>>>>> "government will have access to citizen's bank accounts",
>>>>> and you will be more believable. Otherwise, you're just
>>>>> fear-mongering.
>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> Hardly fear mongering. It is a critical comment on how
>>>> bureaucratic, inefficient and insulting the Federal government is.
>>>> Congress should be totally absolutely embarrassed and ashamed of
>>>> themselves for creating a work product that absolutely no one can
>>>> understand. There is absolutely no reason why the health bill can't be
>>>> a 20
>>>> page document with tables that clearly define the scope.
>>> Have you read this, or for that matter, any bill?
>>> Every bill has the same format, with wide margins and 24 numbered
>>> lines per page of perhaps 5 words per line.
>>> It's not hard to read. Really. Not quite a picture book, but not
>>> complex. Much easier to read than a mortgage agreement.
>>> As far as length, George W Bush's last budget bill ran far longer.
>>> Were you complaining about that?
>>> You guys take some one else's opinion instead of actually looking
>>> at the product. Try thinking for yourself instead of taking someone
>>> else's opinion. Unlike any of George W Bush's legislation, you can
>>> actually find drafts of this online. Easily.
>>> Jeff
>> bottom line is, if it's good enough for us, why is obammy and
>> congress exempt?
> You believe everything you hear on wingnut radio?
> If you guys stop running on myths and fear we can get somewhere. But
> maybe that's all you got?
> Jeff
>> And not only exempt , but also exempt from the "cadillac plan" tax.
>> wanna buy a bridge?
This a myth too?
"All the revenue-raising measures - the taxes and fees - come up-front,
while the benefits don't kick in until 2013 and 2014," says Robert Blendon,
the leading healthcare pollster. "There would be an initial surge in
support for this historic achievement, followed by quite a big backlash as
the costs seep through."
Pay me now and wait.
Why don't they show us FIRST, all the money this is going to save us in
their cost cutting BEFORE sending us the bill?
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