Wednesday, February 10, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 22 new messages in 9 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Pay mortage payment before due date? - 5 messages, 2 authors
* NONVIOLENCE: Why Jesus is a fake - 6 messages, 3 authors
* $10 more each month by paying C card... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Go Figure.... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is This Thing For Real ?? - 1 messages, 1 author
* I finally get it: If GW is not man-made, then God is punishing us with it -
5 messages, 1 author
* Learn to avoid diseases, save money you spend on health care
- 1 messages, 1 author
* My Advice..... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Finally this works for the average guy - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Pay mortage payment before due date?

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 11:08 am
From: "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"

In article
>, (Fake ID) wrote:

> In article <>,
> Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds <atlas-bugged@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> >
> >yes, because getting free advice from
> >anonymous posters who are in all
> >probablity not licensed or even caring
> >is always the best investment
> Maybe in the olden days. Now this is called "crowd sourcing" and the
> authority on all matters media, legal, financial, romantic, etc.
> m

Yes, I'm familiar with that, but as you
can see, in this group, there isn't
enough of a "crowd" to provide a valid

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 12:13 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>>>>> who would be the best bet to analyze your mortgage with
>>>>>>> frugality in mind, An accountant?

>>>>>> Pity about the fee he will charge to do that. Much more frugal to
>>>>>> ask here instead.

>>>>> yes, because getting free advice from
>>>>> anonymous posters who are in all
>>>>> probablity not licensed or even caring
>>>>> is always the best investment

>>>> Anyone with even half a clue can consider the claims made
>>>> and check them if they need to be checked, for free.

>>> spoken like the online fool who would take medical advice from another online fool

>> Spewed like the fuckwit you have always been.

> so you would take medical advice from another online fool.

I may well take free medical advice from someone who can cite the rigorous
science that supports the approach recommended like vaccination etc, yes.

You're too stupid to do something as basic as that ? YOUR problem, as always.

>>>> You cant manage something as simple as that ?

>>> Of course I can. I could also google the original question and probably get better advice.

>> Not a chance. You're clearly too stupid to work out what is better advice.

<reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where it belongs>

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 4:31 pm
From: "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"

In article
"Rod Speed" <>

> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> > Rod Speed <> wrote
> >>>>>>> who would be the best bet to analyze your mortgage with
> >>>>>>> frugality in mind, An accountant?
> >>>>>> Pity about the fee he will charge to do that. Much more frugal to
> >>>>>> ask here instead.
> >>>>> yes, because getting free advice from
> >>>>> anonymous posters who are in all
> >>>>> probablity not licensed or even caring
> >>>>> is always the best investment
> >>>> Anyone with even half a clue can consider the claims made
> >>>> and check them if they need to be checked, for free.
> >>> spoken like the online fool who would take medical advice from another
> >>> online fool
> >> Spewed like the fuckwit you have always been.
> > so you would take medical advice from another online fool.
> I may well take free medical advice from someone who can cite the rigorous
> science that supports the approach recommended like vaccination etc, yes.
> You're too stupid to do something as basic as that ? YOUR problem, as
> always.
> >>>> You cant manage something as simple as that ?
> >>> Of course I can. I could also google the original question and probably
> >>> get better advice.
> >> Not a chance. You're clearly too stupid to work out what is better advice.
> <reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where
> it belongs>

why is it that fools like you think
censoring responses makes you seem more
"intelligent" old fella


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis volutpat
commodo. Morbi lobortis, massa fringilla
adipiscing suscipit, velit urna pharetra
neque, non luctus arcu diam vitae justo.
Vivamus lacinia scelerisque ultricies.
Nunc lobortis elit ligula. Aliquam
sollicitudin nunc sed est gravida ac
viverra tellus ullamcorper. Vivamus non
nisi suscipit nisi egestas venenatis.
Donec vitae arcu id urna euismod
feugiat. Vivamus porta lobortis
ultricies. Nulla adipiscing tellus a
neque vehicula porta. Maecenas volutpat
aliquet sagittis. Proin nisi magna,
molestie id volutpat in, tincidunt sed
dolor. Nullam nisi erat, aliquet
scelerisque sagittis vitae, pretium
accumsan odio. Sed ut mi iaculis eros
rutrum tristique ut nec mi. Aliquam nec
augue dui, in mattis urna. In pretium
metus eu diam blandit accumsan. Ut eu
lorem sed odio porttitor blandit.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 4:58 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> "Rod Speed" <>
> wrote:
>> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> who would be the best bet to analyze your mortgage with
>>>>>>>>> frugality in mind, An accountant?
>>>>>>>> Pity about the fee he will charge to do that. Much more frugal
>>>>>>>> to ask here instead.
>>>>>>> yes, because getting free advice from
>>>>>>> anonymous posters who are in all
>>>>>>> probablity not licensed or even caring
>>>>>>> is always the best investment
>>>>>> Anyone with even half a clue can consider the claims made
>>>>>> and check them if they need to be checked, for free.
>>>>> spoken like the online fool who would take medical advice from
>>>>> another online fool
>>>> Spewed like the fuckwit you have always been.
>>> so you would take medical advice from another online fool.
>> I may well take free medical advice from someone who can cite the
>> rigorous science that supports the approach recommended like
>> vaccination etc, yes.
>> You're too stupid to do something as basic as that ? YOUR problem,
>> as always.
>>>>>> You cant manage something as simple as that ?
>>>>> Of course I can. I could also google the original question and
>>>>> probably get better advice.
>>>> Not a chance. You're clearly too stupid to work out what is better
>>>> advice.
>> <reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead
>> flushed where it belongs>
> why is it that fools like you think censoring responses makes you seem more "intelligent" old fella

I just flush childish shit where it belongs, child.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 10:20 pm
From: "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"

In article
"Rod Speed" <>

> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> > "Rod Speed" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote
> >>> Rod Speed <> wrote
> >>
> >>>>>>>>> who would be the best bet to analyze your mortgage with
> >>>>>>>>> frugality in mind, An accountant?
> >>
> >>>>>>>> Pity about the fee he will charge to do that. Much more frugal
> >>>>>>>> to ask here instead.
> >>
> >>>>>>> yes, because getting free advice from
> >>>>>>> anonymous posters who are in all
> >>>>>>> probablity not licensed or even caring
> >>>>>>> is always the best investment
> >>
> >>>>>> Anyone with even half a clue can consider the claims made
> >>>>>> and check them if they need to be checked, for free.
> >>
> >>>>> spoken like the online fool who would take medical advice from
> >>>>> another online fool
> >>
> >>>> Spewed like the fuckwit you have always been.
> >>
> >>> so you would take medical advice from another online fool.
> >>
> >> I may well take free medical advice from someone who can cite the
> >> rigorous science that supports the approach recommended like
> >> vaccination etc, yes.
> >>
> >> You're too stupid to do something as basic as that ? YOUR problem,
> >> as always.
> >>
> >>>>>> You cant manage something as simple as that ?
> >>
> >>>>> Of course I can. I could also google the original question and
> >>>>> probably get better advice.
> >>
> >>>> Not a chance. You're clearly too stupid to work out what is better
> >>>> advice.
> >>
> >> <reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead
> >> flushed where it belongs>
> >
> > why is it that fools like you think censoring responses makes you seem more
> > "intelligent" old fella
> I just flush childish shit where it belongs, child.

Apparently not. I still see your words


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Cras lobortis volutpat
commodo. Morbi lobortis, massa fringilla
adipiscing suscipit, velit urna pharetra
neque, non luctus arcu diam vitae justo.
Vivamus lacinia scelerisque ultricies.
Nunc lobortis elit ligula. Aliquam
sollicitudin nunc sed est gravida ac
viverra tellus ullamcorper. Vivamus non
nisi suscipit nisi egestas venenatis.
Donec vitae arcu id urna euismod
feugiat. Vivamus porta lobortis
ultricies. Nulla adipiscing tellus a
neque vehicula porta. Maecenas volutpat
aliquet sagittis. Proin nisi magna,
molestie id volutpat in, tincidunt sed
dolor. Nullam nisi erat, aliquet
scelerisque sagittis vitae, pretium
accumsan odio. Sed ut mi iaculis eros
rutrum tristique ut nec mi. Aliquam nec
augue dui, in mattis urna. In pretium
metus eu diam blandit accumsan. Ut eu
lorem sed odio porttitor blandit.

TOPIC: NONVIOLENCE: Why Jesus is a fake

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 11:12 am
From: TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

On Feb 9, 2:07 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
> > On Feb 9, 6:23 am, TLC <> wrote:
> >> Christianity amd religions are a mental illness.
> > Is that why people say they are crazy?
> > But that doesn't explain why it spreads from person to person.
> It does that essentially because most need a crutch for their pathetically inadequate 'minds'

I'm afraid stupidity has a mind of its own. ;)

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 11:13 am
From: TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

On Feb 9, 12:33 pm, tunderbar <> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 10:47 am, TheTibetanMonkey <>
> wrote:
> > The Truth may be ugly, but it's the truth...
> >
> > Yep, we are all SELFISH, STUPID MONKEYS determined to wiping out
> > ourselves and many habitats and species around us.
> > But if you look on the bright side of it, we may still have some time
> > to monkey around...
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> Here is a question.
> The video claims that the "monkeys" are just another animal. That they
> are not anything special. But that they think they are special.
> Then the video says that the monkeys believe that the whole universe
> was put there for their use.
> What was the universe put there for if not for the explicit use of all
> the inhabitants, plants and animals alike? And if man is just another
> animal, does that not imply that man has a spot to occupy and have
> been placed there to live and thrive and exploit its surroundings,
> just like every other animal and plant there does?
> Make up your mind. Either we are just another animal doing what we
> were naturally put here to do, which involves pollution and killing
> animals and plants and trees. Or we are an abnormality that doesn't
> belong in this mythical pristine natural paradise.
> Either we are an animal or we are not. Which is it?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Unlike most other animals, we have lost our sense of proportion. A
lion kills a gazelle or two, but we almost drove the bison into
extinction. We humans are all predating in one way or another, but we
choose to WASTE and DRIVE SUVs without a second thought.

If I, however, choose to ride a bike, I dramatically reduce my impact
on the environment. But riding a bike is hard to do among so many
PREDATORY drivers.


== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 11:58 am
From: RickMerrill

TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
> On Feb 9, 1:09 pm, Peter Franks<> wrote:
>> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
>>> On Feb 9, 9:26 am, Peter Franks<> wrote:
>>>> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
>>>>> The revelations seem to be coming true: These are indeed times of
>>>>> plagues and disease.* They are everywhere!
>>>> Neither.
>>>>> And what is the difference between a plague and a disease? I confess
>>>>> my total ignorance in the area of microbiology and even insects. My
>>>>> wisdom goes to what I see without instruments or even old books.
>>>>> *Their predatory ways may earn them that name.
>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> "The truth is within plain view, but it's smartly camouflaged"
>>>> Apparently you don't see it.
>>> Oh c'mon, I even know the Golden Rule of the jungle (above).
>> The Golden Rule of the jungle is the Golden Rule of the Devil. I choose
>> the Golden Rule of Jesus, and hope that you will too.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> The Golden Rule of the Christians is like that of the 3 Wise
> Monkeys...

That's the "party of NO" motto, and it is about not committing evil,
which while ok is not enough. The Golden Rule is

"DO unto others as you would have them DO unto you."

Committing no evil is not the same as committing good.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 12:10 pm
From: TheTibetanMonkey

On Feb 9, 12:23 pm, tunderbar <> wrote:
> On Feb 9, 10:47 am, TheTibetanMonkey

> > But if you look on the bright side of it, we may still have some time
> > to monkey around...

> Your strawman arguments are pathetic and make you look desperate.
> This ng is No one here has touched on the topics
> of God or terrorism, and if they have that is their own problem and
> has nothing to do with the issue at hand.-

You are selfish like every predator out there. Notice how many groups
are in the headline, and you will see the answers are POLITICAL,

Biblical morality is only good for excuses and doing nothing. And you
are not even "trying" to be vegetarian. Only true Christians I know
are Gandhi and M.L. King, and they were too good for the jungle and
were assassinated.

The allocation of resources to war is just crazy when the world is in
crisis, and yet Christianity lends it a deaf ear...


== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 12:16 pm
From: TheTibetanMonkey

On Feb 9, 2:58 pm, RickMerrill <> wrote:
> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
> > On Feb 9, 1:09 pm, Peter Franks<>  wrote:
> >> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
> >>> On Feb 9, 9:26 am, Peter Franks<>  wrote:
> >>>> TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote:
> >>>>> The revelations seem to be coming true: These are indeed times of
> >>>>> plagues and disease.* They are everywhere!
> >>>> Neither.
> >>>>> And what is the difference between a plague and a disease? I confess
> >>>>> my total ignorance in the area of microbiology and even insects. My
> >>>>> wisdom goes to what I see without instruments or even old books.
> >>>>> *Their predatory ways may earn them that name.
> >>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>>> "The truth is within plain view, but it's smartly camouflaged"
> >>>> Apparently you don't see it.
> >>> Oh c'mon, I even know the Golden Rule of the jungle (above).
> >> The Golden Rule of the jungle is the Golden Rule of the Devil.  I choose
> >> the Golden Rule of Jesus, and hope that you will too.- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
> > The Golden Rule of the Christians is like that of the 3 Wise
> > Monkeys...
> That's the "party of NO" motto, and it is about not committing evil,
> which while ok is not enough.  The Golden Rule is
> "DO unto others as you would have them DO unto you."
> Committing no evil is not the same as committing good.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Good point! But I've never said that in defense of Christianism. ;)

They have good alibi for their indifference though... JESUS IS COMING

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 8:43 pm
From: TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

On Feb 9, 3:47 pm, tunderbar <> wrote:

> I own a Toyota Tercel. What do you drive?

Sorry, I never answered that. I'm forced to drive an older Lexus,
which is what my girlfriend chose many years ago. I wished I could
ride, say, 40% of the time but it's simply UNSAFE to do so.

I consider that it's absolutely ridiculous and even criminal that we
are deprived of the opportunity to do something because our roads
belong to the predators. People could at least ride a bike to the
supermarket, which could help a lot.


TOPIC: $10 more each month by paying C card...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 1:33 pm
From: "Bill"

You can increase your "income" $10 each month by paying $500 on your credit
card bill each month...

Look at that "interest charge" on your credit card bill... This is money
going out the window each month! Same as not having that income.

Assuming you don't charge anything more to your card...

Pay $500 this month, then you get $10 more next month.
(Interest charge is $10 less next month = $10 more for you!)
Pay $500 next month, then $10 more plus $10 = $20 more for you!
Pay $500 next month, then $10 more plus $20 = $30 more for you!
Pay $500 next month, then $10 more plus $30 = $40 more for you!
Pay $500 next month, then $10 more plus $40 = $50 more for you!
Pay $500 next month, then $10 more plus $50 = $60 more for you!

So after 6 months, you would be "making" $60 more per month.
(Give yourself a raise!)

TOPIC: Go Figure....

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 2:56 pm
From: Al

alex wrote:
> I took this class on stock and options trading last month and paid
> $500 for it... now they are giving it for free this month.. go
> figure... lol here is the link if you are interested.

There's no need to advertise how ignorant you were for paying for
something worthless.

TOPIC: Is This Thing For Real ??

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 2:59 pm
From: Al

Michael Smith wrote:
> hi everyone ..
> I found this website today from an email a friend sent me ...
> i'm surprise from the way it works ..
> Has anyone in this group tried this one ??..
> please let me know ..
> michael..

Your friend and you are both dopes. The site does not exist.
> thanx ..

TOPIC: I finally get it: If GW is not man-made, then God is punishing us with

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 7:24 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
>> news:hkprom$krc$
>>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> Iraq was the central battleground as long we we there. Even the Islamic
>>>> extremists agreed with that.
>>> Hows that? There was no alQaeda in any part of Iraq that Saddam
>>> controlled. There was only after we invaded. Get the difference?
>> There were other good and sufficient reasons for taking out Iraq.
> So it had nothing to do with the real reason. And just what was that?
> What justifies the loss of 4K Americans, 100's of thousand of innocent
> civilians and the inexorable rise of Iran?

We got a lot at not much cost. Quite a bargain really.

> Once we
>> invaded we got two for the price of one. Get the difference?
> There is little benefit for the cost paid. Your reasons look like
> accidents.

We got Iraq on our side.

>>> What difference does it make whether we kill
>>>> them in Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan or anywhere else. The important
>>>> thing is to kill them wherever they are.
>>> The crew in Iraq didn't exist before. Iraq turned into a huge
>>> recruiting boost for alQaeda. One of the reasons, now that we are on the
>>> way out, that their influence has fallen.
>> That is because we defeated them in Iraq, something that would never have
>> happened if liberal Dems had been in charge.
> Wrong. The alQaeda threat in Pak remained, it didn't move to Iraq so we
> could kill them there. It grew dramatically. You think alQaeda just got on
> the bus and moved from Islamabad to Baghdad. Crazy. The amount of foreign
> born alQaeda in Iraq was never more that 5% or so of alQaeda's strength.

The important thing is to kill them wherever they are.

>> Clinton never woke up from his slumbers. He treated them as criminals,
>> not Islamic terrorists that were at war with us.
> Er, how was Richard Reid prosecuted under W? In fact there have been
> many successful terrorist prosecution and absolutely none under a military
> commission. You believe in a fairy tale.

Clinton needed to do more that lob a few missiles into Afghanistan. He need
to go after them like Bush did. Maybe 9/11 would never have happened if he

>> Who cares how many Iraqis die for whatever reason.
> Well that sums up your feelings doesn't it?

Yup, just the same as you.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 7:35 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> You are libearl idealogeu I cna't underatdn what yo ar edoign on frugal
>> lviing. Yo are abig spender jstu liek all liberasl are. Waht is frugal
>> about that?
> You are so upset you can't even hit the right keys!

I never hit the right keys because I can't type. Amazing how it is still
readable though.

> You are clueless because you only believe what you want, you haven't
> really looked into anything other than to take someones word for it.
> In fact I work at lowering my cost of living. I have a largely solar
> heated home (all home made) and am currently making multiple layer mylar
> insulating windows.

What good does it do to be frugal in your personal life when the country is
going to hell?

>> Jeez, I wonder where they ever got the term NAZI? Look it up!
> So just because it has the word socialist it is the same as the USSR?
> That is rather superficial, don't you think? I suppose North Korea is a
> democracy because it is the Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea?

Words matter. Hitler knew from what political spectrum he was coming even if
you don't.

> Unlike Kerry, I think he [Sanford] always supported
>> this nation in its wars. Repubs are not treasonous bastards like liberal
>> Dems.
> I remember Orin Hatch giving away military secrets. In fact there are far
> more Democrats in Congress with military records than Republicans.

Military records don't count. What does count is patriotism, something that
liberal Dems don't seem to have a clue about.

>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 7:43 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> You like immoral bastards like Ted Kennedy. I don't. President Kennedy
>> was also a scofflaw and a terrible president who bungled the Cuban
>> invasion. Apparently only the Bushs know how to invade and win.
> Er win? Democrats have actually won more wars in recent history than
> Republicans. WWI, WWII, Korea, Kosovo all waged and won by democratic
> presidents.

Yes, all Democratic wars, as Dole once characterized them. Maybe if we had
had more Repubs in office there would not have been so many wars nor would
they have ended so badly.

> Seems to me that both Bushes left the Iraq war unfinished. And Nixon
> bailed on Vietnam.

Wars drag on forever these days. Nixon had to bail on Vietnam because the
Dem Congress refused to support the war and cut off funding.

>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 7:54 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
>> news:hkptob$o5v$
>>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> Sarah at least is not a murderer like liberals are (abortion).
>>> Why is it that right wingers care more about a 1 minute old embryo
>>> than a 1 minute old baby. Seems wrong to me. I do not support abortion
>>> willy nilly either.
>> A human life begins at conception. A woman should not fuck if she does
>> not want a baby.
> Now there's a platform that will be popular with Americans.
> A man similarly should not fuck if he does not want a baby.
>> What is there about this that you do not understand?
> I don't believe a one cell egg is a human. Millions and millions of
> fertilized eggs are silently removed with a womans cycle. Very few eggs
> become human.

What does a fertilized egg become if not a human being?

>> Saint Edward the Great is the last celibate in the known universe. That
>> is because He never wanted a baby and indeed would not mind if mankind
>> perished from this earth.
> I believe that. It goes to the Republican motto: "I've got mine, screw
> you."

But I don't got mine. I also took a vow of poverty. The only vow I never
took was one of obedience. When it comes to frugal-living, you haven't a
clue! You are just another big spending liberal Dem who does not give a damn
about indebtedness. Hey, let the next generation pay for my easy living.

>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 8:14 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> Only if you tell me how you are frugal. So far, all you have done is
>> defend big free spending liberal Dems.
> I don't support free spending. You have yet to tell me what spending you
> are talking about other than "all spending". Some spending is always
> necessary and for the public good.
> The spending that needs to be controlled the right has no plans or
> desires to tackle. You defended the Medicare Drug Bill drug company
> giveaway. That is the better part of a trillion dollars. I oppose that. I
> oppose the Iraq War and it's trillion dollar cost. Not because I oppose
> war, but because it was a fools errand.

You can spend more money trying to avoid a war than you do by going to war.

> I also oppose subsidizing rich farming conglomerates.
> Now, there's over 2T I would have cut. What can you come up with?

Just cut all spending by a certain percentage. And keep on doing it until
the debt is eliminated.

> You and Tom Sherman should get together. He only likes
>> his "liberal" facts too.
> You think that any statistic you don't like is a liberal fact. And just
> making something up is just as good because it is a "fact" from your side?
> I see the same thing referenced to Fox Opinion shows. You give them
> weight because you believe that an opinion is equal to something that has
> journalistic news standards to uphold. Rush et all are noting but opinion,
> if they make a mistake there is no journalists standard to apply. They
> just go on about their business of making themselves rich feeding tripe to
> a gullible audience. Hitler and Goebells did the same.

I recognize opinion when I see it. I also recognize facts and hard news when
I see it. I don't conflate the two.

Nevertheless, facts and hard news need interpretation and to be put in some
kind of context. If you don't do that, all you have got is confusion and
anarchy which no one can make any sense of. It is the business of
commentators to make sense of the facts and hard news. You have your
commentators and I have mine.

By the way, Rush at least is entertaining, something you can't claim for
that god damn fucking Chris Matthews on MSNBC.

> I will stick with Bill Sornson who at least knows a
>> fact when he sees one.
> Based on purely belief.
> I always look into sources, no matter which side the "fact" is on. You
> certainly don't as you are admittedy going on blind faith.

I mostly have contempt for facts until they are put into some kind of
context. Facts on their own are like lost orphan children wandering in a
wilderness searching for an adult to save them.

>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Learn to avoid diseases, save money you spend on health care www.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 8:31 pm
From: Jennifer

Learn to avoid diseases, save money you spend on health care

Diet, herbals, supplements, homeopathic alternatives for prevention of

Get healthy and stay healthy

TOPIC: My Advice.....

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 9:07 pm
From: VFW

don't reproduce. don't have children.
The future looks so grim, it would not be such a great "gift" to them.
Hint; Enjoy the moment !

TOPIC: Finally this works for the average guy

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Feb 9 2010 10:29 pm
From: Zee

On Feb 2, 10:10 am, wyattm <> wrote:
> What can be nothing and still get paid?  You'll have 5
> people under you before you officially start.  The best part though is
> the savings.  You absolutely can not lose money like I have the past 4
> years.  Free to test drive.  Visit

Thank you but I think I'll just stick to my regular 9 to 5 job for now.


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