Today's topics:
* Pay mortage payment before due date? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Usury: A Short History of Banking - 1 messages, 1 author
* I finally get it: If GW is not man-made, then God is punishing us with it -
11 messages, 2 authors
* Beloved...Bejeweled...Be Careful! NINO's Tips to Know Before You Shop for
Jewelry - 3 messages, 3 authors
* $10 more each month by paying C card... - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Free lifeline phone through ATT? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Sexy chest school girl's photos - 1 messages, 1 author
* 1,000 Haitian children enroll in Florida schools. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Where NOT to get your vitamins/supplements-warning - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Pay mortage payment before due date?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 11 2010 9:47 pm
From: "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"
In article
"Rod Speed" <>
> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> > "Rod Speed" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
> >>> In article
> >>> <>,
> >>> "Rod Speed" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> <reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where
> it belongs>
why is it that fools like you think
censoring responses makes you seem more
"intelligent" old fella
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:07 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
> In article
> <>,
> "Rod Speed" <>
> wrote:
>> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
>>> In article
>>> <>,
>>> "Rod Speed" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Malcom "Mal" Reynolds wrote:
>>>>> In article
>>>>> <>,
>>>>> "Rod Speed" <>
>>>>> wrote:
<reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where it belongs>
TOPIC: Usury: A Short History of Banking
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 12:45 am
From: Divided by Diversity ☺☻☺
Usury: A Short History of Banking
Surely the Government is in control of the country and its supply of
money? Surely money is only a symbolic token to facilitate the
production, exchange and distribution of goods and services? Not so,
say the Third Positionists, who reject both Capitalism and
In the old days there was no paper money. The accepted token of
exchange was precious metal minted into coins by the Church and the
Crown. Because there was only a limited amount of gold and silver
available, the economic life of the nation had a certain regularity.
An even greater restriction existed throughout Christendom. This was
a prohibition against usury, or charging interest. The Church held it
to be a grave sin and the code was upheld by the civil powers. There
were harsh penalties for those who broke the law.
The regulation of usury was to prevent the separation of money from
reality. Money is not a good, it is a measure. It is fraud to pretend
otherwise, and constitutes theft. Usury is making money from lending
money; it is making money from nothing. This is exactly what is
happening today on a colossal scale.
Several important things arose from the prohibition of usury in
medieval Christendom. Firstly Jews, who had taken to wandering around
Europe in the Middle Ages, began to specialize in money-lending and
other practices which were forbidden to Christians. Exploited
Christians, both peasants and aristocracy, found themselves being
bled dry by usurers, which is why there were sporadic uprisings,
imprisonments and expulsions of Jews throughout Europe. It is one
reason why King Edward I expelled these perfidious people from
England in 1290. Oliver Cromwell allowed them back when the moral
authority of the Church was undermined and the King was beheaded in
Secondly, gold coins, jewels and other valuables were deposited with
people who held strongboxes. This was usually with goldsmiths and
money-lenders who, more often than not, were one and the same. These
loan-sharks and scriveners realized that, without much chance of
being found out, they could charge people for looking after their
deposits and then use those deposits – which did not belong to them –
to make loans to other people at interest. They soon became rich and
Gold coins are heavy and awkward to carry around so the custom arose
whereby the money-lenders would issue credit notes to depositors who
began to trade these notes between themselves in commercial
transactions. Paper money had come into existence.
A new form of usury developed as the swindling money-lenders realized
the immoral benefits that could be obtained from such a situation. It
became apparent to these thieves that they could go one step further
than dishonestly using other people's money for financial advantage
at no cost to themselves. They could invent money from absolutely
nothing. They could issue credit notes with nothing to back them up
and put them into circulation as interest-bearing debts. No-one would
be any the wiser. They calculated that they could safely issue notes
for up to ten times more than the gold deposits they held, because
the depositors would never ask for their deposits back all at the
same time.
The principle of modern banking was thus established: invent money
from nothing, put it into circulation as "running cash notes" that
have to be paid back with real wealth that is produced from our
labour, sit back and become unbelievably wealthy and powerful men:
hidden rulers of nations.
In England this deceitful system was officially sanctioned in 1694.
The usurper of the throne, William of Orange, had overthrown the
legitimate King James II with the financial backing and plotting of
powerful Jewish financiers in Amsterdam. In return he gave the
sovereignty of England to a group of financiers by means of a Charter
allowing them to call themselves the Bank of England. The Charter
made no mention of issuing the nation's money, but within minutes of
signing the new Bank officials were discussing the form of their
"running cash notes." The same system was adopted in every country by
a process of Masonic revolution and manipulation.
Socialist theorists and ideologues have never attacked the essential
mechanism of capitalism. Although the injustices of the capitalist
system have been attacked in volume after volume, and rightly so,
they have never even hinted at the usury upon which the whole system
is built and from which all the other injustices stem.
Perhaps this is because so many Communist leaders are Jewish. Most of
the 'Russian Revolutionists' of 1917 were actually Jews from the
lower east side of New York City. Two hundred and seventy-five of
them were conveyed to Russia aboard the S.S. Christiana, led by
Trotsky and financed by Kuhns, Loebs, Schiffs and Warburgs. This cosy
circle of Jews and Freemasons financed both sides of the Great War.
Marx and Engels, two more Jews, wrote the Communist Manifesto on
behalf of a secret society calling themselves 'The League of Just
Men.' This secret society was an arm of the Illuminati, whose power
and influence was the catalyst of the French Revolution. One of the
founding members of the Illuminati was the House of Rothschild, the
Jewish banking house which practically invented supra-nationalism for
personal profit.
Nowadays banking has become extremely sophisticated but the hidden
and usurious mechanism behind it remains the same. After a big
enquiry, hushed up as much as possible, the Bank of England was
nationalised in 1946. In theory control of the Bank of England should
then have passed from a group of private individuals to the British
Government, but this is still not the case. Nationalisation only
added a thin veneer of respectability.
The British Treasury, in conjunction with the Bank of England's
advisers to the Government, determine how much paper money and coin
will be issued each year. This has to accord with the wealth of the
nation for that year. But because banknotes and coins only account
for a tiny percentage of financial transactions, it makes no
difference to the bankers at all. Most financial transactions are
carried out with abstract figures on a computer screen that have no
relationship to real wealth. Everything has to be paid for at
interest though – even when it doesn't exist!
The Government still has to pay interest on old and new loans from
the Bank. Only a few years ago it was announced that the interest
debt on a loan taken during the Napoleonic War had just been paid
off! This is where much of our tax money goes.
The next stage of development for international finance is to get rid
of cash altogether. Then the token accountability of the bankers will
disappear along with the cash. Their intention is that everyone will
have to use credit/debit cards for every type of commercial
Electronic technology, when used this way, and when it is not merely
widespread but compulsory, will give them complete control of every
man, woman and child in the world. If you cannot buy or sell – food,
petrol, clothes – without a card you are completely at their mercy.
If you lose the card or it doesn't work for some reason you will
suffer until issued with a replacement. If you make a protest against
some particular injustice they could invalidate your card. The next
time you go to the supermarket your card may not work. You won't
officially exist!
Who benefits from such a scheme? The politicians or the bankers? To
ask the question is to answer it. The Bank of England is the real,
but hidden, government of the country. The Government and the
politicians are merely puppets controlled by the Bank – or, more
accurately, the international banking families. None of our cowardly
politicians dare stand up to these hidden and unelected rulers of the
world, so powerful have they become. Two American presidents,
possibly three, were assassinated for attempting to do so. It is far
easier for them to submit to the system and enjoy a rich life than
expose the real tyrants: tyrants who cause high taxes, unemployment,
war, famine and misery for the rest of us. But these despots of the
New World Order forget that Truth is more powerful than they could
ever become. And Truth brings Justice!
The pen is mightier than the pound! This article first appeared in
issue 5 of 'The Anvil,' published by The Third Position, BCM ITP,
London, WC1N 3XX.
Is this still true today? See for yourself: Who are the Jews?
While this list may never be complete, it will cover most of the
Jewish names one is likely to encounter in everyday Western life.
Unlike many gentile names, there is such a thing as a 'Jewish name.'
Many Jewish persons can be recognized as being Jewish by their
surname [last name], although not always--some Jews are adopted, or
their forebears changed the family surname, or their surname simply
does not appear Jewish.
Here are the most common Jewish names likely to be encountered:
-Names ending in "-berg" (Goldberg, Weinberg, etc.)
-Names ending in "-man" (Goldman, Lightman, etc.)
-Names ending in "-stein" (Einstein, Perlstein, etc.)
-Names that sound "precious" (Gold, Silver, Diamond, Ruby
(Rubenstein) etc.)
-Names ending in "-ler" (Adler, Midler, etc.)
-Names ending in "-ner" (Asner, Lardner, etc.)
-Names ending in "-lin" (Gitlin, Sheindlin, etc.)
-Names ending in "-band" (Miliband, Goldband, etc.)
-Names ending in "-witz" (Horowitz, Rabinowitz, etc.) or "-
itz" (Kravitz, etc.)
-Names ending in "-baum" (Teitelbaum, Metzenbaum, etc.)
-Names ending in "-off" (Chartoff, Berkhoff, etc.)
-Names ending in "-nik" (Resnik, Mitnik, etc.)
-Names ending in "-thal" (Blumenthal, Rosenthal, etc.)
-Names ending in "-ling" (Spelling, Sperling, etc.)
-Names ending in "-sky" (Barshefsky, Linsky, etc.)
-Names ending in "-farb" (Himmelfarb, Goldfarb, etc.)
-Names ending in "-feld" (Seinfeld, Rosenfeld, etc.)
-Names ending in "-stone" (Wellstone, Firestone, etc.)
-Some, but certainly not all, names ending in "-son" (Abelson,
Josephson, etc.)
-Surnames that sound "Biblical," e.g., David, Joseph, Abram or
Abraham, Moses, Benjamin, Isaac, etc.
Some other names commonly used by jews:
-Miller -Davis -Ross -Lewis -Roth -Morris -Davidson -Green -Wolf -
Newman -Gross -Harris -Sherman -Myers -Mayer -Jacobs -Aaron -Michael -
Hirsch -Raphael -Tobias -Levy -Brand -Cohen -Kaplan -Weiss -Nathan -
Leo -Levine -Simon -Levin -Samuel -Falk -Wise -Gottfried -Gottlieb -
Mann -Mathis -May -Mars -Marx -Marks -Saul -Gould -Fink -Loeb -Loew -
Rubin -Stern -Shapiro -Klein -Cohn -Singer -Frank -Schwartz -Rich -
Kahn -Kramer
TOPIC: I finally get it: If GW is not man-made, then God is punishing us with
== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 1:12 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> Furthermore, the Arabs are notorious for not getting along with one
>> another. The Iranians are not even Arabs. They are Aryans, which is what
>> "Iran" means.
> I never said otherwise.
> The Iraqi relationship with the US is one of necessity. Certainly they
> have not helped isolate Iran, which is the largest problem we have with
> any state.
> I don't count Iraqi "friendship" as a great success.
Nations do not have friends, they only have interests. But I am glad that
you take Iran seriously.
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 1:31 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> But you make the mistake of equating Communism with Socialism. Nothing
> could be further from the truth. You have this tendency to lump everything
> you hate as being leftist. Rather shallow thinking.
There are thin lines between the various ideologies of the left.
> Russia was not Socialist, it was communist. In Russia, if a company did
> not do as the State wished the leaders of that company were frequently
> jailed (or worse). No such thing ever happened in Nazi Germany.
The Germans were more disciplined than the Russians. They knew what they
needed to do in order to stay in business.
> Odd that you have such contempt for socialism when you are such a clear
> supporter of such socialist policies as the Medicare drug bill.
Yes, I recognize that, but if education K-12 can be made a right, why not
health care for everyone regardless of ability to pay. I favor a single
payer system like they have in Canada. Is this socialism? Only if you grant
that public education is also socialism.
> As far as rightest policies, that is the root of the creation of trade
> unions. Child labor and sweat shops all come from the extension of letting
> capitalists do whatever they want.
> I'm a big proponent of capitalism, as are all democrats. I do not
> believe that corporate America should do whatever it wished. That
> ultimately is the design of all policies of the extreme right. Destroying
> government and deregulating business. You don't care when that turns out
> badly because it fits your ideology, I do.
Nope, I want regulation of corporations and of businesses in general. No one
should ever be free to do whatever they want at the expense of the public
Leftists do not like capitalism. They would replace it with state control of
everything if they could.
> Most democrats take a relatively balanced position, somewhere near the
> center. The Republican Party and the Tea Partiers in particular are being
> driven further and further right. Expelling and rejecting their more
> moderate members. In essence they have looked back on their past failures
> and have said, we did not go far enough. Repeating actions that have
> previously resulted in failure and expecting a different result is
> craziness.
The main thing they want is less government spending - period! That is what
I want too.
> You believe in Sarah, when she has shown over and over that she is
> incapable of administering anything. She is clueless about actual policies
> and chooses to remain so. It would get in the way of her blind faith in
> herself. There is a long history of the failure to educate Sarah. Not only
> by Republicans but by the higher education system. How many colleges did
> it take before she earned a degree?
No one has ever occupied the office of the presidency with less executive
experience than Obama. Sarah was governor of Alaska. That is good enough for
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 1:48 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> Jeff, we need to keep our eye on Iran. It is not an insignificant nation
>> like North Korea. The leaders there believe all kinds of crazy stuff. We
>> should be actively engaged in replacing that regime. Once they get the
>> bomb, it will not be easy to dislodge them.
>> I believe Obama will be judged not on his domestic policies, but on his
>> foreign policies. All presidents are. Iran could be his Waterloo. I
>> believe Obama is weak and will not do what is necessary to control Iran.
>> I always trusted Bush to protect us from harm. I do not trust Obama to do
>> the same.
> There is little that can be done to stop their capability of making a
> bomb. If there was the Israelis would have already done so. There are
> plenty of good reasons for that.
> There is nothing that can be done to directly support street politics.
> That always backfires.
> I don't see what Bush did to suppress Iran other to destabilize the
> region which is completely counter productive.
Getting rid of Saddam was stabilizing. Iran is a separate problem.
> Don't underestimate what Hillary is up to. There is very active
> involvement in not only uniting the Arab States but in stabilizing States
> such as Yemen. Not the same policies as W followed. Iran is largely
> propped up by the UAE. That is the target. Something W did nothing about.
I don't trust any of the Arab states in the region to ever do anything the
least bit sensible.
> The likely resolution is the near collapse of the Iranian economy. Then
> the Iranian government will be replaced.
> In fact it has been economic weakness that has caused the collapse of
> all previously dominant states.
Warfare is always the main cause, e.g. Germany and Japan via WWII. The
history of Europe is all about wars and little else.
If Iran gets the bomb, the first thing that will happen is that all the Arab
states in the region will also get the bomb, and they will be able to easily
get the bomb because of their oil wealth. Do you trust that region of the
world to keep the peace?
The US will never desert Israel. Maybe we can have a nice little nuclear war
in the Middle East in the not so distant future. I wonder what that would do
to world oil supplies.
>> Regards,
>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>> aka
>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 1:58 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
>> You cannot avoid the liberal media since it is everywhere.
> The media is all corporate owned. Not so liberal.
It is liberal no matter who owns it.
>> Glenn Beck's daily shows are like college seminars. You can learn a lot
>> by following him.
> Except so much is flat out wrong, and you never know because he won't tell
> you.
Glenn Beck is very open and above board. There is no deception about him at
all. He wants to take the country back to its origins in the Constitution. I
don't go along with that, but still it is interesting to hear this view
expressed with intelligence and passion.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:22 am
From: jeff
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:hl133u$5it$
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
> [...]
>> Furthermore, the Arabs are notorious for not getting along with one
>>> another. The Iranians are not even Arabs. They are Aryans, which is what
>>> "Iran" means.
>> I never said otherwise.
>> The Iraqi relationship with the US is one of necessity. Certainly they
>> have not helped isolate Iran, which is the largest problem we have with
>> any state.
>> I don't count Iraqi "friendship" as a great success.
> Nations do not have friends, they only have interests. But I am glad that
> you take Iran seriously.
Why wouldn't I? The rise of Iran as a threat is largely due to US
missteps in the region. Fixing those misteps is far more important than
>>> Regards,
>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>> aka
>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:59 am
From: jeff
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:hl14vh$8sc$
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> [...]
>> But you make the mistake of equating Communism with Socialism. Nothing
>> could be further from the truth. You have this tendency to lump everything
>> you hate as being leftist. Rather shallow thinking.
> There are thin lines between the various ideologies of the left.
> [...]
You buy into the narrow arguments of those you already agree with.
That gives you very little real perspective. It is a fault of all right
wing ideologues.
>> Russia was not Socialist, it was communist. In Russia, if a company did
>> not do as the State wished the leaders of that company were frequently
>> jailed (or worse). No such thing ever happened in Nazi Germany.
> The Germans were more disciplined than the Russians. They knew what they
> needed to do in order to stay in business.
> [...]
Just the example of Krupp alone should lead you to the opposite opinion.
Right wing dictatorships are usually enabled by their willing
relationship with big industry. The same applied in Italy. It was a deal
between Hitler and Krupp to break the unions that swong Krupp fully over
to the Nazi side.
On an interesting side note. Hitler was a great admirer of Henry Ford
and even had a photograph of him on his wall. Many reasons for that.
>> Odd that you have such contempt for socialism when you are such a clear
>> supporter of such socialist policies as the Medicare drug bill.
> Yes, I recognize that, but if education K-12 can be made a right, why not
> health care for everyone regardless of ability to pay. I favor a single
> payer system like they have in Canada. Is this socialism? Only if you grant
> that public education is also socialism.
Then why are those you so avidly support in favor of destruction of
any progress toward the goal of affordable universal care. I've read the
republican outlines, there is little there.
In fact the single largest economic disadvantage that US industry has
is the cost of health care. Hospitals today are stuck with providing
high priced care for those who will never reimburse them. That is
driving up their costs. There is nothing in the Republican plan to
tackle that. The republican plan, such as it is, focuses on giveaways to
business. And of course, has given no consideration to how it shall be
paid for.
In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen any Republican Plan on
anything that includes a method of paying for it. Everything seems to
focus on tax cuts.
Granted, some tax cuts are good, but none ever pay for themselves.
Note the vast expansion of debt to GDP under Reagan.
>> As far as rightest policies, that is the root of the creation of trade
>> unions. Child labor and sweat shops all come from the extension of letting
>> capitalists do whatever they want.
>> I'm a big proponent of capitalism, as are all democrats. I do not
>> believe that corporate America should do whatever it wished. That
>> ultimately is the design of all policies of the extreme right. Destroying
>> government and deregulating business. You don't care when that turns out
>> badly because it fits your ideology, I do.
> Nope, I want regulation of corporations and of businesses in general. No one
> should ever be free to do whatever they want at the expense of the public
> good.
> Leftists do not like capitalism. They would replace it with state control of
> everything if they could.
The left in this country are more akin to the center just about
anywhere else. You think in terms of extremes, which is because your
chosen affiliate thinks that way, but Democrats are not all of one
following. It is their strength, and their failing.
>> Most democrats take a relatively balanced position, somewhere near the
>> center. The Republican Party and the Tea Partiers in particular are being
>> driven further and further right. Expelling and rejecting their more
>> moderate members. In essence they have looked back on their past failures
>> and have said, we did not go far enough. Repeating actions that have
>> previously resulted in failure and expecting a different result is
>> craziness.
> The main thing they want is less government spending - period! That is what
> I want too.
Good value for the money spent I believe is most important.
Republicans, because of their innate hatred of government, tend to be
bad stewards.
Now, I believe that most of the huge expansion of government under W
was badly and inefficiently done. I can list example after example.
>> You believe in Sarah, when she has shown over and over that she is
>> incapable of administering anything. She is clueless about actual policies
>> and chooses to remain so. It would get in the way of her blind faith in
>> herself. There is a long history of the failure to educate Sarah. Not only
>> by Republicans but by the higher education system. How many colleges did
>> it take before she earned a degree?
> No one has ever occupied the office of the presidency with less executive
> experience than Obama. Sarah was governor of Alaska. That is good enough for
> me.
She bailed on Alaska leaving nothing accomplished. The natural gas
pipeline she claims as her signature achievement has not let the first
contract. It is today, nothing more than a pipe dream.
In fact, in 2007 Sarah signed the largest Alaska budget in history.
And under her tenure Alaska remained the state with the highest dollar
amount of Federal earmarks per capita.
I find her fiscal talk, to be just that, talk.
Ideas, without accomplishments I find no value in.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>> aka
>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 7 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:19 am
From: jeff
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:hl168q$aqv$
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
> [...]
>>> Jeff, we need to keep our eye on Iran. It is not an insignificant nation
>>> like North Korea. The leaders there believe all kinds of crazy stuff. We
>>> should be actively engaged in replacing that regime. Once they get the
>>> bomb, it will not be easy to dislodge them.
>>> I believe Obama will be judged not on his domestic policies, but on his
>>> foreign policies. All presidents are. Iran could be his Waterloo. I
>>> believe Obama is weak and will not do what is necessary to control Iran.
>>> I always trusted Bush to protect us from harm. I do not trust Obama to do
>>> the same.
>> There is little that can be done to stop their capability of making a
>> bomb. If there was the Israelis would have already done so. There are
>> plenty of good reasons for that.
>> There is nothing that can be done to directly support street politics.
>> That always backfires.
>> I don't see what Bush did to suppress Iran other to destabilize the
>> region which is completely counter productive.
> Getting rid of Saddam was stabilizing. Iran is a separate problem.
The trouble is that there was little thought of any consequences. Did
you not note not only the cost estimates given out but the cheery
expected result. Both bearing no relationship to reality.
The war was badly bungled. It was, as all things W, done entirely
seat of the pants. The most incurious of all US presidents did not even
know that there were two factions of Islam.
>> Don't underestimate what Hillary is up to. There is very active
>> involvement in not only uniting the Arab States but in stabilizing States
>> such as Yemen. Not the same policies as W followed. Iran is largely
>> propped up by the UAE. That is the target. Something W did nothing about.
> I don't trust any of the Arab states in the region to ever do anything the
> least bit sensible.
>> The likely resolution is the near collapse of the Iranian economy. Then
>> the Iranian government will be replaced.
>> In fact it has been economic weakness that has caused the collapse of
>> all previously dominant states.
> Warfare is always the main cause, e.g. Germany and Japan via WWII. The
> history of Europe is all about wars and little else.
The failure to keep the economy running is what caused the failure of
the war effort.
European warfare is rooted in states with the economic muscle to
field and supply large armies. Whenever a state weakened, it was no
longer able to field the military power necessary to control it's territory.
Without doubt, Germany fielded superior technology, and had superior
tactics. It was the industrial might of it's opponents, and the
destruction of it's own industries that sealed it's fate. Superior
tactics and weaponry only ever yield temporary advantage.
> If Iran gets the bomb, the first thing that will happen is that all the Arab
> states in the region will also get the bomb, and they will be able to easily
> get the bomb because of their oil wealth. Do you trust that region of the
> world to keep the peace?
Getting a bomb is a huge technological accomplishment. Look at N
Korea, which is only able to make very poorly performing weapons, on the
order of conventional weapons.
> The US will never desert Israel.
Who said it would?
Maybe we can have a nice little nuclear war
> in the Middle East in the not so distant future. I wonder what that would do
> to world oil supplies.
Nothing good will come of Nuclear War. That is why we haven't had one
between the parties capable of doing so.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>> aka
>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:21 am
From: jeff
Edward Dolan wrote:
> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> news:hl16e6$aqv$
>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
> [...]
>>> You cannot avoid the liberal media since it is everywhere.
>> The media is all corporate owned. Not so liberal.
> It is liberal no matter who owns it.
> [...]
Spoke by a man wearing blinders. I saw a distinct shift.
>>> Glenn Beck's daily shows are like college seminars. You can learn a lot
>>> by following him.
>> Except so much is flat out wrong, and you never know because he won't tell
>> you.
> Glenn Beck is very open and above board. There is no deception about him at
> all. He wants to take the country back to its origins in the Constitution. I
> don't go along with that, but still it is interesting to hear this view
> expressed with intelligence and passion.
Fine, just don't confuse entertainment with news.
> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 9 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 11:02 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> Nations do not have friends, they only have interests. But I am glad that
>> you take Iran seriously.
> Why wouldn't I? The rise of Iran as a threat is largely due to US
> missteps in the region. Fixing those misteps is far more important than
> bluster.
The major misstep was not supporting the Shah when he needed our support.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>>> aka
>>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 11:21 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
>> news:hl14vh$8sc$
>>> Edward Dolan wrote:
>>>> "jeff" <> wrote in message
>> [...]
>>> But you make the mistake of equating Communism with Socialism. Nothing
>>> could be further from the truth. You have this tendency to lump
>>> everything you hate as being leftist. Rather shallow thinking.
>> There are thin lines between the various ideologies of the left.
>> [...]
> You buy into the narrow arguments of those you already agree with. That
> gives you very little real perspective. It is a fault of all right wing
> ideologues.
Liberal - socialist - communist, that is the progression.
>>> Russia was not Socialist, it was communist. In Russia, if a company did
>>> not do as the State wished the leaders of that company were frequently
>>> jailed (or worse). No such thing ever happened in Nazi Germany.
>> The Germans were more disciplined than the Russians. They knew what they
>> needed to do in order to stay in business.
>> [...]
> Just the example of Krupp alone should lead you to the opposite opinion.
> Right wing dictatorships are usually enabled by their willing relationship
> with big industry. The same applied in Italy. It was a deal between Hitler
> and Krupp to break the unions that swong Krupp fully over to the Nazi
> side.
> On an interesting side note. Hitler was a great admirer of Henry Ford and
> even had a photograph of him on his wall. Many reasons for that.
Hitler was a leftist, not much different than Stalin.
>>> Odd that you have such contempt for socialism when you are such a clear
>>> supporter of such socialist policies as the Medicare drug bill.
>> Yes, I recognize that, but if education K-12 can be made a right, why not
>> health care for everyone regardless of ability to pay. I favor a single
>> payer system like they have in Canada. Is this socialism? Only if you
>> grant that public education is also socialism.
> Then why are those you so avidly support in favor of destruction of any
> progress toward the goal of affordable universal care. I've read the
> republican outlines, there is little there.
The Repubs have been terrible on health care reform. It is the main reason
why I often have voted Dem.
> In fact the single largest economic disadvantage that US industry has is
> the cost of health care. Hospitals today are stuck with providing high
> priced care for those who will never reimburse them. That is driving up
> their costs. There is nothing in the Republican plan to tackle that. The
> republican plan, such as it is, focuses on giveaways to business. And of
> course, has given no consideration to how it shall be paid for.
> In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen any Republican Plan on anything
> that includes a method of paying for it. Everything seems to focus on tax
> cuts.
I couldn't agree with you more!
> Granted, some tax cuts are good, but none ever pay for themselves. Note
> the vast expansion of debt to GDP under Reagan.
Even so, Reagan was a piker compared to Obama.
>>> As far as rightest policies, that is the root of the creation of trade
>>> unions. Child labor and sweat shops all come from the extension of
>>> letting capitalists do whatever they want.
>>> I'm a big proponent of capitalism, as are all democrats. I do not
>>> believe that corporate America should do whatever it wished. That
>>> ultimately is the design of all policies of the extreme right.
>>> Destroying government and deregulating business. You don't care when
>>> that turns out badly because it fits your ideology, I do.
>> Nope, I want regulation of corporations and of businesses in general. No
>> one should ever be free to do whatever they want at the expense of the
>> public good.
>> Leftists do not like capitalism. They would replace it with state control
>> of everything if they could.
> The left in this country are more akin to the center just about anywhere
> else. You think in terms of extremes, which is because your chosen
> affiliate thinks that way, but Democrats are not all of one following. It
> is their strength, and their failing.
It is the liberal Dems that I inveigh against. The old time Dems were just
fine with me.
>>> Most democrats take a relatively balanced position, somewhere near the
>>> center. The Republican Party and the Tea Partiers in particular are
>>> being driven further and further right. Expelling and rejecting their
>>> more moderate members. In essence they have looked back on their past
>>> failures and have said, we did not go far enough. Repeating actions that
>>> have previously resulted in failure and expecting a different result is
>>> craziness.
>> The main thing they want is less government spending - period! That is
>> what I want too.
> Good value for the money spent I believe is most important. Republicans,
> because of their innate hatred of government, tend to be bad stewards.
Conservatives want smaller government and less spending. I am all for that.
> Now, I believe that most of the huge expansion of government under W was
> badly and inefficiently done. I can list example after example.
>>> You believe in Sarah, when she has shown over and over that she is
>>> incapable of administering anything. She is clueless about actual
>>> policies and chooses to remain so. It would get in the way of her blind
>>> faith in herself. There is a long history of the failure to educate
>>> Sarah. Not only by Republicans but by the higher education system. How
>>> many colleges did it take before she earned a degree?
>> No one has ever occupied the office of the presidency with less executive
>> experience than Obama. Sarah was governor of Alaska. That is good enough
>> for me.
> She bailed on Alaska leaving nothing accomplished. The natural gas
> pipeline she claims as her signature achievement has not let the first
> contract. It is today, nothing more than a pipe dream.
Well, like I said before, Alaska has always been fucked up. The best thing
about her is that she fought the Repub establishment while governor.
> In fact, in 2007 Sarah signed the largest Alaska budget in history. And
> under her tenure Alaska remained the state with the highest dollar amount
> of Federal earmarks per capita.
Not many folks living in Alaska.
> I find her fiscal talk, to be just that, talk.
> Ideas, without accomplishments I find no value in.
Sarah has an engaging personality. It is impossible not to like her if you
are from the Midwest.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>>> aka
>>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 11:38 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"jeff" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote:
>> Getting rid of Saddam was stabilizing. Iran is a separate problem.
> The trouble is that there was little thought of any consequences. Did you
> not note not only the cost estimates given out but the cheery expected
> result. Both bearing no relationship to reality.
> The war was badly bungled. It was, as all things W, done entirely seat
> of the pants. The most incurious of all US presidents did not even know
> that there were two factions of Islam.
All US presidents have access to expert counsel.
>> Warfare is always the main cause, e.g. Germany and Japan via WWII. The
>> history of Europe is all about wars and little else.
> The failure to keep the economy running is what caused the failure of
> the war effort.
It was Russian arms that ultimately defeated Germany in WWII.
> European warfare is rooted in states with the economic muscle to field
> and supply large armies. Whenever a state weakened, it was no longer able
> to field the military power necessary to control it's territory.
> Without doubt, Germany fielded superior technology, and had superior
> tactics. It was the industrial might of it's opponents, and the
> destruction of it's own industries that sealed it's fate. Superior tactics
> and weaponry only ever yield temporary advantage.
Russia enjoyed an immense superiority in all of its arms toward the end of
the war. Germany needed a quick win in order to prevail.
>> If Iran gets the bomb, the first thing that will happen is that all the
>> Arab states in the region will also get the bomb, and they will be able
>> to easily get the bomb because of their oil wealth. Do you trust that
>> region of the world to keep the peace?
> Getting a bomb is a huge technological accomplishment. Look at N Korea,
> which is only able to make very poorly performing weapons, on the order of
> conventional weapons.
The Arabs will simply buy the nuclear weapons from outside.
A lot of this is purely psychological I must admit. But still, we do not
want Iran to have nuclear weapons.
>> The US will never desert Israel.
> Who said it would?
Obama is not sympathetic to Israel.
> Maybe we can have a nice little nuclear war
>> in the Middle East in the not so distant future. I wonder what that would
>> do to world oil supplies.
> Nothing good will come of Nuclear War. That is why we haven't had one
> between the parties capable of doing so.
Israel has nuclear weapons and they will use them if it comes down to that.
One holocaust is more than enough for the Jews.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
>>>> aka
>>>> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
TOPIC: Beloved...Bejeweled...Be Careful! NINO's Tips to Know Before You Shop
for Jewelry
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 3:12 am
From: Tina Lee
Beloved...Bejeweled...Be Careful! NINO's Tips to Know Before You Shop
for Jewelry
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 6:41 am
On Feb 12, 5:12 am, Tina Lee <> wrote:
> Beloved...Bejeweled...Be Careful! NINO's Tips to Know Before You Shop
> for Jewelry
> Checkout:
Thanks, bitch, for the spam. It was tasty.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:13 am
From: jeff wrote:
> On Feb 12, 5:12 am, Tina Lee <> wrote:
>> Beloved...Bejeweled...Be Careful! NINO's Tips to Know Before You Shop
>> for Jewelry
>> Checkout:
> Thanks, bitch, for the spam. It was tasty.
Don't propagate spam by repeating the link.
TOPIC: $10 more each month by paying C card...
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 5:31 am
From: "h"
"kjwkjw" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:55:20 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> <> wrote:
>>On Feb 9, 4:33 pm, "Bill" <> wrote:
>>> You can increase your "income" $10 each month by paying $500 on your
>>> credit
>>> card bill each month...
>>Or, I could just continue paying the balance in full each month, just
>>as I always
>>Sheesh. Wotta wanker.
> I don't think that's going to get you anywhere, according to this guy.
> If you pay off your card each month, then you don't pay any interest.
> And if you don't PAY interest, how can you SAVE on paying LESS
> interest? Get it?
He's like that Cammuta (sp?) guy who can "turn debt into wealth". Yeah,
spend less than you make, well, duh!
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 9:50 am
From: Cindy Hamilton
On Feb 11, 5:54 pm, kjwkjw <> wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:55:20 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
> <> wrote:
> >On Feb 9, 4:33 pm, "Bill" <> wrote:
> >> You can increase your "income" $10 each month by paying $500 on your credit
> >> card bill each month...
> >Or, I could just continue paying the balance in full each month, just
> >as I always
> >have.
> >Sheesh. Wotta wanker.
> I don't think that's going to get you anywhere, according to this guy.
> If you pay off your card each month, then you don't pay any interest.
> And if you don't PAY interest, how can you SAVE on paying LESS
> interest? Get it?
Oh, you have to spend money to save money. Perfectly clear.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:57 am
From: kjwkjw
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:50:52 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
<> wrote:
>On Feb 11, 5:54 pm, kjwkjw <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 09:55:20 -0800 (PST), Cindy Hamilton
>> <> wrote:
>> >On Feb 9, 4:33 pm, "Bill" <> wrote:
>> >> You can increase your "income" $10 each month by paying $500 on your credit
>> >> card bill each month...
>> >Or, I could just continue paying the balance in full each month, just
>> >as I always
>> >have.
>> >Sheesh. Wotta wanker.
>> I don't think that's going to get you anywhere, according to this guy.
>> If you pay off your card each month, then you don't pay any interest.
>> And if you don't PAY interest, how can you SAVE on paying LESS
>> interest? Get it?
>Oh, you have to spend money to save money. Perfectly clear.
EXACTLY. My wife has perfected this theory. For example:
If a store is running a 10% off sale, you only save $10 when you spend
$100. But if you spend $1,000, you save $100. Now isn't $100 better
than $10?
TOPIC: Free lifeline phone through ATT?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 6:32 am
From: Tennessee Tony
terrable wrote:
> "Tennessee Tony" <> wrote in message
>> Balvenieman wrote:
>>> Tennessee Tony <> wrote:
>>>> Or any way to get my SafeLink service switched to a different cell
>>>> phone?
>>> no
>>>> I did sign up for ATT's discounted landline service but looking for the
>>>> free wireless service.
>>> Neither Safelink or Lifeline is free; they are paid for by those
>>> telephone subscribers who believe in actually paying for services they
>>> use, via the unavoidable "universal service fee (tax)". Just because you
>>> are freeloading doesn't make something "free".
>> Actually tax money doesn't support the wireless program. It preys on
>> those who get a free phone, use up all their free minutes, then the
>> suckers buy additional minutes at 20 cents/minute.
> It says at the SafeLink website: "SafeLink Wireless applies the Universal
> Service Fund subsidy to an allotment of free airtime minutes."
> We are forced by the US Government to pay into the USF, so it is a tax. Your
> free is paid for by our forced tax.
Well in that case... Thanks!
TOPIC: Sexy chest school girl's photos
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 8:06 am
From: hjhj
Sexy chest school girl's photos
TOPIC: 1,000 Haitian children enroll in Florida schools.
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:05 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Beam Me Up Scotty wrote:
> On 2/11/2010 6:53 PM, martin wrote:
>> Guess who will be paying the bills.
> NOT Obama, Obama gets to be Obama Claus, while we the people get to pay.
Could have SWORN that he pays a lot more income tax than you do.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 11 2010 12:51 pm
From: Mr.B1ack
martin <> wrote:
>Guess who will be paying the bills.
> Western Voices
Even funnier ... a few years ago, just before
the fiscal meltdown, Floridians decided the
kiddies were getting crappy grades because
class sizes were too large (not because the
teachers and govt-approved curriculum were
crappy, of course).
SO - they codified stringent class-size
restrictions into the state constitution.
There are serious fines for non-compliance.
Already, tax shortfalls have caused many schools
to go over the limit - and be fined. Now add
what are bound to be thousands of Haitians to
the mix ....
What did they say about the road to hell being
paved with good intentions ? :-)
(Obama should have that inscribed on a plaque
and put on the wall above his desk)
TOPIC: Where NOT to get your vitamins/supplements-warning
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 10:43 am
From: naderaider
Trying to decide on a Vitamin/Supplement supplier?
One company that has caused myself and many others many problems is
an outfit called Puritan's Pride, a huge supplier and subsidiary of
NBTY, Inc., Scott Rudolph, CEO.
In addition to using bait and switch tactics with me, having a poor
delivery record and not responding to customer complaints, they have
been sued by States and the U.S. Gov. for illegal practices.
Also below you will find an complaint of someone who actually had
their products independently lab tested and found they did not
contain the ingredients in the amounts they claimed; he was refused
a refund, as others have, contrary to their bogus moneyback
Here are some relevant links. Beware of this company. Later in this
post I will give you contact information to individuals in this
outfit that you can bypass their BS 800 numbers and call them
directly to complain.
Customer Reviews:
Quackery by Mail
search for Puritans Pride:
Federal Trade Commission Fine-Nature's Bounty-
A Puritan's Pride Label:
U.S. Postal Service Lawsuit Against Puritan's Pride
Now the question is, do you want to do business with an outfit with
a reputation like the above?
Here is some contact information if you want to complain to the
dummies that run this company.
NBTY, Inc Parent to Puritans Pride, Scott Rudolf CEO contact info
(this post will probably be followed by several duplicates since the
web page-remailer-gateway-newsgroup (aka censornet) network is
dropping or censoring posts; so here's another route. they sometimes
like to play games by delaying your post for days and then suddenly
releasing them after you have reposted)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Feb 12 2010 11:38 am
From: jaagar
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