Tuesday, March 16, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 24 new messages in 8 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Adam & Eve were vegetarian, right? - 5 messages, 4 authors
* Convenience stores in my town... - 9 messages, 5 authors
* █๑♥๑█ 2010 Cheap price wholesale Nike Air Max shoes at website: http://www.
rijing-trade.com <Paypal Payment> - 1 messages, 1 author
* GOV. to steal an hour, this Sunday. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* different way of feeding fish - 4 messages, 4 authors
* knock off gucci handbags,red gucci handbags - 1 messages, 1 author
* denim jeans cheap wholesaler (paypal payment) - 1 messages, 1 author
* PRT TIME JOBS -EARN UPTO 5000/ PER MONTH - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Adam & Eve were vegetarian, right?

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 14 2010 10:31 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Some terminal fuckwit that's so stupid that the best it can
manage is delivering pizzas on a bicycle, claiming to be
Don Klipstein wrote just the puerile silly shit you'd expect
from some terminal fuckwit that's so stupid that the
best it can manage is delivering pizzas on a bicycle,

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 7:37 am
From: TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle

On Mar 14, 4:28 pm, "Rod Speed" <rod.speed....@gmail.com> wrote:
> TheTibetanMonkey wrote:
> All carnivores are smarter than herbivores, stupid.

Maybe roches and rats are smarter than us...

Are omnivores smarter than carnivores and herbivores?
Millions of years ago we used to be herbivores but then we evolved by
eating meat (brain food). Cockroaches and rats were also successful..


No, if by smart you mean the ability to deal with abstract ideas.
Whales are self aware, but unlikely to be able to deal with physics...
and chimps are as well self aware, but don't qualify as an algebra
student....So far, Homo sapiens sapiens is the "smartest" but other
critters are for sure more adaptable and more hardy.

Cockroaches even have the ability to reproduce without breeding for
generations, and of course rats will survive anything... probably in
the end, after (brilliant and "smart") humans have totally destroyed
this planet, all that will survive will be the roaches and rats.


In other words, most likely we won't be even smart enough to survive

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 9:53 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Mar 14, 1:23 am, TheTibetanMonkey <comandante.ban...@yahoo.com>
> On Mar 13, 1:23 pm, thea <thea.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you eat -- you consume!!
> I guess the point is that you should consume as little as possible,
> not as much as possible. But when you die, you consume nothing at all.
> A good Christian, though, should become a vegetarian and ride a bike.
> Adam & Eve were vegetarian, right?

Adam & Even didn't exist

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 10:02 am
From: "Bill Sornson"

Order of ribs to go!

Bill "gene lite" S.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 10:21 am
From: "Rod Speed"

TheTibetanMonkey showing-the-path-of-enlightenment-in-the-jungle wrote
> Rod Speed <rod.speed....@gmail.com> wrote
>> TheTibetanMonkey wrote


>> All carnivores are smarter than herbivores, stupid.

> Maybe roches and rats are smarter than us...

Smarter than you, certainly.

They aint stupid enough to ride bikes in traffic.

> Are omnivores smarter than carnivores and herbivores?
> Millions of years ago we used to be herbivores

Nope, we never were.

> but then we evolved by eating meat (brain food).
> Cockroaches and rats were also successful..

But aint stupid enough to ride bikes in traffic.

> No, if by smart you mean the ability to deal with abstract ideas.
> Whales are self aware, but unlikely to be able to deal with physics...
> and chimps are as well self aware, but don't qualify as an algebra
> student....So far, Homo sapiens sapiens is the "smartest" but
> other critters are for sure more adaptable and more hardy.

That last is a pig ignorant lie.

> Cockroaches even have the ability to reproduce without breeding
> for generations, and of course rats will survive anything...

They done survive gassing, stupid.

> probably in the end, after (brilliant and "smart") humans have totally destroyed this planet,

Taint gunna happen.

> all that will survive will be the roaches and rats.

Nope, not a chance.

> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080627181340AAe5Dao

> In other words, most likely we won't be even smart enough to survive as species.

Just another of your silly little fantasys.


Your sig is sposed to have a line with just -- on it in front of it, stupid.

TOPIC: Convenience stores in my town...

== 1 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 1:13 am
From: SMS

The Henchman wrote:

> Why then, out of the 2 dozen convience stores in town, are they all run
> by Asians? Did the federal government recruit highly successful East
> Asians and asked them to set-up convenience stores here. No complaints
> from me. The stores I frequent all seem well kept, clean, well-stocked
> shelves, busy. The loaves of bread are never past the best before dates,
> no dust on the cans/shelves. I've seen two instances where they'll deny
> underage looking kids cigarettes, a couple establishments even serve ice
> cream and have generous scoop sizes. Hell 3 or 4 of them sell live
> bait, and clean water in the bait tanks. None of them have gas
> stations, but that's a town law I think.
> But how is it that they are all Asian operated and run?
> Which brings me to my next point: Why is it the 2 dozen or so pizza
> places in town are all Indian and Pakistani operated?

Convenience stores and gas stations require long hours and family
employees that are paid little or nothing.

In my city it's a similar thing in regards to the ethnicity of the owners.

One thing that's happening in my areas is that the the 7-11's are
closing and being converted to other stores. 7-11 takes a huge chunk of
the revenue in franchise fees--I was reading an article about it in a
trade magazine at a relatives' gas station, and 7-11 takes about 50% of
the revenue.

== 2 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 6:08 am
From: Napoleon

On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:13:31 -0600, larry <larry@foobar.com> wrote:

>Easy, start one of your own.

It's not so easy to start a business in America, unless you have alot
of money to put down and an infrastructure in place, whereby someone
helping you has already started and run the same business.

Try to get a small business loan on your own. Good luck. I've tried.
Impossible. But, as a Chinese-American friend once told me, "the
reason the chinese can come into the smallest town in America and open
a chinese restaurant in two days is they all work together in Chinese
gangs to pool money and finangle through all the government
regulations." That's it. Foreigners have money from other foreigners
and have the gang-lawyer, corporate shill, to open and buy these
businesses. They are not starting from scratch hoping a bank will lend
them money. Before they come over to America, they know where they're
going to work, it's set up through the gang.

Americans don't open businesses, unless daddy owns it. We just go to

== 3 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 7:09 am
From: "h"

"Napoleon" <anarch@666yes.net> wrote in message
> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:13:31 -0600, larry <larry@foobar.com> wrote:

> Americans don't open businesses, unless daddy owns it. We just go to
> college.

Or, we open a business while keeping a full-time job and don't take out any
loans. It's called VERY HARD WORK, and it can be done. It's not easy, but I
opened my business in 1991, for $50 in start-up fees. I was finally able to
quit my "day job" in 1999. Now I only work 50 hours a week instead of 90.
Oh, and I have advanced college degrees, too, although they have nothing to
do with my current career.

== 4 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 11:11 am
From: me@privacy.net

"h" <tmclone@searchmachine.com> wrote:

>Oh, and I have advanced college degrees, too, although they have nothing to
>do with my current career.

what is your advanced college degree in?

and what is your business?

and if you had to do it all over again, would you have
skipped college?

== 5 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 12:45 pm
From: Napoleon

On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:11:58 -0500, me@privacy.net wrote:

>what is your advanced college degree in?

Not to hijack h's answers. But for me my degrees are in Library
Science and Law.

>and what is your business?

Right now I'm trying to start up a cemetery gardening/maintenance
business, which obviously has nothing to do with either degrees. And
thank god it doesn't require a small business loan, which I would
never get anyways.

>and if you had to do it all over again, would you have
>skipped college?

ABSOLUTELY! To think of the years and money I could have saved. In
fact the best job I ever had was right of high school - at Arby's.
Loved it, and if I stayed I could have been Regional Manager now.
Stupid me. I believed in the "American Dream!" Go to college - get a

Nope. Doesn't exist anymore. People should start working straight out
of high school, unless they want to go to college for fun or need to
be a doctor or lawyer (as long as daddy owns the firm - otherwise
there's no jobs out there).

Just my disgruntled view.

== 6 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 12:57 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 14:45:43 -0500, Napoleon <anarch@666yes.net>

>On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:11:58 -0500, me@privacy.net wrote:
>>what is your advanced college degree in?
>Not to hijack h's answers. But for me my degrees are in Library
>Science and Law.
>>and what is your business?
>Right now I'm trying to start up a cemetery gardening/maintenance
>business, which obviously has nothing to do with either degrees. And
>thank god it doesn't require a small business loan, which I would
>never get anyways.
>>and if you had to do it all over again, would you have
>>skipped college?
>ABSOLUTELY! To think of the years and money I could have saved. In
>fact the best job I ever had was right of high school - at Arby's.
>Loved it, and if I stayed I could have been Regional Manager now.
>Stupid me. I believed in the "American Dream!" Go to college - get a
>Nope. Doesn't exist anymore. People should start working straight out
>of high school, unless they want to go to college for fun or need to
>be a doctor or lawyer (as long as daddy owns the firm - otherwise
>there's no jobs out there).
>Just my disgruntled view.

I saw a movie called "The Graduate" when I was a lad and starting out
on my detour-ridden career path.
There was a character in that movie who recommended Plastics! to the
main character.
I ignored that.
What happened was I took a lib arts path - which I liked due to my
non-materialistic nature and love of literature - then switched to
computer science because that's where the money was, and I had a wife
and kids to keep fed. Hardly read a non-technical book after that
It worked out ok, but I sometimes regretted it.
My recommendation is to stay flexible in school looking for something
you really like. It will find you, actually.
Then take every course you can, and if you can avoid work, just stay
in school the rest of your life, even if just to kibitz.


== 7 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 1:46 pm
From: "h"

<me@privacy.net> wrote in message
> "h" <tmclone@searchmachine.com> wrote:
>>Oh, and I have advanced college degrees, too, although they have nothing
>>do with my current career.
> what is your advanced college degree in?

Elizabethan History and Library Science
> and what is your business?

Custom made-to-measure historical clothing and bridal
> and if you had to do it all over again, would you have
> skipped college?

Nope. Actually I probably wouldn't have the knowledge and research skills
required to reproduce historical clothing without the education. At the very
least, it makes it much easier. Plus, I've had two careers prior to this one
which required the degrees I had.

== 8 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 1:58 pm
From: "h"

"Vic Smith" <thismailautodeleted@comcast.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 14:45:43 -0500, Napoleon <anarch@666yes.net>
> wrote:

> My recommendation is to stay flexible in school looking for something
> you really like. It will find you, actually.

I had to take a "motivational" class at one of my old corporate jobs, and
the guy said two things which stuck with me. "Do what you love and the money
will follow," and "Do what you love and you will never work a day in your
life." I filed my DBA a few months after that class.

I have to say that while I make less now than I did in a cube farm, I am
happier, healthier, much less stressed, and my time is my own, at least as
far as scheduling my day. As long as the stuff gets shipped on the due date
I can work any hour of the day I like. If I feel like working at 2am and
sleeping at 11am, I can. I sometimes feel like I'm retired and my business
is just a hobby I enjoy. A hobby that pays the bills. Of course, since I
work at home and have no employees or storefront issues with which to
contend, YMMV if you're a business owner.

== 9 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 3:00 pm
From: me@privacy.net

Napoleon <anarch@666yes.net> wrote:

>Just my disgruntled view.

Thanks for your input!

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TOPIC: GOV. to steal an hour, this Sunday.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 9:57 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Mar 12, 2:30 pm, VFW <george...@toast.net> wrote:
> Tomorrow.
> --
> Money; What a Concept !

So get up an hour later. What a whiner.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 10:50 am
From: "h"

"Cindy Hamilton" <angelicapaganelli@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Mar 12, 2:30 pm, VFW <george...@toast.net> wrote:
> Tomorrow.
> --
> Money; What a Concept !

>>So get up an hour later. What a whiner.

And it's not like the hour is "gone", it's just got a different label. There
are still 24 hours in a day. What a putz.

TOPIC: different way of feeding fish

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 1:10 pm
From: "john hamilton"

I've got masses of goldfish in a big water storage tank in the garden in
north London (uk) and buying endless bags of fish pellets is working out
expensive over the years. Is there any home made food that would work out a
cheaper way to feed the goldfish. Thanks for any advice.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 2:03 pm
From: "David WE Roberts"

"john hamilton" <bluestarx@mail.invalid> wrote in message
> I've got masses of goldfish in a big water storage tank in the garden in
> north London (uk) and buying endless bags of fish pellets is working out
> expensive over the years. Is there any home made food that would work out
> a cheaper way to feed the goldfish. Thanks for any advice.

We never used to feed our goldfish in the garden pond.

Then again we had lots of plants in so there was a reasonably healthy
ecosystem and loads of natural stuff for the fish to eat.

One think you can do is get a bag of Daphnia from a pet shop (used to feed
indoor goldfish) and introduce that.
If they breed they will provide some natural food.
Fish will also eat pond weed so you could introduce some of that.

You may just have too many fish for the pond - I remember we gave our
neighbours some spare weeds from our pond (they didn't have any) and the
fish promptly ate them all. Wrong fish to weed ratio!

You could always give some away, or get another tank and let that establish
a healthy ecosystem with pond plants before transferring part of your fish
stock into it.

If you don't feeed them constantly, goldfish will normally grow and breed
until they run out of spare food and then settle down.


Dave R

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 3:13 pm
From: Balvenieman

"john hamilton" <bluestarx@mail.invalid> wrote:

> ...work out a
>cheaper way to feed the goldfish. Thanks for any advice.
Establish vegetative food sources which, as a fringe benefit, will
attract insects; cease all outdoor insect control; systematically reduce
and, ultimately, remove outside food source; allow redundancies to die.
the Balvenieman
Running on single malt in U.S.A.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 3:13 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

john hamilton wrote:

> I've got masses of goldfish in a big water storage tank in the garden in north London (uk) and buying endless bags of
> fish pellets is working out expensive over the years. Is there any home made food that would work out a cheaper way
> to feed the goldfish.

Yeah, just grab any of the neighbours pets and small
children and put them thru a chipper/mulcher into the tank.

Best to wring their necks before putting them into
the chipper tho, can get a bit noisy if you dont.

> Thanks for any advice.

Even advice to shove your head up a dead bear's arse ? Funky.

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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 15 2010 10:57 pm
From: Lali <4ennel.0569@gmail.com>



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