Today's topics:
* Can we free the monkey without sexual liberation? - 12 messages, 7 authors
* walking boots-- which are good? - 1 messages, 1 author
* EARN MONEY - 1 messages, 1 author
* ♬♪♫ ♪ Cheap wholesale ED Hardy Jeans at website:
<paypal payment> - 1 messages, 1 author
* This communist makes me sick to my stomach - 3 messages, 3 authors
* CD rates Historic Finding - 3 messages, 2 authors
* ★☆★Cheap Wholesale Shox NZ Shox R3+R4 Nike Air Max 2010 Air Force One
sneaekrs ( - 1 messages, 1 author
* windows faxing - 1 messages, 1 author
* Deceptive car dealer advertising tactic - 2 messages, 2 authors
TOPIC: Can we free the monkey without sexual liberation?
== 1 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 27 2010 11:46 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)
In <>,
TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
>No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
>and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want money
>and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right? You know
>money can buy beautiful women, even if this is short lived. Well, we
>must make our own flirtation game, spiced with tempting fruits and
>nice bodies that only playing in the great outdoors can give you. I
>have designed the following t-shirt...
Why is it that men need to $pend $$$ to $$$$ or maybe sometimes even
$$$$$ to flirt with women?
The most I ever spent for anything significant and useful to flirt
with fellow gay gentlemen was about $90 (USD) including shipping for a
custom "party clothing" item that I used on multiple occaisions. That
was for a "party clothes" item that I meerely used for "minor flirting"
that gay men like to do, that my steady boyfriend does not have much
problem with so long as he is the only one other than myself that sticks
his hands under my clothes or removes clothes frommy body. (Unless/until
I need someone else in a hospital setting to do so in a situation that
is generally unpleasant and has low-at-most prospect of sexual pleasure to
anyone, especially myuself.)
It appears to me that many gay men get into flirting with each other for
mere sakes of doing so, and often do so even for mere mutual
acknowledgement of flirting with each other, so they flirt more
economically than spending $$$-$$$$-plus on "bling-bling".
And it appears to me that lesbians are even more economical, both
in ways other than and due to being less flirty than heterosexuals of
both genders and being less flirty than men of all sexual orientations
favoring flirting with any subset of "free and reasonable" adult or
"age-of-consent" human beings.
- Don Klipstein (Jr) (
== 2 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 7:27 am
From: Charmin
On Mar 28, 1:46 am, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> In <>,
> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> >No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
> >and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want money
> >and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right? You know
> >money can buy beautiful women, even if this is short lived. Well, we
> >must make our own flirtation game, spiced with tempting fruits and
> >nice bodies that only playing in the great outdoors can give you. I
> >have designed the following t-shirt...
> Why is it that men need to $pend $$$ to $$$$ or maybe sometimes even
> $$$$$ to flirt with women?
> The most I ever spent for anything significant and useful to flirt
> with fellow gay gentlemen was about $90 (USD) including shipping for a
> custom "party clothing" item that I used on multiple occaisions. That
> was for a "party clothes" item that I meerely used for "minor flirting"
> that gay men like to do, that my steady boyfriend does not have much
> problem with so long as he is the only one other than myself that sticks
> his hands under my clothes or removes clothes frommy body. (Unless/until
> I need someone else in a hospital setting to do so in a situation that
> is generally unpleasant and has low-at-most prospect of sexual pleasure to
> anyone, especially myuself.)
> It appears to me that many gay men get into flirting with each other for
> mere sakes of doing so, and often do so even for mere mutual
> acknowledgement of flirting with each other, so they flirt more
> economically than spending $$$-$$$$-plus on "bling-bling".
> And it appears to me that lesbians are even more economical, both
> in ways other than and due to being less flirty than heterosexuals of
> both genders and being less flirty than men of all sexual orientations
> favoring flirting with any subset of "free and reasonable" adult or
> "age-of-consent" human beings.
> - Don Klipstein (Jr) (
Thank you for sharing¿
== 3 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 7:42 am
From: Mike A Schwab
On Mar 27, 11:50 am, "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
<> wrote:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The money jungle is all about sex, but the monkey jungle is all about
> fun"
== 4 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 8:10 am
From: "Bill"
> Why is it that men need to $pend $$$ to $$$$ or maybe sometimes even
> $$$$$ to flirt with women?
> The most I ever spent for anything significant and useful to flirt
> with fellow gay gentlemen was about $90...
That is why the word gay is used. i.e. Happy! Free of all that marriage
stress, etc.
There are 3 ways to a man's heart. His mind, stomach, and his pee pee... I
once asked a bunch of women what the 3 ways to a woman's heart are. One said
"credit cards", another said "money", and a third lady said "cash"! (They
all said this at the same time.)
== 5 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 10:05 am
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Mar 27, 10:49 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> > No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
> > and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want
> > money and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right?
> Wrong. The real world is about a hell of a lot more than furiously masturbating monkeys.
> > You know money can buy beautiful women,
> Nope, just brainless silly cows.
Brainless silly girls usually have sexy bodies, so that's the target
of the SUV.
But this girl is surely smart... ;)
== 6 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 12:15 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Mar 27, 10:49 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> > No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
> > and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want
> > money and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right?
> Wrong. The real world is about a hell of a lot more than furiously masturbating monkeys.
> > You know money can buy beautiful women,
> Nope, just brainless silly cows.
My modesty wouldn't allow me to say that I could drive a whole town
crazy about my sexy looks on a bike, but I can drive half of Amsterdam
crazy with my Indiana Banana looks (hat and all) riding my Electra
Classic Amsterdam bike. Gee, that's my "comandante bike."
But in America, my riding on the edge of the road or worse, on the
sidewalk, would signal that I'm a LOSER who can't afford a car, let
alone an SUV. That's the way things are in the jungle: You need a
"jungle vehicle" to be king of the road.
The irony is that you can't even see the face of the sheep behind the
tinted windows. ;)
== 7 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 1:23 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Mar 27, 11:46 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> In <>,
> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> >No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
> >and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want money
> >and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right? You know
> >money can buy beautiful women, even if this is short lived. Well, we
> >must make our own flirtation game, spiced with tempting fruits and
> >nice bodies that only playing in the great outdoors can give you. I
> >have designed the following t-shirt...
> Why is it that men need to $pend $$$ to $$$$ or maybe sometimes even
> $$$$$ to flirt with women?
> The most I ever spent for anything significant and useful to flirt
> with fellow gay gentlemen was about $90 (USD) including shipping for a
> custom "party clothing" item that I used on multiple occaisions. That
> was for a "party clothes" item that I meerely used for "minor flirting"
> that gay men like to do, that my steady boyfriend does not have much
> problem with so long as he is the only one other than myself that sticks
> his hands under my clothes or removes clothes frommy body. (Unless/until
> I need someone else in a hospital setting to do so in a situation that
> is generally unpleasant and has low-at-most prospect of sexual pleasure to
> anyone, especially myuself.)
> It appears to me that many gay men get into flirting with each other for
> mere sakes of doing so, and often do so even for mere mutual
> acknowledgement of flirting with each other, so they flirt more
> economically than spending $$$-$$$$-plus on "bling-bling".
> And it appears to me that lesbians are even more economical, both
> in ways other than and due to being less flirty than heterosexuals of
> both genders and being less flirty than men of all sexual orientations
> favoring flirting with any subset of "free and reasonable" adult or
> "age-of-consent" human beings.
> - Don Klipstein (Jr) (
Every rule has its exception, and I know some gays with big trucks.
Maybe they are same ones with big muscles. ;)
But I think hetero relationships as a whole require bigger toys. You
certainly are out of the game by riding a bike. I've caught the eye of
more than one woman that asked me where's my car... And that was the
end of the conversation. ;)
== 8 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 1:30 pm
From: Charmin
TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote:
> No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
> and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want money
> and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right? You know
> money can buy beautiful women, even if this is short lived. Well, we
> must make our own flirtation game, spiced with tempting fruits and
> nice bodies that only playing in the great outdoors can give you. I
> have designed the following t-shirt...
> "Hey, you know how to have fun without being vulgar. It's the kind of
> message that can tempt the right person..."
> Out are the fat sheep in SUVs and in are the monkeys in bikes.
> She looks professional, right?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The money jungle is all about sex, but the monkey jungle is all about
> fun"
If men only had a chocolate penis that ejaculated money, everybody
would be happy.
== 9 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 1:30 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Mar 28, 8:10 am, "Bill" <> wrote:
> > Why is it that men need to $pend $$$ to $$$$ or maybe sometimes even
> > $$$$$ to flirt with women?
> > The most I ever spent for anything significant and useful to flirt
> > with fellow gay gentlemen was about $90...
> That is why the word gay is used. i.e. Happy! Free of all that marriage
> stress, etc.
> There are 3 ways to a man's heart. His mind, stomach, and his pee pee... I
> once asked a bunch of women what the 3 ways to a woman's heart are. One said
> "credit cards", another said "money", and a third lady said "cash"! (They
> all said this at the same time.)
The minute you step out of a Hummer, you signal all of the above.
Conversely, someone riding a bike for real purposes is a plain
survivor. I try to keep my bikes well above the average, but it
doesn't help it much. A bike will always be a bike. Unless we change
the rules of the game, that is. I don't think women in Amsterdam will
care about your choice of transportation.
== 10 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 3:18 pm
From: Jobst Brandt
Some ape wrote:
>>> No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being
>>> forbidden and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do
>>> we want money and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game,
>>> right?
>> Wrong. The real world is about a hell of a lot more than furiously
>> masturbating monkeys. You know money can buy beautiful women,
>> Nope, just brainless silly cows.
> My modesty wouldn't allow me to say that I could drive a whole town
> crazy about my sexy looks on a bike, but I can drive half of
> Amsterdam crazy with my Indiana Banana looks (hat and all) riding my
> Electra Classic Amsterdam bike. Gee, that's my "comandante bike."
> But in America, my riding on the edge of the road or worse, on the
> sidewalk, would signal that I'm a LOSER who can't afford a car, let
> alone an SUV. That's the way things are in the jungle: You need a
> "jungle vehicle" to be king of the road.
> The irony is that you can't even see the face of the sheep behind
> the tinted windows.
Hey cut that out. The jacked up black monster vehicle with darkened
windows and multiple roaring tail pipes is my subject and I get heat
about it. You are cutting in! Lay off.
Jobst Brandt
== 11 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 3:47 pm
From: "TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu"
On Mar 28, 3:18 pm, Jobst Brandt <> wrote:
> Some ape wrote:
> >>> No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being
> >>> forbidden and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do
> >>> we want money and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game,
> >>> right?
> >> Wrong. The real world is about a hell of a lot more than furiously
> >> masturbating monkeys. You know money can buy beautiful women,
> >> Nope, just brainless silly cows.
> > My modesty wouldn't allow me to say that I could drive a whole town
> > crazy about my sexy looks on a bike, but I can drive half of
> > Amsterdam crazy with my Indiana Banana looks (hat and all) riding my
> > Electra Classic Amsterdam bike. Gee, that's my "comandante bike."
> > But in America, my riding on the edge of the road or worse, on the
> > sidewalk, would signal that I'm a LOSER who can't afford a car, let
> > alone an SUV. That's the way things are in the jungle: You need a
> > "jungle vehicle" to be king of the road.
> > The irony is that you can't even see the face of the sheep behind
> > the tinted windows.
> Hey cut that out. The jacked up black monster vehicle with darkened
> windows and multiple roaring tail pipes is my subject and I get heat
> about it. You are cutting in! Lay off.
> Jobst Brandt
I think Satan himself drives one.
== 12 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 4:07 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> TibetanMonkey, Originator of the Banana Kung-Fu wrote
>>> No way. We must have a "forbidden fruit" that stops being forbidden
>>> and it's widely craved, the way money is now... Why do we want
>>> money and drive SUVs? It's mostly for the flirting game, right?
>> Wrong. The real world is about a hell of a lot more than furiously masturbating monkeys.
>>> You know money can buy beautiful women,
>> Nope, just brainless silly cows.
> Brainless silly girls usually have sexy bodies,
Only if you're into the obscenely obese.
> so that's the target of the SUV.
Only in your pathetic little drug crazed monkey fantasyland.
> But this girl is surely smart... ;)
Only in your pathetic little drug crazed monkey fantasyland.
TOPIC: walking boots-- which are good?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 12:53 am
From: PeterC
On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:45:58 -0000, john hamilton wrote:
> somebody mentioned sketchers and there is a big sketchers shop in oxford st
> with hundreds of different items. on their web site it says they do a
> punisher 3 trail shoe (where somewhere else it said it was their most
> popular item).
> i went into the sketchers shop and the manager did not know about the
> punisher 3 trail shoe. i said what other trail shoes do you have and he
> asked me what a trail shoe was? (they are listed on sketchers web site)
> sigh
Doesn't seem to be a very good company!
If you're in Oxford, it could be worth trying
GO Outdoors Oxford
426 Abingdon Road
0845 112 0131
or there's
Bicester Avenue, Bicester Avenue Home and Garden Centre, Oxford Road
Bicester, Oxfordshire
OX25 2NY
Tel: 01869 321423
2x4 - thick plank; 4x4 - two of 'em.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:24 am
From: remal
TOPIC: ♬♪♫ ♪ Cheap wholesale ED Hardy Jeans at website: http://www.rijing- <paypal payment>
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 6:21 am
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TOPIC: This communist makes me sick to my stomach
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 8:55 am
From: Shawn Hirn
In article <>,
"Nick Naim" <> wrote:
> birthday-cake/
Try learning what communism is.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 11:34 am
From: Jeff Thies
Shawn Hirn wrote:
> In article <>,
> "Nick Naim" <> wrote:
>> birthday-cake/
> Try learning what communism is.
Excellent point.
It's all about the insult anyway. If it wasn't communist it could just
as easily have been Fascist. Tea Partiers are not noted for their
concern for reason and accuracy, it's all about the emotion, and that is
driven by fear and hatred. They tend to take at face value and believe
whatever they hear from those they like. Note that most are overtly
"Christian", it requires the suspension of critical thought process and
to go on faith. Not my cup of Tea.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 12:43 pm
From: George
On 3/28/2010 2:34 PM, Jeff Thies wrote:
> Shawn Hirn wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> "Nick Naim" <> wrote:
>>> birthday-cake/
>> Try learning what communism is.
> Excellent point.
> It's all about the insult anyway. If it wasn't communist it could just
> as easily have been Fascist. Tea Partiers are not noted for their
> concern for reason and accuracy, it's all about the emotion, and that is
> driven by fear and hatred. They tend to take at face value and believe
> whatever they hear from those they like. Note that most are overtly
> "Christian", it requires the suspension of critical thought process and
> to go on faith. Not my cup of Tea.
> Jeff
So you counter with the idea that everyone who didn't sing happy
birthday to Pilosi is obviously clueless. You do know most folks aren't
TOPIC: CD rates Historic Finding
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 10:01 am
From: Jeff Thies
I'm trying to find historic CD rates for 12 month CDs (US), dating
from 2006. The Fed has 6m and shorter. Where might I find this?
Doesn't seem to be (at least I couldn't find) any active finance
groups, so I'm posting here where there are a lot of knowledgeable folks.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 11:54 am
From: Gene S. Berkowitz
In article <hoo21d$g5s$>,
> I'm trying to find historic CD rates for 12 month CDs (US), dating
> from 2006. The Fed has 6m and shorter. Where might I find this?
> Doesn't seem to be (at least I couldn't find) any active finance
> groups, so I'm posting here where there are a lot of knowledgeable folks.
> Jeff
I found this (not very detailed, but a start) at:
1Y Average CD Rates by Year
1Y average rate across all years: 4.775
Cal. Year 1Y Term
1993 4.033%
1994 5.223%
1995 6.311%
1996 5.889%
1997 6.136%
1998 5.728%
1999 5.871%
2000 7.091%
2001 4.586%
2002 2.956%
2003 2.054%
2004 2.674%
2005 4.188%
2006 5.404%
2007 5.443%
2008 3.933%
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 11:56 am
From: Gene S. Berkowitz
In article <hoo21d$g5s$>,
> I'm trying to find historic CD rates for 12 month CDs (US), dating
> from 2006. The Fed has 6m and shorter. Where might I find this?
> Doesn't seem to be (at least I couldn't find) any active finance
> groups, so I'm posting here where there are a lot of knowledgeable folks.
> Jeff
Found more detailed data at:
Google is your friend.
TOPIC: ★☆★Cheap Wholesale Shox NZ Shox R3+R4 Nike Air Max 2010 Air Force One
sneaekrs (
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 10:23 am
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TOPIC: windows faxing
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 12:36 pm
From: noel888
Hi everyone, i know that this may not be the right forum for this
question, but from past experience, this forum has a way to respond to
most questions in the fastest way. I am expecting an important fax
over my computer. I have windows XP fax program already installed. I
have a dsl modem where my telephone lint is going to the data
inport...i know when i had the old dial up i never had this problem,
but this is the first time i'm trying with a DSL modem. If I connect
that line that is going to my modem to my computer, won't i be 'off
line"? How else can i receive the fax then?
TOPIC: Deceptive car dealer advertising tactic
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:28 pm
From: (Interstate Driver)
I hope that no one here falls for this type of car dealer advertisement.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 28 2010 2:49 pm
From: richard
On 28 Mar 2010 21:28:43 -0000, Interstate Driver wrote:
> I hope that no one here falls for this type of car dealer advertisement.
Just an idiot who failed math.
Years ago there was a case in cincinnati where sears had advertised a tv
set at some ungodly ridicously low price. When customers flocked to the
store they were told the ad was a misprint and the price advertised would
not be honored. Somebody took sears to court and the court said, sorry, but
you allowed the ad to run for several days. So you have to sell the tv's at
that price. Bummers.
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