Friday, July 9, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 9 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Making do with what you have - 2 messages, 2 authors
* paypal payment wholesale all brand shoes( (NIKE,
ADIDAS,LV,GUCCI,CHANEL,PRADA,POL...BOOTS,D&G,DIOR )and so on. - 1 messages, 1
* Olive oil being adultrated with peanut oil, other kinds of oils - 3 messages,
3 authors
* Mice show we can substitute drugs for exercise - 6 messages, 2 authors
* God prepares second punch on America: Hurricane! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cheap Wholesale Balenciaga real leather Handbags - 1
messages, 1 author
* Should we downsize our pets in order to be frugal? - 8 messages, 5 authors
* chanel paypal cheap slae ( ) - 1 messages, 1
* Do you bother to sharpen your lawn mower blade? Why? - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: Making do with what you have

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Jul 8 2010 11:58 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

The Henchman wrote:

> Some of these can be costly to the people who deny themselves.

You havent listed even one example.

>> I have a relative who could put us all to shame.

>> no telephone answering device

> Missing important calls is pretty bad financially.

Hardly ever.

> What if your bank card or a relative died

In those situations they would likely call again until they got you.

> or the government needed to get a hold of you.

Their problem.

> Answering machines cost 15 dollars at walmart for GE and Memorex brands

I have one for free as part of my cordless phone and never bother to have it on.

>> no dishwasher

> This might be a bad idea for some people.

Not likely if you dont mind the wasted effort of doing it by hand.

> Dishwashers can save energy instead of washing them in the sink.

No they dont if you use the sink sensibly.

> They heat and sterilize the dishes, esp to those of us who bake a lot.

Yes, but he likely doesnt do anything like that.

> Dishwashers can be run at night when electrical rates are lower

Not all power authoritys charge like that.

> and they can be programmed so they do not heat dry but air dry.

And some like mine cant even heat dry even if you want to do that.

> There are cases when dishwashers are better than running water or using dirty sink water.

Hardly ever.

>> no computer

> No computer means no internet.

Unlikely that he cares.

> The internet can be a cheap library

Plenty dont bother to read anything.

> and cheap entertainment source.

Free to air TV is even cheaper.

> never discount the value of learning from others.

You dont need the net to do that.

>> no gps
>> no kind of other electronic doodads - not even a cell phone
>> no garage door opener
>> no power lawnmower
>> basic cable
>> hangs clothes outside to dry

> If you have a good paying job that you need good clothes for then hanging your clothes out to dry is not recommended
> i.e. dress shirts or dress blouses.

Thats just plain wrong. Line drying works fine for them.

And plenty of work doesnt involve them anyway.

> Not to mention those of us with 6 months of winter.

Perfectly possible even in that case.

> A water efficient washing machine is the solution for most of us.

He didnt say no washing machine.

> That way the dryer works way less.

Thats just plain wrong. That has no effect whatever on how much work the dryer has to do.

> Gas dryers help add life to your clothes that way you buy far less clothing.

Pigs arse they do.

> Today's new front loading washing machines are very very efficient now both in electrical and water use and they
> really rinse the water out now meaning your dryer works way way way less.

>> does own oil changes etc

> As long as he does it safely and disposes of the oil LEGALLY and in an environmentally safe manner.

Even if he doesnt.

> I do my own oil changes as well.

>> rides a bike a lot

>> I'm sure there are other things I haven't remembered.

>> Prob. has lowest electric bill in town.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 5:47 am
From: "h"

"The Henchman" <> wrote in message
>> No computer means no internet. The internet can be a cheap library and
> cheap entertainment source. never discount the value of learning from
> others.

Not to mention those of us who make our living from our websites. If I
didn't have a computer I'd still be working for someone else. Oh wait, I'd
be unemployed. My former employer recently closed an entire division and
laid everyone off. Glad I got out years ago - most of my former co-workers
are still out of work and unemployment has run out. Being middle-aged and
out of work is not something I'd wish on anyone, especially in this economy.

TOPIC: paypal payment wholesale all brand shoes( (

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 4:55 am
From: cntrade08

paypal payment wholesale all brand shoes( (NIKE,ADIDAS,LV,GUCCI,CHANEL,PRADA,POL...
BOOTS,D&G,DIOR )and so on.
paypal payment wholesale all brand clothing( .com/)(T-
)and so on .
( .com/)
paypal payment all brand
paypal payment all brand
and so on.
paypal payment brand CAP,SHAWL,BELT,WALLET,UNDER WEAR)and so on.

More detail land,address: (

TOPIC: Olive oil being adultrated with peanut oil, other kinds of oils

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 5:04 am
From: Jeff Thies

Forrest Hodge wrote:
> On 7/8/2010 10:42 AM, lil abner wrote:
>> enough wrote:
>>> (Consumerist blog)
>> Everything is adulterated in US food supply products from the
>> corporations.
>> The Depart of Ag and FDA was a servant of Big Business under Bush and
>> continues to protect Industry interest not Citizens.
>> A loaf of bread is now almost universally contaminated with soy and is
>> stale first day on the shelf.
>> Everything has high fruitcose corn syrup in it despite all the facts
>> that it is detrimental to our health, from everyone except Industry.
>> Ice Cream is now a chemist brew and leaves a chemical taste. It has the
>> consistency of thick slime or mayonnaise or something. It's not ice
>> cream. You don't even get a half gallon. It's one and a half quarts.
>> Poultry and beef is franken food. Chicken has a ton of salt and
>> chemicals in it and the taste, there is none without the salt and
>> chemicals.
>> You can't use old cook books because large eggs are not large eggs
>> anymore. Extra large is large as in the rest of the world now.
>> Those that can't tolerate soy are in a world of hurt. They adulterate
>> everything with it. It's cheaper than the actual product, so bulk it up
>> with soy and other fillers and add chemicals to give it some flavor.
> It's all Bush's fault...right. It's not like HFCS hasn't been around for
> 20+ years or anything. And it's not like chemically altered food is a
> recent development, but let's blame Bush anyway, it's clearly his fault.
> I accidentally left my clothes in the washer last night..damn that Bush.

Clearly not everything is W's fault.

What is also clear is that W believed in letting big businesses decide
what is best. He deregulated wherever possible and acted to marginalize
government agencies. At the end of his tenure most government
departments were lacking leadership throughout the top 2 or 3 rungs and
were dysfunctional.

That is the Tea Party Mantra. Less Government, except where it suits
their needs and then they want more government largess. Look at Bobby

The results are predictable, short term profits and then a need for
massive government intervention to fix Mad Cow outbreaks, Financial
Market meltdowns and blown out oil wells.

Not everything is Bush's fault, but not for lack of effort and
philosophy on his part.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 6:31 am
From: Christopher Helms

On Jul 8, 9:42 am, lil abner <@daisy.mae> wrote:
> enough wrote:
> >  (Consumerist blog)
> Everything is adulterated in US food supply products from the corporations.
> The Depart of Ag and FDA was a servant of Big Business under Bush and
> continues to protect Industry interest not Citizens.
> A loaf of bread is now almost universally contaminated with soy and is
> stale first day on the shelf.
> Everything has high fruitcose corn syrup in it despite all the facts
> that it is detrimental to our health, from everyone except Industry.
> Ice Cream is now a chemist brew and leaves a chemical taste. It has the
> consistency of thick slime or mayonnaise or something. It's not ice
> cream. You don't even get a half gallon. It's one and a half quarts.
> Poultry and beef is franken food. Chicken has a ton of salt and
> chemicals in it and the taste, there is none without the salt and chemicals.
> You can't use old cook books because large eggs are not large eggs
> anymore. Extra large is large as in the rest of the world now.
> Those that can't tolerate soy are in a world of hurt. They adulterate
> everything with it. It's cheaper than the actual product, so bulk it up
> with soy and other fillers and add chemicals to give it some flavor.

I hate the way our food is becoming a monument to overprocessing and
mass production. I hate the bizarre frankenstein chemicals like
Aspartame that are being added to it and the crap being fed to the
animals that are to be part of it. I detest the way those animals are
treated, too. I also hate the Food Cops whose careers seem to be based
on making people panic over food products, so I'm not thrilled with
anybody these days when it comes to food.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 10:56 am
From: lil abner <@daisy.mae>

Christopher Helms wrote:
> On Jul 8, 9:42 am, lil abner <@daisy.mae> wrote:
>> enough wrote:
>>> (Consumerist blog)
>> Everything is adulterated in US food supply products from the corporations.
>> The Depart of Ag and FDA was a servant of Big Business under Bush and
>> continues to protect Industry interest not Citizens.
>> A loaf of bread is now almost universally contaminated with soy and is
>> stale first day on the shelf.
>> Everything has high fruitcose corn syrup in it despite all the facts
>> that it is detrimental to our health, from everyone except Industry.
>> Ice Cream is now a chemist brew and leaves a chemical taste. It has the
>> consistency of thick slime or mayonnaise or something. It's not ice
>> cream. You don't even get a half gallon. It's one and a half quarts.
>> Poultry and beef is franken food. Chicken has a ton of salt and
>> chemicals in it and the taste, there is none without the salt and chemicals.
>> You can't use old cook books because large eggs are not large eggs
>> anymore. Extra large is large as in the rest of the world now.
>> Those that can't tolerate soy are in a world of hurt. They adulterate
>> everything with it. It's cheaper than the actual product, so bulk it up
>> with soy and other fillers and add chemicals to give it some flavor.
> I hate the way our food is becoming a monument to overprocessing and
> mass production. I hate the bizarre frankenstein chemicals like
> Aspartame that are being added to it and the crap being fed to the
> animals that are to be part of it. I detest the way those animals are
> treated, too. I also hate the Food Cops whose careers seem to be based
> on making people panic over food products, so I'm not thrilled with
> anybody these days when it comes to food.
I buy local produce when I can find it. Most local production capacity
has been bought out and turned into part of large Agri bussines. Agri
business is being turned into Monopoly business. They are in the
business of making money not farming. If some suffer and or pass away
from the the accumulated poisoning of pesticides, chemicals and toxins
from genetically engineered franken crops or the likes of Aspartame and
HFCS. It is alarming that these corporations aim, of making money, is
not compatible with our health interests.
Poisons do not harmlessly pass through our systems as they do not pass
harmlessly through pests.
Poisons are not compatible with life and should not be desirable as a
means to profits and to hell with American Citizen/Consumers.

TOPIC: Mice show we can substitute drugs for exercise

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 6:10 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

Things in the mice and human world are pretty different, perhaps
because the latter live under the influence of ADVERTISING.

We define the "good life" as doing nothing (see Nirvana below), but in
the real world of mice --and parakeets-- they love to do something.
They can't roam around or fly? Fine, they spin the wheel. Yes, my
parakeets love the wheel too, and even fight for it. The mice don't
fight for it, but one is left out most of the time. Solution? I
squeezed a second wheel in the cage and now they are happy mice. At
least they can have a positive obsession, not a destructive rat race
leading nowhere.

"In Nirvana, Tibetan monkeys will lie back forever in a hammock and
enjoy a shade tree and singing birds. Then Bob Marley plays...

Margarita is optional."

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 6:57 am
From: Jack

On Jul 8, 4:07 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 1:16 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > On Jul 8, 11:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 8, 11:05 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 8, 9:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 8, 9:20 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > The findings, say the researchers, lend support to the
> > > > > > > addictive nature of exercise in some animals."
> > > > > > This explains why I went running in 95 degree weather.  And I liked
> > > > > > it.
> > > > > Me too. Last year I'd ride bike in those temperatures. Actually it's
> > > > > way cooler than running, having that breeze at over 10mph.
> > > > Yes riding a bike is sort of like flying.  One of the greatest human
> > > > inventions.  Far superior to the automobile.
> > > > I fixed up a friend's bike over the weekend.  She was feeling
> > > > reclusive and would stay in her apartment for days.  So we went for a
> > > > ride and she perked right up and was saying Whee! I can't believe I'm
> > > > exercising and I like it!  The bicycle is like a magic machine.
> > > It is, just like a well oiled spinning wheel. I put some WD40 on the
> > > grinding mice wheel, and now it runs smoothly.
> > > We only need the SPACE to fly.
> > > Look at the map the road between South Beach and Hollywood Beach,
> > > Florida, some 15 miles. When you overheat, you take a plunge at the
> > > beach. It sounds like Paradise, but you'll be reminded how GRINDING
> > > riding a bike with 40-50 mph traffic can be. No oil can fix that. ;)
> > Illegitimi non carborundum
> I know, but the bastards still blow the horn at you and push you
> around. Not even a Wise Monkey can take that forever...

Why would a Wise Monkey want to take that forever, even if he could?
There are no cars or cares in the woods on a mountain bike.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 10:05 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jul 9, 9:57 am, Jack <> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 4:07 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > On Jul 8, 1:16 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 8, 11:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 8, 11:05 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 8, 9:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:20 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > The findings, say the researchers, lend support to the
> > > > > > > > addictive nature of exercise in some animals."
> > > > > > > This explains why I went running in 95 degree weather. And I liked
> > > > > > > it.
> > > > > > Me too. Last year I'd ride bike in those temperatures. Actually it's
> > > > > > way cooler than running, having that breeze at over 10mph.
> > > > > Yes riding a bike is sort of like flying. One of the greatest human
> > > > > inventions. Far superior to the automobile.
> > > > > I fixed up a friend's bike over the weekend. She was feeling
> > > > > reclusive and would stay in her apartment for days. So we went for a
> > > > > ride and she perked right up and was saying Whee! I can't believe I'm
> > > > > exercising and I like it! The bicycle is like a magic machine.
> > > > It is, just like a well oiled spinning wheel. I put some WD40 on the
> > > > grinding mice wheel, and now it runs smoothly.
> > > > We only need the SPACE to fly.
> > > > Look at the map the road between South Beach and Hollywood Beach,
> > > > Florida, some 15 miles. When you overheat, you take a plunge at the
> > > > beach. It sounds like Paradise, but you'll be reminded how GRINDING
> > > > riding a bike with 40-50 mph traffic can be. No oil can fix that. ;)
> > > Illegitimi non carborundum
> > I know, but the bastards still blow the horn at you and push you
> > around. Not even a Wise Monkey can take that forever...
> >
> Why would a Wise Monkey want to take that forever, even if he could?
> There are no cars or cares in the woods on a mountain bike.

I don't know. I don't expect it to go on forever. But I do have some
escape route by kayak, desert island and all. Not on weekends though
when the crowd is out there in "motorboat rampage."

But if I'm happy the fire of the revolution won't be fueled by the
energy of injustice and waste.

We can really make it happen. All we really need to do is TAKE THE
LANE in a coordinated way, and let the cars pass you one ANOTHER LANE.
Come what may.

We have a mixed path around here (meaning you can hit a dog or a kid
with your bike) that goes for something like a mile. It probably cost
way more than a million bucks (maybe two or three), and the
maintenance of two security guards, landscaping and lamps every
10' (that blinds your sight) alone would be enough to do something
separate and meaningful for all. And it's totally deserted at night!
The problem is the fancy people who walk their fancy dogs are happy
with it. That's what the workers I've confronted reply to me: "People
are happy with it."

And now they are waiting for Obama's money to expand it.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 10:19 am
From: Jack

On Jul 9, 1:05 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 9:57 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > On Jul 8, 4:07 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 8, 1:16 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 8, 11:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 8, 11:05 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:20 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > The findings, say the researchers, lend support to the
> > > > > > > > > addictive nature of exercise in some animals."
> > > > > > > > This explains why I went running in 95 degree weather.  And I liked
> > > > > > > > it.
> > > > > > > Me too. Last year I'd ride bike in those temperatures. Actually it's
> > > > > > > way cooler than running, having that breeze at over 10mph.
> > > > > > Yes riding a bike is sort of like flying.  One of the greatest human
> > > > > > inventions.  Far superior to the automobile.
> > > > > > I fixed up a friend's bike over the weekend.  She was feeling
> > > > > > reclusive and would stay in her apartment for days.  So we went for a
> > > > > > ride and she perked right up and was saying Whee! I can't believe I'm
> > > > > > exercising and I like it!  The bicycle is like a magic machine.
> > > > > It is, just like a well oiled spinning wheel. I put some WD40 on the
> > > > > grinding mice wheel, and now it runs smoothly.
> > > > > We only need the SPACE to fly.
> > > > > Look at the map the road between South Beach and Hollywood Beach,
> > > > > Florida, some 15 miles. When you overheat, you take a plunge at the
> > > > > beach. It sounds like Paradise, but you'll be reminded how GRINDING
> > > > > riding a bike with 40-50 mph traffic can be. No oil can fix that. ;)
> > > > Illegitimi non carborundum
> > > I know, but the bastards still blow the horn at you and push you
> > > around. Not even a Wise Monkey can take that forever...
> > >
> > Why would a Wise Monkey want to take that forever, even if he could?
> > There are no cars or cares in the woods on a mountain bike.
> I don't know. I don't expect it to go on forever. But I do have some
> escape route by kayak, desert island and all. Not on weekends though
> when the crowd is out there in "motorboat rampage."
> But if I'm happy the fire of the revolution won't be fueled by the
> energy of injustice and waste.
> We can really make it happen. All we really need to do is TAKE THE
> LANE in a coordinated way, and let the cars pass you one ANOTHER LANE.
> Come what may.
> We have a mixed path around here (meaning you can hit a dog or a kid
> with your bike) that goes for something like a mile. It probably cost
> way more than a million bucks (maybe two or three), and the
> maintenance of two security guards, landscaping and lamps every
> 10' (that blinds your sight) alone would be enough to do something
> separate and meaningful for all. And it's totally deserted at night!
> The problem is the fancy people who walk their fancy dogs are happy
> with it. That's what the workers I've confronted reply to me: "People
> are happy with it."
> And now they are waiting for Obama's money to expand it.

It's amazing what people think they need.

I've never appreciated unshaded lamps at night. Do we really need to
cast light on bats? on clouds? directly into our eyeballs?

Hell, if I want to ride at night I just strap a little LED to my head
and the ground is lighted everywhere I look.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 11:46 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jul 9, 1:19 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 1:05 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > On Jul 9, 9:57 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 8, 4:07 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 8, 1:16 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 8, 11:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 8, 11:05 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:20 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > The findings, say the researchers, lend support to the
> > > > > > > > > > addictive nature of exercise in some animals."
> > > > > > > > > This explains why I went running in 95 degree weather.  And I liked
> > > > > > > > > it.
> > > > > > > > Me too. Last year I'd ride bike in those temperatures. Actually it's
> > > > > > > > way cooler than running, having that breeze at over 10mph.
> > > > > > > Yes riding a bike is sort of like flying.  One of the greatest human
> > > > > > > inventions.  Far superior to the automobile.
> > > > > > > I fixed up a friend's bike over the weekend.  She was feeling
> > > > > > > reclusive and would stay in her apartment for days.  So we went for a
> > > > > > > ride and she perked right up and was saying Whee! I can't believe I'm
> > > > > > > exercising and I like it!  The bicycle is like a magic machine.
> > > > > > It is, just like a well oiled spinning wheel. I put some WD40 on the
> > > > > > grinding mice wheel, and now it runs smoothly.
> > > > > > We only need the SPACE to fly.
> > > > > > Look at the map the road between South Beach and Hollywood Beach,
> > > > > > Florida, some 15 miles. When you overheat, you take a plunge at the
> > > > > > beach. It sounds like Paradise, but you'll be reminded how GRINDING
> > > > > > riding a bike with 40-50 mph traffic can be. No oil can fix that. ;)
> > > > > Illegitimi non carborundum
> > > > I know, but the bastards still blow the horn at you and push you
> > > > around. Not even a Wise Monkey can take that forever...
> > > >
> > > Why would a Wise Monkey want to take that forever, even if he could?
> > > There are no cars or cares in the woods on a mountain bike.
> > I don't know. I don't expect it to go on forever. But I do have some
> > escape route by kayak, desert island and all. Not on weekends though
> > when the crowd is out there in "motorboat rampage."
> > But if I'm happy the fire of the revolution won't be fueled by the
> > energy of injustice and waste.
> > We can really make it happen. All we really need to do is TAKE THE
> > LANE in a coordinated way, and let the cars pass you one ANOTHER LANE.
> > Come what may.
> > We have a mixed path around here (meaning you can hit a dog or a kid
> > with your bike) that goes for something like a mile. It probably cost
> > way more than a million bucks (maybe two or three), and the
> > maintenance of two security guards, landscaping and lamps every
> > 10' (that blinds your sight) alone would be enough to do something
> > separate and meaningful for all. And it's totally deserted at night!
> > The problem is the fancy people who walk their fancy dogs are happy
> > with it. That's what the workers I've confronted reply to me: "People
> > are happy with it."
> > And now they are waiting for Obama's money to expand it.
> It's amazing what people think they need.
> I've never appreciated unshaded lamps at night.  Do we really need to
> cast light on bats? on clouds? directly into our eyeballs?
> Hell, if I want to ride at night I just strap a little LED to my head
> and the ground is lighted everywhere I look.

Not only that, I imagine that I died and have entered the lighted path
people say we find in the afterlife. ;)

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:30 pm
From: Jack

On Jul 9, 2:46 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 1:19 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > On Jul 9, 1:05 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 9, 9:57 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 8, 4:07 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 8, 1:16 pm, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 8, 11:35 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 8, 11:05 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:23 am, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > > > > > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > On Jul 8, 9:20 am, Jack <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > > > > The findings, say the researchers, lend support to the
> > > > > > > > > > > addictive nature of exercise in some animals."
> > > > > > > > > > This explains why I went running in 95 degree weather.  And I liked
> > > > > > > > > > it.
> > > > > > > > > Me too. Last year I'd ride bike in those temperatures. Actually it's
> > > > > > > > > way cooler than running, having that breeze at over 10mph.
> > > > > > > > Yes riding a bike is sort of like flying.  One of the greatest human
> > > > > > > > inventions.  Far superior to the automobile.
> > > > > > > > I fixed up a friend's bike over the weekend.  She was feeling
> > > > > > > > reclusive and would stay in her apartment for days.  So we went for a
> > > > > > > > ride and she perked right up and was saying Whee! I can't believe I'm
> > > > > > > > exercising and I like it!  The bicycle is like a magic machine.
> > > > > > > It is, just like a well oiled spinning wheel. I put some WD40 on the
> > > > > > > grinding mice wheel, and now it runs smoothly.
> > > > > > > We only need the SPACE to fly.
> > > > > > > Look at the map the road between South Beach and Hollywood Beach,
> > > > > > > Florida, some 15 miles. When you overheat, you take a plunge at the
> > > > > > > beach. It sounds like Paradise, but you'll be reminded how GRINDING
> > > > > > > riding a bike with 40-50 mph traffic can be. No oil can fix that. ;)
> > > > > > Illegitimi non carborundum
> > > > > I know, but the bastards still blow the horn at you and push you
> > > > > around. Not even a Wise Monkey can take that forever...
> > > > >
> > > > Why would a Wise Monkey want to take that forever, even if he could?
> > > > There are no cars or cares in the woods on a mountain bike.
> > > I don't know. I don't expect it to go on forever. But I do have some
> > > escape route by kayak, desert island and all. Not on weekends though
> > > when the crowd is out there in "motorboat rampage."
> > > But if I'm happy the fire of the revolution won't be fueled by the
> > > energy of injustice and waste.
> > > We can really make it happen. All we really need to do is TAKE THE
> > > LANE in a coordinated way, and let the cars pass you one ANOTHER LANE.
> > > Come what may.
> > > We have a mixed path around here (meaning you can hit a dog or a kid
> > > with your bike) that goes for something like a mile. It probably cost
> > > way more than a million bucks (maybe two or three), and the
> > > maintenance of two security guards, landscaping and lamps every
> > > 10' (that blinds your sight) alone would be enough to do something
> > > separate and meaningful for all. And it's totally deserted at night!
> > > The problem is the fancy people who walk their fancy dogs are happy
> > > with it. That's what the workers I've confronted reply to me: "People
> > > are happy with it."
> > > And now they are waiting for Obama's money to expand it.
> > It's amazing what people think they need.
> > I've never appreciated unshaded lamps at night.  Do we really need to
> > cast light on bats? on clouds? directly into our eyeballs?
> > Hell, if I want to ride at night I just strap a little LED to my head
> > and the ground is lighted everywhere I look.
> Not only that, I imagine that I died and have entered the lighted path
> people say we find in the afterlife. ;)

No not yet, not yet!

TOPIC: God prepares second punch on America: Hurricane!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 6:34 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jul 9, 9:22 am, Brad Guth <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 5:43 am, Warhol <> wrote:
> > It's 38 degrees outside~~~Why it's so hot??!!!!
> > This week t has been super hot here in Brussels and on the weekend up
> > to 39°C... may get even higher
> > The Sun will fry us all!!!
> > In Australia it went to 43 degrees (celcius) last summer, the winter
> > for us in the Western world.
> > That was about 5 degrees more than the usual highest.
> > So the bad news... Hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> > It appearces~~that Belgium is similar to China~~~~ And i know
> > india~~~~Too hot!!!
> > How about USA?????It's hot?????
> Yes, but the sun isn't unusually active, at least not yet.
> Think about all the methane and other gaseous elements released by Big
> Energy, as well as BP's Corexit modified hydrocarbons. Most of
> Earth's hydrocarbons and their secondary or spent remains are what
> makes atmospheric pollution. Vast ocean dead-zones are not exactly
> helping either. The continuing thaw from the last ice-ace this planet
> w/moon is ever going to see is yet another contributing factor.
> Us humans could be as little as 10% responsible, although I favor 25%,

I favor 90%... But we have taken the wrong direction and have plunged
into SUVs at the time we should have taken up the bicycle.

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TOPIC: Should we downsize our pets in order to be frugal?

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 6:57 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

It's no secret we live in a wasteful society of supersized cars/SUVs,
supersized homes, too much lighting, too much junk food, and too big
pets... Have you thought about the consequence of owning cat and dogs,
particularly those dogs that look like a horse?

Under the Wisdom of the Jungle (aka "the wise ways of the monks") it
makes sense to have no pet at all, support the wildlife and become
part of it. But for those of us who are forced to live in the cage
(due to the dangers out there, aka "the jungle"), it makes all the
sense in the world to have small pets such as parakeets and mice.

Your carbon footprint will be smaller, and so will be the shit left
behind. Your pocket will be full of one dollar bills too. And they are
so cute. I think they are a symbol of what we need to see in the world
at large, don't you agree?



"Pocket pets make sense in an overcrowded world"

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 9:28 am
From: WaIIy

On Fri, 9 Jul 2010 06:57:42 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the
TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"
<> wrote:

>It's no secret we live in a wasteful society of supersized cars/SUVs,
>supersized homes, too much lighting, too much junk food, and too big
>pets... Have you thought about the consequence of owning cat and dogs,
>particularly those dogs that look like a horse?
>Under the Wisdom of the Jungle (aka "the wise ways of the monks") it
>makes sense to have no pet at all, support the wildlife and become
>part of it. But for those of us who are forced to live in the cage
>(due to the dangers out there, aka "the jungle"), it makes all the
>sense in the world to have small pets such as parakeets and mice.
>Your carbon footprint will be smaller, and so will be the shit left
>behind. Your pocket will be full of one dollar bills too. And they are
>so cute. I think they are a symbol of what we need to see in the world
>at large, don't you agree?

I have 14 chihuahuas and my friend has a great dane.

I figure we're even.

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 11:05 am
From: Jim A

On 07/09/2010 02:57 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> It's no secret we live in a wasteful society of supersized cars/SUVs,
> supersized homes, too much lighting, too much junk food, and too big
> pets... Have you thought about the consequence of owning cat and dogs,
> particularly those dogs that look like a horse?
> Under the Wisdom of the Jungle (aka "the wise ways of the monks") it
> makes sense to have no pet at all, support the wildlife and become
> part of it. But for those of us who are forced to live in the cage
> (due to the dangers out there, aka "the jungle"), it makes all the
> sense in the world to have small pets such as parakeets and mice.
> Your carbon footprint will be smaller, and so will be the shit left
> behind. Your pocket will be full of one dollar bills too. And they are
> so cute. I think they are a symbol of what we need to see in the world
> at large, don't you agree?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Pocket pets make sense in an overcrowded world"

I'd rather not keep a cat, but my wife thinks otherwise!

I agree with you to some extent, but tbh most of us have bigger fish to
fry. If all that's left for us to do to save carbon is get rid of our
pets, the battle against global warming is probably won already.

-- - enjoy the ride

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 11:17 am
From: Squashme

On 9 July, 19:05, Jim A <> wrote:
> On 07/09/2010 02:57 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > It's no secret we live in a wasteful society of supersized cars/SUVs,
> > supersized homes, too much lighting, too much junk food, and too big
> > pets... Have you thought about the consequence of owning cat and dogs,
> > particularly those dogs that look like a horse?
> > Under the Wisdom of the Jungle (aka "the wise ways of the monks") it
> > makes sense to have no pet at all, support the wildlife and become
> > part of it. But for those of us who are forced to live in the cage
> > (due to the dangers out there, aka "the jungle"), it makes all the
> > sense in the world to have small pets such as parakeets and mice.
> > Your carbon footprint will be smaller, and so will be the shit left
> > behind. Your pocket will be full of one dollar bills too. And they are
> > so cute. I think they are a symbol of what we need to see in the world
> > at large, don't you agree?
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Pocket pets make sense in an overcrowded world"
> >
> I'd rather not keep a cat, but my wife thinks otherwise!
> I agree with you to some extent, but tbh most of us have bigger fish to
> fry.  

Sashimi would save on fuel.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 11:49 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jul 9, 2:05 pm, Jim A <> wrote:
> On 07/09/2010 02:57 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > It's no secret we live in a wasteful society of supersized cars/SUVs,
> > supersized homes, too much lighting, too much junk food, and too big
> > pets... Have you thought about the consequence of owning cat and dogs,
> > particularly those dogs that look like a horse?
> > Under the Wisdom of the Jungle (aka "the wise ways of the monks") it
> > makes sense to have no pet at all, support the wildlife and become
> > part of it. But for those of us who are forced to live in the cage
> > (due to the dangers out there, aka "the jungle"), it makes all the
> > sense in the world to have small pets such as parakeets and mice.
> > Your carbon footprint will be smaller, and so will be the shit left
> > behind. Your pocket will be full of one dollar bills too. And they are
> > so cute. I think they are a symbol of what we need to see in the world
> > at large, don't you agree?
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > "Pocket pets make sense in an overcrowded world"
> >
> I'd rather not keep a cat, but my wife thinks otherwise!
> I agree with you to some extent, but tbh most of us have bigger fish to
> fry. If all that's left for us to do to save carbon is get rid of our
> pets, the battle against global warming is probably won already.
> enjoy the ride

What you can do is:

a) Convince her of the need to get rid of the cat,

b) Feed the mice secretly.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 11:59 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

I don't deny there's an element of class struggle to all of this...

I go to this pet shop right on the borderline between Rich and Poor,
and the rich stick to the cat and dog isles.

How much is a fancy dog? How much a mouse?

What are the Rich trying to prove with a fancy dog? Next time I'll buy
a bald rat to scare them!

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:03 pm
From: Jim A

On 07/09/2010 07:49 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> What you can do is:
> a) Convince her of the need to get rid of the cat,
> b) Feed the mice secretly.


My earlier suggestion that we keep a nice little garter snake didn't go
down too well.

-- - enjoy the ride

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:10 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jul 9, 3:03 pm, Jim A <> wrote:
> On 07/09/2010 07:49 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > What you can do is:
> > a) Convince her of the need to get rid of the cat,
> > b) Feed the mice secretly.
> <g>
> My earlier suggestion that we keep a nice little garter snake didn't go
> down too well.
> enjoy the ride

Have you told her the cat has no natural predators in an urban

At least they should get rid of the feral cats, right? Has anyone
thought that the cats are full of protein?

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TOPIC: Do you bother to sharpen your lawn mower blade? Why?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 10:08 am
From: willshak

Oren wrote the following:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 15:37:24 -0700, "James H."
> <> wrote:
>> But, may I ask ... What is the difference between a MULCHING blade and a
>> regular blade?
> A mulching blade won't require you to bag the clippings and send then
> to the landfill.

I pile them up into a large compost pile. It may be 5 feet tall at the
end of summer, but by spring, it is down to about 3 feet tall. The
bottom of the pile has the blackest, richest soil that can be easily
shoveled out like it was the soil that Billy Mays used to tout the
Awesome Auger. :-)

> Also, saves on the cost of bags.


In Hamptonburgh, NY
In the original Orange County. Est. 1683
To email, remove the double zeroes after @

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 10:38 am
From: Tony Hwang

willshak wrote:
> Oren wrote the following:
>> On Wed, 7 Jul 2010 15:37:24 -0700, "James H."
>> <> wrote:
>>> But, may I ask ... What is the difference between a MULCHING blade and a
>>> regular blade?
>> A mulching blade won't require you to bag the clippings and send then
>> to the landfill.
> I pile them up into a large compost pile. It may be 5 feet tall at the
> end of summer, but by spring, it is down to about 3 feet tall. The
> bottom of the pile has the blackest, richest soil that can be easily
> shoveled out like it was the soil that Billy Mays used to tout the
> Awesome Auger. :-)
>> Also, saves on the cost of bags.
Mulching does not work in our climate. It'll never decompse. If one uses
mulching mower all the time on our lawn, soon s/he'll realize the grass
is being destroyed by extreme choking. We have to dethatch our lawn
every spring.


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