Thursday, August 5, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 12 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* cheap ghd straighteners - 1 messages, 1 author
* Smart move: Dutch abandon Afghanistan - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Simple Hack To Get $2000 To Your PayPal Account - 1 messages, 1 author
* Using timers to cut back on electric bill - 1 messages, 1 author
* Brillient! - 2 messages, 1 author
* Kabul is not a backward city by Western standards - 2 messages, 2 authors
* *.*.*.*.*.*. - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: cheap ghd straighteners

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 12:05 am
From: lizhou zhu

Saw palmetto has been getting a lot of attention recently as a natural
cure for hair loss. Is there any evidence that it works? While it is
true that saw palmetto is a natural product and an herbal supplement;
I think it's important to discuss the dangers behind what I call the
"herbal mentality." It's easy to fall into the belief that plant
extracts are "natural" and that substances that are plant-based are
naturally healthier for us. However, many of our legal (and illegal)
drugs are based on plant extracts! Although we tend to think of
natural substances as being harmless and good for us, there are some
dangers to consider-for example, if someone told you that "poppy seed
extract" was a great "natural" way to get a good night's sleep, they
would only be telling part of the story.

Many narcotics, poisons, and even legitimate medical treatments come
from leaves and roots, rather than laboratories. Unfortunately, the
wave of new-age medicine and do-it-yourself healing has given more
people the opinion that they can cure themselves with a pamphlet and a
few drops of essential oils. I strongly believe that natural remedies
can work, and that is exactly why I believe that people should really
know what they're doing before they start to throw back a bottle of
something that claims to grow hair (and shrink an enlarged prostate,
and grow breast tissue, and cure pelvic pain, and regulate a menstrual
cycle-assuming that you are even designed to have one.)

Moving on to my second concern-if it does one thing, how do you know
that's all it does? Minoxidil (one of the only FDA approved hair
growth medications) was originally developed as a treatment for high
blood pressure. Researchers discovered that it created the growth of
thicker, darker bodily hair; this strange side-effect ballooned into a
marketing opportunity. Certainly, many men and women are happy for
this unusual side-effect, but I think it's wisest to stick with tested
treatments. I wouldn't want to be the man who takes saw palmetto for
hair growth and discovers that it also increases breast tissue!

In the case of saw palmetto, there are claims that it inhibits
dihydrotestosterone or DHT (the androgenic hormone that leads to hair
loss). However, manufacturers mostly advertise it as an aid in urinary
function and men's prostate health; it has been specifically tested
for its effects on the urinary symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland-
however, according to the National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, there has been no conclusive evidence of any
real benefit for that condition either.

A final consideration with any treatment containing herbal extracts is
that the manufacturing process for herbal supplements is not as
stringent as it is within the pharmaceutical industry. It is likely
that different batches or brands of an herbal supplement can have very
different concentrations or levels of effectiveness. This can be a
troubling concern when it is combined with the fact that, without
clinical trials, no one knows exactly what amount is a recommended
dosage and what level would lead to an overdose. Overall, although
there may be a connection between saw palmetto and hair growth, I
wouldn't feel comfortable recommending it to anyone without clinical
trials, FDA approval, and government regulation. This will sound
harsh, but until it is government-proven, you're essentially running a
trial using your own body and your money.

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TOPIC: Smart move: Dutch abandon Afghanistan

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 5:37 am
From: "David"

"Derek C" <> wrote in message
> Nobody in recent history has ever successfully invaded and controlled
> Afghanistan, even the greatest Superpowers of their day (Russia,
> British Empire, etc), so why should the Yanks and the modern day Brits
> do any better? This was a fool's errand dreamed up by that fool George
> W Bush and his pet poodle crony Tony Blair. If it was intended to
> suppress terrorism, it has had entirely the opposite effect.

.....and the whole British intervention voted for by the Tories and 'New

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 8:24 am
From: Sir Jeremy

On 2 Aug, 02:55, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> Leave Afghanistan for nations that want to build nations other than
> their own. Some countries want to pacify Afghanistan, but then not
> even their backyard is secure. Mexico is sinking into chaos, and their
> own cities are walled for security.
> "Dutch become 1st NATO member to quit Afghanistan"
> KABUL, Afghanistan  – The Netherlands became the first NATO country to
> end its combat mission in Afghanistan, drawing the curtain Sunday on a
> four-year operation that was deeply unpopular at home and even brought
> down a Dutch government.
> ***
> The Dutch are busy building bike facilities for their citizens, and
> someday we may truly need them to do nation building based around the
> bicycle.
> "Bicycles Against Poverty (BAP) Project"
> ---------------------------------------------------
> "Bicycle is the smart way to go to pacify the world"

I'll bet you were a draft dodger

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 8:33 pm
From: VFW

In article
Derek C <> wrote:

> On Aug 4, 4:27 am, VFW <> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> >  "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > > Leave Afghanistan for nations that want to build nations other than
> > > their own. Some countries want to pacify Afghanistan, but then not
> > > even their backyard is secure. Mexico is sinking into chaos, and their
> > > own cities are walled for security.
> >
> > > "Dutch become 1st NATO member to quit Afghanistan"
> >
> > > KABUL, Afghanistan  ­ The Netherlands became the first NATO country to
> > > end its combat mission in Afghanistan, drawing the curtain Sunday on a
> > > four-year operation that was deeply unpopular at home and even brought
> > > down a Dutch government.
> >
> > > ***
> >
> > > The Dutch are busy building bike facilities for their citizens, and
> > > someday we may truly need them to do nation building based around the
> > > bicycle.
> >
> > > "Bicycles Against Poverty (BAP) Project"
> >
> > >
> >
> > > ---------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > > "Bicycle is the smart way to go to pacify the world"
> >
> > >
> >
> > thanks for the good news. Others to follow?
> > --
> > Money! What a concept.- Hide quoted text -
> >
> > - Show quoted text -
> Nobody in recent history has ever successfully invaded and controlled
> Afghanistan, even the greatest Superpowers of their day (Russia,
> British Empire, etc), so why should the Yanks and the modern day Brits
> do any better? This was a fool's errand dreamed up by that fool George
> W Bush and his pet poodle crony Tony Blair. If it was intended to
> suppress terrorism, it has had entirely the opposite effect.

actually , it was the dream of the Neo-Cons. bush was just a shill.
the goal . and they are making progress is to have a presence there to
keep an eye on Oil, a pipeline and Pakistan's Nukes.
Money! What a concept.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:20 pm
From: Derek C

On Aug 4, 1:37 pm, "David" <> wrote:
> "Derek C" <> wrote in message
> > Nobody in recent history has ever successfully invaded and controlled
> > Afghanistan, even the greatest Superpowers of their day (Russia,
> > British Empire, etc), so why should the Yanks and the modern day Brits
> > do any better? This was a fool's errand dreamed up by that fool George
> > W Bush and his pet poodle crony Tony Blair. If it was intended to
> > suppress terrorism, it has had entirely the opposite effect.
> .....and the whole British intervention voted for by the Tories and 'New
> Labour'.

Only because they were fooled by the 'Tony knows best' rhetoric. The
Lib-Dems voted against the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan and
several New Labour cabinet ministers resigned over these issues,
including Claire Short and Robin Cook.

TOPIC: Simple Hack To Get $2000 To Your PayPal Account

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 6:32 am
From: Paypal Dollars

Simple Hack To Get $2000 To Your PayPal Account At

i have hidden the PayPal Form link in an image.
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click on image and enter your PayPal id And Your name.

TOPIC: Using timers to cut back on electric bill

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 9:08 am
From: "Bob F"

Alex wrote:
> Michael, you said I probably got the idea from heating, but honestly I
> didn't think about having a timer on the electric water heater until
> reading other posts after I posted my comment. As you suggested I'll
> need to test how much electricity our hot water heater uses, by
> monitoring the meter, but given our hot water heater is in the garage
> with Texas summers, it's VERY warm in there most days as it is. I
> wonder if a timer would help if we only had it turn on the water
> heater from 4am to 6am so the water's warm for AM showers, then again
> from 4pm to 6pm so it's warm for evening kids baths, laundry, etc. I
> bet with the garage staying as warm as it is, that would help keep the
> water warm. Then for winters I could adjust the timer and wrap the
> water heater.

How warm is your incoming water? If it is cold, an extra uninsulated tank
plumbed between the cold water and your water heater could take advantage of the
warm garage to pre-heat your water and save you substantial power. Probably way
more than timers on any/all electrical device(s) in your house.

TOPIC: Brillient!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 9:15 am
From: "Lord Vetinari"

<> wrote in message
: On Aug 3, 4:25 pm, "Lord Vetinari" <> wrote:
: > <> wrote in message
: >
: >
: > [snip]
: > : A new Ferrari owner was stopped at a traffic signal next to an old man
: > : on a moped. "How fast *is* that thing?", the old man asked. "About
: > : 370kph!" was the answer. "Eh, I think I'll keep my moped.", the old
: > : man replied. So the new owner thought he'd show the old man something.
: > : The light on the signal changed, and the Ferrari guy hit the throttle.
: > : In three seconds, he was doing a hundred. But the old man was still in
: > : his mirror! Undaunted, the driver bent his toe some more and was soon
: > : doing 150! Stll, there was the old man on the moped, still in his
: > : mirror. Now angry, the Ferrari pilot floored it. He looked up just as
: > : the needle was sweeping past 300, and that cursed moped was still
: > : there!! Giving up, the new owner backed out of it, and eventually
: > : pulled to a stop. "What do I have to do to get a moped like *that*?"
: > : he asked. The old man replied, "Well, you could start by unhooking my
: > : suspender strap from your spoiler!"
: >
: > I prefer "Beep Beep", it's not quite the same, but funnier. Still, this
: > one's damned funny too.
: <g>


: snippy
: > : And there's other good ones about Ronaldo wadding his up here:
: >
: >
: > Good job! He seemed rather blasé, though, about wrecking a million bucks
: > worth of fine automobile.
: I guess he figures he's going to be playing forever..

Relevance? It wasn't his car...

: that seems to be
: the case with a lot of pro athletes in the US, can't think of why real
: footballers wouldn't do the same in Europe. ;)

Perhaps many athletes pour all their efforts into getting there, and once
there, are having too much fun to worry about the future. I'm just
guessing, of course.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 9:17 am
From: "Lord Vetinari"

"Nunya Bidnits" <nunyabidnits@eternal-september.invalid> wrote in message
>I want to thank you bait sucking morons for contributing so nicely to my
> Get a clue, or pull the plug. Please.
> <plonk>

You _might_ get better results, if you bothered to indicate in some manner
just who you're directing this lame flame. Prolly not.

TOPIC: Kabul is not a backward city by Western standards

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:41 am
From: Cully J

On Jul 31, 12:45 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> Which means that cars outnumber bicycles by 1,000 to 1. Funny, that
> city is still in the middle of a very poor country, and they could be
> make better use of bicycles than cars.
> India and China are nearby and they use the bicycle extensively.
> Though they also want to leave it behind for the outcasts and want to
> embrace CAPITALISM with full power, ie. SUVs and all.
> In this clip of Kabul, you don't see the homeless, a staple of Western
> capitals, but you do see a few bikes, riding againsttraffic, whatever
> it takes to survive in chaos...
> ----------------------------------------------

Even if you commute on a dual suspension mountain bike, those streets
are awful! Yet more proof that the automobile has destroyed the urban


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 12:49 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Aug 4, 10:41 am, Cully J <> wrote:
> On Jul 31, 12:45 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > Which means that cars outnumber bicycles by 1,000 to 1. Funny, that
> > city is still in the middle of a very poor country, and they could be
> > make better use of bicycles than cars.
> > India and China are nearby and they use the bicycle extensively.
> > Though they also want to leave it behind for the outcasts and want to
> > embrace CAPITALISM with full power, ie. SUVs and all.
> > In this clip of Kabul, you don't see the homeless, a staple of Western
> > capitals, but you do see a few bikes, riding againsttraffic, whatever
> > it takes to survive in chaos...
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------
> >
> Even if you commute on a dual suspension mountain bike, those streets
> are awful!  Yet more proof that the automobile has destroyed the urban
> landscape!
> Cullen

If Afghanistan we can expect the Humvees and tanks to put potholes
everywhere, thus it must be a magnificent place to go mountain biking.
The IED's leave extra deep obstacles.

TOPIC: *.*.*.*.*.*.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Aug 4 2010 10:48 pm
From: "" is having a buy one get one free sale and there
prices are low! I think the sale starts Monday and i think that the
code is: RABBIT


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