Sunday, August 8, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 2 new messages in 1 topic - digest


Today's topics:

* OT: Climate Change - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: OT: Climate Change

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 11:06 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Billy wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Billy wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote

>>>> Pauling had a PhD and a Nobel Prize and was always a complete loon.

>>> Pauling has TWO Nobel Prizes and was always the smartest guy in the room,

>> Like hell he ever was with his vitamin shit.

<reams of your juvenile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead flushed where it belongs>

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 11:09 pm
From: The Real Bev

On 08/07/10 22:48, David Hare-Scott wrote:

> The Real Bev wrote:
>> On 08/07/10 11:04, Billy wrote:
>>> Three independent reviews into the affair were initiated in the UK,
>>> two of which were concluded by the end of March 2010, with the
>>> remaining review releasing its findings on 7 July.
>>> The scientific consensus that "global warming is happening and that
>>> it is induced by human activity" was found unchallenged by the
>>> emails[12] and there was "no evidence of any deliberate scientific
>>> malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit."
>> And Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman -- Monica Lewinsky.
> Unless you know more through some sort of magic than all the authorities who
> investigated this issue this is just a taunt. We already know there is a
> slice of the population who believe the conspiracy theory you don't need to
> repeat that or declare you are a member.

I guess you missed -- or ignored -- the bit about "analyze the data
yourself and come to your own conclusion."

We're not talking about believing in Santa, the Easter Bunny or Jesus here.

Cheers, Bev
Segal's Law: A man with one watch knows the time.
A man with two is never sure.


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