Today's topics:
* These groups are good for advertising watches and crap - 2 messages, 2
* Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Energy Saving Tips - 1 messages, 1 author
* What will be the next animal to dominate the Earth when we have been wiped
out? - 6 messages, 3 authors
* Is an SUV a Truck or a Toy? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Loud electric tea kettle? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Bed bugs? try D.E. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you agree with the Christians that we are living in the End Times? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Ed Dolan the Great and the denizens of Usenet - 2 messages, 2 authors
TOPIC: These groups are good for advertising watches and crap
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 1:09 pm
From: Charmin
On Aug 27, 4:17 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 10:49 am, Forrest Hodge <> wrote:
> > On 8/27/2010 12:59 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > > When I have crap like that I'll have you in mind.
> > > There's no place to ride a bicycle in peace in America and most of the
> > > so-called "civilized West." The Machine is raging and the monkeys --
> > > notice, no God-- are waiting for a "miracle" before we finally fuck up
> > > the planet and end up eating each other alive.
> > > Good luck in your holes!
> > > -----------------------------------------------------
> > > "There's no miracles in the jungle"
> > >
> > There a plenty of places of ride a bicycle in peace in the U.S. if you
> > live a rural or semi-rural area. I went for a pleasant 90 minute the
> > other day and only encountered maybe 6 or 7 cars for the entire trip. If
> > you insist on living in an urban or suburban area with a lot of traffic
> > then that's part of the choice you made when choosing a place to reside.
> Living in the boondocks is not an option for most Americans. Actually
> UTILITY BIKING and CITY go together.
> I could find such pleasant ride, but I must first load the bike on a
> car, which defeats the purpose of the bike.
> No matter what, you must feed the lion. Thank you for your kind reply,
> which means you don't ignore me like God. ;)
And the car is really your mom's old Lexus, per your post, because you
have nothing.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:14 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
Hammock & the Stationary Bicycle to burn the calories"
On Aug 30, 1:09 pm, Charmin <> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 4:17 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> > On Aug 27, 10:49 am, Forrest Hodge <> wrote:
> > > On 8/27/2010 12:59 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > > Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > > > When I have crap like that I'll have you in mind.
> > > > There's no place to ride a bicycle in peace in America and most of the
> > > > so-called "civilized West." The Machine is raging and the monkeys --
> > > > notice, no God-- are waiting for a "miracle" before we finally fuck up
> > > > the planet and end up eating each other alive.
> > > > Good luck in your holes!
> > > > -----------------------------------------------------
> > > > "There's no miracles in the jungle"
> > > >
> > > There a plenty of places of ride a bicycle in peace in the U.S. if you
> > > live a rural or semi-rural area. I went for a pleasant 90 minute the
> > > other day and only encountered maybe 6 or 7 cars for the entire trip. If
> > > you insist on living in an urban or suburban area with a lot of traffic
> > > then that's part of the choice you made when choosing a place to reside.
> > Living in the boondocks is not an option for most Americans. Actually
> > UTILITY BIKING and CITY go together.
> > I could find such pleasant ride, but I must first load the bike on a
> > car, which defeats the purpose of the bike.
> > No matter what, you must feed the lion. Thank you for your kind reply,
> > which means you don't ignore me like God. ;)
> And the car is really your mom's old Lexus, per your post, because you
> have nothing.
I have wisdom and more gadgets than I can use the rest of my life,
including bikes.
The Lexus is a boring car that adds nothing to my wisdom.
TOPIC: Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 1:18 pm
From: Charmin
On Aug 29, 10:19 am, "Clincher" <x...@x.x> wrote:
> "Ohioguy" <> wrote in message
> news:wfVdo.32136$6o7.22694@newsfe21.iad...
> > In the mail today I got a notice from the police department of a
> > neighboring city. It was informing me that I owed them $85 for driving
> > too fast - ~66 in a 50 mph zone, calculated by traffic light cameras.
> > Funny thing is, I don't drive that vehicle. My wife does. The letter
> > said that I'm responsible unless I can get another person to sign a letter
> > saying they are responsible. Obviously, my wife was the one driving, on
> > her way to work. She was probably a little bit late, and driving a bit
> > fast to make up time.
> > However, it brings up an interesting question. There is no cop on
> > location to verify the driver, or even to verify that a human was driving.
> > In fact, it could have been my license plates transferred to a similar
> > looking vehicle, if someone wanted to automatically generate a ticket for
> > me. And even if a relative or 'friend' borrowed my car, if they don't own
> > up to it or accept responsibility, I'm then automatically responsible even
> > if I can prove I was elsewhere, and couldn't have been driving the car?
> In most states, the penalty for a camera ticket is purely monetary. No
> points on your license.
> So you as the registered owner is responsible for seeing that the fine gets
> paid but nothing says you can't be made whole by the actual driver.
> As the registered owner, you have complete control over who borrows your car
> and under what terms (except in the case of theft, but then you'd have a
> police report and an actual defense.)
> If you cannot trust them to obey traffic laws or at least own up when
> caught, it's irresponsible for you to be handing them control of a vehicle
> in the first place. But if you must, you have other options:
> - Before you hand over the keys, require them to sign a written agreement
> (with checkout and checkin times) that they will reimburse you for all
> camera and parking tickets issued against the vehicle within that time
> period.
> - For extra safety, don't hand over the keys unless they maintain a security
> deposit with you for the purpose of paying such fines.
> It's your car - nobody can force you to let someone else drive it. If you
> don't want to get dinged for their speeding violations, you have options to
> protect yourself.
> In practice, of course, the most cases are like yours - the other driver is
> a spouse or other household member - and unless you segregate your finances,
> it's moot who pays the fine - either way, it comes out of the family budget.
> > I am curious about what would happen if I took 2 cars of the same make ,
> > model & year, and put the same plates (I have spares) on the back of both
> > of them. Then, if I coordinated over a telephone with my wife or
> > somebody, I could drive through one light, and then through a different
> > light & traffic cam a couple of seconds later. It would look like I was
> > going something like 800 miles per hour, and I wonder if they would issue
> > a ticket for that? Probably.
> Since you'd be admitting guilt of driving at least one car without valid
> plates, I doubt they're worried about anyone attempting such a defense.
I have a friend in Phoenix whose son tried to wear a disguise for the
camera and got into big trouble for it. Did it twice in three minutes.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 1:38 pm
From: VFW
In article <i59h5p$kuf$>,
"Bob F" <> wrote:
> Ohioguy wrote:
> > In the mail today I got a notice from the police department of a
> > neighboring city. It was informing me that I owed them $85 for
> > driving too fast - ~66 in a 50 mph zone, calculated by traffic light
> > cameras. This is on a limited access "connector", which still has
> > about 10 intersections as it curves around the west portion of the
> > major metro area. The camera was just barely able to make out the
> > license plate numbers, evidently.
> >
> > Funny thing is, I don't drive that vehicle. My wife does. The
> > letter said that I'm responsible unless I can get another person to
> > sign a letter saying they are responsible. Obviously, my wife was
> > the one driving, on her way to work. She was probably a little bit
> > late, and driving a bit fast to make up time.
> >
> .....
> >
> > My point is that I feel that a human should be present to issue any
> > tickets. Once before, I went through a red light in an ice storm when
> > taking a girl home after a party in college. I looked both ways, saw
> > no oncoming traffic, and decided it would be more dangerous to brake
> > and change speed than to run the light, which had changed faster than
> > I expected. Of course, there was a cop there, and he pulled me over.
> > Once I explained my reasoning, however, he agreed and simply let me
> > off with a warning. Try that with a traffic camera, when its sole
> > purpose is to generate extra tax revenue.
> Go to court and tell it to the judge.
> Your attitude about traffic laws seems to be that they should only apply to
> you
> if you agree with them under the circumstances. I'm glad most drivers don't
> have
> that attitude. A lot more people would die. If you disagree with the laws, I
> believe your have the right to surrender your licence and cease driving, so
> you
> won't be bothered anymore.
BTW most red light camera tickets are for "Right turn on Red" turns made
illegally, i.e. not stopping before turning right.
I believe you should protest all tickets. Sometimes a ticket written by
an Officer can be voided if the officer does not attend the court
Money! What a concept.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:00 pm
From: Charmin
On Aug 30, 4:38 pm, VFW <> wrote:
> In article <i59h5p$>,
> "Bob F" <> wrote:
> > Ohioguy wrote:
> > > In the mail today I got a notice from the police department of a
> > > neighboring city. It was informing me that I owed them $85 for
> > > driving too fast - ~66 in a 50 mph zone, calculated by traffic light
> > > cameras. This is on a limited access "connector", which still has
> > > about 10 intersections as it curves around the west portion of the
> > > major metro area. The camera was just barely able to make out the
> > > license plate numbers, evidently.
> > > Funny thing is, I don't drive that vehicle. My wife does. The
> > > letter said that I'm responsible unless I can get another person to
> > > sign a letter saying they are responsible. Obviously, my wife was
> > > the one driving, on her way to work. She was probably a little bit
> > > late, and driving a bit fast to make up time.
> > .....
> > > My point is that I feel that a human should be present to issue any
> > > tickets. Once before, I went through a red light in an ice storm when
> > > taking a girl home after a party in college. I looked both ways, saw
> > > no oncoming traffic, and decided it would be more dangerous to brake
> > > and change speed than to run the light, which had changed faster than
> > > I expected. Of course, there was a cop there, and he pulled me over.
> > > Once I explained my reasoning, however, he agreed and simply let me
> > > off with a warning. Try that with a traffic camera, when its sole
> > > purpose is to generate extra tax revenue.
> > Go to court and tell it to the judge.
> > Your attitude about traffic laws seems to be that they should only apply to
> > you
> > if you agree with them under the circumstances. I'm glad most drivers don't
> > have
> > that attitude. A lot more people would die. If you disagree with the laws, I
> > believe your have the right to surrender your licence and cease driving, so
> > you
> > won't be bothered anymore.
> BTW most red light camera tickets are for "Right turn on Red" turns made
> illegally, i.e. not stopping before turning right.
> I believe you should protest all tickets. Sometimes a ticket written by
> an Officer can be voided if the officer does not attend the court
> proceedings.
> --
> Money! What a concept.
Thanks for your post and showing that you did not read or understand
the nature of the thread.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:48 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)
In article <>, VFW wrote:
>BTW most red light camera tickets are for "Right turn on Red" turns made
>illegally, i.e. not stopping before turning right.
>I believe you should protest all tickets. Sometimes a ticket written by
>an Officer can be voided if the officer does not attend the court
I know someone who got a ticket for running a stop sign. The officer
wrote on the ticket, "defendant stopped and continued driving".
I have also heard of harder-to-fight tickets. Someone else I know
got a ticket for "failure to obey official traffic control devices" or
the like. If the USA state was PA, the vehicle code item violated would
have been 3111, though the state was one of the other 49. This is a
most-minimal moving violation or close to that, minimum or near-minimum
fine and no points.
Drawn on the ticket were pictures of a "Speed Limit 35" sign and a
speedometer reading 55.
In Philadelphia, there is legal allowance for the police department to
send a representative other than the officer who wrote the ticket. That
sounds hard to beat unless apealing at risk of great expense to the formal
common pleas court (where there are rules against hearsay evidence, which
the ticketing officer can get around by formally showing up as a witness),
or showing evidence that the ticket was unjustly or improperly issued.
Oh, in common pleas or higher courts, one who is one's own attorney
usually has a fool for a client.
- Don Klipstein (
TOPIC: Energy Saving Tips
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 1:50 pm
From: "..."
1. Reduce heater's room temperature
For each extra degree (Celsius) of temperature, your heater will
consume 7 to 11%
more energy. Adjust it to 18degrees which is also better for your
2. Install a programmable thermostat
You will be able to control the heater's temperature during specific
hours every day.
3. Insulate your house
Loss of heat is loss of energy.
4. Fix air leaks
5. Close the chimney of the fireplace when you don't use it
It is designed to drive smoke (hot air) out of the house!
6. Get an energy audit to advice you about the necessary fixes and
7. Install energy efficient windows
8. Install storm windows
In cold climates they may save up to 50% of energy loss of your
current windows
during the winter.
9. Shade the windows properly
A tent outside the window will prevent more solar energy to enter the
house that a
10.Plant deciduous trees to shade your house.
During the winter they will loose their leaves and allow sunlight
penetrate the house.
11.Mount aluminum sheets behind your space heaters
It will reflect the thermal energy in the room, not on the wall.
12.Put the refrigerator far from any heat sources
13.Don't overload the fridge
14.Don't put hot food in the fridge.
It will drain energy for no reason. Leave it out until it gets to the
room temperature
before putting it in the fridge.
15.Tidy up your fridge
Firstly, you will need less time with the door open until you find
what you need.
Secondly, the frost will be distributed better.
16.Keep your fridge clean
You can save up to 30% of loss of energy by cleaning the dust from the
back of your
refrigerator. Also, clean it from the ice which reduces its
17.Switch off the lights where you don't need them
18.Use CFLs
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs are way more economic. Save up to 70%
electricity costs for lighting.
19. Look for Energy Star qualified appliances
20.Use the "eco" mode to reduce your appliances electricity
21.Don't use the air-conditioner with the windows open
22.Clean the air-conditioner's filters regularly
23.Shade your air-conditioner's compressors properly
They will use 10% less energy.
24.Walk, walk, walk
Walk to the supermarket, walk to the school, walk and save energy.
25.Drive slower to reduce emissions
Aggressive driving consumes more fuel.
26.Don't pre-heat the car engine.
Instead, you can drive at low velocities during the first minutes
until the engine is
properly heated.
27.Keep your car tires pressure at the proposed limits.
This will save you fuels and it will make your car safer too.
28.Go Hybrid
Hybrid cars produce less greenhouse gases. Check out the local funds
and buy one
at a better price
29.Buy an electric car
30.Use public means of transport
31.Buy proper cookware
Make sure that your pans and the other kitchenware fix properly on the
Otherwise you will loose energy for no reason.
32.Turn the cooker off before the food is finished
It will remain hot for a little and the food will be cooked without
wasting any energy.
33.Don't use a cloth dryer
It consumes too much energy. Remember, sun can be a really good friend
if used
34.Wash your clothes on lower temperature
Avoid energy loss when possible.
35.Don't leave electronics on stand-by mode
They will not stop using electricity. Use a plug-board with a switch
to completely
switch off all appliances.
36.Say no to screen savers
Turn the monitor off instead.
37.A plugged charger will consume energy even when it is not connected
to the
38.Go Local
Avoid transportation to far away distances if you can do the same
thing nearby.
Choose a local supermarket, buy from the bakery of the neighborhood.
Also prefer local products to reduce the CO2 emissions cause to their
39.Go On-line
Make your bank or any other transactions using the Internet. This will
save you time
and transportation costs too.
40.Don't use the microwave oven to defrost food
Instead, you can just leave it at room temperature for a little bit
41.Go Passive
Using the sun properly can save you lots of money.
42.Use solar water heaters
They provide free hot water.
43.Maintain your water heater regularly
Badly maintained heaters consume way more electricity.
44.Insulate your water pipes
45.Install a Green Roof
It will save you lots of energy along with multiple other advantages
it provides.
TOPIC: What will be the next animal to dominate the Earth when we have been
wiped out?
== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:28 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"
"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> In article <2a65b$4c7be22b$d8102c96$4710@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote,
> in a way he usually does here, snipped by me to edit for space:
>>TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
>>hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
>>His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to
>>poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.
> If I was going to killfile one and not both of E.D. and TM, I would
> killfile Ed Dolan. I see him posting almost as much here as TM does, and
> in narrower and less interesting ways. I don't see Ed Dolan posting much
> other than venom for TM.
I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
> The only area where I agree with E.D. is thread count. I agree with TM
> more than that, and find him more amusing than E.D.
"If you respond to this poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy
bastard too." - Ed Dolan
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:36 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)
In <3b9dd$4c7c21e5$d8102c96$22801@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote in
small part:
>"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
<SNIP to here including what I wrote>
>I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
<SNIP from here>
Looks like you've not been in
- Don Klipstein (
== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 3:25 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
On Aug 30, 2:36 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> In <3b9dd$4c7c21e5$d8102c96$22...@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote in
> small part:
> >"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> >
> <SNIP to here including what I wrote>
> >I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
> <SNIP from here>
> Looks like you've not been in
> --
> - Don Klipstein (
He's earned the title of Janitor of the Internet.
Not many out there.
== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 3:44 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"
<> wrote in message
On Aug 30, 2:36 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> In <3b9dd$4c7c21e5$d8102c96$22...@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote in
> small part:
> >"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> >
> <SNIP to here including what I wrote>
> >I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
> <SNIP from here>
> Looks like you've not been in
> --
> - Don Klipstein (
>>> He's earned the title of Janitor of the Internet.
>>> Not many out there.
TM shits worse than any other animal on Usenet. Cleaning after him is a
full-time job.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 7:14 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"
"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> In <3b9dd$4c7c21e5$d8102c96$22801@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote in
> small part:
>>"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP to here including what I wrote>
>>I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
> <SNIP from here>
> Looks like you've not been in
Do those jerks overwhelm you with their technical knowledge of a limited
subject? I am never overwhelmed by technical knowledge by experts. I judge
others by their general knowledge and reasoning ability. I am a dilettante
and proud of it.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 8:32 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
On Aug 30, 3:44 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"<> wrote in message
> On Aug 30, 2:36 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> > In <3b9dd$4c7c21e5$d8102c96$22...@KNOLOGY.NET>, Edward Dolan wrote in
> > small part:
> > >"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > <SNIP to here including what I wrote>
> > >I am a housekeeper only. Everyone on Usenet is way too stupid for me.
> > <SNIP from here>
> > Looks like you've not been in
> > --
> > - Don Klipstein (
> >>> He's earned the title of Janitor of the Internet.
> >>> Not many out there.
> TM shits worse than any other animal on Usenet. Cleaning after him is a
> full-time job.
Just that the system you defend deserves some shit throwing.
TOPIC: Is an SUV a Truck or a Toy?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 3:23 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
The story goes that in the old times cars were regulated by CAFE
standards, and Congress somehow got around those regulations by
labeling the SUV a "truck"... Yes, they can be very clever when they
want. Anyway a jungle vehicle --they want to look tough-- that was
unsafe to itself and others landed on American roads, which were
pretty unsafe anyway, and without a truck license of any kind (as
common sense would dictate) unleashed the Law of the Jungle among
drivers and appealed to the "animal within."
That's not nice for other drivers and the environment, but I have a
further classification that would take effect wherever the revolution
comes to power: THE SUV IS A TOY. The distinction is clear: A truck is
used to move merchandise and requires a special license, a toy means
that it's a toy for the rich and the wannabe rich. The bicycle by
contrast will be named SUB or Sport Utility Bike.
Signed by "El Comandante," aka Wise Tibetan Monkey, Prophet of the
Jungle and other titles too long to name.
"SUVs makes sense in the deep jungle, but not in the asphalt jungle"
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 3:39 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock"
<> wrote in message
> The story goes that in the old times cars were regulated by CAFE
> standards, and Congress somehow got around those regulations by
> labeling the SUV a "truck"... Yes, they can be very clever when they
> want. Anyway a jungle vehicle --they want to look tough-- that was
> unsafe to itself and others landed on American roads, which were
> pretty unsafe anyway, and without a truck license of any kind (as
> common sense would dictate) unleashed the Law of the Jungle among
> drivers and appealed to the "animal within."
> That's not nice for other drivers and the environment, but I have a
> further classification that would take effect wherever the revolution
> comes to power: THE SUV IS A TOY. The distinction is clear: A truck is
> used to move merchandise and requires a special license, a toy means
> that it's a toy for the rich and the wannabe rich. The bicycle by
> contrast will be named SUB or Sport Utility Bike.
> Signed by "El Comandante," aka Wise Tibetan Monkey, Prophet of the
> Jungle and other titles too long to name.
TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.
He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.
TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.
But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.
Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
TOPIC: Loud electric tea kettle?
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 3:39 pm
From: The Real Bev
On 08/30/10 06:10, Bill Gill wrote:
> I am considering replacing my stove top tea kettle
> with an electric to save energy. However I have
> some high frequency hearing loss and can't hear
> the average whistling tea kettle. Can any one
> recommend an electric that makes a loud enough
> sound so I can hear it when it boils?
> My current stove top kettle has a harmonica type
> reed in the spout. I can hear that quite plainly
> even if I happen to leave the room just before
> it boils.
Some people put marbles in the kettle. Could you hear them rattling around?
Cheers, Bev
"Give me all your brains or I'll blow your money out!"
--Anonymous Unsuccessful Bank Robber
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 6:36 pm
From: Bill Gill
On 8/30/2010 5:39 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> On 08/30/10 06:10, Bill Gill wrote:
>> I am considering replacing my stove top tea kettle
>> with an electric to save energy. However I have
>> some high frequency hearing loss and can't hear
>> the average whistling tea kettle. Can any one
>> recommend an electric that makes a loud enough
>> sound so I can hear it when it boils?
>> My current stove top kettle has a harmonica type
>> reed in the spout. I can hear that quite plainly
>> even if I happen to leave the room just before
>> it boils.
> Some people put marbles in the kettle. Could you hear them rattling around?
I kind of doubt it. I suppose I could try it with my
current kettle and see what happened.
Thanks, for the suggestion.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 7:03 pm
From: Michael Black
On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, The Real Bev wrote:
> On 08/30/10 06:10, Bill Gill wrote:
>> I am considering replacing my stove top tea kettle
>> with an electric to save energy. However I have
>> some high frequency hearing loss and can't hear
>> the average whistling tea kettle. Can any one
>> recommend an electric that makes a loud enough
>> sound so I can hear it when it boils?
>> My current stove top kettle has a harmonica type
>> reed in the spout. I can hear that quite plainly
>> even if I happen to leave the room just before
>> it boils.
> Some people put marbles in the kettle. Could you hear them rattling around?
But then don't you risk losing your marbles?
TOPIC: Bed bugs? try D.E.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 5:04 pm
From: VFW
Diatomaceous Earth.
works on almost any crawling bug with an exoskeleton.
I would probably vacuum first then dust. avoid your eyes and breathing
the dust.
but D.E. has been eaten safely.
Works on the mechanical abrasion of the bug's exoskeleton. Non toxic
good luck.
Money! What a concept.
TOPIC: Do you agree with the Christians that we are living in the End Times?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 8:30 pm
From: VFW
In article
"His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> I do, but for entirely different reasons from the Bible. It's the
> Christians' own support for the most warmongering politicians, their
> denial of Climate Change as a conspiracy, and their dismissal of those
> who want to do the simple act to ride a bicycle not to be part of the
> problem, that places us right close to Midnight.
> Yep, the clock is ticking...
> "The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by
> the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the
> University of Chicago. The closer the clock is to midnight, the closer
> the world is estimated to be to global disaster. As of January 14,
> 2010, the Doomsday Clock now stands at six minutes to midnight."
> ------------------------------------------------------
> "It's a race against time"
and the Earth will be a better place after the human parasite has become
extinct. It will heal.
This "experiment" will just a short moment in the long history of time.
Money! What a concept.
TOPIC: Ed Dolan the Great and the denizens of Usenet
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 9:36 pm
From: JimmyMac
On Aug 29, 4:36 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> On Aug 29, 9:51 am, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> [...]
> >> You post the same old previously introduced, repetitious, masticated
> and regurgitated tripe over and over ad nauseum and that's pretty much
> the same is is not?
> It is always in response to what is being said by someone else.
Well no it's not actually, but more about that further down sinc you
stated this multiple times.
> Repetitive types like you only deserve repetition.
Now you are accusing me, as you do TM, doing what you do ... recycling
repetitious nonsense? You have often stated that you write to
enlighten the readership. Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion
that repetition of nonsense is in any way enlightening.
> Ever notice how TM just ends up
> talking to himself. What does that tell you?
It tells me that you read TM's posts and care and I don't. By the
way, this is yet another example of you accusing TM of what you are
guilty of, that is writing for yourself and talking to yourself. Well
whatever floats your boat, I guess.
> [...]
> >> TM pretty much does what you set out to do, dominate the newsgroup
> with a off-topic posts. He just appears to be better at it than you.
> He is a fucking idiot
You in your own words ... Name calling is just so infantile that I
hate to do it even in retaliation.
> and you are almost on his level yourself for thinking as you do.
Opinion stated as fact.
> If he is your ideal, then why not engage him - or is he even too
> dumb for you?
Logical fallacy, Non Sequitur, stating, as a conclusion, something
that which does not strictly follow from the premise. In this
particular instance, the premise (that TM is my ideal) is a figment of
your imagination since I made no such statement, nor did I imply as
much. Yep it does appear that you are actually jealous of TM's
ability to dominate a newsgroup better than you ever could. You
really need to get over this.
> [...]
> >> Sounds like you just painted a self-portrait, the only difference
> being that you promise to go away, say your goodbyes over and over,
> depart promising never to return but don't keep your promise. In the
> final analysis, the end result is the same. You never go away
> either. You two deserve one another. Enjoy!
> I am a housekeeper.
Send us a picture of you in your French maid outfit.
By the way, do you have an identity crisis? You really need to decide
what you are and why you're here. You wrote ... I am an equal
opportunity annoyer. My only purpose in being on these confounded
newsgroups is to rile others and make them as miserable as I am. I am
merely a gadfly buzzing about this group ever striving to create some
mayhem. I am superfluous. Think of me as the buffoon of ARBR and you
will not be far wrong.
> Everyone else on Usenet is way too stupid for me to ever
> engage on substance.
Then why did you once write ... You can always count on me for a
customized response because I respect my fellow man no matter how much
I may disagree with him on specific issues? Why must you continue to
contradict yourself? Which Ed are we to believe? With so much
contradiction, perhaps the question should be, what if anything you
write should anyone believe? The conundrum continues
> With TM, it just copy and paste posts the way Ed Gin stepped on posts.
So that's where you learned it from.
> [...]
> >> I guess it is unclear to me what you mean by "multiply threads". If
> you mean multiple threads on a single topic, how different is that
> from what you're done.
> Never done it! In fact, I am mainly a responder, not an originator of new
> threads.
Bullshit. You have originated multiple farewell posts, multiple
death of Usenet (particularly ARBR) posts, multiple Where is Tom
Sherman posts just to mention a few that you recylce among the many.
> It is really pitiful how you are unable to think clearly about
> anything at all. That is what happens when you allow your emotions to take
> over your intellect.
Opinion stated as fact. Read your own words of wisdom in this
regard ... It is a waste of time and energy for me Edward Dolan to
even attempt to be intelligent. Even I don't know what I am saying
half the time.
Jim McNamara of this newsgroup can help you with your logical thinking
as he is an expert on the subject.
> >> A search of a newsgroup for a given topic
> brings up multiple threads originated by you that address a single
> topic year after year. This is somehow distinctly different?
> It is indeed different if it is in response to what someone else has said.
Not when you are the originator of the thread it's not.
> I have never originated threads out of a clear blue sky. Only a fucked-up poor
> crazy bastard like TM does that sort of thing.
That's crap and you know it or you are the Queen of D-Nile (denial).
A search of the ARBR shows otherwise. See what I wrote above in this
> Since you can't see any diffence between us, I suggest you engage him. I
> will die laughing at your flaying about with the village idiot.
I never indicated that I can't see not difference between you two.
Let me dumb this down for you. What I said was that you are
criticizing TM for what you have done. That's what a psychologist
calls a coping mechanism (projection). As for taking TM on, you have
already assumed that role. Besides, I've better things to do with my
time than respond to and/or trample TM's posts. Since you've nothing
better to do with your time, do have fun.
> > Regards,
> > Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> > aka
> > Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 9:53 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
On Aug 30, 9:36 pm, JimmyMac <> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 4:36 pm, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> > "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> >
> > On Aug 29, 9:51 am, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:> "JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
> > [...]
> > >> You post the same old previously introduced, repetitious, masticated
> > and regurgitated tripe over and over ad nauseum and that's pretty much
> > the same is is not?
> > It is always in response to what is being said by someone else.
> Well no it's not actually, but more about that further down sinc you
> stated this multiple times.
> > Repetitive types like you only deserve repetition.
> Now you are accusing me, as you do TM, doing what you do ... recycling
> repetitious nonsense? You have often stated that you write to
> enlighten the readership. Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion
> that repetition of nonsense is in any way enlightening.
> > Ever notice how TM just ends up
> > talking to himself. What does that tell you?
> It tells me that you read TM's posts and care and I don't. By the
> way, this is yet another example of you accusing TM of what you are
> guilty of, that is writing for yourself and talking to yourself. Well
> whatever floats your boat, I guess.
> > [...]
> > >> TM pretty much does what you set out to do, dominate the newsgroup
> > with a off-topic posts. He just appears to be better at it than you.
> > He is a fucking idiot
> You in your own words ... Name calling is just so infantile that I
> hate to do it even in retaliation.
> > and you are almost on his level yourself for thinking as you do.
> Opinion stated as fact.
> > If he is your ideal, then why not engage him - or is he even too
> > dumb for you?
> Logical fallacy, Non Sequitur, stating, as a conclusion, something
> that which does not strictly follow from the premise. In this
> particular instance, the premise (that TM is my ideal) is a figment of
> your imagination since I made no such statement, nor did I imply as
> much. Yep it does appear that you are actually jealous of TM's
> ability to dominate a newsgroup better than you ever could. You
> really need to get over this.
> > [...]
> > >> Sounds like you just painted a self-portrait, the only difference
> > being that you promise to go away, say your goodbyes over and over,
> > depart promising never to return but don't keep your promise. In the
> > final analysis, the end result is the same. You never go away
> > either. You two deserve one another. Enjoy!
> > I am a housekeeper.
> Send us a picture of you in your French maid outfit.
> By the way, do you have an identity crisis? You really need to decide
> what you are and why you're here. You wrote ... I am an equal
> opportunity annoyer. My only purpose in being on these confounded
> newsgroups is to rile others and make them as miserable as I am. I am
> merely a gadfly buzzing about this group ever striving to create some
> mayhem. I am superfluous. Think of me as the buffoon of ARBR and you
> will not be far wrong.
> > Everyone else on Usenet is way too stupid for me to ever
> > engage on substance.
> Then why did you once write ... You can always count on me for a
> customized response because I respect my fellow man no matter how much
> I may disagree with him on specific issues? Why must you continue to
> contradict yourself? Which Ed are we to believe? With so much
> contradiction, perhaps the question should be, what if anything you
> write should anyone believe? The conundrum continues
> > With TM, it just copy and paste posts the way Ed Gin stepped on posts.
> So that's where you learned it from.
> > [...]
> > >> I guess it is unclear to me what you mean by "multiply threads". If
> > you mean multiple threads on a single topic, how different is that
> > from what you're done.
> > Never done it! In fact, I am mainly a responder, not an originator of new
> > threads.
> Bullshit. You have originated multiple farewell posts, multiple
> death of Usenet (particularly ARBR) posts, multiple Where is Tom
> Sherman posts just to mention a few that you recylce among the many.
> > It is really pitiful how you are unable to think clearly about
> > anything at all. That is what happens when you allow your emotions to take
> > over your intellect.
> Opinion stated as fact. Read your own words of wisdom in this
> regard ... It is a waste of time and energy for me Edward Dolan to
> even attempt to be intelligent. Even I don't know what I am saying
> half the time.
> Jim McNamara of this newsgroup can help you with your logical thinking
> as he is an expert on the subject.
> > >> A search of a newsgroup for a given topic
> > brings up multiple threads originated by you that address a single
> > topic year after year. This is somehow distinctly different?
> > It is indeed different if it is in response to what someone else has said.
> Not when you are the originator of the thread it's not.
> > I have never originated threads out of a clear blue sky. Only a fucked-up poor
> > crazy bastard like TM does that sort of thing.
> That's crap and you know it or you are the Queen of D-Nile (denial).
> A search of the ARBR shows otherwise. See what I wrote above in this
> regard.
> > Since you can't see any diffence between us, I suggest you engage him. I
> > will die laughing at your flaying about with the village idiot.
> I never indicated that I can't see not difference between you two.
> Let me dumb this down for you. What I said was that you are
> criticizing TM for what you have done. That's what a psychologist
> calls a coping mechanism (projection). As for taking TM on, you have
> already assumed that role. Besides, I've better things to do with my
> time than respond to and/or trample TM's posts. Since you've nothing
> better to do with your time, do have fun.
I'm honored by such attacks and counterattacks but I simply recycle
some of the posts here. I don't think nothing will come out of it,
just to keep you posted how's the bicycle revolution. I wished we all
became organized but cyclists seem to be anarchists rather than
collectivists who ride buses.
I wonder what Ed stands for. Never bothered to figure that out. I know
he hates Muslims and Liberals, but that's about it.
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