Today's topics:
* Best solder free electrical connection - 1 messages, 1 author
* HOT ACTRESS - 1 messages, 1 author
* property tax appeal denied - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Why I don't post in moderated groups - 7 messages, 4 authors
* Rabies shots - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Substitute for cinder blocks in making temporary bookshelves? - 3 messages,
2 authors
* Humorous true work story - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Why is Costco WHOLESALE sometimes more expensive then RETAIL stores? - 1
messages, 1 author
* This is one good reason I hate God - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cycling Copenhagen through American eyes - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Best solder free electrical connection
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Aug 19 2010 11:17 pm
From: "Robert Green"
Since you've clearly eliminated solder from contention, I would suggest:
"An all-purpose, electrically conductive glue ideal for bonding all kinds of
low-voltage connections. Makes a permanent bond without heat. Lead-free. 0.3
fl.oz. jar."
While it's really more of a conductive paint than a glue, it's been useful
to "replate" switch contacts on IR remote control units and to attach small,
fine wires like those required by glass solar panels where soldering may
cause serious damage if not done expertly. They also sell all sorts of
battery holders and soldering tools.
You might be able to gain strength by building up the material in layers and
then covering it with hot melt glue to add physical strength. Even will all
that I would solder but use a small alligator clip to "wick" the iron's heat
away from the plastic. Buy a new iron and some spare tips and practive a
little. I was amazed to learn how much a good tip is worth when soldering.
Bobby G.
"john hamilton" <bluestar95@mail.invalid> wrote in message
> I have to connect this AAA battery holder to a toy. Although I have a
> soldering iron, my soldering skills are poor. I can see myself easily
> melting all the plastic around the contacts before I can get anything to
> stick to the tabs. (The part of the tabs with the small hole will bend
> upwards giving some clearence).
> My immediate plan is to poke a few strands of wire through the holes in
> connection tabs twist and then apply some nail varnish to stop it
> Since its a toy it does not need to be totally foolproof.
> If anyone had any ideas that were a bit more sophisticated I would be
> gratefull. Thanks.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 2:40 am
From: guru datta
TOPIC: property tax appeal denied
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:50 am
From: Napoleon
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 15:40:37 -0400, Ohioguy <> wrote:
> I did a bit of research, and found out our neighbor to the north is
>paying about 25% less in taxes than we are. The house has the same
>number of bedrooms, and sold for in the same neighborhood as ours. It
>is also in about the same shape, and is the same age. Can I use this as
>part of the argument to get our taxes lowered?
That's a comp. You need four more of those. Plus five more comps for
actual sales, preferably in the last two years. Of course people can
always ignore your comps (which is what the town board did to us). But
at least you pointed out the unfairness, and can keep going back to
the assessor board every year with the same info if they refuse to
lower your assessment comparable to the comps.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:55 am
From: Napoleon
On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:21:44 -0400, MAS <> wrote:
>In my area, the last time I contested the amount (and won), they told me
>they base their assessment solely on square footage. Show me a real
>estate agent who does a drive-by and guesses what a home is worth.
>They're even "training" some sheriffs to do assessments - how
>professional is that?
I have no clue what they base the assessments on in my area. I think
it is the PIOOYA formula (pull it out of your ass). That's what I'm
going to the hearing to find out. I want the assessor to tell me why
our house is assessed as it is, while all other comps are much lower.
My mother also owns an OLD camp next to the new house which is also
way over-assessed (that will be appealed next year). If they base the
assessment on the age of the house, then the town should be paying my
mother a refund on her taxes.
Yup, can't wait to hear what the assessor says. It'll be fun.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 2:41 pm
From: tmclone
On Aug 18, 11:52 am, Ohioguy <> wrote:
> The last time we purchased a house, the city set the property
> valuation at the most recent sales price for about 3 years
> automatically, before it started inching up a bit.
> This time around, me moved to a new city, and we purchased a house at
> public auction through HUD. We got the high bid at public auction, and
> I thought it would be a similar situation - submit complaint against
> their valuation of the property, along with proof of the amount paid as
> highest in a public auction for the property.
> After waiting 4 months (they supposedly misplaced my original hearing
> info, and had to set a new date when I called to ask for the results),
> today I got their answer in a certified letter: no change at all. This
> is despite the fact that several years before we bought it, it sold for
> $113K+, and we got it for $60k this year. (including roughly $6k paid as
> commision to real estate agent)
> Since we paid roughly 47% less than it had sold for a number of years
> back, I figured that conservatively at least a 1/3 decrease in our
> property taxes could be expected. In fact, I counted on this, since the
> taxes on the last place we owned were based on exactly how much we had
> paid. I assumed this was normal, since it was quite easy to show how
> much was paid, and further, since a public auction leaves a very public
> record of how much buyers are willing to pay for a property. (hence, its
> value)
> Technically, since the purchase, repairs have been done that would
> likely increase the value of the property. In fact, these repairs were
> part of the rehab loan, and became part of our mortgage. However, even
> if I used this more pessimistic valuation, or mortgage total is only
> $80k - and should still merit a significant discount on the property
> valuation.
> Now I'm told that "have the right to appeal" within 30 days if I
> would like to. Yes, I would like to. However, I'm not sure which route
> would be the best way to go:
> A) Ohio Board of Tax Appeals
> or
> B) Montgomery County Common Pleas
> I'm also not sure if a negative judgment in one of those would
> preclude us from using the other?
> I guess I was assuming this would be fairly easy, with the
> straightforward and recent purchase price info I had submitted, showing
> how much we paid for the place at a public auction.
> Anyone ever gone through this sort of thing before? If it were you,
> what steps would you take to make your case?
> If I succeed, I should be able to save somewhere between 30% and 45%
> off of our annual property taxes.
STFU and pay what you owe!
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 2:43 pm
From: tmclone
On Aug 19, 7:11 pm, MAS <> wrote:
> On 8/19/2010 3:56 PM, h wrote:
> > No, of course not, and I live in NY where assessments need to be challenged
> > every time, since my county's school tax rates-to-value are in the 10 ten IN
> > THE NATION, while our incomes are in the bottom 30%. Even Scarsdale pays
> > less per valuation than we do here in rural upstate NY.
> > However, I've read enough from Flyoverstateasshole to know that he's a tax
> > evader of the first order and hates to pay what he owes for ANYTHING. That
> > moron bitches about paying $1.39 a pound for ground turkey. Why anyone would
> > do anything except grind it themselves is beyond me, but that's the
> > Flyoverstateasshole for you. He's even devoted several threads to trying to
> > promote his "blog" about local restaurants in order to raise money. As if
> > anyone, anywhere, cares what he thinks about anything. He's from the
> > mid-west for crissakes. He buys pre-packaged ground turkey, yet thinks
> > anyone cares about his "restaurant reviews". Obviously knows "a lot" about
> > "fine dining". Not. What a douche. Blech.
> Sounds like residents*** of NY are a bunch of self-absorbed whiners.
> It's a frugal newsgroup, moron. Skip his posts if they raise your blood
> pressure that much. Jeezus.
> ***maybe only this resident - if you're from NY and this doesn't apply
> to you, please ignore.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
PLONK! oh wait, your're already dumped on Outlook. Bye bye. Again.
TOPIC: Why I don't post in moderated groups
== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:04 am
From: "h"
"The Real Bev" <> wrote in message
And you and Rod have a nice day.
> Not likely.
Interesting that the most pissed off person is someone most of us have KFd
== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:50 am
From: root <> wrote:
> I don't trust you on that. Suck on that. This group is a case in
> point. Some people (AHEM!) kept responding to a regular loon here.
> More than anything, that one individual and his supporter here killed
> this group. I warned about it years ago and got the same BULLSHIT
> "killfile him" crap, and "use advanced filters" twit responses while
> you encouraged him.
I don't think this is fair, Harry. First, I don't think Bev ever
suggested you kill file him, and I am sure she never suggested you
use "advanced filters". Secondly, I don't think responding to a
post can be said to encourage the OP. Even if everyone killfiled
RS right at the start, he would have just assumed a different identity.
> You know as well as anyone that killfiles only work when everyone uses
> them and refuses to read posts from people who respond to the worst
> offenders.
You'll never get everyone to do anything. I killfiled RS some time
ago, but I still see posts that I am pretty sure came from him.
> So no, I don't trust you and in fact I'll say you lie through your
> teeth (or other orifice). I'm not very happy about what happened to
> the group AND the way you kept the asshole interested in it and
> speeded the process. There are always enough responders like you to
> keep the intentional disrupters alive.
> I've held back saying this for years, in hopes of your realization of
> reality and a change in stance. I've lost that hope, so in a very
> heartfelt way, for your assistance in destroying this group by YOUR
> actions, Fuck You. And you and Rod have a nice day.
And how different is that final paragraph from something RS might
have posted? Have you killfiled Bev?
== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:36 am
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 07:04:00 -0400, "h" <>
>"The Real Bev" <> wrote in message
>And you and Rod have a nice day.
>> Not likely.
>Interesting that the most pissed off person is someone most of us have KFd
Gee then, I wonder how the fuck you read the response and realized it
was me, and then came back with an idiotic rejoinder?
Could you just be unintentionally proving my point that killfiles
don't work unless EVERYONE uses them and doesn't respond? Or could it
just be you are a twit or nym for RS?
Either way, you've proven yourself to be an idiot with no powers of
comprehension. If you have KF'd me - don't bother, I rarely post here
anymore - and ps - I'm honored to be KF'd by sanctimonius assholes.
== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:54 am
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 11:50:31 +0000 (UTC), root <>
>I don't think this is fair, Harry. First, I don't think Bev ever
>suggested you kill file him, and I am sure she never suggested you
>use "advanced filters". Secondly, I don't think responding to a
>post can be said to encourage the OP. Even if everyone killfiled
>RS right at the start, he would have just assumed a different identity.
I've spent way too much time being "reasonable" and trying to be
"fair." In bulk, it has ended up with my getting responses like the
one from "h", who can't even be creative enough to have more than a
one letter nym, and much worse. It ends up with scumbags like RS and
his ilk taking over, not just this group, but political arenas,
religious arenas, ecological arenas, and life in general. Enough.
If people don't like it when I tell reality, then can kiss my ass.
FWIW, Bev DID repeatedly suggest KFing Rod, and I was directed to
NewsProxy N filter, which I used for a while before realizing the real
problem was not being addressed.
Bottom line is that if this group had been even lightly moderated -
and I do mean lightly - then dildobrain would have found a different
playground and the group would still exist. Get real. This isn't a
group anymore. RARELY, like others I'll check a few posts, but I'm
not going to give the resident fuckhead the chance to spew more vomit
in my direction.
Bev still continues with the "no moderation, trust me" theme. The
democracies and open governments of Greece _only_ worked because the
worst offenders to the reasoned discourse were ostracized, exiled,
executed, or worse. There is no way to do that on unmoderated usenet,
and Bev has been living in a fantasy world to the detriment of others.
Fair? The world isn't "fair."
== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 3:23 pm
From: The Real Bev
On 08/20/10 08:54, wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 11:50:31 +0000 (UTC), root<>
> wrote:
>>I don't think this is fair, Harry. First, I don't think Bev ever
>>suggested you kill file him, and I am sure she never suggested you
>>use "advanced filters". Secondly, I don't think responding to a
>>post can be said to encourage the OP. Even if everyone killfiled
>>RS right at the start, he would have just assumed a different identity.
> I've spent way too much time being "reasonable" and trying to be
> "fair." In bulk, it has ended up with my getting responses like the
> one from "h", who can't even be creative enough to have more than a
> one letter nym, and much worse. It ends up with scumbags like RS and
> his ilk taking over, not just this group, but political arenas,
> religious arenas, ecological arenas, and life in general. Enough.
> If people don't like it when I tell reality, then can kiss my ass.
> FWIW, Bev DID repeatedly suggest KFing Rod, and I was directed to
> NewsProxy N filter, which I used for a while before realizing the real
> problem was not being addressed.
I really regret not KFing him as soon as I realized what was what.
Ultimately I did, and encouraged others to do so. I've never heard of
NewsProxy N filter, so somebody else recommended it.
We can't solve the REAL problem as long as there are laws against
killin' them whut needs killin'. We just have to devise workarounds.
> Bottom line is that if this group had been even lightly moderated -
> and I do mean lightly - then dildobrain would have found a different
> playground and the group would still exist. Get real. This isn't a
> group anymore. RARELY, like others I'll check a few posts, but I'm
> not going to give the resident fuckhead the chance to spew more vomit
> in my direction.
If you too abandon the group, then RS has won. <sigh> Are you telling
me that legumes aren't as tough as grrlz? Even grllz of, um, a certain age?
> Bev still continues with the "no moderation, trust me" theme. The
> democracies and open governments of Greece _only_ worked because the
> worst offenders to the reasoned discourse were ostracized, exiled,
> executed, or worse. There is no way to do that on unmoderated usenet,
> and Bev has been living in a fantasy world to the detriment of others.
Look, I'm the moderator of a spinoff (not a replacement) group designed
to avoid an even worse shithead than RS, who makes trouble in real life
for people and who actually had a court order forbidding him from
posting for a year. He just changed his name and kept right on. The
new moderated group has had few posters, mostly newbies asking a
group-related question -- which generally gets answered. Members of the
unmoderated group have for the most part migrated to other venues.
Ostracism is the easiest way, it just requires diligence and perseverence.
The only way we can keep a newsgroup alive is to keep using it, ignoring
the crap. If newcomers aren't capable of recognizing crap, that's their
tough luck -- nobody needs to set them straight.
> Fair? The world isn't "fair."
Hey, it would be if *I* ran it!
Cheers, Bev
"A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person
or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even
possibly incurring losses." -- C.M.Cipolla
== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:00 pm
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 15:23:35 -0700, The Real Bev
<> wrote:
>Get real. This isn't a
>> group anymore. RARELY, like others I'll check a few posts, but I'm
>> not going to give the resident fuckhead the chance to spew more vomit
>> in my direction.
>If you too abandon the group, then RS has won. <sigh> Are you telling
>me that legumes aren't as tough as grrlz? Even grllz of, um, a certain age?
RS "won" the group long ago. If you look at the traffic, it took him
less than a year to drive off the bulk of decent people. Legumes can
survive in unfertile soil, but produce better when the weeds and pests
aren't a constant problem. I packed my peas and moved.
R didn't win over me. If I had continued, he might have. I took a
long look at how I was constantly having to defend, ratchet up, go
into attitudes that were degrading rather than edifying, and decided
that I didn't need my mind regularly filled with snippets of his crap.
I don't fill my hard drives with spam, why should I fill my brain with
the ravings of a misanthropic idiot?
== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 4:02 pm
From: The Real Bev
On 08/20/10 16:00, wrote:
> <> wrote:
>>> Get real. This isn't a
>>> group anymore. RARELY, like others I'll check a few posts, but I'm
>>> not going to give the resident fuckhead the chance to spew more vomit
>>> in my direction.
I don't think it's directional; think of it as a shit-bomb.
>>If you too abandon the group, then RS has won.<sigh> Are you telling
>>me that legumes aren't as tough as grrlz? Even grllz of, um, a certain age?
> RS "won" the group long ago. If you look at the traffic, it took him
> less than a year to drive off the bulk of decent people. Legumes can
> survive in unfertile soil, but produce better when the weeds and pests
> aren't a constant problem. I packed my peas and moved.
Sorry to see you go, Harry. I hope you change your mind.
Cheers, Bev
"The way England treats her prisoners, she doesn't
deserve to have any." --Oscar Wilde
TOPIC: Rabies shots
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:12 am
From: VFW
our Vet. wants $50 for a shot for the barn cat.
Clinics charge $11 but you wait in line and they are only open for an
hour on Saturday.
I wonder what the actual shot costs. anyone?
Money! What a concept.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 1:19 pm
From: Al
On Aug 20, 11:12 am, VFW <> wrote:
> our Vet. wants $50 for a shot for the barn cat.
> Clinics charge $11 but you wait in line and they are only open for an
> hour on Saturday.
> I wonder what the actual shot costs. anyone?
> --
> Money! What a concept.
I'm thinking lead shot for the cat would be under 50¢.
TOPIC: Substitute for cinder blocks in making temporary bookshelves?
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:17 am
From: VFW
In article
mike <> wrote:
> I've made temporary bookshelves out of planks of wood using cinder
> blocks to separate the planks. But cinder blocks are too heavy. Any
> recommendations for something lighter to use? The bookshelves will
> contain all paperbacks, so each shelf doesn't need to support a lot of
> weight. Don't care about aesthetics (obviously!). The bookshelves will
> live in a large walk-in closet. Just need visual access to the books
> (vs. sitting in cardboard boxes).
> Thanks!
i use wood pallets for just about any supports. and the last time I
built a bookcase I used wood ladders at either end with planks for the
shelves. good luck.
Money! What a concept.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:46 am
From: SMS
On 15/08/10 6:40 AM, mike wrote:
> I've made temporary bookshelves out of planks of wood using cinder
> blocks to separate the planks. But cinder blocks are too heavy. Any
> recommendations for something lighter to use? The bookshelves will
> contain all paperbacks, so each shelf doesn't need to support a lot of
> weight. Don't care about aesthetics (obviously!). The bookshelves will
> live in a large walk-in closet. Just need visual access to the books
> (vs. sitting in cardboard boxes).
> Thanks!
You can make 6' "ladders" with 2'x4's & closet rod or 1" dowels. You'll
need to attach the "ladders" to the wall. Lay the planks across them and
use wood screws to screw the planks into the dowels.
Of course this is probably more work than buying a few bookshelves at Ikea.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:53 am
From: SMS
On 15/08/10 10:55 AM, mike wrote:
> Thanks Shawn and Jeff.
> Wonder if they have "half height" cinder blocks. Or if there's a
> cinder-block like item at a Home Depot or Lowes that would serve the
> purpose. I have thought of milk crate-like boxes, but they're too wide
> and probably too tall.
> Definitely not interested in buying pre-made bookshelves. There either
> aren't enough planks or they're not wide enough. I have a walk-in
> closet where I could easily put in temporary shelving from 5 to 6 ft
> long. They don't make bookcases that long so far as I know.
I've built floor to ceiling 8' long bookshelves that were easy to
8' long pine 1"x12" planks reinforced with a 2"x4" on both long sides so
they don't sag. Four 2"x4" uprights. Drill holes in the uprights and in
the 2"x4"s on each shelf at the desired spacing.
Attach the whole thing to studs in the wall with lag bolts.
The books can go under the 2"x4" of the shelf above to save space or you
can waste that 1.5". In California I found it was better to have the
books gently held in place by the 2"x4" above during an earthquake.
For paperbacks you could get by with 1"x8" planks and make some other
changes to lower the cost as well.
TOPIC: Humorous true work story
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 9:35 am
From: "john neeves"
Do you have a Humorous at work story to tell? The one told me the other day
was by a car windscreen fitter, lets call him Fred. He went around to
someone's house and fitted a new windscreen. Some cars are a lot more
complicated to do than others.
After working on one of the most difficult for several hours, he finished
the job and the owners wife came out of the house to sign for the work. Just
then a women drove up, asked if this was Mr So and So's car, they both said
The new arrival turned to the owners wife and said, I've had an affair with
your husband for two years and yesterday he said he has finished with me.
With that she whipped out a small hammer and wrecked the windscreen. Fred
said his eyes have never been so big.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 1:17 pm
From: Al
On Aug 20, 12:35 pm, "john neeves" <simple...@mail.invalid> wrote:
> Do you have a Humorous at work story to tell? The one told me the other day
> was by a car windscreen fitter, lets call him Fred. He went around to
> someone's house and fitted a new windscreen. Some cars are a lot more
> complicated to do than others.
> After working on one of the most difficult for several hours, he finished
> the job and the owners wife came out of the house to sign for the work. Just
> then a women drove up, asked if this was Mr So and So's car, they both said
> yes.
> The new arrival turned to the owners wife and said, I've had an affair with
> your husband for two years and yesterday he said he has finished with me.
> With that she whipped out a small hammer and wrecked the windscreen. Fred
> said his eyes have never been so big.
Could be true, probably apocryphal, still funny in a way because such
things do happen.
A local plumber used to tell stories of how he would show up for jobs
mostly in the inner city and be met by naked women at the door
expecting free plumbing(?) work.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 8:41 pm
From: thanatoid
"john neeves" <simples55@mail.invalid> wrote in
> Do you have a Humorous at work story to tell? The one told
> With that she whipped out a small hammer and wrecked the
> windscreen. Fred said his eyes have never been so big.
This is not funny or 'humorous', it is boring and badly told.
And 'Fred' obviously doesn't get out much. And how did he know
his eyes were bigger than ever?
All human eyes are about the same size, it's how "tall" your
eyelids open. Does Fred carry around a little mirror to check
his eyes all the time?
Please troll in your own workplace.
Any mental activity is easy if it need not be subjected to
TOPIC: Why is Costco WHOLESALE sometimes more expensive then RETAIL stores?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 2:15 pm
From: SMS
On 09/08/10 6:19 PM, wrote:
> Bought some mangoes in Jackson Height Queens.
> Same brand is more then DOUBLE the price if you buy them Costco
> "wholesale"!
> How come?
> I noticed other things that the wholesale price at Costco is more
> expensive then retail stores.
Produce is often much more expensive at Costco than at the ethnic
supermarkets and produce markets, but usually much less expensive than
the mainstream supermarkets.
TOPIC: This is one good reason I hate God
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 5:53 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
(besides not accommodating my bicycle on the road)
You know, it's like those people you talk to and they totally ignore
you. With God it's the same: "God, what a beautiful day!" (NO
ANSWER)... "God, why the the world is in such pitiful state?" (NO
ANSWER)... "God, are you coming?" (NO ANSWER)... Oh c'mon, talk to me!
Then I get to hate him for such disdain and arrogance. Wouldn't you do
the same?
"When God doesn't talk to you, get a parrot"
TOPIC: Cycling Copenhagen through American eyes
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 6:47 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-
On Aug 20, 12:49 am, Day Brown <> wrote:
> On 08/19/2010 10:58 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> > We shouldn't be tempted to make sweeping statements such as the fast
> > train is the solution and bicycle is not. You don't travel from Miami
> > to Orlando everyday.
> > Most trips in America are done to the market and possibly under a
> > radius of 5 miles, or could be done if we drop Walmart in favor of the
> > local store.
> I find that a sweeping statement. You are not going to carry a week's
> worth of groceries and supplies home on a bike.
That's what I can carry with any of my bikes. But you always have an
excuse to ride more often to the market if not as well prepared.
> > The solution is a combination of the above, and take into
> > consideration that we could be riding faster bikes to cover our sprawl
> > instead of the heavy European bike.
> Americans are also a buncha fat slobs who wont ride a bike, much less do
> so if its raining. They will ride a golf cart or electric car to the
> corner store or local mall to bring home whatever, and would use it to
> commute if it also rode the train so they can drive off the train and go
> to work.
Yes, they have been bred that way by careful manipulation. That could
change though as they try riding a bike and shedding pounds.
> It'd be much better for them to ride bikes more, but that's not upta us.
> I'm outlining a project the fat bastards would actually get behind. The
> vehicle carrier rail could get to the urban hub ten minutes or more
> sooner, and to the lazy bastards that makes all the diff.
> I've used my golfcart to haul firewood out of the woods; but properly
> equipped for urban streets, it'd easy go 4-5 miles and back on flat
> pavement at 25 mph.
Some of them are street legal here in Florida (Bombardier type), but
not advisable under conditions where the big fish eats the little
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