Friday, October 22, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 10 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Mystery shopper scam - 1 messages, 1 author
* "Cut your grocery bill with these 8 healthy ingredients for $1" - 1 messages,
1 author
* How long does it take for TM to get a brain? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Does TM have a brain? - 1 messages, 1 author
* First Comes Christianity, Then Comes Obesity? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Buddha: "The best form to relax is sex!" - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is Ed a wicked old man? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Fabric softener? - 2 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Mystery shopper scam

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 1:06 pm
From: Coffee's For Closers

In article <>, says...

> Is anyone still here? I have a question. My daughter got a letter
> from Tums America to do a mystery shopping thing. The letter included
> a check for almost $3000. In the letter is a breakdown of what it is
> for and the assignment was to cash the check and then go to western
> union and send the money to some guy in Spain. What is the scam?
> There has to be one because she never solicited this from
> anyone...hasn't joined any mystery shopper sites, etc.
> Dawn, wanting an answer for her kid.

The cheque is bogus.

The scammers get the info for some innocent business's bank
account. So they can print a cheque drawn on that account. They
send that to some other victim (in this case, your daughter.)

Then, the victim (e.g. your daughter) deposits the cheque into
his/her own bank account, withdraws the money, and wires it to
the scammer.

A week or two later, the cheque bounces. And the victim's bank
reverses the deposit.

Now, the victim is on the hook for money.

Because the scammer received the money by wire or Western Union,
and is in a foreign country, there is no way to get it back from

This deal is commonly used by 419 scammers, in addition to their
basic advance-fee requests.

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TOPIC: "Cut your grocery bill with these 8 healthy ingredients for $1"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 2:26 pm
From: Artys

On Oct 21, 4:44 am, aesthete8 <> wrote:
> "Cut your grocery bill with these 8 healthy ingredients for $1"

Thanks for the taco salad recipe. It looks great.

TOPIC: How long does it take for TM to get a brain?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 2:30 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
> Every movement needs an adversary: The Christians need Satan, I need
> God to show the world how clumsy his design was, if there was ever a
> design.
> I like to tease the Christians but there are other sneaky people out
> there like communists, etc. so the same goes for them.
> Stimulation of the brain is good:

Take your religious concerns and stuff them up your ass, you god damn
fucking moron.

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Does TM have a brain?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 2:36 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"JimmyMac" <> wrote in message
On Oct 20, 9:30 am, "Edward Dolan" <> wrote:
> You and TM deserve one another. He is a brainless spammer and you are an
> indefatigable stalker. It is a match made in Heaven.

>> AND, you two closet queens... HEAD Dolan the troglodyte troll from
Worthington and the lunatic, criminal Mike Vandeman are birds of a
feather ... a match unmatched!

You will appreciate TM the same way you appreciated Ed Gin. Obviously, your
wife is not a sufficient fuckee for you. Fuckers like you need more. I give
you TM with my blessing.

> Fucking Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: First Comes Christianity, Then Comes Obesity?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 2:39 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
> Christianity may not accept gays, but they welcome obesity.
> Their attitude toward this disease is exemplary good, and it's the
> only area I know of where they are an example.

Take your religious concerns and stuff them up your ass, you god damn
fucking moron.

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Buddha: "The best form to relax is sex!"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 2:40 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
> This may come as a surprise to you, but Buddha himself told me that
> SEX IS THE BEST! All those yoga classes are nothing compared to the
> Big O experienced in sex. Where that leaves the monks? I don't know,
> but they should turn to my Wisdom of the Jungle.
> The inspiration happened more or less like this:
> TibetanMonkey: Buddha, do you are realize that does yoga classes are
> only attended by the middle classes?
> Buddha: True (he doesn't like to talk too much),
> TibetanMonkey: The Christians make the Poor feel guilty about sex, but
> that may be their only contact with the subliminal, ie. you,
> Buddha: True,
> TibetanMonkey: Is it true that you yourself longed for sex while in
> meditation?
> Buddha: True,
> TibetanMonkey: Do you have anything else to add?
> Buddha: True!

Take your religious concerns and stuff them up your ass, you god damn
fucking moron.

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Is Ed a wicked old man?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 6:03 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"

Sometimes I get that impression, but later I think he has dementia or
the Republican disease, and truly I can't find a place or use for his

Maybe he's possessed by the Devil, in which case we have to pray to
the Spirits of the Jungle or whoever you believe in, so his soul is
finally placed in a bottle and anchored to the bottom of the sea.

The most humane solution though is that we place him under restriction
as a dangerous patient...

and be given electroshocks and Xanax. Maybe marijuana would work if he
hates institutions.

Maybe some pot will make him join the revolution.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 6:51 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<> wrote in message
> Sometimes I get that impression, but later I think he has dementia or
> the Republican disease, and truly I can't find a place or use for his
> rhetoric.
> Maybe he's possessed by the Devil, in which case we have to pray to
> the Spirits of the Jungle or whoever you believe in, so his soul is
> finally placed in a bottle and anchored to the bottom of the sea.
> The most humane solution though is that we place him under restriction
> as a dangerous patient...
> and be given electroshocks and Xanax. Maybe marijuana would work if he
> hates institutions.
> Maybe some pot will make him join the revolution.

Take your religious concerns and stuff them up your ass, you god damn
fucking moron.

I pray every day that a motorist will run you over and kill you dead. We
need you on these newsgroups like we need another hole in our heads.

No one in their right mind pays any attention to this god damn fucking TM.
He likes to write about monkeys mostly. That is because he is into fucking
them. He is depraved, but more importantly, he is insane. In short, just
another poor crazy Usenet bastard!

Fucking Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: Fabric softener?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 8:03 pm
From: J Burns

On 10/19/10 8:15 AM, Gas Bag wrote:
> I've read all sorts of advice and tips regarding "DIY fabric softener"
> - vinegar, bicarb soda, borax, lemon essence, just to name a few.
> From all the different things I've read, I have no idea what works and
> what doesn't.
> If anyone has tried using any homemade/DIY fabric softener that truly
> works for clothes HUNG OUTDOORS (as opposed to simply a fragrance
> additive), I'd like to hear about it. While adding something like
> lemon essence may give fabrics a really nice smell, I doubt it will do
> much to soften the fabric. What I'd also like to know is how fabric
> softener actually works (i.e. how it softens fabrics).

For cotton, an emulsion of soap and oil will work. It could be olive
oil, corn oil, or tallow.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 21 2010 8:23 pm
From: J Burns

On 10/20/10 11:50 AM, Mrs Bonk wrote:

Oh dear, you must think I am from a backward
> country. A handful of soda in the bath or a bath bomb works wonders - I HAVE
> invested in a mixer tap so hair washing is not such a problem.


In modern countries, we pour soda into a cup, stir in cherry syrup, add
ice, and drink through a straw. If you try it, I'm sure you'll quit
drinking it by the handful or using it to bathe or wash your hair.


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