Today's topics:
* 2010 HOT PHOTOS - 1 messages, 1 author
* Hiking Boots - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Where to get the ingredients for making Open-Source Cola at home - 7
messages, 7 authors
* Riding bike in a park - 3 messages, 1 author
* Unbelievable, the Buddhists and I are making sense! - 1 messages, 1 author
* struggling with paper clutter - 1 messages, 1 author
* want to get rid of paper clutter - 1 messages, 1 author
* LCD monitor screen protector? - 1 messages, 1 author
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jan 6 2011 11:38 pm
From: shiv shankar
latest hot sruthi hassan stills
priyamani hot&sexy photos
TOPIC: Hiking Boots
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 1:50 am
From: "Rod Speed"
fastfreddy wrote:
> Anyone give their recommendations for a good place to find good hiking
> boots and brand of boot for humid tropical climates where it rains alot?
> Something that breathes and can be made waterproof also.
> Something that you can walk a long ways in and still not get blisters.
Thats really just determined by what you break in properly.
I am guessing leather uppers with maybe Vibram soles, but I don't really know.
> Is it even possible to have waterproof boots that still breath,
> maybe not?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 7:41 am
From: Michael Black
On Thu, 6 Jan 2011, fastfreddy wrote:
> Anyone give their recommendations for a good place to find good hiking
> boots and brand of boot for humid tropical climates where it rains alot?
> Something that breathes and can be made waterproof also. Something that you
> can walk a long ways in and still not get blisters. I am guessing leather
> uppers with maybe Vibram soles, but I don't really know. Is it even
> possible to have waterproof boots that still breath, maybe not?
You might want to check the endless thread that began sometime in February
of 2010 titled "walking boots-- which are good?", that was cross-posted
to uk.rec.walking
There seems little reason to rehash the Goretex debate.
TOPIC: Where to get the ingredients for making Open-Source Cola at home
== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 6:55 am
From: Red Green
Mel Knight <> wrote in
> Where online would you get open-source cola ingredients for a good
> price?
> I built a home carbonation system out of a C02 tank, a regulator, and
> some hoses & quick connects along with Pep Boys brass tire valves
> inserted into bottle caps (with the tire-valve stem removed).
> Now I want to make Open Cola as per the recipe and instructions here:
> Question is, where do I get the ingredients?
> I tried Safeway and Nob Hill but neither had them.
Have you tried Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware,
electrical/plumbing/lumber supply house, etc? Why not? Oh, because it has
nothing to do with your topic. Silly me.
> Where online would you get the following ingredients for a good price?
> Cola Flavoring
> * 3.50 mL orange oil
> * 1.00 mL lemon oil
> * 1.00 mL nutmeg oil
> * 1.25 ml cassia (cinnamon) oil
> * 0.25 mL coriander oil
> * 0.25 mL neroli oil (similar to petitgrain, bergamot, or bitter
> orange oil)
> * 2.75 mL lime oil
> * 0.25 mL lavender oil
> * 10.0 g food-grade, NOT ART-GRADE gum arabic (thickener)
> * 3.00 mL water
> Cola Concentrate
> * 5 mL flavoring
> * 17.5 mL 75% citric acid or phosphoric acid
> * 2.00 L water
> * 2.00 kg granulated white sugar
> * 2.5 mL caffeine (2.5 ml is based on 0.5 tsp of a caffeine pill
> advertised as 100% caffeine)
> * 30.0 mL caramel color
> Cola Flavoring
> Mix the oils together.
> Add gum arabic and mix completely.
> Add water and mix well. For this step, use a hand mixer or
> blender
> to thoroughly mix together.
> The flavoring can be made in advance and stored for use later.
> Place in a sealed glass jar and place in the refrigerator or
> keep
> at room temperature.
> When stored, the oils and water will separate. Just mix again
> before use.
> When used, the gum arabic will keep things together.
> Cola Concentrate
> Mix 5 mL of flavoring with the phosphoric or citric acid.
> Mix the water and sugar and, while mixing, add caffeine if
> desired. * Make sure that the caffeine is completely dissolved
> before moving
> on to the next step.
> Pour the acid and flavoring mixture slowly into the water/sugar
> mixture
> (adding acid to water reduces the risk of acid splashes compared
> to
> the other way around)
> Add caramel color and mix completely.
> Cola Soda
> Mix one part of concentrate with five parts water.
> Mix soda water directly with the concentrate
> Cola Warnings
> * Caffeine can be toxic in high doses. Keep the concentration
> below
> 100mg/cup.
> * Many of the oils needed for flavoring can irritate skin.
> They can also dissolve the plastic lining of a refrigerator;
> store
> in a glass container.
> * Gum arabic is available in two forms, art grade, and food grade.
> Get food grade.
> * Phosphoric acid will burn if skin and eyes; flush with water if
> spilled.
> * Lavender oil can cause many dangerous side effects, so you may
> want
> to leave this out.
== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 7:02 am
From: Mel Knight
On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 14:55:49 +0000, Red Green wrote:
> Have you tried Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware,
> electrical/plumbing/lumber supply house, etc?
I did find some sources for materials for the making of soda at home
using a home carbonation system that I learned how to build from this
newsgroup. It's a natural extension to take that system and make
something with it.
There isn't a newsgroup just for home-carbonated soda - is there?
When I searched, the topic came up relatively frequently here:
- -> home carbonation expertise
- misc.consumers.frugal-living -> freeware soda afficianados
- -> recipe experts
Here's the text, so far, for all to benefit from.
This 7X forumula makes about 6 liters of concentrate (syrup) and about
~12.5 mL of Cola Flavoring (aka Cola 7X formula)
* 3.50 mL orange oil
* 1.00 mL lemon oil
* 1.00 mL nutmeg oil
* 1.25 ml cassia (cinnamon) oil
* 0.25 mL coriander oil
* 0.25 mL neroli oil (expensive oil similar to petitgrain, bergamot,
or bitter orange oil)
* 2.75 mL lime oil
* 0.25 mL lavender oil
* 10.0 g food-grade, NOT ART-GRADE gum arabic (thickener) (~10g/$1)
* 3.00 mL water
Mix the oils together.
Add gum arabic and mix completely
Add water and mix well. For this step, use a hand mixer or blender
to thoroughly mix together
The flavoring can be made in advance and stored for use later
Place in a sealed glass jar and place in the refrigerator or keep
at room temperature
When stored, the oils and water will separate. Just mix again
before use
When used, the gum arabic will keep things together
~2L of Cola Concentrate (aka Cola Syrup)
* 5 mL flavoring (some say that's 2 tsp of 7X formula)
* 17.5 mL 75% citric acid or phosphoric acid (some say 3.5 tsp)
* 2.00 L water (some say 2.28 L)
* 2.00 kg granulated white sugar (some say 2.36 kg)
* 2.5 mL caffeine (2.5 ml is based on 0.5 tsp of a caffeine pill
advertised as 100% caffeine)
* 30.0 mL caramel color
In a one-gallon container ...
Add the water
Add the sugar
Add caffeine (optional)
* Make sure that the caffeine is completely dissolved before moving
on to the next step
* Strain the syrup through a 4-ply of cheesecloth in case the
caffeine hasn't dissolved
Pour in the 75% phosphoric or citric acid to the solution (never
the other way around)
Mix 5 mL of flavoring
Pour the acid and flavoring mixture slowly into the water/sugar
Add caramel color and mix completely
Pour into a 2L bottle for storage
~12L Cola Soda:
Mix one part of concentrate (syrup) with five parts of carbonated
Cola Warnings
* Caffeine can be toxic in low doses (10g). Keep the concentration
below 100mg/cup.
* Caffeine is toxic both by inhalation & injestion; do not create
Super Jolt!
* Many of the oils needed for flavoring can irritate skin; wear
gloves and wash.
They can also dissolve the plastic lining of a refrigerator; store
in a glass container.
* Gum arabic is available in two forms, art grade, and food grade.
Get food grade. Art grade is toxic!
* Phosphoric acid will burn if skin and eyes; flush with water if
* Lavender oil can cause many dangerous side effects, so you may want
to leave this out.
a) Try finding phosphoric acid at a compounding pharmacy in your area.
b) Health-food stores for the 100% pure, food-grade undiluted oils.
* CK Solutions, Ft. Wayne, IN 46825
* Aura Cacia Oils, Weaverville, CA 96093
* Aromaforce Essential Oils
* Frontier Natural Flavors,
* Karooch, Peterborough, ONT K9J 7Y8
c) Caffeine as a pill that you grind up
d) Caramel color at a bakery supply store
Neroli is a very expensive item, be prepared (US$48.52 for 5.00 ml).
All others were a more reasonable price (US$2.00 to about 9.30 for the
volumes needed).
For God, Country, & Coca-Cola, by Mark Pendergrast, Basic Books, 1993,
2000, ISBN 0-465-05468-4
== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 8:24 am
From: Thomas
It is going to cost more to make it than to buy it.
Purchase boxes of syrup from a restaurant supply center.
== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 8:35 am
On Jan 7, 2:00 am, Mel Knight <> wrote:
> Where online would you get open-source cola ingredients for a good price?
You're not going to start going on and on about "cola kick" are you?
My God, that was one of the most annoying and inane conversations I've
seen on this group.
Hey, here's an idea... Why don't you look up the "cola kick" guy and
ask him? IIRC he was playing with recipes.
I understand. Buying the syrup would be easier, but sometimes it's fun
to buy the raw materials and make it yourself. I can buy a yard cart,
but it's more fun to get a pile of steel and build my own.
== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 11:15 am
From: Mrs Irish Mike
On Jan 6, 11:00 pm, Mel Knight <> wrote:
> Where online would you get open-source cola ingredients for a good price?
How is making home-made cola frugal? America is going through an
obiesity problem, in a few years one in three Americans could have
diabetes, sugary water rots teeth, phosphoric acid has been linked to
bone loss, television is awash in ads for remedies for digestive
problems that remind me of how cola can digest a steel nail, on and
Please post any clues on how to kick your soft drink addiction.
== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 4:44 pm
From: Molly Brown
On Jan 6, 11:00 pm, Mel Knight <> wrote:
> Where online would you get open-source cola ingredients for a good price?
> I built a home carbonation system out of a C02 tank, a regulator, and
> some hoses & quick connects along with Pep Boys brass tire valves
> inserted into bottle caps (with the tire-valve stem removed).
> Now I want to make Open Cola as per the recipe and instructions here:
> Question is, where do I get the ingredients?
> I tried Safeway and Nob Hill but neither had them.
> Where online would you get the following ingredients for a good price?
> Cola Flavoring
> * 3.50 mL orange oil
> * 1.00 mL lemon oil
> * 1.00 mL nutmeg oil
> * 1.25 ml cassia (cinnamon) oil
> * 0.25 mL coriander oil
> * 0.25 mL neroli oil (similar to petitgrain, bergamot, or bitter
> orange oil)
> * 2.75 mL lime oil
> * 0.25 mL lavender oil
> * 10.0 g food-grade, NOT ART-GRADE gum arabic (thickener)
> * 3.00 mL water
> Cola Concentrate
> * 5 mL flavoring
> * 17.5 mL 75% citric acid or phosphoric acid
> * 2.00 L water
> * 2.00 kg granulated white sugar
> * 2.5 mL caffeine (2.5 ml is based on 0.5 tsp of a caffeine pill
> advertised as 100% caffeine)
> * 30.0 mL caramel color
> Cola Flavoring
> Mix the oils together.
> Add gum arabic and mix completely.
> Add water and mix well. For this step, use a hand mixer or blender
> to thoroughly mix together.
> The flavoring can be made in advance and stored for use later.
> Place in a sealed glass jar and place in the refrigerator or keep
> at room temperature.
> When stored, the oils and water will separate. Just mix again
> before use.
> When used, the gum arabic will keep things together.
> Cola Concentrate
> Mix 5 mL of flavoring with the phosphoric or citric acid.
> Mix the water and sugar and, while mixing, add caffeine if desired.
> * Make sure that the caffeine is completely dissolved before moving
> on to the next step.
> Pour the acid and flavoring mixture slowly into the water/sugar
> mixture
> (adding acid to water reduces the risk of acid splashes compared to
> the other way around)
> Add caramel color and mix completely.
> Cola Soda
> Mix one part of concentrate with five parts water.
> Mix soda water directly with the concentrate
> Cola Warnings
> * Caffeine can be toxic in high doses. Keep the concentration below
> 100mg/cup.
> * Many of the oils needed for flavoring can irritate skin.
> They can also dissolve the plastic lining of a refrigerator; store
> in a glass container.
> * Gum arabic is available in two forms, art grade, and food grade.
> Get food grade.
> * Phosphoric acid will burn if skin and eyes; flush with water if
> spilled.
> * Lavender oil can cause many dangerous side effects, so you may want
> to leave this out.
Did you check to make sure your `CO2 isn't contaminated with hydrogen
== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 5:35 pm
From: ransley
On Jan 7, 1:00 am, Mel Knight <> wrote:
> Where online would you get open-source cola ingredients for a good price?
> I built a home carbonation system out of a C02 tank, a regulator, and
> some hoses & quick connects along with Pep Boys brass tire valves
> inserted into bottle caps (with the tire-valve stem removed).
> Now I want to make Open Cola as per the recipe and instructions here:
> Question is, where do I get the ingredients?
> I tried Safeway and Nob Hill but neither had them.
> Where online would you get the following ingredients for a good price?
> Cola Flavoring
> * 3.50 mL orange oil
> * 1.00 mL lemon oil
> * 1.00 mL nutmeg oil
> * 1.25 ml cassia (cinnamon) oil
> * 0.25 mL coriander oil
> * 0.25 mL neroli oil (similar to petitgrain, bergamot, or bitter
> orange oil)
> * 2.75 mL lime oil
> * 0.25 mL lavender oil
> * 10.0 g food-grade, NOT ART-GRADE gum arabic (thickener)
> * 3.00 mL water
> Cola Concentrate
> * 5 mL flavoring
> * 17.5 mL 75% citric acid or phosphoric acid
> * 2.00 L water
> * 2.00 kg granulated white sugar
> * 2.5 mL caffeine (2.5 ml is based on 0.5 tsp of a caffeine pill
> advertised as 100% caffeine)
> * 30.0 mL caramel color
> Cola Flavoring
> Mix the oils together.
> Add gum arabic and mix completely.
> Add water and mix well. For this step, use a hand mixer or blender
> to thoroughly mix together.
> The flavoring can be made in advance and stored for use later.
> Place in a sealed glass jar and place in the refrigerator or keep
> at room temperature.
> When stored, the oils and water will separate. Just mix again
> before use.
> When used, the gum arabic will keep things together.
> Cola Concentrate
> Mix 5 mL of flavoring with the phosphoric or citric acid.
> Mix the water and sugar and, while mixing, add caffeine if desired.
> * Make sure that the caffeine is completely dissolved before moving
> on to the next step.
> Pour the acid and flavoring mixture slowly into the water/sugar
> mixture
> (adding acid to water reduces the risk of acid splashes compared to
> the other way around)
> Add caramel color and mix completely.
> Cola Soda
> Mix one part of concentrate with five parts water.
> Mix soda water directly with the concentrate
> Cola Warnings
> * Caffeine can be toxic in high doses. Keep the concentration below
> 100mg/cup.
> * Many of the oils needed for flavoring can irritate skin.
> They can also dissolve the plastic lining of a refrigerator; store
> in a glass container.
> * Gum arabic is available in two forms, art grade, and food grade.
> Get food grade.
> * Phosphoric acid will burn if skin and eyes; flush with water if
> spilled.
> * Lavender oil can cause many dangerous side effects, so you may want
> to leave this out.
More Troll BS, and WTF does this have to do with home repair,
absolutely nuthin...
TOPIC: Riding bike in a park
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 7:31 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"
On Jan 7, 6:14 am, "dbu," <> wrote:
> In article <ig6dvd$>,
> "Sharx35" <> wrote:
> > ">
> > > Labrode encourages cyclists to ride at parks, where speed limits are
> > > restricted and regulated. And for all to remember: "Bicycle riders are
> > > the weakest ones on the road."
> > >
> > > 110105_1_bicyclist-deaths-bicycle-crashes-car-accidents
> > > ***
> > > So we must go and ride at parks, and how we get to the park? No wonder
> > > you don't find people out there.
> > > I'm telling you our system is not very cleverly designed.
> > How do you get to the park? Simple. Load your bike into 1 of your fleet of
> > SUV's. Then DRIVE to the park. When you are finished riding your bike, do
> > the reverse to get home.
> That is not the idea. What we are to do is get on the bike and peddle
> to the park, peddle to the store, peddle to work. More bikes on the
> streets means fewer cars on the streets. Bicycling is healthy, does not
> burn gas and stink up the air.
> --
Yeah, drivers are not very clever.
"Carlos Laborde, a United States Cycling Federation official" is the
guy who said bikes belong in the park.
Many so called "experts" are stupid too and think we care to ride in a
park or that we even have space in a park. He manages a velodrome, so
why should he worry about mundane cyclists. Well, let me tell you,
elite cyclists tend not to give a shit about practical cyclists. They
are type A in my classification and don't care about C or D's.
That's why I'm getting my little monkey bike to ride in a park. COMING
No wonder they call it the TACTICAL BIKE. This is a strategy: I'm
riding the monkey bike in the park, and people will come up to me and
ask me, "Why a big guy like you would ride such a monkey bike?" Then
I'll reply, "Are you stupid or what. There's no place to ride out
there, and this the only bike that slows me down so the park doesn't
feel small."
Then I will give them a flier and sell him a t-shirt and off I go!
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 3:08 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"
On Jan 7, 2:58 pm, Vince <> wrote:
> On 1/7/2011 10:32 AM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, not your average
> backyard philosopher wrote:
> > On Jan 7, 6:14 am, "dbu,"<> wrote:
> >> In article<ig6dvd$>,
> >> "Sharx35"<> wrote:
> >>> ">
> >>>> Labrode encourages cyclists to ride at parks, where speed limits are
> >>>> restricted and regulated. And for all to remember: "Bicycle riders are
> >>>> the weakest ones on the road."
> >>>>
> >>>> 110105_1_bicyclist-deaths-bicycle-crashes-car-accidents
> >>>> ***
> >>>> So we must go and ride at parks, and how we get to the park? No wonder
> >>>> you don't find people out there.
> >>>> I'm telling you our system is not very cleverly designed.
> >>> How do you get to the park? Simple. Load your bike into 1 of your fleet of
> >>> SUV's. Then DRIVE to the park. When you are finished riding your bike, do
> >>> the reverse to get home.
> >> That is not the idea. What we are to do is get on the bike and peddle
> >> to the park, peddle to the store, peddle to work. More bikes on the
> >> streets means fewer cars on the streets. Bicycling is healthy, does not
> >> burn gas and stink up the air.
> >> --
> > Yeah, drivers are not very clever.
> > "Carlos Laborde, a United States Cycling Federation official" is the
> > guy who said bikes belong in the park.
> > Many so called "experts" are stupid too and think we care to ride in a
> > park or that we even have space in a park. He manages a velodrome, so
> > why should he worry about mundane cyclists. Well, let me tell you,
> > elite cyclists tend not to give a shit about practical cyclists. They
> > are type A in my classification and don't care about C or D's.
> > That's why I'm getting my little monkey bike to ride in a park. COMING
> > SOON!
> >
> > No wonder they call it the TACTICAL BIKE. This is a strategy: I'm
> > riding the monkey bike in the park, and people will come up to me and
> > ask me, "Why a big guy like you would ride such a monkey bike?" Then
> > I'll reply, "Are you stupid or what. There's no place to ride out
> > there, and this the only bike that slows me down so the park doesn't
> > feel small."
> > Then I will give them a flier and sell him a t-shirt and off I go!
> Many years ago my friend and I were in the playground area riding when
> some folks started yelling at us and one woman tried to pull and rip my
> pal's shirt.
> Another time in Highland Park that same friend and others were riding
> when a cop knocked me off my bike, took me over to a plains Clothes
> man who took down my information and sent a letter to my father.
> The letter said I was riding in an unauthorized area, as if I was riding
> around NASA.
> Oh and what about my being knocked down and hurt?
> The cops told me it was my own fault as I shouldn't have been riding in
> that area.
I see, so it seems they consider the bike a threat to the system.
Why don't they do like the Taliban and ban the damn thing! Oh no, they
sell you the bike but then it goes unused. American has a very high
ownership of bikes --I read somewhere-- but they are in storage or
used in very stupid ways, like needing a car to go somewhere and
launch it.
They should start by defining if it's a vehicle or a toy.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 3:23 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"
On Jan 7, 4:37 pm, "dbu," <> wrote:
> In article <hs2dnbnU171fxLrQnZ2dnUVZ_oedn...@posted.hiwaay2>,
> (T.J. Higgins) wrote:
> > In article <>, dbu, wrote:
> > >In article <ig6dvd$>,
> > > "Sharx35" <> wrote:
> > >> ">
> > >> > Labrode encourages cyclists to ride at parks, where speed limits are
> > >> > restricted and regulated. And for all to remember: "Bicycle riders are
> > >> > the weakest ones on the road."
> > >> >
> > >> > -20
> > >> > 110105_1_bicyclist-deaths-bicycle-crashes-car-accidents
> > >> > ***
> > >> > So we must go and ride at parks, and how we get to the park? No wonder
> > >> > you don't find people out there.
> > >> > I'm telling you our system is not very cleverly designed.
> > >> How do you get to the park? Simple. Load your bike into 1 of your fleet of
> > >> SUV's. Then DRIVE to the park. When you are finished riding your bike, do
> > >> the reverse to get home.
> > >That is not the idea. What we are to do is get on the bike and peddle
> > >to the park, peddle to the store, peddle to work.
> > If you sell your bike, how are you going to ride it?
> You never sell your bike, you only replace it with a better one.
Something red hot like this...
> > >Bicycling is healthy, does not burn gas and stink up the air.
> > Tell that to the person next to you at work after you've been
> > riding on a hot day.
> I'd rather smell limburger cheese all day than some of the perfumy junk
> that some people wear. That stuff is bad, bad.
> --
I just give a fart when I smell those "French perfumes"...
TOPIC: Unbelievable, the Buddhists and I are making sense!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 8:30 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the prophet of the deep jungle"
Notice the change in the tittle, like we are becoming friends. They
try to fix the negative mind, and I try to fix the nonsense outside...
On Jan 6, 8:46 pm, Vajra <> wrote:
> >Here you are witnessing an injustice against yourself or others, and
> >you've been fuming over it (bad karma) and then you spring into action
> >and voila, THE ANIMAL INSTINCTS are unleashed and a tough fight ensues
> >and you find yourself a winner --where you go to jail-- or a loser and
> >you wonder what's the point of violence.
> Well that's right. We know these 'automatic' responses lead to disaster f=
> or
> ourselves and others. We need more appropriate responses using the
> reasoning that the action by the other person is clouded by ignorance of
> cause and effect - the true nature of reality.
True for the most part. Sometimes you just need pepper spray. ;)
I was blasted for riding bike over bridge, where impractical
regulation told me to walk bike on sidewalk --too narrow, then I gave
him the finger and the beast went out of control. Never again. I
better give him a banana! (I carry pepper spray now just in case --
really handy, almost provocative)
> >What would a Buddhist Monk do in place of the black sheep who's going
> >hungry and the holy cows are being fed prime grass? Take a bite or
> >not?
> I'm not quite with you there. Can you explain what you mean?
> >
> This link didn't work for some reason. Is it correct?
Please try it again...
(Again, the black sheep is Buddhist and he sees this injustice and
wants to take a bite)
TOPIC: struggling with paper clutter
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 11:32 am
From: Sofa Slug
On 1/5/2011 3:33 AM, rahul wrote:
> On Jan 3, 11:52 pm, ritika<> wrote:
>> Hi, I am a housewife and I kept warranty papers of all the items I
>> kept in a wooden almirah. Recently, when my fridge was out of order, I
>> tried to find its paper but realized that all the papers have been
>> eaten by termites. I am really upset. Now, somebody please tell me
>> what should I do? By the way, one of my friends suggested me to take
>> services of �kl**to� which is kind of a paper document management
>> service that provides both physical and online storage of your
>> documents. Does anyone know about this service in detail?
> I can understand what you must be going through. It seriously feel
> really bad when due to some small mistake, you find everything in
> mess. Anyways, now here you can a learn a lesson of not keeping your
> documents at home as they are prone not just to termites but various
> other threats such as fire, pets, kids etc. So, i would suggest you to
> go for kleeto's services without a delay. I too have subscribed to
> its free trial services after almost the similar incidence. Basically,
> kleeto is India's first paper management services which offer both
> physical and online storage of all kinds of valuable papers. Further,
> one can also retrieve the documents whenever they require them. If you
> too are interested in its free services, you can register here -
> <deleted>. And to
> know more about kl**to, please check their website - http://kl**
If you are going to respond to your own spam, at least use a different
free email service LOL!
TOPIC: want to get rid of paper clutter
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 3:12 pm
From: Sofa Slug
On 1/3/2011 7:10 PM, Bob F wrote:
> Al wrote:
>> On Jan 2, 11:30 pm, Dan Birchall<nob...@imaginary-
>>> wrote:
>>> (sahil) wrote:
>>>> Does anyone have a good idea about ?kl**to?? Actually, I am
>>>> struggling with paper clutter at my home every day and a friend
>>>> suggested me about it but when I asked him about this service in
>>>> detail, even he did not have any clear idea. Somebody please tell
>>>> in detail about ?kl**to?.
>>> Sorry, but you've misspelled "Klaatu." As far as explaining it, I
>>> think
>>> Wikipedia has a decent article, including a document
>>> image:
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> -- Burlington City history on the internet, since
>>> 1995.
>> Nah, she/he didn't misspell anything. The whole idea was to drive
>> people to this kl**to site.
> Whooosh!
Yep a DC-10 ;)
Here's a possible alternate ("as seen on TV") solution to the OP's spam:
TOPIC: LCD monitor screen protector?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 5:28 pm
From: Sofa Slug
On 1/5/2011 5:09 PM, Ohioguy wrote:
> After putting it off for a couple of years (mostly because I didn't feel
> like LCD monitors were really ready for 'prime time'), I finally bought
> a 2' AOC LCD monitor last month.
> I'm a bit disappointed with how it is almost TOO bright right in front,
> but the color changes a lot at just a 20 degree angle.
> My main issue, however, is that my kids touch the screen. I look at my
> wife's laptop, with tiny scratches on the screen, and realize this is
> going to happen to the computer monitor, too. This is almost definite,
> because there doesn't appear to be a piece of glass or anything
> protecting the screen. (I can see color change, etc., if I push on the
> monitor anywhere)
> I've seen screen protectors for game boy advance, smart phones, etc.
> However, I've never seen anyone marketing one of these for an LCD
> computer monitor.
> Anyone out there use something like this on theirs? Can you recommend a
> brand, or a place that sells them? Thanks!
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