Monday, June 6, 2011

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 10 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* ?? Anybody buy tea online? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Excessive drops in property value from illegal practices causing excessive
foreclosures - 1 messages, 1 author
* Lake County, IL, Area to Avoid for Corruption Based Foreclosure Infliction -
1 messages, 1 author
* Lake County IL nonbuilding code complaint recreational cottages sold as
houses - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cell Phone boosters or antennas - 2 messages, 1 author
* 90% of the evil/dumb laws passed in the Western world are voted upon by the
Christian/elderly segment of the population - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: ?? Anybody buy tea online?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 3:50 pm
From: Derald

On recommendation of another mcf-l-er, I have been buying tea from
Specialteas. Unfortunately they've been bought by Teavana, a toney, oh-so-PC,
save-the-worlder (they contribute to CARE, fer chrissakes!) mall vendor with
what appears to be an online annex; Californians, no doubt. Unfortunately, the
good vibes come from a serious reduction in selection and an approximate
tripling of price; not my bag, tee-hee.
Any readers here satisfied customers of some other, not quite so new age,
straightforward tea vendor who'll recommend it to a curmudgeon who just wants a
decent selection of quality teas of verifiable origin, a minimum of feelgood BS
and decent service? I promise not to give them your name, LOL!

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 5:17 am
From: Dee

Derald <> wrote in

> On recommendation of another mcf-l-er, I have been buying tea
> from
> Specialteas. Unfortunately they've been bought by Teavana, a
> toney, oh-so-PC, save-the-worlder (they contribute to CARE, fer
> chrissakes!) mall vendor with what appears to be an online annex;
> Californians, no doubt. Unfortunately, the good vibes come from a
> serious reduction in selection and an approximate tripling of
> price; not my bag, tee-hee.
> Any readers here satisfied customers of some other, not quite
> so new age,
> straightforward tea vendor who'll recommend it to a curmudgeon who
> just wants a decent selection of quality teas of verifiable
> origin, a minimum of feelgood BS and decent service? I promise not
> to give them your name, LOL!

I think that might have been me? I've been mourning the passing of
SpecialTeas, too. When they were having their sales around Xmas, I
purchased a few pounds of my favorites. I'm still in the process of
steeping my way through those, so I haven't had to find another
vendor yet.

A long long time ago I tried Upton Tea
So maybe I'll try them again when I am ready.

Other sites I have bookmarked but haven't tried yet:
Adagio Tea
Chado Tea


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 9:18 am
From: Derald

Dee <d@d.d> wrote:

>I think that might have been me? I've been mourning the passing of
>SpecialTeas, too.
Indeed. I definitely will check out the links. Neither am I "out" of tea
but after an attack of "be prepared" during which I ordered next year's garlic
and this fall's seeds, I decided to peruse the Specialteas site and, maybe,
learn a little something. Lordy, what a dismal "Oh, No" moment that was....
Did a little light-duty googling this morning and, so far, the sites below
have made the first cut. Of course, I can't vouch for any of them:

TOPIC: Excessive drops in property value from illegal practices causing
excessive foreclosures

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 9:50 am
From: "Did you notice..."

As an issue nobody willingly gets involved in, and which also
contributed to the collapse of the world economy, real estate and
lending practices had become criminally fraudulent over the last 10
years or so, resulting in a national average drop in property values
of over 30% at this point.

In some areas, the excessiveness of foreclosures has been so
methodical that their average drop in property value has been instead
70% to 90%.

The problem does not track to areas more prone to the homeowners
losing their jobs and housing.

It tracks to areas that still engage in public services removals,
criminal harassment forced into civil court protections instead of the
mandatory criminal protections, excessive rates of removal of
mandatory consumer protections from inspections and disclosures fraud,
and related practices.

Frugal-living and attempting to do the right thing by a homeowner is
defeated by the local abuses in those areas at rates that are
completely different from the national average rates resulting from
deregulation of mortgage and credit practices.

The areas are also associated with attorneys whose incomes are focused
only on bankruptcy and foreclosure outside of very large population
centers like Chicago and New York, where there is enough work for an
attorney to focus on bankruptcy without creating a local constructive
removal of modifying mortgages and payment terms in order to repay

Also driving foreclosure rates well above national ones, from the
local social roster pushing foreclosures and bankruptcy as "good for
you" versus real estate agent instructions to sit tight for several
years until the market comes back the way the stock market did.

The only way I know of to refuse to buy in areas like this, whose
practices are concealed by the refusal to cooperate with the crime
reporting the public assumes they have and don't in these areas, is to
look out for homes that appear to be good properties but have a low
value compared to what similar properties have in economically
comparable areas otherwise.

The too good to be true that is backed by inspection reports and
disclosures, is instead often one of these kinds of areas that does
the same thing to any buyer who purchases in those areas where the
normal criminal protections we all assume we are protected with, and
consumer protections in real estate fraud, in actual practice have
been defeated one way or another.

TOPIC: Lake County, IL, Area to Avoid for Corruption Based Foreclosure

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 10:33 am
From: "Did you notice..."

Most of us have to live frugally and one way or another, have been
effected by the national recession. In some areas, however, victims
are also victims of local practices that show up in foreclosure rates
on the real estate pricing maps that look like a Christmas tree.

Ominously enough, also with unusual low rates of prosecuted and
reported crime versus surrounding areas, and not in hi income gated
communities that spend a lot to make that happen for their residents
where the reporting is believable.

Lake County IL being an example, of a jurisdiction well known for
corruption based malicious terror directed at victims who move into
the area from other areas, claimed to be due to their history of
"locals" contending with summer vacationers from Chicago in the
1920s,when the area was populated largely with summer cottages.

The area also has the highest rate of back ending car accidents at
stoplights in the country, from stop lights without warning signs on
55 mph highways and roads to the point of several being located in
their major shopping tourism areas in Gurnee. Rather than remedy the
reckless endangerment of the public, Lake County has been known to
make fun of the dangerousness of those roads in public in its courts.

Statements questioning the recklessness of a driver who killed a
stopped cyclist on Rt 12/59 near Wauconda at a red light, driving 55
mph and who did not see the light or the person she hit due to being
busy painting her nails at 55 mph, were issued by Lake County States
Attorney. And the sentencing for the convicted reckless homicide
reflects the other nightmare with the sociopathy.

A convicted reckless homicide was put into a one year jail term that
consisted of sleeping in the jail at night, to make sure she did not
lose her job too, as a highly paid nurse.

Innocent people are targeted where they work in Lake County by similar
locals and retaliated against and stalked, with removed or retaliated
criminal reporting of their problems.

The continual distinction between locals with relationships versus the
rest of us, as you might imagine, starts causing a drastic consistent
economic difference from the removal of public services and criminal
protections as an also shut up concealed practice in Lake County IL.

Victims are limited to private attorneys and civil litigation that
also rapidly causes foreclosures.

Other unreported local problems include excessive open locally
supported rates of mail box theft, filing on victims with fraud in
numbers and inflicting dollar amount damages intended to cause
foreclosure, local governments like Round Lake Beach IL that did this
to a relationship conducting tax paid lawsuits victims are forced to
pay for out of pocket demanding removal of all public services for
"taking up our time", etc.

The criminal conviction rates historically in these areas attached to
local governments like Round Lake Beach IL that was severely poor just
10 years ago, form a culture most of these people grew up in or have
been a part of for their entire lives.

Consumer protections from local businesses do not exist in actual
practice as a result.

Crime reporting is attacked and retaliated against violently by the
local public corruption and their police relationships.

Lake County IL does not have the right to create a criminal terror
zone out of Lake County IL, which is what it becomes if a home buyer
does not have a high enough income for all the legal fees gouged out
of victims for reasons and claims and purposes the law does not permit
where the excessive taxes are levied to pay for criminal protections
the law requires, but have been turned into civil court completely
corrupted from what the law requires be provided to the rest of us.

All most people can do as my relationship wishes she had done, is to
refuse to buy in any areas where housing prices look too good to be
true and to refuse to enter any areas where the property value drop
has been excessive over the recession.

Or the buyers join the list of everybody else being liquidated until
foreclosure if they do purchase in the area.

TOPIC: Lake County IL nonbuilding code complaint recreational cottages sold as

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 10:51 am
From: "Did you notice..."

Other housing market concealed fraud that the general public is being
forced to absorb from Lake County IL is its population of structures
built largely in the early 1900s for use as summer cottages on its
lakes and recreational areas, for well off from Chicago.

Those structures were built only as temporary structures for use as
summer cottages. Most originally did not have heat or air
conditioning as a result and as a result of being built in the 1920s.
The spacing of joists and studs is much much wider than what is legal
to use currently.

The wiring tends to be cloth wrapped. The structures originally did
not have phones. The structures originally did not have insulation,
and the depth for insulation of the roofs is marginally compliant.

The plumbing and gas lines are rusting out.

The foundations tend to be pier foundations, currently also normally
used only in the old Soviet Union and in old lighthouses on major
waterways. As such, they shift all the time, and so do the

The other noncompliant aspects of the structures sold fraudelently to
people from out of the area as as far as the sellers can conceal.

Which is an issue to be aware of.

Lake County IL and the State of Illinois do not force disclosure of
that state of those structures in the sales and inspections
documents. The buyers are not forcibly notified they are purchasing a
structure that has been made to look like a normal house from the
vinyl siding etc, that is covering up something that if disclosed,
everybody would walk away from and refuse.

Drywall on the inside has the same purpose. Buyers are not able to
look inside the wall spaces to see the cloth wrapped wiring, the
leaking plumbing, the locally maintained and destroyed sewers and
furnaces etc.

Buyers from the City of Chicago to the list of individuals victimized
have none of the consumer protections we are lead to believe are
provided to the public, in what appears to be a locally driven
political agenda to use the rest of us for "Robin Hood" robbing "the
rich" "to give to the poor".

Except the rich in America don't buy those structures. Ordinary
people who cannot possibly live through what is going to happen to
them in order to cover up for "locals".

And areas and people who attack ordinary for the rest of us about what
they did to themselves embezzling the local school district, diverting
government grants to family members, fraudelently issuing inspections
on structures the locals and even the BBB in Chicago allow getting
out of stating to not have actually inspected to the Chicago Better
Business Bureau if the inspector offers to perform all the necessary
repairs for full pay as a "reasonable remedy" in another near kickback
scheme, the local governments obstruct lawsuits and retaliate, public
services are removed, etc etc.

And local schemes as always created by the complete participation of
the local political relationships in corrupting the law to make it
possible for their relationships to do so, result in long lists of
innocent people, including vulnerable poor from Cabrini Green moved
into a social problem not much different from what they left in
Chicago to build a better life, etc, operate a successful scheme that
the only thing any buyer can do is to be informed that Lake County IL
and the State of Illinois have created the ability to pass those
things off fraudelently to home buyers who in practice have absolutely
no consumer protections from the sale of anything with fake
inspections, nondisclosures of the actual nature of the structure,

We should demand damages, forced purchase of the structures from the
victims, and destruction of housing that was never intended for
residential use.

Replacement with building code compliant low cost structures is
something individuals with limited means have been doing for many

I think the responsible government officials party to these schemes
can afford to do so.

TOPIC: Cell Phone boosters or antennas

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 6:27 pm
From: sf

On Thu, 12 May 2011 12:26:50 -0700 (PDT), N8N <>

> On Apr 10, 4:54 pm, aemeijers <> wrote:
> > On 4/10/2011 4:19 PM, Tony Miklos wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Get yourself an old "bag phone". They have about 20 times more signal
> > > strength. Keep the antenna away from your body.
> >
> > And talk to what with it? All the old bag phones I have seen are analog,
> > which is basically gone at this point.
> >
> > OP needs a cell repeater or femtocell device. He'll cry at the price,
> > though, even online. Google 'residential cell phone booster', figure out
> > correct model. and then try to find a cheaper one on ebay.
> >
> > Or just get rid of the cell phone and get a real phone. After a month
> > you won't even miss it.
> Really? I think that I'd miss having my cell phone, seeing as it
> actually works, as opposed to the last land line that I had (which
> Verizon claimed worked, and had no problem charging me for, but would
> stop working if it was raining, humid, windy, etc. or even for no
> discernable reason.) My monthly cell bill was cheaper than my (basic,
> no long distance) land line bill too.
> There's a reason that I haven't had a land line in years, and it
> starts with "V" and ends in "erizon."
I'd like to know what carrier you love at this point. We have had no
landline for the last 5 years and have been satisfied with Verizon for
10-15 years.


Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 6:29 pm
From: sf

On Thu, 12 May 2011 20:30:55 -0400, aemeijers <>

> And why are you replying to a month-old thread?

That's my complaint on another, ng that generates around 400 nonspam
posts in a day, at least this is a slow news group.


Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.

TOPIC: 90% of the evil/dumb laws passed in the Western world are voted upon by
the Christian/elderly segment of the population

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 9:49 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher"

(We are talking about the new laws restricting marijuana in Holland.
The title above is just my "humble opinion," not something
statistically accurate. I think most statistics are inaccurate or
manipulated anyway, starting with the one that declares 90% of
Americans to be "religious")

On Jun 5, 12:55 pm, "Brave Burger" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, the Beach Cruiser Philosopher wrote:
> > Right wing party makes sure to restrict free trade and promote health.
> > I wonder if junk food is fought with the same intensity. Down with
> > McDonald's!
> Actually, getting up too early causes the same problems as smoking
> (well, except for the longue problems) and I never saw a law that prevented
> me from gettting u[ early because i had to go to work.
> > "Backed by the far-right party of anti-immigrant politician Geert
> > Wilders, the coalition government that came into power last year
> > announced plans to curb drug tourism as part of a nationwide program
> > to promote health and fight crime."
> Well it is more a clampdown on freedoms. And religious nutters who
> want you to get only high on Jesus etc.
> His plan is a club system where you have to a member and you can
> only be a member if you are Dutch, so foreign tourists don`t smoke somthing
> tat is illegal in their country, and it is implemented with a pass system.
> And now
> he wants that these clubs have no more then 1500 members, which isn`t enough
> to life of, unless they are stoned all day.
> So clubholders only want heavy smokers then ;o)
> Tjhe thing is that I se no such thing on bars, where muslim people
> sometimes sneakely drink some alcohol when they visit us.
> And in some muslim countries alcohol is an illegal substance.
> So we need a pass system for bars too. ;o)

It is my contention that 90% of the evil/dumb laws passed in the
Western world are voted upon by the Christian/elderly segment of the

Why they get away with such privilege is beyond my wisdom.

Maybe it's because they are evil/dumb.



== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 11:54 pm
From: shobi


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1 comment:

Simran said...

For more information about teas you can visit the Teaswan website.