Saturday, March 14, 2015

Digest for - 4 updates in 3 topics

Derald <>: Mar 14 06:00PM -0500

>with. The sound generators that make surf or rain or whatever sounds don't
>help me much.
>Any suggestions?
I have for years used a product called, "Flent's Ear Stopples", to
virtually eliminate power tool noise, though, don't know whether they'd
be acceptable for sleep wear. A quick google brought up a number of
online sources and I went no further. Ear Stopples consist of bubble
gum shaped cotton batting impregnated with wax. I find one to be enough
for two ears. Once in the ear, body heat softens the wax enough to
enable a complete seal. The number of times they may be reused is
largely limited to ones gross-out level, as they pick up grunge over
time (wax, remember?). I've had the same package since 1975 (really)
and have two unused "units" yet, although the package long ago
disintegrated. Major "con": Ear Stopples leave slightly waxy feeling
residue behind.
Peninsular FL, USA
KenK <>: Mar 14 05:50PM

Anyone found any ear plugs that work? The silicone surface plugs don't seem
to work at all. The foam(?) cylindical ones with the rounded end work very
poorly - quite well if you put your fingers in your ears on top of them but
that's frequently not practical (brand, Mack's). Any I missed? That's all I
saw on the store shelf I tried.
I need something that fits in the ear, not on the surface like ear muffs or
headsets with or without music. I want something I can sleep comfortably
with. The sound generators that make surf or rain or whatever sounds don't
help me much.
Any suggestions?

You know it's time to clean the refrigerator
when something closes the door from the inside.
Michael Black <>: Mar 13 11:45PM -0400

The Real Bev <>: Mar 13 09:25PM -0700

On 03/13/2015 08:45 PM, Michael Black wrote:
>> Depends on what you call food. I bet in 1961 a kale salad would have
>> cost a small fortune, while at the same time lobster was poor people
>> food for New Englanders.
Are you sure you meant NINETEEN61? I don't think lobster has been cheap
food during my lifetime.
>> turkeys can barely stand because of all the breast meat. And an orange
>> in the winter was a such a delicacy they were given as gifts for
>> Christmas.
OK, you're definitely not talking about 1961.
Cheers, Bev
"If you watch TV news, you know less about the world than
if you just drank gin straight from the bottle."
- Garrison Keillor
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