Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Digest for - 3 updates in 1 topic Jul 19 10:12AM -0500

>Even if you screw up you shouldn't need a new mattress, just a wet
>Dennis (evil)
Beat me to it, except someone who has never pulled one off before needs
instruction on one-handed technique, two-hand, crossover, stroke, bore, and tip,
vapo-rub vs. vaseline, and how to aim. Youngsters in particular need to aim
high to meet expectations.. Jul 19 10:16AM -0500

>On 7/18/2017 12:12, wrote:
>> I hear rock stars insist on not bothering to wash underwear, insisting on a brand new pair each morning. Would I wear famous underwear gently used?
>What's special about "famous" underwear, that you would even consider it?
More room for Mr. Happy?
The Real Bev <>: Jul 19 10:47AM -0700

On 07/18/2017 01:19 PM, Dennis wrote:
>>I don't see how it's possible to move a memory foam mattress after it's
>>expanded. Nothing to grab and heavy as hell.
> You could hire a crew to come in with a chipper.
They could start at the front door and work inwards. Good idea.
>>seller. There are people from whom I wouldn't even buy a shovel!
> You talking about that guy five doors down with all the incontinent
> St. Bernards?
You know that guy too?
Cheers, Bev
"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the
bodies of the people who pissed me off."
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