Thursday, February 14, 2019

Digest for - 6 updates in 3 topics Feb 14 04:09PM -0800 Feb 13 11:01PM -0500

>> Todd Flanders' hobbies include being quiet on long rides,
>> clapping to songs and diabetes.
>It's pretty much a store for hippies with a lot of money.
Well, I'm far too old to be a millennial, but maybe a hippie if you
just count persons born during WW2. I don't think that's what you
really mean though. Maybe "Yuppie" or "Yuppette" would be more
Personally I shop at WF for the visual impact of the gorgeous, young,
well-dressed female millenials and their offspring. Even the older
Yuppettes are passable with bodies honed by hours in the gym, makeup
by movie-level professionals and clothing from the Upper East Side
boutiques. Only Fairway comes even close and then you have to exclude
the "mistakes" they made in situating some stores in the ghetto. In
both WH and Fairway you can sit and ogle while having a nice
cappuccino. Oh I forgot Trader Joe but there you don't have a cafe and
you have to go on a Saturday for the ogle parade.
But back to the food and prices at WF. Their 365 line is often cheaper
and better than other supermarkets even in the ghettos. Milk, frozen
pizzas, frozen fish, potatoes, pineapples, cantaloupes, and avocados
(at the moment) are all lower in price and better in quality than any
other store I go to. Some cakes too but my local Italian bakery beats
them on both quality and price for bread and similar. I wouldn't buy
toilet paper, paper towel or laundry detergent from them though.
But Bev, I seem to remember a conversation some years ago with you and
(IIRC) Trader wherein you commented that you went to an upscale French
restaurant, had a meal, and then remarked that you were so hungry
afterwards that you had to have a fill-up meal from a nearby Chinese
take-out. Ugh!
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The Real Bev <>: Feb 14 01:23PM -0800

> restaurant, had a meal, and then remarked that you were so hungry
> afterwards that you had to have a fill-up meal from a nearby Chinese
> take-out. Ugh!
Not Chinese, McDonald's. If I'd known how good the broccoli with
bearnaise sauce was going to be I would have ordered extra when I made
the reservation. BTW, I was treating a client to an expense-account
lunch; I would have have gone there otherwise.
Who were you then?
Cheers, Bev
Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled.
The Real Bev <>: Feb 14 02:28PM -0800

On 02/14/2019 01:23 PM, The Real Bev wrote:
> bearnaise sauce was going to be I would have ordered extra when I made
> the reservation. BTW, I was treating a client to an expense-account
> lunch; I would have have gone there otherwise.
NEVER have gone. I used to be a good editor...
Cheers, Bev
I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those
censorious, self-righteous people around me. Feb 14 05:48PM -0500

>bearnaise sauce was going to be I would have ordered extra when I made
>the reservation. BTW, I was treating a client to an expense-account
>lunch; I would have have gone there otherwise.
Do you mean "I WOULDN'T have gone..."?
>Who were you then?
On this NG I've been JohnDoe since 2009 or at least I haven't archived
posts under any other name since then but of course I could have
deleted the thread in question or it could have been to another NG. My
comment was strictly from my fast-deteriorating memory. It's possible
that I just read your post and neither replied nor thought it was
sufficiently durable to keep. Sorry.
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"catalpa" <>: Feb 13 09:08PM -0500

<> wrote in message
Key paragraph here:
"With slowing economic growth here and abroad, deflationary forces should
intensify, especially with global total debt at a record relative to gross
domestic product. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund have both
revised lower their forecasts for worldwide economic growth this year and
Deflation and massive debt are the recipe for global economic disaster. The
world's central bankers have been pouring gasoline on a fire by expanding
debt over the last eleven years.
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