Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 3 updates in 1 topic

trader4@optonline.net: Apr 02 09:26AM -0700

On Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 10:16:46 PM UTC-4, ItsJoan NotJoann wrote:
> Is this article about ObamaCare?? I don't have it as my insurance is through
> AARP but I have no 'huge deductibles' nor do I have to 'meet any deductibles
> year after year.
That's right, it depends on what plan you actually have. Sounds like yours
has lower deductibles. If you have health insurance through employers,
those with a good job with a good employer generally have low deductibles.
Obamacare on the other hand, for those that need it, the deductibles are
like $6K+ a year. It sounds to me similar to what catastrophic coverage
used to be. Also factor in that as of now, the GOP killed the mandate
and there is still coverage for pre-existing conditions. So, who would
buy insurance with high deductiblles? Mostly the sick, who know they will
exceed it. Those that know they won't will mostly go uninsured, figuring
that if they get some condition that will cost a lot, they can then sign
up for Obamacare. That works unless it's some sudden illness that nees
immediate, expensive treatment, since you can only sign up for Obamacare
during periods once a year.
Dennis <dgw80@hotmail.com>: Apr 02 11:51AM -0700

>> https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolynmcclanahan/2018/04/29/how-to-mitigate-your-health-care-costs/
>I don't understand any of this shit.
>Just pray my perfect health holds year after year.
Well, at least you didn't stack the deck against you by taking a bunch
of street drugs in your youth.
Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally
ItsJoan NotJoann <itsjoannotjoann@webtv.net>: Apr 02 02:29PM -0700

> That's right, it depends on what plan you actually have. Sounds like yours
> has lower deductibles. If you have health insurance through employers,
> those with a good job with a good employer generally have low deductibles.
When I was employed we were offered different plans to choose from, all of
them were HMO's. One or two was a health spending account if I remember
correctly but I never chose that type. What I have now is a PPO.
My company offered to let me keep what I had when employed but it was
ridiculously expensive. I opted out of that option as it was more than
double what I'm paying now.
> Obamacare on the other hand, for those that need it, the deductibles are
> like $6K+ a year.
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