Friday, July 20, 2007

11 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp? - 5 messages, 4 authors
* Vitamin C useless in combatting colds - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Does closing off unused bedrooms and vents really save electricity for AC? -
1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 2:29 pm
From: Dubh Ghall

On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:40:39 GMT,
(William Wingstedt) wrote:

>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 21:19:19 GMT, Dubh Ghall <puck@pooks.hill.fey>
>>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 20:27:34 GMT,
>>(William Wingstedt) wrote:
>>>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:58:08 -0400, "Lee K" <>
>>>>"William Wingstedt" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 15:23:34 GMT, "Lee K" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>"Robibnikoff" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> I'm a supporter of the right to choose - therefore, I am pro-choice.
>>>>>>Whose right to choose, and to choose what?
>>>>>>I'd wager you don't support a male's participation in the choice that so
>>>>>>intimately affects him.
>>>>>>If he wants to choose life, and she chooses abortion, it's just too bad
>>>>>>If she wants to choose life and he wants her to abort, it's just too bad
>>>>>>Financially, if he wants to choose not to be involved, it's not a choice
>>>>>>available to him. The argument that he should have been more careful so
>>>>>>to avoid impregnation is bogus. A brief instant in time that results in a
>>>>>>pregnancy cannot be undone, as far as the male is concerned, but the
>>>>>>has months to make her decision after that brief instant, a decision which
>>>>>>then impacts the male for the rest of his life.
>>>>> Those are the terms of the deal. That's why males have to be careful.
>>>>> Until the baby is born, it is part of the mother's body, so recognized
>>>>> by her immune system, which rejects that which is not self. What
>>>>> supposed right to you have over the sovereignty of someone else's body
>>>>> and from where do you derive that power?
>>>>And you don't view enslaving the male to a lifetime of financial burden as
>>>>not exercising sovereignty over someone else's body?
>>>Financial responsibility for your ejaculatory acts are not a burden.
>>>They are one of the joys of fatherhood.
>>They are?
>Well, yeah, why else would you undertake such an endeavor?

The inlaws, wanted a football team.

>To endure
>the burden of unhappiness? No thanks! :)
>>>Meeting those responsibilities will make you a better person
>>And poorer.
>>>with the side benefit that as you provide for your progeny,
>>>you will also enjoy a better standard of living.
>>I don't remember that, either.
>Must be all the opulence has dulled your's a protective
>mechanism. :)

That, or the poverty. (:-)


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:40 pm
From: V

On Jul 17, 12:46?am, "Wilson" <> wrote:
> Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right?
> It is an act millions of new moms do everyday. But when it comes to
> breast-feeding, some argue there is a time and a place for it.
> The topic is a provocative one for parents and even those without children.
> I think it's perfectly natural and decent," one woman said.
> Another man agreed.
> "It doesn't bother me," he said. "It's none of my business, to tell you the
> truth."
> But not everyone was on board for breast-feeding.
> "It's something that should be kept behind closed doors," one man said.
> Another woman said she found it disgusting and immoral to breast-feed in
> public.
> "We have a lot of ambivalent feelings about breasts being used to feed
> because we see them as sexual objects," said ABC News parenting contributor
> Ann Pleshette Murphy.

My vote?

Leave the milky moms alone and let them do as they wish.

Take care,

V (Male)

Agnostic Freethinker
Practical Philosopher

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 4:06 pm
From: Dubh Ghall

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:33:30 GMT, "Lee K" <>

>"Liz" <> wrote in message
>> There is a strong correlation between those who are pro-birth and
>> those who find the sight of breast feeding offensive. They want every
>> pregnancy to come to term, but don't want to feed the infants after
>> they are born. Go figure.
>> Liz #658 BAAWA
>And what's to be made of the views of those who are pro-abortion?

Why so dishonest?

It is doubtful is anyone's views are pro-abortion.

Pro-abortion, is a lie told by the anti choice brigade.

They call them selves "Pro-Life", yet so many of them are pro-death.

They advocate the death penalty.

How can that be "pro-life"?

Obviously, it cannot.

Another interesting detail of the so-called, pro-life mob, is their
overall attitude toward both the host female, and the foetus.

They have no interest in the welfare of the child.

Once the host has been forced to carry to term, they have no farther

They will not adopt the unwanted child, nor will they offer any aid to
the unwilling mother; That is someone else's problem.

They have done their bit, and will now happily sit by in self
righteous piety, and watch both (immoral)mother, and child, die.

And they call it "Pro-Life"

>It's a
>great leap from finding public breastfeeding offensive and finding the very
>existence of babies to be offensive.

Why is it that you can only support your arguments with lies?

Supporting a woman's right to have control of her body, does not make
one, anti babies.

But of course, like every other would be tyrant in history, to force
your own narrow view, you lie, in order to dehumanize those who oppose

I am perhaps, the most anti abortion person that you could hope to
find, having lost, what would have been our first grand child, to an

There is a little more to it, than that, but you do not need to know

Our daughter was pregnant, , but not in any kind of relationship.

We offered, and gave, every support possible, even offering to raise
the child as our own, if she would just carry to term.

Our daughter was an obedient girl, and, had we forced the issue, she
would have carried to term.

However, that was not her wish, and although it hurt us, more than you
can imagine, she went ahead with the abortion.

She was old enough to make her own choices, which she did, and to be
true to our own belief, that a woman's body is her own, and her's
only, we also gave her every support in that choice, as well.

Were it up to me, no foetus would be aborted, and no child would be
born unwanted, but reality aint like that.

A woman's body is her own, to do with as she will, even if it is our
own daughter, and would have been, our first grand child.


The spelling like any opinion stated here
is purely my own

#162 BAAWA Knight.

TOPIC: A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp?

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 2:40 pm
From: "Bob F"

"Bill" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "Bob F" <> wrote:
>> > And your solution is......
>> My solution was NOT to go into Iraq in the first place. It was so obvious
>> we'd
>> be in trouble if we did.
> So based on available intelligence from many countries and Saddam's
> refusal to abide by the ceasefire agreements and in violation of UN
> resolutions.
> You would have done what?

Read a little. Go see what Richard Clarke had to say about the intelligence at
that time. The bushies hand picked intelligence, or manufactured it to meet
their desires. Read about the downing street memos. Saddam was contained - he
was no danger to us. He had no WMDs. There was plenty of intelligence that said
not to invade. But that wasn't what bushie and cheney wanted.
> After the fact we know of duplicity by some security council members in
> regard to Iraq.
> What say you after factoring that in?
>> I have yet to hear the Bushies state their solution. All they ever want to do
>> is
>> more of the same - expecting a different result this time. Insanity.
> All I hear from the left is carping and capitulation. Eight years of
> Clinton and 6 months of Democrat control this year have yielded what?
> Empty threats and statements of defeat and surrender?

Clinton didn't get us into Iraq. You idiots want to blame everything on clinton.
HE was 4x the quality of president that bushie is. Bushie and bushies crew
ignored all the warnings from Clinton about Al Queda and all the other warnings
he had before 9/11. He did NOTHING.
> In exchange for a complete pullout, would you be in favor of nuking Iraq
> and Iran?

Are you an idiot all the time?
> Personally I say we embargo Iran. (Newt's suggestion) Cut their gas
> supply off so they are reduced to walking. No fuss no muss.
> Thoughts?

Let's see. 50% of the foreign fighters captured in Iraq are Saudies. Most of the
9/11 attackers were Saudies. Most of the Financing of Al Queda comes from
Saudies. Good idea - lets attack Iran.

It was awfully nice of us to eliminate the Iranians greatest problem in their
area - Saddam. I'm sure they are thankful.


== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:24 pm
From: "dfr"

clams casino <> wrote:
> dfr wrote:
>> The real problem was the invasion of Iraq in the first place.
>> There isnt any way to fix that now.

> Bingo - there is no fix without a worldwide coalition.

And that is never ever going to happen either.

> That will never happen under Bush (Guiliani, etc).

Or anyone else either.

> Staying in Iraq will have no effect on their sectarian violence / hatred.

Thats arguable. Staying in northern ireland did eventually
see even those fools come to their senses eventually.

> Retreating from Iraq is NOT retreating from fighting terrorism.

Yes, but retreating from Iraq will see those fools believe that they
have won and that will produce even more terrorism outside Iraq.

> In fact, it can and should be the first step in focusing on fighting
> the terrorist cells vs. the side track that was made to invade Iraq..

Nope, because that would see those fools believe that they have
won and that will produce even more terrorism outside Iraq.

At least what happens in Iraq is kept outside first world countrys.
They get to kill each other there instead.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:48 pm
From: clams casino

dfr wrote:

>At least what happens in Iraq is kept outside first world countrys.
>They get to kill each other there instead.
That's what has me completely baffled.

1 - Why do they continue to fight our military in Iraq when they could
cause much more harm outside Iraq. Certainly is not because GW has told
them to stay in keeps telling us.

2 - All they would have to do is stay quiet for 6 months. GW would
claim visctory, US would leave and bingo - easy pickens.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:55 pm
From: Home Enviro Health Specialists

Bill wrote:
> In article <lT6oi.55$Q81.16@newsfe12.lga>,
> Home Enviro Health Specialists <> wrote:
>>> Again, how does your product extend the life of HVAC systems? LOL
>> Read the post K I can't just keep typing over and over again the same
>> old stuff.
> You could try answering his question instead.
> You can't back up your statements and your threats in other newsgroups
> aren't intimidating anyone.
> Either provide written documentation of your claims or quit posting.
> Someone's opinion isn't actionable in court. Your expert's opinion on
> your statements is worthless. If it's not in writing, it's bullshit.
> Peddle your gizmo's elsewhere. I'm tired of you lying and playing with
> the truth.

Bill learn to read then retain information and then you will understand.
Plenty has been provided in writing and they back up my statements and
there is plenty on the website. I didn't invent nor develop UC-V
technology and I never claimed to.

Just as you didn't invent or develop HVAC your a brainless tech, who i
would be surprised if you could even fix an HVAC system. So does that
make you a lier and play with the truth when you give advice or do you
rely on the knowledge that what has been taught to you.

Get a grip on reality and for God sakes please stop breathing fouled
air, you may be living proof that poor IAQ could have adverse effects on
a humans brain. Wait with the way you talk, are you human? We never
had the opportunity to discuss that. Because you repeat the same old
boring ridiculous statements over and over again.

Jim - UV-C Light Purification
HVAC Coil Irradiation to kill *Mold, *Mildew,
*Viruses and *Bacteria.
*Downstream Air Purification
Proven case studies, EPA Evaluation, Etc.

Find an additional source of income to your present HVAC business and
provide a healthier environment for your clients, energy savings, and
extend life of the HVAC.
Please contact me with any questions, suggestions or input that you may

Thank You

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 4:14 pm
From: "dfr"

clams casino <> wrote:
> dfr wrote:
>>> Retreating from Iraq is NOT retreating from fighting terrorism.

>> Yes, but retreating from Iraq will see those fools believe that they
>> have won and that will produce even more terrorism outside Iraq.

>>> In fact, it can and should be the first step in focusing on fighting
>>> the terrorist cells vs. the side track that was made to invade Iraq..

>> Nope, because that would see those fools believe that they have
>> won and that will produce even more terrorism outside Iraq.

>> At least what happens in Iraq is kept outside first world countrys.
>> They get to kill each other there instead.
> That's what has me completely baffled.

> 1 - Why do they continue to fight our military in Iraq when they could cause much more harm
> outside Iraq.

Because they believe that the US military shouldnt have invaded Iraq.

And they kill a lot more other ragheads than they ever do the US military too.

There's only been 3.6K US military killed in Iraq, hundreds of thousands
of Iraqis have been killed by other Iraqis since the invasion.

> Certainly is not because GW has told them to stay in keeps telling us.


And we have seen some terrorism outside Iraq, most obviously the london and madrid bombings.

> 2 - All they would have to do is stay quiet for 6 months. GW would claim visctory, US would
> leave and bingo - easy pickens.

Yeah, but they are much too stupid to be able to work that out.

They're too stupid to work out the problem with looting everything that
wasnt nailed down, and demanded that the US get out of Iraq as soon
as the invasion worked very effectively indeed. Hell of a contrast to
what happened with germany and japan at the end of WW2.

Even the Kurds had enough of a clue to work out the advantages of the
US invasion and got their act into gear very quickly after that happened.

Not the stupid rag heads in the rest of the country tho.

They actually are that stupid. It really is as basic as that.

Even the stupid Palestinians are so stupid they cant even manage to get their act into gear.

TOPIC: Vitamin C useless in combatting colds

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:31 pm
From: "Mark K. Bilbo"

On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 04:10:33 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:

> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:57:26 +0930, Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:08:57 -0500, "Mark K. Bilbo"
>>> <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 09:04:27 -0400, Geoff wrote:
>>>>> Mark K. Bilbo wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:22:58 +0930, Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:15:00 -0400, "Wilson"
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> nvit118.xml
>>>>>>>> Vitamin C useless in combatting colds
>>>>>>>> a.. Taking vitamin C supplements to prevent a cold is a
>>>>>>>> waste of time
>>>>>>>> and money, say researchers. A review of 30 studies involving more
>>>>>>>> than 11,000 people found that taking the tablets had no effect on
>>>>>>>> the average person.
>>>>>>> But Echinacia seems to be beneficial...
>>>>>> Actually, that one was debunked some time ago...
>>>>> What about those zinc tabs like Cold-Eze?
>>>> Nope.
>>>> It's all marketing fluff.
>>> Are you going to tell the publishers of "The Lancet"??
>> Zinc may have some effectiveness but I haven't seen a medical expert
>> yet that hasn't pointed out that obtaining vitamens via vegetables is
>> immensely better than any pill. Further, much of what's on the market
>> is dreck. At least in the US, the suppliment market is totally
>> unregulated and you can put pretty much anything into a bottle and call
>> it anything you want.
>> The bottom line being your mother was right, eat your veggies...
> Pity that doing that hasnt been shown to PREVENT colds.
> Vegetarians still get colds.

Well, other than being irrelevant, that's certainly uninteresting.

My point is that whatever effectiveness any vitamen has, supplimentation
is the least effective way of obtaining it. Particularly given the
totally deregulated nature of the suppliment industry. There's nothing at
all to make them actually put in the bottle what they claim on the
Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"What the hell is an aluminum Falcon?"

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:53 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>>> Michael Gray wrote
>>>> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>>>>> Geoff wrote
>>>>>> Mark K. Bilbo wrote
>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote
>>>>>>>> Wilson <> wrote


>>>>>>>>> Vitamin C useless in combatting colds

>>>>>>>>> a.. Taking vitamin C supplements to prevent a cold is a
>>>>>>>>> waste of time and money, say researchers. A review of
>>>>>>>>> 30 studies involving more than 11,000 people found that
>>>>>>>>> taking the tablets had no effect on the average person.

>>>>>>>> But Echinacia seems to be beneficial...

>>>>>>> Actually, that one was debunked some time ago...

>>>>>> What about those zinc tabs like Cold-Eze?

>>>>> Nope.

>>>>> It's all marketing fluff.

>>>> Are you going to tell the publishers of "The Lancet"??

>>> Zinc may have some effectiveness but I haven't seen a medical
>>> expert yet that hasn't pointed out that obtaining vitamens via
>>> vegetables is immensely better than any pill. Further, much of
>>> what's on the market is dreck. At least in the US, the suppliment
>>> market is totally unregulated and you can put pretty much
>>> anything into a bottle and call it anything you want.

>>> The bottom line being your mother was right, eat your veggies...

>> Pity that doing that hasnt been shown to PREVENT colds.

>> Vegetarians still get colds.

> Well, other than being irrelevant,

Nope, prevention of colds is clearly what was being discussed.

> that's certainly uninteresting.


> My point is that whatever effectiveness any vitamen has,
> supplimentation is the least effective way of obtaining it.

Irrelevant when its clearly been shown that Vitamin

> Particularly given the totally deregulated nature of the
> suppliment industry. There's nothing at all to make them
> actually put in the bottle what they claim on the label...

Pity that with Vitamin C that they do have vitamin C in them anyway, AND ITS

TOPIC: Does closing off unused bedrooms and vents really save electricity for

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2007 3:49 pm
From: snotbottom

On Jul 20, 12:51 pm, wrote:
> > I'd use another HVAC person if I were you. If you close off a vent,
> > MOST of the air that would normally go to that room will be blocked.
> > That will result in higher pressure in the ductwork which means more
> > air to the other rooms. This should result in the other rooms cooling
> > quicker and lower the amount of time the compressor has to run.
> > Result? Lower power bills.
> > Zilbandy
> Read somewhere that closing off vents could result in the higher
> pressure you mention, but at risk of damaging the ductwork to the
> closed off room(s). Don't know if the risk is real and/or how high;
> just relating what I'd read.

If you were to close off ALL of the vents, maybe there is a small
chance of damaging something, but it is still a stretch. A home
forced air system (heating or cooling) is very low pressure to begin
with, so closing off one or two rooms isn't going to hurt anything.
Also, in a home unit, we're typically talking about a big squirrel-
cage fan driving the air, so it isn't capable of reaching dangerous
pressures anyway. Commercial units may be a bit different, but it is
still unlikely to damage ductwork by closing a few unused vents.

In shutting down rooms, close the vents rather than merely closing
doors. Closing doors isn't going to stop the airflow, because of the
1-2" gap at the bottom of the doors in your house. Those are there
deliberately to allow the air from the vents to flow into the room and
out under the door through the house back to the intake on the system

By closing a couple of vents, you may notice an increase in the air
volume in the other rooms, but the pressure increase is very small.
As mentioned before, this should only provide quicker cooling to the
space being used.


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