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* Hoody, t-shirts, purses, jeans, coat, gucci boots, juicy, max nz shoes,
sneakers china wholesale ( - 1 messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: Faxes Sent to Parliament1 (9042) - 1 messages, 1 author
* The USA's going bankrupt; China's takeover has just begun - 8 messages, 4
* MauiJNP/Hershey's - 5 messages, 5 authors
* 11% inflation - 2 messages, 1 author
* Free 2008 Betty Crocker Recipe Calendar - 1 messages, 1 author
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* Seven Deadly Sins of Holidays - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Faxes Sent to Media2 (6867)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 8:39 am
441712545950 yynyyEyynnnyyyynnn
441712565326 yyyyyYyyyyyyynnnnn
441712611290 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712613250 yyyyyNyyyyyyynyyyy
441712616023 y
441712626199 y
441712662563 y
441712671396 y
441712700618 y
441712706079 n
441712726653 n
441712734660 y
441712736421 y
441712748994 y
441712749630 y
441712765179 n
441712768633 n
441712780345 y
441712780504 n
441712784425 ynyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyn
441712786232 y
441712786941 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712788480 ynnnnYynnynnnnnnB
441712822040 y
441712837037 n
441712842835 yynyYyyyyyyynnnnn
441712843374 yyyyyYnnnnnnnnnnB
441712843641 n
441712844494 n
441712847788 yyyyyEynnnnnnyynyy
441712896392 n
441712932435 yyyyyYyynnyyyyyynn
441712933098 y
441712933405 yyyyyYyynyyyyyyyy
441712933517 y
441712933587 y
441713067737 y
441713067800 yyyyyYynyyyyyyyyyy
441713068116 yyyyyYyyyyyyynyyyy
441713068357 yyyyyYnyyyyyyyyyny
441713122601 n
441713128470 nnyyyYyyyynnnynyyy
441713169003 n
441713231582 y
441713241407 n
441713298377 n
441713313108 n
441713317382 y
441713331690 n
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441713386690 y
441713402019 n
441713446400 n
441713510220 y
441713518290 y
441713532310 nynynNnnnnnnnnnynn
441713536867 n
441713537526 n
441713538118 yyynyYnnyyyyyyyyyy
441713538355 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441713538359 yyyyyYynyyyyyyyyyy
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441713548264 y
441713577458 y
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441713735768 y
441713740645 n
441713748741 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441713776103 yyyyyYyyyyynyyyyyy
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441713793866 n
441713794204 n
441713797707 y
441713816903 n
441713825905 n
441713830044 y
441713830273 y
441713830448 n
441713834855 n
441713841781 n
441713853708 n
441713865002 yyyyyYyynyyyyyyyny
441713872764 n
441713883737 yyyyyYyyyyyyynnnnn
441713888172 nnnnnEnnnnnnnnnnnn
441713889958 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441713919111 y
441713932099 y
441713937461 y
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441714001428 y
441714012537 n
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441714044167 y
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441714057062 yyyyyYnnnnyyyyyyyy
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441714057163 yyyyyYyyynyyynnnnn
441714057784 y
441714075700 yyyyyYyyyyynyyyyyy
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441714100966 yyyyyYyyyyyyynyyyy
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441714138303 yyyyyYyyyyyyynnnn
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441714216006 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441714216522 y
441714300924 ynnnnYyyyyyyyyyyyy
441714301384 y
441714301779 n
441714341197 yyyyyYyyyyyynyyyny
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441714700062 yyyyyYyynyyynyynny
441714701062 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
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441714861132 ynyyyYyyyyyynyyyyy
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441714872908 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyy
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441714901255 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
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441715386242 yyynYyyyyyyyyyyy
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441715805547 yyyyyEyyynyyyynyy
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441717240404 yyyyyYyyyyyyynnnn
441717341792 yyyyyNyyyyyyyyyy
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441717654409 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441717655838 yynyyYyynyyynyyyy
441717666100 nyyynYnnnynyyyyyy
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441718151177 yyyyyYyyyyyynyyyy
441718219352 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyy
441718277001 ynnnnYynynnnnyyyy
441718277002 yyyyyYyyynyyyyyyy
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441718277721 yyynyYnyyyyynyyyy
441718287269 yyyyyYyynnnnnnnnB
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441719308499 yynyyYyyyyyyyyyn
441719362229 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyy
441719362689 yyyyyNynyyynyny
441719373745 yyyyyYnnyyyyyyy
441719377896 yyyyYynyynyyyyy
441719383165 yyyyyYyyyyyyynnB
441719637192 yyyyyEyyyyyyyyyy
441719736380 yyyyyYyyyynyyyyn
441722415102 yyyynYyyyynyyyyyy
441727834456 yyyyyYyyyyynyyyyy
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441743271702 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441747855722 ynnnnYnyyyyyyyyny
441752234595 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441752255962 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441752333444 ynnnnNyyyyyyyyynn
441752670730 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441753512277 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441762391896 ynnnnYyyyynyynnnn
441772201917 yyyynNyyyyyyyyyyy
441772618356 yyyyyNyyyyyyyyyyy
441782289115 yyyyyNyyyyyyyyyyy
441782641121 yynnnYynnnnnnnynn
441782744110 yyyyYyynyyyynyny
441782747777 nnnnYnnnnnnyyyy
441789263102 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyny
441792468194 yyynYnnnnnyyynnn
441792511171 yyyyYnyyyyynyyyy
441792511965 nnnnYnynyyyynnnn
441793513650 yyyyyYyyyyyynyyyy
441796474007 yyyyyYyynyyyyyyyy
441813121930 ynnnnYnnnnynnnyyy
441813320495 nynnnYynnnnnnyyyy
441814442313 yyyyyYyyyyyynnnB
441814794040 yyyyyYnynyyyynyyy
441815762782 yyyyyYyyynnyynnnn
441815764284 yyyyyYynyyynynynn
441815767624 yyyyyYyyyyyynnyy
441815990984 yyyyyEyyyyyyynyyy
441816006119 yyynyNnnnnnnnnnnn
441816592409 yyyynYynyyyyyyyyy
441816813937 nnnnnEnnnnnnnynnn
441817404622 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441817413819 yyyyyYyyynyynnnnB
441817491647 nnnnnEnnnnnnnnnnn
441817492831 yyyyyYynnnnnnnnnB
441817496734 yynyyYnnnnyynyyyy
441817496972 ynnnnYyynnyyyyyyy
441817497520 nnyyyYnyyyyyynnnn
441817497554 yyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441817497872 nyynYyyyyyyynyyy
441817498622 yyyyNnnnnnnnnnnn
441817499016 yyyyNnnnnnnnnnnn
441817499259 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyny
441817524398 yyyyYyyyyyynyyyy
441817525915 yyyyYyynnnyyyyy
441818008005 yyyyYyyyyyynyyyn
441818139700 nnnyYnyyyyynyyyn
441818815151 yyyyYyyyyyyyyny
441819813779 yyyyNynnnnnnnnnB
441822614405 nyyyYnnnynnynnnB
441823321044 yyyyYyyynyyyyyyn
441823332539 yyyyYyyyyynyyyny
441865791347 yyyyYyyynyynyyyn
441896759494 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441902755163 yyyyYyyyyyyynnnn
441902838266 yyyyYyyyyyyynnnn
441904488878 yynyYyynyynynyy
441904610067 nyyyYnnnnnnnnnn
441904610937 nyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441905748006 ynyyYyynyyyyyyyyy
441908564893 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441908694008 yyyyYyyyyyyynnnn
441912210112 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyy
441912325082 yyyyYyyyyyynyyyy
441912612302 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441912618571 yyyyYynyyyyyyyyn
441914775660 yyyyYyyyyyynyyny
441914880933 yyyyYyyyyyyyynnn
441914888611 nyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441914889222 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441915670888 nnnnNnnnnnnnnnnn
441926424760 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441932859661 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyy
441942884397 yyyyNyyyyyyyyyyy
441970627206 ynnnYnnyynyynnnB
441978758565 yyyyYyyyyyyyyyyy
441978759701 yyyYyyyyyyyyyn
441983821690 yyyYyyyyyyyyyyn
441984623901 yynYyyyynyynnnn
No faxes were sent after April 2000.
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
TOPIC: china cheap wholesale Clothing Shirt Cap Nike Jordans puma bape gucci
prada Sport shoes Bape Dunk jean T shirt Handbag bags IPOD MP3 MP4 PSP PS2 PS3
Nokia N95 Hoodies Sunglasses Nokia N93 Nokia N70 Sony memory card Mobile
Phones etc wholesale sport shoes clothing electrons mobile phone
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 1:40 pm
We are professional and honest wholesaler of all kinds of brand
The products our company supply are as follows: shoes:from nike air
jordan1 to Jordan23,air jordan-mix,
air Jordan-clear,air Jordan-woman,air Jordan-youth, nike
shox ,r2,r3,r4,r5,nz,t13,tl4,tl,
annual,bape(bape1-3,air-bape,bape-high,bape-woman) nike rift,
nikejames,timberland,dunk, Gucci, puma,adidas(adidas 35 years,good-
adidas-NBA,adidas-y3 Casual leather shoes with the brands like
lv,puma,Gucci,Hogan, lacoste, chanel, prada, d&g, dsquared and so on.
If you are interesting in our products,pls feel free to contact us!
TOPIC: Hoody, t-shirts, purses, jeans, coat, gucci boots, juicy, max nz shoes,
sneakers china wholesale (
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 1:44 pm
Dear my friend
It is our pleasure to meet you here.
we are wholesaler sport shoes,clothing,electrons in Fujian of China.
our website:
We are professional and honest wholesaler of all kinds of brand
sneaks and apparel.the products
our company supply are as follows:
1).Nike Jordans
Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
Jordan 7.5
2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
AirMax 87 AirMax Rift
6).Puma Puma Rpt2 Puma SK6 Puma Jayfi Puma Cir Puma Speed Puma Repli
Puma Future Cat Puma Mostro Puma Lifestyle
7).Dunk SB Dunk High Dunk Low
8).Timberland Timberland High Timberland Low
9).Adidas Adidas 35 Adicolor Country city sense Adidas NBA
11).Prada & Gucci Prada Gucci
12).Footballer Shoes Footballer
14).converse & Reebok converse Reebok
15).D&G shoes
16).Dsquared2 shoes
17).James shoes
18).Nike King
9).Children shoes Jordan Shox
20).Women shoes Women Jordans Women Shox R3 Women Shox R4 Women
95&97 Women AirMax 03&06 Women Dunk Women Shox NZ Women AF1
21).sandal & baboosh Nike Puma Gucci Prada
CLOTHES 1).Bape 2).ED Hardy 3).BBC 4).CLH 5).LRG 6).Artful Dodger
Hoodies 7).GINO GREEN GLOBAL 8).10 Deep 9).A&F Coat 11).Jersey NBA
Jersey Football Jersey 12).Juicy Bikini 13).Adidas Coat 14).F1 Coat
15).D&G Coat 16).Superman Coat 17).NBA Coat
JEAN 1).E&D Jeans 2).BBC Jeans 3).BAPE Jeans 4).D&G Jeans 5).EVSIU
Jeans 6).Red monkey 7).COOGI Jeans
T-shirt 1).POLO 2007 polo(women) 2007 POLO IIII(Men) POLO (stripe)
polo (small )
2).Lacoste Lacoste (LONG) Lacoste (SHORT) 3).Name Brand shirt D&G
Shirt Giorgio Armani TN Shirt 4).BBC T-shirt 5).LRG & gina green
glalal 6).Triumvir 7).ED handy 8).Evsiu 9).R.M.B 10).CLOT
Burse & Handbag 1).LV Bag 2).Gucci Bag 3).Dior Bag 4).Chanel Bag
5).Fendi Bag 6).Coach Bag 7).Burberrys Bag 8).Prada Bag 9).Man
Bag 11).D&G bag 12).nike bag 13).Wallet 14).Suitcase
Electronics 1).Vertu Mobile 2).New iphone Mobile 3).Nokia Mobile
4).moto Mobile 5).PSP Game & memory card 6).Sony Mobile 7).Samsung
Mobile 8).Ipod nano 9).Sony PS3 10).Laptops IBM laptops DELL laptops
Sony laptops ASUS laptops
CAP 1).ED Hardy Cap 2).New Bape & NY Cap 3).RMC Cap 4).New era NBA
5).F1 6).Chanel 7).D&G 8).gucci 9).LV 10).Prada 11).PUMA 12).wool
WATCH 1).Rolex 2).Omega 3).Cartier 4).Chanel 5).Piaget 6).Breitling
7).Bvlgari 8).Corum
Sunglasses 1).Gucci Sunglasses 2).D&G Sunglasses 3).Dior Sunglasses
4).LV Sunglasses 5).Chanel Sunglasses 6).Prada Sunglasses 7).Versace
Sunglasses 8).Giorgio Armani
Strap 1).Bape Strap 2).D&G Strap 3).Gucci Strap 4).LV Strap 5).Scarf
Other 1).Lighter
size chart
Men Size:
US: 7 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13 14 15
UK: 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 13 14
EUR: 40 41 42 42.5 43 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 47.5 48 49
Women Size:
US: 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
UK: 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
EUR: 35.5 36 36.5 37.5 38 38.5 39 40
US: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5
UK: 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5
EUR:17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27 27.5 28 29 30
Clothing Size:
7.because the space of the website is limited,we can also supply many
other products which be not showed out in our site. if you have the
photos of the products you need , we are pleasure to supply for your
And our company can supply for our customers ,as follow:
1. top quality.all our products have top quality.
2. most rational price. we offer the most competitive price to you
open your market. So today most of our products have sold well in the
America, Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia etc..
3. safe and fast shipment. As different country you are in, we will
deliver the products to you by different ways and pledge to arrive to
your address 100%.and we will send the products to you within 24h
after we get your payment.
4.many products in stock. We have many products in stock and kinds of
size you need , also include kid's.
5.our credit. If the products can be not delivered to your address as
our reason, we will refund the money you paid.
Hope sincerely to have glad and long term business relationship with
If you are interested in our products and have any problem, welcome
contact us.
Please trust us , we will be your best choice !!!
Website :
Fashion Footwear Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Fujian,CHINA)
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Faxes Sent to Parliament1 (9042)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 10:12 am
Faxes Sent to British Parliament logs
During the 1998-2000 period my records indicate that I sent at least 14,480 faxes to the British Parliament
in Westminster, of which 9,138 went via TPC's email-to-fax service and 5,342 were sent via fax-modem direct from
my computer. The actual figure is obviously much higher since, for most of this period, whenever a recipient asked to
be deleted from my mailing list, I totally wiped all entries including that from the logfile.
In the records "Y" indicates successful transmission from fax-modem, "N" indicates failed transmission from fax-modem.
"E" indicates an error occurred while transmitting via fax-modem and a fax may have been only partly transmitted.
"y" and "n" indicate success or failure via TPC.
In April 2000 I changed the method of operation by recording "R" when a recipient requested removal, rather than
wiping their details from my mailing list and records; and keeping "B" records for when TPC actioned a ban on a
recipient's fax-number, but the recipient did not write to ask me to cease faxing. The purpose of these changes
was to keep more accurate and complete records, but the intention was thwarted by the police complaint.
441712190076 nnnnnynnEnnnnnnYYNNYYYYNENNNNNynynnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnnn
441712190179 yyyynnyyyYnyyyyynYYYNYYYYYYEYEEEyyyyyyynyyyynyyyyy
441712190189 yyynyyyyyYyyyyyyyYYYEYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190243 yyyyyyyyyYnnnnnnnYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnynnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnnn
441712190246 ynnnyyyyyYnyyynyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYynyyyynyyyyyyyyyy
441712190253 yynnnnnnnNnnnnnnnNNNNNNNNENNYNNNnnnnnnnnnnnNnnynnnnn
441712190254 yyyyyyyyYnynynyyYYEEEYYEEYYEYEYyyynyynyynynyyyyyn
441712190266 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYEYYYYYNYYYyyynyyyynyyyyyyyyyy
441712190300 yyyyyyyynYyyyynnYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190301 yyyyyyyyyYnnyyyyYYYYYYYYENNYYYYnyyyynynyynyyynnnB
441712190305 yyynnynyYynnyynYYEYYYEEYYYYEYYynyynyyyynyNnyyynyyy
441712190309 ynyyyyyyYynynnYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190317 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYNNYYYYYYYYYEyyynnnyyyyynynnnynn
441712190319 nyyyynnnNnnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnnn
441712190323 nyyyyyyYyyyyyyNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
441712190329 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYEYYYYYYYYYyyyyyynyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190331 ynyynnnnYyynnnnYYNYYYYYYNNYYYYynynnnnnnnnNnnnnnn
441712190332 nnynnynyYyyynyyYNYYYYYYYYYYYYYynynynnnnnnNnnnnnnn
441712190337 ynyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYEYYEYYYYYYYyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyy
441712190350 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYynyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190371 yyynnnnnNnynyyyYNNNNNYYNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
441712190390 yyyynyynYynyynyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyynnynyyyyyy
441712190409 nnyyyynyYyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYENYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyynnyyy
441712190438 yyynnnnnNyyynyyYYYYYYEYYYEYYYYyyynynyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190446 yynnnnnnYyynynyYYYYYEYYYYEYYYYyyyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyn
441712190448 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYYYYEYYEYYYyyyyyynnynnyyyyyyyy
441712190461 nynnnnyyYynnnnnYYYYYYYYYEYYEEYyyyynyyynynynnyyyyy
441712190475 yynnnnnnNnnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnnn
441712190492 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyEYYYYYYYYYYYYEYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190495 ynnnnnnNyyyyyyYYEYYYYEYYYYYYEyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190511 yyynnyynYynnnnnNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
441712190514 yyyyyyyyYnyynyyYYYNYYNYNEYYYYYyyyynynnnynyynnnnyy
441712190536 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYEYYEYYYYYEEYyyyyyynynnnYnnnnnnB
441712190559 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYEYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190573 nyyyyyyyYyyynnnYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNnnyyyyyyyynnnnnyy
441712190598 nyyyyyyYynynyyYYYYYYEYYYYNNNNyyyynyyyyyyyyyynyy
441712190612 ynnnnyyyYnynnyyYYYYYYYYYYYEYYYyyyyynnynyyyyyyyyy
441712190620 yyyyyyyyYyyyyyyEYEYYYYYYYYYYYEyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyny
441712190622 yyyyyyyyYyynyyyYYYYYNYYNYYYYYYyyyyyyynyyyyyyyyyy
441712190628 yyyyyyyyYynyyyYYYYYYEYYYYEYYEyyyyynyynnNnnnnnnnnn
441712190638 yynnyyyyYnyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190643 ynyyyyyYnynyyyYYYYYYYNYYYYYYYyynyyynyyyynnnnnB
441712190645 yyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
441712190662 nynnnnnnYnnynnnNYNNYNYNNNNNYNNnnnnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnn
441712190663 nnnnnnnnYnnynyyNNNNNNENNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnNnnnnnnn
441712190664 nnnnnnnnYnnynnnNYNNYNYNYYNNYNYnnnyynnyynNnynnnnny
441712190682 yyyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYNYYnyyyyyynynyyynyyy
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441712190696 yynnnyyEnnyyyYEYEYYYYEEEYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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441712192849 yyyyyyYyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyny
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TOPIC: The USA's going bankrupt; China's takeover has just begun
== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 3:21 pm
From: "DemoDisk"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> DemoDisk <> wrote
> > AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
> >> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
> >> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its lard
> > Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think you can
> > stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars. That's why they
> > always talk about the price of oil being (until ~recently) no higher
> > than before the 70's. Oil goes up, prices go up, salaries and wages
> > go up, and everything's the same.
> > Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
> > people who built up savings. They get screwed.
> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
How can you say that? If the dollar becomes devalued, savings --
denominated in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that. The idea
may seem strange, but that's only because so few in the United States
keep appreciable savings.
Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans, but
that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong. I've enjoyed
it, but I'm already seeing a change.
And you..?
== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 3:11 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
DemoDisk <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its lard arse.
>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the same.
>>> Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
> How can you say that?
By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the country.
And that just happens to be where most savings are actually spent, on real estate etc.
> The idea may seem strange,
Its just plain wrong.
> but that's only because so few in the
> United States keep appreciable savings.
Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US savings
doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they live in etc.
> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
> And you..?
I see dirt cheap stuff from china every day and buy quite a bit of it too.
And I have always had enough of a clue to keep my savings in investments that
protect them from inflation too. And have done a lot better than inflation too.
== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 3:54 pm
From: Pili
On Nov 17, 1:06 pm, wrote:
> The government must change how it does business now or the United
> States will face a serious fiscal crisis in the future, said David
> Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability
> Office (GAO), at the Conference on Public Service & the Law dinner
> March 17. He challenged law students to take on the issues faced by
> the government by getting involved in public service at some point in
> their careers.
> "The United States government faces some serious challenges in the
> 21st century," Walker warned. "Deficits, changing security threats,
> demographics, quality-of-life concerns, rapidly evolving technology,
> I
> can go on and on and on."
> Plagued by waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement, the government
> must
> reconsider longstanding policies to sustain its superpower status and
> leave the country better positioned for the future. "Washington is
> out
> of control," Walker asserted, not blaming anyone in particular. "I
> mean this on a nonpartisan basis.
> "We could eliminate every dime of waste...and this nation would still
> have large and growing structural deficits," Walker said. There are
> "too many layers, too many players, too many turf battles, and too
> many hardened silos."
> In order to make the necessary changes, the government needs more
> leaders with courage, integrity, creativity, and stewardship and who
> are willing to reform entitlement policies, namely Social Security,
> Medicare, and Medicaid. The government also needs to re-engineer the
> base of spending and re-evaluate tax policies.
> The GAO, which provides the fiscal oversight, insight, and foresight
> for government initiatives, is at the forefront of making critical
> changes to government operations, starting with their own agency. "We
> try very much as an institution and I try very much as an individual,
> to practice what we preach and to keep in mind that leading by
> example
> is a powerful, powerful, but simple concept."
> Walker was able to turn the GAO from an at-risk agency to a model
> agency by being a good leader and adhering to three core values;
> accountability, integrity, and reliability. The GAO, for example, is
> the only government entity that has changed to a flat, market-based,
> skills-, knowledge-, and performance-oriented classification and
> compensation system.
> The government is operating under policies that were meant for
> conditions that existed in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, Walker
> charged, which hurts government productivity. Once a program or
> policy
> has been approved, it becomes part of the base set of programs in the
> annual budget.
> "The base is unaffordable, unsustainable. The base is going to have
> to
> be dramatically reengineered and GAO is going to be in the forefront
> of efforts to analyze what's working, what's not working, and what is
> a possible way forward."
> In Walker's estimation, the government has specific problem areas
> that
> must be addressed now. "Number one, a budget deficit. Number two, a
> balance of payments deficit, of which the trade deficit is a
> subset...
> [and] both of those [were] record levels last year. Number three, a
> savings deficit. Americans are great at spending, we're poor at
> saving...
> and then we have, probably the most serious deficit of all and that
> is
> a leadership deficit. And that is a bipartisan statement," Walker
> said.
> "Where's the accountability for spending increases and tax cuts that
> are unaffordable and unsustainable over time? Where's the
> accountability for government programs and tax preferences that
> aren't
> getting real results? ... Where's the accountability for
> congressional
> projects, better know as earmarks or pork barrel spending, at a time
> of record budget deficits? Where is the outrage about these issues?"
> The apathy of citizens will result in record deficits and will affect
> generations to come. "When our new grandson was born this afternoon,
> he not only got a birth certificate, he received a birth burden of
> $156,000. Now I know why he was crying," Walker joked. More and more
> of our debt must be financed by foreign nations.
> The United States has gone from the largest creditor nation to the
> largest debtor nation--and not due to the war on terrorism, Walker
> noted. "Of that $760 billion deficit last year, only $100 billion had
> anything to do with Iraq, Afghanistan or incremental Homeland
> Security
> costs," Walker said.
> The first baby boomers will reach age 62 in two years, making them
> eligible for Social Security. In five years, they will be eligible
> for
> Medicare, escalating the debt dramatically. The baby boom generation
> will not leave the country "better positioned for the future,"
> fiscally speaking, Walker said. "We need to get serious soon because
> the longer we wait, the more dramatic the changes are going to have
> to
> be, the more disruptive that they'll be, and the less time that we'll
> have to be able to transition to a more positive and sustainable
> future."
> After Hurricane Andrew, the GAO issued a series of recommendations,
> many of which were not adopted but could have been useful for
> responders to prepare, respond, and recover before, during, and after
> Hurricane Katrina. After Katrina, the GAO again identified areas of
> improvement. The national response plan needs clarity, consistency,
> and more common sense, Walker said. More training is needed to
> mobilize responders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
> The
> government needs to take a risk- management approach and re-evaluate
> whether FEMA even needs to be in the Department of Homeland Security.
> Now that rebuilding has begun, tough decisions have to be made, with
> the state and local governments taking the lead, Walker said.
> The GAO itself has made some tough and unpopular decisions under
> Walker's watch, one of which was suing Vice President Dick Cheney. "I
> don't like the idea of suing, unless you have to, and I don't
> particularly like suing the vice president of the United States. On
> the other hand, if we are committed to truth and transparency, if we
> believe that anybody who is a public servant is subject to the law
> and
> that nobody is above the law and the public has a right to know who
> met with whom, when, about what, and what did it cost when it deals
> with issues as significant as our national energy policy, and if we
> were concerned that if we did not act that we were going to face
> broad-
> based records access problems throughout the entire government, then
> under those circumstances, we did what we had to do. We sued." A
> district court ultimately dismissed the case, ruling that the GAO
> lacked standing to sue.
> The GAO chose not to appeal for several reasons; however, the message
> got across. The GAO has not had to take any similar action since.
> The GAO also acted on the Bush administration's release of government
> news stories produced to influence the public on a variety of issues.
> Walker said the GAO brought the practice to light because they wanted
> citizens to know the government was trying influence them with
> "covert
> propaganda" financed with their tax money. Congress ultimately
> enacted
> legislation to stop it.
> "I'm a strong believer if you don't learn from history, you're doomed
> to repeat it. Unfortunately, I wish we had more Americans that
> understood that because in many ways, we're not learning from
> history," Walker said. "We have a great country, but we face serious
> challenges." We need to address those challenges starting today, he
> said, and take steps now to create a better tomorrow.
Going bankrupt by itself doesn't mean you lose stuff.
Your creditors have to come and get it, somehow. Like in court and
then they send a repo man. If you hide your stuff, makes it very hard
for the creditor to get it back.
No court is going to award the US to China in a bankruptcy verdict,
anyways. Even if one did, they'd have to send out the Repo Man.
== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 5:29 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> DemoDisk <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its lard arse.
>>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the same.
>>>> Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
>> How can you say that?
> By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
> of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
>> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
>> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
> Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the country.
> And that just happens to be where most savings are actually spent, on real estate etc.
>> The idea may seem strange,
> Its just plain wrong.
>> but that's only because so few in the
>> United States keep appreciable savings.
> Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US savings
> doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they live in etc.
>> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
>> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
> Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
>> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
> No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
This is where Rod screams "bullshit",irrelevant" or goes to the
flushing bot as he can never admit he is wrong.
Annalisa Burgos 07.21.05, 10:30 AM ET
In the headlines this morning, the corporate earnings parade marches on.
But first, a stunning development on the international front. After much
pressure and speculation, China has decided to drop its decade-old
policy of linking the value of its currency to the U.S. dollar.
Effective Friday, the yuan will no longer have a fixed rate and instead
will float in the marketplace, meaning it will trade without restrictions.
>> And you..?
> I see dirt cheap stuff from china every day and buy quite a bit of it too.
> And I have always had enough of a clue to keep my savings in investments that
> protect them from inflation too. And have done a lot better than inflation too.
== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 5:46 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote:
> Rod Speed wrote:
>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>>>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its
>>>> lard arse.
>>>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the same.
>>>>> Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>>>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>>>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>>>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
>>> How can you say that?
>> By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
>> of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
>>> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
>>> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
>> Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the
>> country. And that just happens to be where most savings are actually spent,
>> on real estate etc.
>>> The idea may seem strange,
>> Its just plain wrong.
>>> but that's only because so few in the
>>> United States keep appreciable savings.
>> Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US
>> savings doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they live in etc.
>>> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
>>> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
>> Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
>>> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
>> No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
> Annalisa Burgos 07.21.05, 10:30 AM ET
> But first, a stunning development on the international front. After
> much pressure and speculation, China has decided to drop its
> decade-old policy of linking the value of its currency to the U.S. dollar. Effective Friday, the yuan will no longer
> have a fixed rate and instead will float in the marketplace, meaning it will trade without
> restrictions.
Pity it didnt actually happen like that, and you're so stupid that
you cant even work out how to check the conversion rate since
that time and work out that it didnt actually happen like that.
>>> And you..?
>> I see dirt cheap stuff from china every day and buy quite a bit of
>> it too. And I have always had enough of a clue to keep my savings in
>> investments that protect them from inflation too. And have done a lot better than
>> inflation too.
== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 6:04 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Souden <> wrote:
>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>>>>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its
>>>>> lard arse.
>>>>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>>>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>>>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>>>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>>>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the same.
>>>>>> Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>>>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>>>>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>>>>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>>>>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
>>>> How can you say that?
>>> By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
>>> of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
>>>> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
>>>> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
>>> Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the
>>> country. And that just happens to be where most savings are actually spent,
>>> on real estate etc.
>>>> The idea may seem strange,
>>> Its just plain wrong.
>>>> but that's only because so few in the
>>>> United States keep appreciable savings.
>>> Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US
>>> savings doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they live in etc.
>>>> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
>>>> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
>>> Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
>>>> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
>>> No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
>> Annalisa Burgos 07.21.05, 10:30 AM ET
>> But first, a stunning development on the international front. After
>> much pressure and speculation, China has decided to drop its
>> decade-old policy of linking the value of its currency to the U.S. dollar. Effective Friday, the yuan will no longer
>> have a fixed rate and instead will float in the marketplace, meaning it will trade without
>> restrictions.
> Pity it didnt actually happen like that, and you're so stupid that
> you cant even work out how to check the conversion rate since
> that time and work out that it didnt actually happen like that.
Even a welfare dolt should comprehend that a conversion rate does not
mean the currencies are linked. The story clearly said that the yuan was
no longer linked to to the dollar. This means one of the following:
It was relinked.
Forbes lied.
You were wrong and,as always, can not admit it.
Tell us how it "actually happened", welfare boy. Bet your explanation
is limited to the usual childish insults and certainly will not contain
a credible cite.
>>>> And you..?
>>> I see dirt cheap stuff from china every day and buy quite a bit of
>>> it too. And I have always had enough of a clue to keep my savings in
>>> investments that protect them from inflation too. And have done a lot better than
>>> inflation too.
Rod's protection from inflation is the cost of living increases in
his welfare stipend.
== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:00 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote:
> Rod Speed wrote:
>> William Souden <> wrote:
>>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>>>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>>>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>>>>>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its
>>>>>> lard arse.
>>>>>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>>>>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>>>>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>>>>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>>>>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the
>>>>>>> same. Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>>>>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>>>>>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>>>>>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>>>>>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
>>>>> How can you say that?
>>>> By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
>>>> of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
>>>>> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
>>>>> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
>>>> Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the
>>>> country. And that just happens to be where most savings are
>>>> actually spent, on real estate etc.
>>>>> The idea may seem strange,
>>>> Its just plain wrong.
>>>>> but that's only because so few in the
>>>>> United States keep appreciable savings.
>>>> Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US
>>>> savings doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they
>>>> live in etc.
>>>>> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
>>>>> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
>>>> Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
>>>>> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
>>>> No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
>>> Annalisa Burgos 07.21.05, 10:30 AM ET
>>> But first, a stunning development on the international front. After
>>> much pressure and speculation, China has decided to drop its
>>> decade-old policy of linking the value of its currency to the U.S.
>>> dollar. Effective Friday, the yuan will no longer have a fixed rate
>>> and instead will float in the marketplace, meaning it will trade
>>> without restrictions.
>> Pity it didnt actually happen like that, and you're so stupid that
>> you cant even work out how to check the conversion rate since
>> that time and work out that it didnt actually happen like that.
> Even a welfare dolt should comprehend that a conversion rate does not mean the currencies are linked.
Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you
have never ever had a clue about anything at all, ever
and why you ended up as a race course bum.
> The story clearly said that the yuan was no longer linked to to the dollar.
And even someone as stupid as you should be able to use google
and find plenty of demands that the yuan be floated since that time,
so its just a tad unlikely that it isnt locked NOW, fuckwit.
<reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your
way out of your predicament flushed where it belongs>
== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:25 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Souden <> wrote:
>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>> William Souden <> wrote:
>>>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>> DemoDisk <> wrote
>>>>>>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> GOING bankrupt? where the hell have you been?
>>>>>>>>> we've been bankrupt for YEARS.
>>>>>>> Clearly wouldnt know what real bankruptcy was if it bit it on its
>>>>>>> lard arse.
>>>>>>>> Debt is the place to be nowdays. Go into debt if you think
>>>>>>>> you can stay afloat; pay the debts with cheaper dollars.
>>>>>>>> That's why they always talk about the price of oil being
>>>>>>>> (until ~recently) no higher than before the 70's. Oil goes up,
>>>>>>>> prices go up, salaries and wages go up, and everything's the
>>>>>>>> same. Too bad, though, for people on fixed incomes, and
>>>>>>>> people who built up savings. They get screwed.
>>>>>>> No they dont, it doesnt affect them much.
>>>>>>> And they have seen one hell of a drop in the cost
>>>>>>> of what they buy that is now made in china etc too.
>>>>>> How can you say that?
>>>>> By looking at whats happened to their savings if they have enough
>>>>> of a clue to put them where they are protected from inflation.
>>>>>> If the dollar becomes devalued, savings -- denominated
>>>>>> in dollars -- are also devalued. Simple as that.
>>>>> Nope, nothing like as simple as that when they are spent within the
>>>>> country. And that just happens to be where most savings are
>>>>> actually spent, on real estate etc.
>>>>>> The idea may seem strange,
>>>>> Its just plain wrong.
>>>>>> but that's only because so few in the
>>>>>> United States keep appreciable savings.
>>>>> Nope. And that is a mindless myth too, that stupid claim about US
>>>>> savings doesnt count what savings hordes have in the house they
>>>>> live in etc.
>>>>>> Cheap goods from China *have been* a bonanza for most Americans,
>>>>>> but that only works while the dollar is comparatively strong.
>>>>> Wrong. The yuan is locked to the USD.
>>>>>> I've enjoyed it, but I'm already seeing a change.
>>>>> No you arent, because the yuan is locked to the USD.
>>>> Annalisa Burgos 07.21.05, 10:30 AM ET
>>>> But first, a stunning development on the international front. After
>>>> much pressure and speculation, China has decided to drop its
>>>> decade-old policy of linking the value of its currency to the U.S.
>>>> dollar. Effective Friday, the yuan will no longer have a fixed rate
>>>> and instead will float in the marketplace, meaning it will trade
>>>> without restrictions.
>>> Pity it didnt actually happen like that, and you're so stupid that
>>> you cant even work out how to check the conversion rate since
>>> that time and work out that it didnt actually happen like that.
>> Even a welfare dolt should comprehend that a conversion rate does not mean the currencies are linked.
> Thanks for that completely superfluous proof that you
> have never ever had a clue about anything at all, ever
> and why you ended up as a race course bum.
"Race course bum"? Oh, I mentioned i go to the track. You should go
there, Rod, it is the only place I enjoy being around clueless people.
What happened, welfare boy" went once and blew your welfare
check?Threw a tantrum when the numbers on the tv sets and the PPs made
no sense to you? Lost money and decided it was fixed?
>> The story clearly said that the yuan was no longer linked to to the dollar.
> And even someone as stupid as you should be able to use google
> and find plenty of demands that the yuan be floated since that time,
> so its just a tad unlikely that it isnt locked NOW, fuckwit.
Which explains why you could not find such a link.
> <reams of your desperate attempts to bullshit your
> way out of your predicament flushed where it belongs>
Thanks for proving my prediction about the type of reply you would post.
TOPIC: MauiJNP/Hershey's
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 3:22 pm
HOWEDY melinda meahan,
"Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply" <>
wrote in message news:47407b32$0$79934$
> Judith Althouse wrote:
> > IMO the outsourcing of one job, is one too many.
Well, some folks from overseas come here to find work.
AIN'T THAT "HOWEtsourcing"?
> Unfortunately, the whole outsourcing-to-overseas issue is a
> complex one that the majority of people in this country are
> not really willing to commit 100% to doing everything they
> can to stop it -
Yeah. Unfortunately this country was built upon FREE TRADE
and COMPETITION and the SPIRIT to make of it what you want.
> - which would basically mean refusing to buy anything made
> overseas. Too many people in the US want their cheaply-priced
> stuff and don't care that the quality is bad.
Well, that's HOWE it USED to be, more than fifty years ago.
HOWEver, the little yellow bastard slope headed slant eyed
industrialists have by far EXXXCEEDED the American Spirit
in all fields; business, technology, ambition and motivation.
So, the old saw "you get what you PAY for" is no
longer valid, like the American dollar or more fittin,
the DOG LOVERS who USED to post here <{}: ~ ( >
> I am in an industry that is moving to aggressively outsource
> the work done to overseas, and the quality of the work done
> overseas is bad and not likely to improve,
Sez you, melinda? You're a proven lyin animal murderin
punk thug coward active accute chronic life long incurable
MENTAL CASE accordin to your own POSTED CASE
HISTORY <{}: ~ ( >
You can't even stay on topic. Imagine a company like Dell
hiring dirtbags like yourself to talk in a Hindi accent to service
ignorameHOWESES like liea and mauijnp or paul e. schoen
who ain't got the attention span to even read the doGdameneD
manual even IF they had the INTELLECT to be ABLE?
You'd be givin Dell customer's SEWIN tips and complainin
abHOWET your PMS and offerin PREYERS to CURE their
computer misery, you pathetic false Christian <{}: ~ ( >
> but unfortunately people as a whole have gotten "hooked"
> on low prices and are not willing to pay more money for a
> quality product in a business environment
CITES PLEASE, melinda?
American manufacturing has increased COSTS by caring for
ignorameHOWES misfits like yourselves and your medically
necessary emotional disability insurance and compensation
and sick pay while the quality of WORK has greatly diminished
due to your gross INCOMPETENCE and colossal GREED.
> because it hurts their personal bottom line
People like you and your pathetic miserable stinkin lyin
animal murderin punk thug coward active accute chronic
life long incurable mental case pals here are what's HURTIN
the BOTTOM LINE in American industy.
You maggots CAN'T COMPETE at ANY level. This country
supportin *(dragging behind us) imbeciles like yourselves.
> (Aaron Feuerstein excepted, of course -- he paid the price
> of bankruptcy for the courage of his convictions, and for that
> I salute him and wish there were more like him, because if
> there were, he probably would not have had to pay that price.).
"When the Malden Mills factory burnt down on December
11, 1995, Feuerstein decided not only to use his insurance
money to rebuild it, but to also pay the salaries of all the
now-unemployed workers while it was being rebuilt.
Feuerstein spent millions keeping all 3,000 employees on
the payroll with full benefits for 3 months. By going against
common CEO business practices, especially at a time when
most companies were downsizing and moving overseas, he
achieved a small degree of fame.Feuerstein claimed that he
couldn't have taken another course of action due to his study
of the Talmud and the lessons he learnt there:
"I have a responsibility to the worker, both blue-collar and white-
collar. I have an equal responsibility to the community. It would have
been unconscionable to put 3,000 people on the streets and deliver a
deathblow to the cities of Lawrence and Methuen. Maybe on paper our
company is worthless to Wall Street, but I can tell you it's worth
> My pay has dropped 40% in the last 3-4 years,
If you cannot command the money you THINK you *deserve*
it's on accHOWENTA YOU *DON'T* DESERVE IT <{}: ~ ( >
And DON'T BANK on an Aaron Feuerstein givin the likes
of *YOU*, charity. Charity is EARNED based on NEED,
> and if I have to replace any of the work I do
> today my pay will probably drop another 30-40%.
to "REPLACE" your own "work". WOULD YOU:
Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 20:58:55 -0800
Subject: Re: and then there were none
Melinda Shore wrote:
>> It could have partly been an ADD rabbit trail, the main
>> reason why I try to stay off the WWW as much as possible.
> ??? The web tends to be read-mostly, while Usenet seems
> to be the place where you're running into conflicts.
No, when I web-surf I follow ADD rabbit trails
in links and lose hours at a time.
>> But I was just saying that it's not just big impersonal entities,
>> but just regular people too, who don't like having their intelectual
>> property stolen, and, contrary to the professed beliefs of those
>> ignorant (whether deliberately or inadvertently but I suspect the
>> former) people who say, "I'm not making any money off of it, so
>> it's not a violation of copyright," it's not always about the money.
> But in this case it absolutely is. Or rather, it's about
> how online news is funded. Undermine that funding
> and you undermine the provision of online news.
No; I was saying that my comment was an ADD rabbit trail,
and then I went off in another rabbit trail. (It happens more
often when I'm tired.)
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
AND HERE'S melindas'
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 22:34:13 -0800
Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Karen C in California wrote:
> I'm sure there are people who are praying without
> announcing it. I rarely respond publicly to prayer
> requests myself.
I agree, and it sure gets boring to read 200 "I'm praying
for you" replies to a mailing list or newsgroup. They are
best sent privately.
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:04:37 -0800
Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Betty C. wrote:
> Sorry if I was out of line...I guess I'm used to the 123stitch
> message board, where when someone sends a prayer request,
> many people respond. It was my first (and last) post here....
You were not out of line at all in voicing your opinion. But I was
not out of line at all in voicing mine, either. It sure would be a
boring world if every place was the same, and each message area
(mailing list, newsgroup, message board) on Usenet has its own
Just because someone here does not like a newsgroup clogged
with "me, too" types of posts doesn't mean that you need to leave
or that you have to agree with us. And just because we don't act
just like the people on the 123stich message board, that doesn't
mean that one or the other of us is wrong.
Just different.
I'm okay with that, and I hope you are, too.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: "Betty C." <>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:07:35 -0600
Subject: Re: PRAYER REQUEST Was Re:
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Sorry if I was out of line...I guess I'm used to the 123stitch
message board, where when someone sends a prayer request,
many people respond. It was my first (and last) post here....
And this thread just seemed to drag on, more argumentive
than conversational (I'm sure there will be a comment about
that statement too).
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.textiles.needlework
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:05:43 -0800
Re: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Betty C. wrote:
> Is that why the group consists of a 'select few' (huge group?!)
> that posts about *everything*, why you see the same names
> over and over (especially in the IBC thread!) and anyone new
> that has the audacity to post is criticized??
> But then, you even criticize each other!! Yawn!!
I was not criticizing, but I cannot speak for anybody else.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
What do you think your HERO Aaron would say to THAT, melinda??
I'll TELL you what Aaron would say, melinda, he'd PREY for you
and make a PREYER REQUEST on your sewing forums so your SATAN
Some freakin "CHRISTIAN" you are, eh, melinda??
Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.behavior
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 00:49:30 -0800
Subject: Re: Hope this question doesn't offend anybody, but here
Paul E. Schoen wrote:
(several suggestions of alternative places to try
gratefully received and snipped here)
> There is really no need to
> killfile anyone, even Jerry,
I don't ever killfile anybody. I hardly ever get my blood boiling in
response to what anybody says (only a handful of times in my entire
life, but for really important things like a doctor I transcribed for
whose dictations revealed the open contempt with which he held over
his patients and the like) I am really good at marking things as
without even opening them when I know it's somebody whose posts will
be worth my while to read. I do, however, miss Candace the border
collie who rode herd on him in the border collie groups I was on for
first few years after we got a border collie.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph
work with excellence.
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 14:14:49 -0700
Subject: Re: Can I ask a housebreaking question here?
(Name omitted to protect the guilty) wrote:
> HOWEDY Melinda Mehan,
Hmmm, I see you missed my post where I said that I was
not welcoming replies that would invite a post from Candace
the Border Collie.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
Newsgroups: rec.pets.dogs.breeds, rec.pets.dogs.misc,
From: Melinda Meahan <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 15:49:23 -0800
Subject: Re: HOWE did that happen?
Hriscay wrote:
> >In article <bOYH7.59407$>,
> > "Jerry Howe" <> wrote:....
> <lurk mode off>
> HOWE did that happen?
> This shouldn't come as a surprise to most that read this NG -
> last May, our favourite poster has earned a place in Full Canvas
> Jacket:Unhinged Lunatic Rant of the Week:
I think Candace needs to find this newsgroup, too.
After all, she is a border collie....
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.
I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. - Mother Teresa
"Don't worry about him. He's the resident dog-newsgroup troll.
Google for "Candace the border collie" (someone who dedicated
time to debunking him) to find out more about him," melinda m.
You'll notice candace a.k.a. karen craven is a PROVEN
LIAR and animal abusin MENTAL CASE. She don't post
her LIES and IDIOCY here abHOWETS nodoGdameneDMOORE.
HOWEver, NHOWE that you've brought your sorry self to
the ATTENTION of The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely
Simply AMAZING GRAND Puppy, Child, Pussy, Goat, Ferret,
Monkey, SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard, I'll spend many
HOWERS later tonight RESEARCHING your own POSTED
innocent defenseless dumb critters an LYIN abHOWET IT and
POST PREYER REQUESTS to your sewing and trainscription
groups to SAVE your false Christian soul <{}: ~ ) >
"The grain of salt to take this with is that my faith
is one of the most improtant things in my life."
In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferett, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 5:14 pm
Good grief, who pee'd in your Cheerios. None of that makes sense AT
ALL. Go back and play in your own sandbox.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:00 pm
From: Marsha wrote:
> HOWEDY melinda meahan,
<snipping a bunch of manic idiocy>
Get some professional help, and please don't reproduce.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:13 pm
From: Wooly
Marsha wrote:
> wrote:
>> HOWEDY melinda meahan,
> <snipping a bunch of manic idiocy>
> Get some professional help, and please don't reproduce.
> Marsha/Ohio
Mispost much?
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:12 pm
HOWEDY RaeMorrill,
<> wrote in message
> Good grief, who pee'd in your Cheerios.
Seein as the only WON peein here is The Sincerely Incredibly
Freakin Insanely Simply AMAZING GRAND Puppy, Child,
Pussy, Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard,
I GUESS t'was *HIM* <{}'; ~ ) >
> None of that makes sense AT ALL.
Well it WOULD, unless you was a illiterate ignorameHOWES <{}: ~ ) >
HOWE COME you didn't QUOTE what you're objecting to, rae?
> Go back and play in your own sandbox.
THIS IS *MY* sandbox, rae...
Oh, bye the bye, permit me to introduce myself and welcome
you to The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Amazing, Grand, Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Goat, Ferret,
Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizards' 100%
FREE WWW Wits' End Training Method Manual Forums
And Human And Animal Behavior Forensic Sciences Research
I'm Jerry Howe, Director Of Trainin an Research <{}: ~ ) >
Here's my website:
There you will find ALL the FREE information you need to
pupperly handle raise and train your pets and family. Just
follow the instructions PRECISELY and ASK me if you
need any additional FREE HEELP <{}: ~ ) >
Oh, and bye the bye, them's weren't MY Cherios, rae. I
was preparin them for the pathetic miserable stinkin lyin
animal and child abusin punk thug coward active accute
chronic life long incurable malignant mental case who's
an MURDERIN innocent defenselss dumb critters an LYIN
meghan, will be researched and posted to interested forums
later tonight, to IDENTIFY, EXXXPOSE, and DISCREDIT,
that maliciHOWES ignorameHOWES for what she really IS,
GOOD LORD WILLIN, rae <{}: ~ ( >
While I'm at it, care for a bowl of Cherrios? They're
heart healthy, you know. Care for some honey? I'd
recommend stayin away from refined sugar <{}'; ~ ) >
Here, set DHOWEN an enjoy some while you read THIS:
From: "Bam" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 19:17:32 -0800
Subject: Morrill-torium
Neal, I've trussed long enough, sorry.
Rae? You want to comment that you feel attacked so you
come out whatever it was the word you used...fighting.
You have *got* to be the most contrary person I've ever
encountered in life. You've threatened Julie in the last
year or so. You've threatened Nae. You've slandered Liz
and her husband.
You've threatened me.
You've threatened Jeannie.
Each time, you were invited to "spill your guts" rather than
keep throwing out innuendo and each time you just kept
sputtering "Earthling-ese", the decoder rings for which have
not yet reached our hemisphere.
Below you will find posts where you tell us how wonderful
Jeannie is. I've read ALL of the posts from Jeannie to you
and NEVER did she do anything or say anything to you to
warrant the things you are now doing.
You have called her honesty into question. You have called
her ethics into question. You have called her Christianity into
question. And these are just the things that come rapidly to
my mind.
Rae, you are vile, and don't give me any "I had no choice I
was attacked" bullshit because you weren't. If you can't be
accountable for not slandering someone, then why not just
try shutting up.
In fact, why not practice shutting up, just to see if you can do it.
You can''ve proven that and we see stats on a monthly basis
that back it up.
I truly wish you'd spend some time thinking about your words
here (and I only used a few posts, I could have gone on for hours).
Think about the threats you make. Think about the slander
you dish. Think about what you spew--- and it ain't coffee
on a screen. (And before you say but *you* (meaning me)
did this, this, and this--There's no where here I'm claiming
I've not engaged in verbal warfare with you, this isn't about me.)
As we've been reminded of countless times here on,
we are unaware of just WHO reads this forum. If I were an
MTSO, and EVER even remotely considered using you as
an MT, your behavior and words of late would guarantee
that would never happen.
And printing your posts would surely make a nice little package
to forward to MTSOs who ask for references, if someone were so
inclined-- and no, I'm not inclined.
What I think you happen to forget is that you are not the only
person in cyberspace to remember phone calls or save emails
(and I'm not someone who does because I have a crap memory
and don't play the "gossip" game)....
I wish a fraction of the INFRACTIONS committed by you that
I've read about today would find their way to
I guess it's not necessary for them to... you've proven time upon
time upon time what sort of person you are---
Now because I respect Neal, I will go back to being TRUSSED,
but only because anything further would not be as polite as I've
been up to this point in this post.
Rae on how horrible an MTSO Jeannie is....
From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: PRN transcriptionist needed
Date: 2003-06-11 11:04:25 PST
**At the risk of sounding terribly rude - If you cannot follow
these simple instructions, please do not email me at a later
time asking me why I did not contact you. .>
Jeannie rude? LOL. Jeannie is great to work for, by the way.
Rae on reporting tax cheats?
From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: My new Bytescribe is on the way!!!
Date: 2002-10-17
Sounds like a good excuse to buy a generator as a tax write off to me!
(I won't REPOST the entire succession of personal emails
that Rae posted to the forum... but here's a
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: ?
> Ed
> I can only go on my own experience. I first did work for her
> back in June. I had a payment due 7/1 and got it 7/5, another
> ck on 7/20, another on 8/6, 8/22, 10/7 and the next payment
> isn't due yet. In amts up to 500+ dollars
> Ed,
> I trust her. If she said that, I believe it. I know that checks take
> a number of days to get from there to here, so if there was a
> mixup in the mail it is quite possible it got delayed. I've never
> had a lick of trouble with her at all. She never even complains
> about anything!
> In a message dated 10/15/2002 ,
> writes:
> << > r u still doing work for Jeannie? >>
> Well, not at this exact moment but I'm sure I will again.
> I had some other work I was covering locally this week and last.
A Nostrodamus prediction for Jeannie:
From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: Rae's Top Secret Secret
Date: 2003-03-12
> I apologized for the things I said.
> Rae has NEVER apologized in this group,
> EVER! Believe me Jeannie, she will turn on you and you
> will be here saying you were warned. I didn't say anything
> that was untrue!.>>
by Rae....
BUll. Let's try my 300 lb ass. Huh? Never anywhere near and
now pretty close to half. You musta been looking in the mirror.
Jeannie rude? LOL. Jeannie is great to work for, by the way.
Ahhhh, THAT explains it. >>
NO idea what that meant, but my point is that if someone is
interested in some decent work for someone who is easy to
work with - respond.
Rae Morrill in Maine
"Ya can't get theyuh from heeah"
Rae on being a team-player:From: RaeMorrill
Subject: Re: I know I'm spitting into the wind but....
Newsgroups: 2003-03-12
Please, please, please, can we at least declare a 48-hour
moratorium on posts regarding you-know-what?
Really Jay? Let's see. Who was called a yeast infection,
syphilliit K**T. Who others who have never even done
ANYTHING have been mocked, attacked, etc.
There are sides in this story and I, Janice, never mind Becky,
Judith and Jeannie deserved this. You pick the right side
Rae on free speech:From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: West Coast MT Fun Convention
Date: 2003-06-21 10:56:09 PST
So why are you continuing this thread now?>>
I've found out if I want a thread to die, *I* must stop posting. If
you want it to die, just stop posting. Like it or not, Jeannie has
the right to respond to any post she wishes, as do you and I.
Rae on Jeannie's qualities:
From: RaeMorrill (
Subject: Re: TAPI installation/voice modem experience anyone???
Date: 2002-09-24 09:53:28 PST
I'll just add in here that I have been following this with Jeannie for
sometime. I do have to say that this woman has the patience of the
saints. I just guess I think that products should perform as promised.
"I ALWAYS take note of what faith someone claims.
It's hard not to judge all wearing same cloak by that
standard, which is why I believe if you carry a torch
you need to make sure you live up to it," Rae Morrill
in Maine "Ya can't get theyuh from heeah".
Yannow, rae, the only thing The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin
Insanely Simply Amazing, Grand, Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy,
Goat, Ferret, Monkey, SpHOWES, And Horsey Wizard LOVES
as much as trainin dogs an makin love to beautiful women is
professional dog trainers, university professors of behavior,
and veterinary malpracticioners - SECOND to CRUCIFYING
Wanna know HOWE COME?
That's EZ, rae.
False Christians drop faster than shit DHOWEN the o'l three
an DISCREDIT the professional dog trainers, veterinary
malpracticioners, and university professors of behavior, and
thereby leavin MORE TIME to make love to beautiful women
an train dogs, an dogs train up NEARLY INSTANTLY <{}: ~ ) >
So, rae, you got any last words? Care for a cigarette? Blindfold?
"Ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you mad." -
~Aldous Huxley.
"Mit der Dummheit kaempfen Goetter selbst vergebens!"
"Against stupidity the Gods themselves contend in vain."
-Friedrich Schiller.
In Love And Light,
I Remain Respectfully, Humbly Yours,
Jerry Howe,
The Sincerely Incredibly Freakin Insanely Simply
Puppy, Child, Pussy, Birdy, Ferret, Goat, Monkey
SpHOWES And Horsey Wizard <{) ;~ ) >
TOPIC: 11% inflation
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 4:00 pm
From: Pili
On Nov 17, 8:46 pm, Usenet2...@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG <Usenet2...@THE-
> In article <>,
> says...
> > Prices have gone up by more then 11%.
> It depends on the individual items being priced. Some things are
> subject to lots of manipulation that goes far beyond the normal,
> generalised inflation rate. And can go in both directions - up
> or down.
> The main example is petrol. That gets jerked around by all kinds
> of factors. OPEC supply rates, currency exchange rates,
> hurricanes threatening offshore drilling rigs, suppliers dumping
> reserves onto the market, plus lots and lots of futures market
> speculation.
> Although, of course, higher fuel costs are passed on to some
> extent, with increasing prices of everything that had to be
> shipped a long distance.
> But there are other things. In my area, there has recently been
> a noticeable increase in the price of cheese. This is influenced
> by the actions of a large dairy farmer's co-op, along with
> international currency exchange rates effecting profits from
> exports.
> --
Your post is where it gets interesting. If people disagree with the
11% figure, they can do their own math. For various reasons, we're
not doing a full TG dinner this year. Last year, the turkey itself
was quite a bit more expensive than the year before, and no free
turkey offering from the GS. Year before that, I think, was the GS
strike, lots of free turkeys that year. This year, no free turkeys at
the stores near me.
Cheese is way up here. We buy 2 lb Tillamook bricks, not on sale, the
price is now $15. If you buy it in less than a pound pieces, it's
$8.99 a pound. The 2 lb brick goes on sale for $9.99 about every
three weeks at the market I can walk to. It used to be $8.99 for 2
lbs, not on sale, not that long ago (within the last 2 years).
All of the prepared mixes for stuffing, from stovetop (obviously not a
frugal choice) to the bags of crumbs are way up in price. Pumpkin is
ridiculous, whether fresh or canned. Cheaper to buy a pie in the GS
here. You can get an entire pecan or pumpkin pie for 4.99 or 3.99
respectively. I did learn how to make pumpkin pie without buying
canned milk, which helps, but the pumpkin itself is $2 a can, and the
other ingredients cost about a dollar, prorated. Then, there's the
fuel to bake the thing. I figure the cost of each pumpkin pie is
$3.50. For 49 cents, someone else can bake it. That's a bargain.
I like to save my money to purchase services, and so do my housemates.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 4:50 pm
From: Pili
On Nov 17, 1:55 pm, "** Frank **" <> wrote:
> "timeOday" <> wrote in message
> > <>
> > WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumers will pay 11 percent more for the
> > traditional Thanksgiving meal this year, due in part to higher energy
> > costs, the American Farm Bureau Federation said on Thursday.
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > How do the official inflation figures stay so low? Food, gas, health
> > care, travel, all shooting up in price.
> Isn't core inflation something like 2% excluding housing, food and whatever
> else? Not too much inflation is good to impede recession.
> I'm sick of having turkey year after year, so we're going to the in-laws for
> Thanksgiving, German ox tail stew. Today wife did Asian deli takeout - flat
> white noodle, roast duck and pork, Korean ribs, deep fried shrimps, BBQ
> chicken, including a can of soda, etc. - all this for a whopping $8! This
> would feed both of us for lunch and dinner, $2 per person per meal - how's
> that for inflation?
Sounds really high in saturated fats, actually. How do you handle
eating duck and deep fried shrimp at the same meal?
I'd be worried about where it all came from, at those prices. Are you
saying that you don't? Do you think about stuff like that?
TOPIC: Free 2008 Betty Crocker Recipe Calendar
== 1 of 1 ==
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TOPIC: Seven Deadly Sins of Holidays
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 7:59 pm
From: Jamie
I'd sent the above as an e-mail and jsut got this repsonse form my
Gluttony: All the food at holiday time--enough said.
Only if you are the only one eating it . . . that's an individual
problem. Say, if I am at a party and eat reasonably, without gorging
then, I am not GLUTTONOUS.
Greed: All the presents we want and how much we spend on presents for
others--enough said.
I think that greed having enough and packing it in and hoarding it.
Not using it and making a bigger pile, having more that you need and
still wanting more and more.
Sloth: Putting off buying presents or getting everyone a gift card.
In a way, but it's more complicated than that. It's more being so
personally slow, that you just don't move and waste your time on the
planet. I guess that's why they say "Seize the moment", it's more of a
crime against yourself. In fact, I think all these (these seven sins,
are crimes against ourselves.)
Envy: Seeing another person's present and wishing you had gotten it
That's a good example. The garden's always greener in my neighbor's
yard. It's a lack of appreciation for what we have and what we are. I
think it's less material, though, it's a state of being thankful for
being ourselves.
I couldn't come up with one for Lust, Anger or Pride--any suugestions?
I asked this to two Internet newsgroups and here is what someone
Lust: The mistletoe at the office party.
Lust is over zealous desire to have something erotic or sensual. You
see this movie star, in my case, maybe Paul McCartney, in the 60s. It
made me feel heavy wanting. So I guess the mistletoe could evoke the
desire to have intimate relations with a co-worker
Anger: Fighting for parking spaces at the mall. (I don't know why I
think of that one!)
Rage could be evoked from this situation. Anger is sorrow turned
inward. It is a reaction to frustration of being twarted,
I took something wrong, it made me made, I showed anger, I was hurt.
Better to let it roll off your shoulders and not react. Makes the hurt
worse, not better.
Pride: When you brag about how much you spent on presents.
Pride is a product of the ego, Too much of it, makes a person bloated
and an target for all of the other sins. Other things must be
considered beyond oneself.
Anyone agree with these? Any other ideas?
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