Thursday, February 7, 2008

25 new messages in 13 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Can't pay? Just walk away. - 6 messages, 5 authors
* Make Money With GOOGLE- Free To Join - 1 messages, 1 author
* What is your water usage? - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Invitation to visit my Zlio store: newshop - 1 messages, 1 author
* BEST LCD OR PLASMA 42" TV SET ON MARKET??? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal rent? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Earn 11% On Your Money - 1 messages, 1 author
* Immigrant work - 1 messages, 1 author
* Am I paranoid about saving? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Wc value PLUS-V - 1 messages, 1 author
* Some TV Converter box coupon program questions - 1 messages, 1 author
* welcome to cheap price for shoes handbags
boots jeans t-shirts watches belts wholesale... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Hello members! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Can't pay? Just walk away.

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 4:44 am
From: "Chloe"

"Beachcomber" <invalid@notreal.none> wrote in message
> It makes no sense to declare someone a deadbeat and then say "for you,
> you get a 9%, 10%, or 15% mortgage when every else is paying 5 1/2%
> or, we will start you at a low rate for a year, but after that, you
> are going to pay bonzo big bucks at twice or three times the market
> rate.

Risk vs. reward. Read up.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 6:36 am
From: Napoleon

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 19:29:18 -0600, Snowbound
<loosebowels@ixnay.invalid> wrote:
>Golly gee, thanks Congress! Thanks, Mr. President! You all may be total
>fuckheads intent on ruining the country, but you are OUR kinds of
>fuckheads! These are the kinds of moments that make you glad we sent all
>those soldiers to die in Iraq. This is what it means to be American.

Indeed. The whole American economy is based on borrowing Chinese money
to buy Chinese manufactured goods. Thank god for our wonderful
relationship with a communist country. All the Korean war vets should
be proud.

As long as the stock market is happy with the fed's interest rate cuts
and Joe Schmoo gets his rebate check to buy plastic Chinese crap at
Walmart, EVERYTHING'S GOLDEN! And now everyone who bought overinflated
houses with borrowed Chinese money can get out of their bad decisions
with no consequences. Yippee!

All this makes so much more sense than an actual economy based on
manufacturing goods to sell to your own people, and keeping the money
in the country. Oh - and keeping your military troops in your own
country on the border.


== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:43 am
From: Larry Bud

> Personally I think its wrong that Americans allow private companies
> (the credit reporting agencies) keep secret files on citizens that
> determine whether they are "credit worthy or not" and largely
> determine what they will pay in interest charges for credit cards,
> mortgages, etc.
> What if you walked into a grocery store that charged high or low
> prices for the same item dependant upon the the race or gender of the
> person making the purchase? Nobody would put up with that...

Completely bogus analogy. The grocery store has no risk when they
sell groceries to a deadbeat, because they're getting the money at the
time of the purchase.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:45 am
From: Larry Bud

> And please spare me the canard about how it's a Catch-22 because you
> can't fix a bad credit rating without being able to borrow money,
> because it isn't true.

Not only that, paying your rent on time every month will help ones
credit rating.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 10:22 am
From: PaPaPeng

On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 19:29:18 -0600, Snowbound
<loosebowels@ixnay.invalid> wrote:

>Just don't declare bankruptcy, like someone in real financial trouble
>might consider. If you declare bankruptcy, like some joker who lost
>everything to unforseen disaster or illness, you are putting yourself at
>the mercy of courts and banks (who make today's bankruptcy laws). If you
>just walk away from a massive mortgage YOU freely chose, you get off
>scott free, without any substantial penalty! After all, what
>asset-draining cancer or chronic workplace injury could POSSIBLY be
>worse than losing a home you couldn't afford in the first place?

This sounds good. The most logical part is the lender who made that
unjustifiably risky loan to Mr. J Doe will lilkely disappear as a
corporate entity before they catch up with Mr. Doe who walked away
from his foreclosed house. Whichever new company that takes over the
property will likely find it impossible or just too costly to clear
the paperwork necessary to track down John Doe the walker and make him
pay. There will be a few millions of such foreclosures that will
trash any industrywide attempt to clean them up.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 11:09 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Napoleon <> wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 19:29:18 -0600, Snowbound
> <loosebowels@ixnay.invalid> wrote:
>> Golly gee, thanks Congress! Thanks, Mr. President! You all may be
>> total fuckheads intent on ruining the country, but you are OUR kinds
>> of fuckheads! These are the kinds of moments that make you glad we
>> sent all those soldiers to die in Iraq. This is what it means to be
>> American.
>> <
>> on=money_topstories>
> Indeed. The whole American economy is based on borrowing Chinese money
> to buy Chinese manufactured goods. Thank god for our wonderful
> relationship with a communist country. All the Korean war vets should
> be proud.
> As long as the stock market is happy with the fed's interest rate cuts
> and Joe Schmoo gets his rebate check to buy plastic Chinese crap at
> Walmart, EVERYTHING'S GOLDEN! And now everyone who bought overinflated
> houses with borrowed Chinese money can get out of their bad decisions
> with no consequences. Yippee!

> All this makes so much more sense than an actual economy
> based on manufacturing goods to sell to your own people,

Modern first world economys are about a hell of a lot more
than just that, and have been for a hell of a long time now.

> and keeping the money in the country.

And that stupid blinkered mentality is what produced the worst of the great depression.

> Oh - and keeping your military troops in your own country on the border.

Havent done that for centurys now. Just as well too now that the US oil has run out.

TOPIC: Make Money With GOOGLE- Free To Join

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 5:32 am
From: nagi54

Best Business Opportunity with Google from Home/Cafe
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TOPIC: What is your water usage?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 7:36 am
From: Dawn

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:20:08 -0000, (Gary Heston)

>In article <>,
> <> wrote:
> [ ... ]
>>3300 gallons compared to 33000 gallons is a tenfold difference with no
>>pain, and the camper use of 750 gallons per month is 1/4 of that
>>amount. The differences are amazing, and I've become convinced that
>>the water saving devices are all they claim to be. Even though our
>>water here is essentially free, I'm tickled, since the septic system
>>will be that much less loaded and the costs of heating water will be
>FYI, my usage between the two houses last month was 5800 gallons, with
>no particular efforts at conservation.
>How did things hold up to the storms this morning?

Gosh we use wayyyy too much water. I never thought about it except of
course during the summer. I know that our pud bills are a lot
smaller than everyone we know so thought we were doing okay.
Dawn, thinking about ways to conserve.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 8:51 am

"Dawn" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:20:08 -0000, (Gary Heston)
> wrote:
>>In article <>,
>> <> wrote:
>> [ ... ]
>>>3300 gallons compared to 33000 gallons is a tenfold difference with no
>>>pain, and the camper use of 750 gallons per month is 1/4 of that
>>>amount. The differences are amazing, and I've become convinced that
>>>the water saving devices are all they claim to be. Even though our
>>>water here is essentially free, I'm tickled, since the septic system
>>>will be that much less loaded and the costs of heating water will be
>>FYI, my usage between the two houses last month was 5800 gallons, with
>>no particular efforts at conservation.
>>How did things hold up to the storms this morning?
> Gosh we use wayyyy too much water. I never thought about it except of
> course during the summer. I know that our pud bills are a lot
> smaller than everyone we know so thought we were doing okay.
> Dawn, thinking about ways to conserve.

Wow! We use less than 30,000 gallons a year for 2 people. The minimum water
bill is $40.00 a year for 30,000 gallons or less, and that's what we pay.
We're in upstate NY, so it's not like we ever need to water anything outside
and we don't have a pool.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 8:58 am
From: George

Dawn wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 13:58:27 -0500, wrote:
>> I just had a chance to do some comparisons, and I'm stunned how much
>> less water we are using in our manufactured home in Alabama than we
>> were in our old home in south Florida. There are a number of factors
>> involved, including climate, but the variations in useage bear
>> examining.
>> If you want to compare from your own water bills, a hundred cubic feet
>> of water is 750 gallons.
> for a quick second there I was very unhappy. I just got a bill in the
> past couple of weeks and did the math. Used 55000 gallons of water.
> I was like soooo annoyed and thinking that is way too much water we
> are using. Looking at my past useage it was right in line with what
> we used the last two years at this time. Then I is
> a two month bill. Whew. 27500 is still a lot of water but not quite
> so bad for a month.
> Dawn, still thinking we could do better.

We use ~2,000 gallons/month for two people. That includes laundry and an
automatic dishwasher.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:02 am

On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:20:08 -0000, (Gary Heston)

>In article <>,
> <> wrote:
> [ ... ]
>>3300 gallons compared to 33000 gallons is a tenfold difference with no
>>pain, and the camper use of 750 gallons per month is 1/4 of that
>>amount. The differences are amazing, and I've become convinced that
>>the water saving devices are all they claim to be. Even though our
>>water here is essentially free, I'm tickled, since the septic system
>>will be that much less loaded and the costs of heating water will be
>FYI, my usage between the two houses last month was 5800 gallons, with
>no particular efforts at conservation.
>How did things hold up to the storms this morning?

Hey Gary, haven't heard from you in a bit, nor seen you here. Did you
get the email I sent about a week ago?

We fared fine. Being below the brow of the hill does make a
difference. The greenhouse was flapping a bit, as usual, and we could
see the lighting from the cell that passed on to Nashville north of
us, and were awakened at 3 by the weather radio, and didn't get enough
sleep, but have nothing to complain about. The creek was full from
the rain, and I noticed a run-off problem that I'm going to need to
address. I also realize that I'm going to need a settling tank for
any continuous water draw from the stream. The riled up sediment had
it pretty brown. Once the major freezing time is past I want to fool
around with a ram pump I made.

Looks like Huntsville and Decatur dodged a bullet on the cell down
there. Big long quarter-mile wide path and it lifted just before
hitting Decatur.

TOPIC: Invitation to visit my Zlio store: newshop

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:25 am
From: wed7418

I'm looking forward to showing you my new online store. It features
all of my favorite items from some of the Internet's top merchants.
I'm sure you're going to like it - especially if you have some
shopping to do very soon! You can find my store at the following


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:27 am
From: "rick++"

The Houston Science museum has a couple dozen in their energy wing
and they arent holding up too well after several years. Theres burn-
dead pixels, faded colors etc. I presume they either leave them on
12 hours a day or never turn them off.

TOPIC: Frugal rent?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:30 am
From: "rick++"

> Wonder how they got their utilities connected?

> Most companies check credit ratings before hooking up these days.

In a relative's name.
You can leave a deposit about three months usage,
but who would have that much money.
Tehre may be anti-discrimination clauses for certain people.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:34 am
From: "rick++"

> Most communities have zoning regs in place that single family homes
> are to be used for single families.
> Renting out the rooms won't work.

In southern California when neighborhoods were
"transitioning" in the 1990s and neighbors tried suing or city
authorities tried enforcement, the ACLU went to
court very quickly and prevented enforcement.
The main thing that saved my condo area was there was
only one parking space per bedroom and no street parking
nearby. This is very unattractive to people that have 3,4,5
vehicles PER bedroom.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 10:45 am
From: James

On Feb 7, 12:34 pm, "rick++" <> wrote:
> > Most communities have zoning regs in place that single family homes
> > are to be used for single families.
> > Renting out the rooms won't work.
> In southern California when neighborhoods were
> "transitioning" in the 1990s and neighbors tried suing or city
> authorities tried enforcement, the ACLU went to
> court very quickly and prevented enforcement.
> The main thing that saved my condo area was there was
> only one parking space per bedroom and no street parking
> nearby. This is very unattractive to people that have 3,4,5
> vehicles PER bedroom.

In Toronto, where rental units are scarce, basement apartments in
single home families are legal.

In my suburb, they struggled with the issue, and wrote up bylaws to
force people out of them. They required two full exits, other major
renovations and you had to register the apartment, have it inspected

My house had a one basement which did not conform, but I already had
tennents when the laws came in. Eventually my brother in law is moving
into the apartment, which is allowed as an exception. When he moved
out, my son moved in.


TOPIC: Earn 11% On Your Money

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:32 am
From: Cheapo Groovo

Yeah, I know you've heard get rich quick before, but this is growing
rich over time. It involves frugality, entrepreneurship, and investing
in a cohesive, synergistic way. My philosophy is to teach you to fish
for money so no one has to feed you anymore.

My seminars are downloadable screencasts and they cost less than a fast
food meal. Just tip me like you'd tip any service worker and you're set
for life!

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TOPIC: Immigrant work

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 9:36 am
From: "rick++"

Management wont hire legal employees
and pay benefits. Often labor is subcontracted
to hide this fact. The subcractors dissolve their
companies as soon as there is a wiff of
investigation and start new ones.

TOPIC: Am I paranoid about saving?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 10:01 am

Most people are short-sighted and can not see the long-term benefits
of savings. I am in my early 30's and here are the situations I remind
myself for reasons to save. Perhaps I am naive or paranoid so am
looking for your experiences in these situations.

1) Just defending yourself in a lawsuit that you are 'right' can cost
you 100k . If you lose, expect to be in debt 10X that much! I suppose
a counter argument is not to have too much assetts in your own name,
thus reducing the size of a judgement against you? Is that right?
2) Long-term health care in case of medical problems as you get
older . I am not sure about this one, does insurance cover this?
3) One 4-year college education at a top school for 2-kids will easily
set you back 250k
4) Emergency medical procedures are expensive, particularly if you
want the best surgeons to do them. Again does insurance cover this?
5) What if your kids develop autism or some other mental/physical
disability. Who is going to pay for their care? I am curious what do
families do in these cases, does government provide any help or
insurance again.
6) What if your parents or sibling runs into any one of the above
problems, is it your duty to bail them out?

Anything else to add/correct?

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 11:21 am
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:

> Most people are short-sighted and can not see the long-term benefits of savings.

And a few are obsessed about what worked in the past and which doesnt work today too.

> I am in my early 30's and here are the situations I remind
> myself for reasons to save. Perhaps I am naive or paranoid
> so am looking for your experiences in these situations.

> 1) Just defending yourself in a lawsuit that you are 'right' can
> cost you 100k . If you lose, expect to be in debt 10X that much!

Mindless neurotic paranoia. And there are obvious ways to protect yourself
against that trivial risk that work much better than saving if you are that neurotic.

> I suppose a counter argument is not to have too much assetts in
> your own name, thus reducing the size of a judgement against you?

Or just carry insurance so its a problem for your insurance company, not you.

> Is that right?


> 2) Long-term health care in case of medical problems as you get
> older . I am not sure about this one, does insurance cover this?

And Medicare for most too.

Depends on what you mean tho, if you're worried about nursing home
costs, that can be worth making provision for. But simple 'saving' is a
lousy way to do that, much better to end up with decent assets that
you can liquidate to pay for that if its needed, or just decide that you
wont bother with an obscenity like a nursing home and will just pull
the plug instead if it ever comes to that.

> 3) One 4-year college education at a top
> school for 2-kids will easily set you back 250k

It aint the only way to fund that.

> 4) Emergency medical procedures are expensive, particularly if you
> want the best surgeons to do them. Again does insurance cover this?

Usually not on the 'best surgeons' question, but then few emergency
medical proceedures actually need 'the best surgeons' anyway.

> 5) What if your kids develop autism or some other mental/physical
> disability. Who is going to pay for their care?

They dont necessarily need paid for 'care'

> I am curious what do families do in these cases,

Work out how to handle that.

> does government provide any help

Varys with the country.

> or insurance again.

It is possible to insure against stuff like that.

> 6) What if your parents or sibling runs into any one of
> the above problems, is it your duty to bail them out?

Corse not.

> Anything else to add/correct?

In a modern economy it makes a lot more sense to end up with
decent assets than simple 'savings', essentially because 'savings'
produce quite derisory returns with interest rates so low.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 12:53 pm

"Rod Speed" <> wrote:

>> 3) One 4-year college education at a top
>> school for 2-kids will easily set you back 250k
>It aint the only way to fund that.

What other way you suggest?

TOPIC: Wc value PLUS-V

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 11:11 am
From: clams_casino

Stormin Mormon wrote:

>1) I wish I had a sausage
>2) I wish the sausage was at the end of your nose
I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener.

TOPIC: Some TV Converter box coupon program questions

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 11:12 am
From: "Bob F"

"Logan Shaw" <> wrote in message news:479e90de$0$6484
> On the other hand, I expect that as we get closer and closer
> to the switchover day, analog TVs will get so cheap as to be
> either practically or literally free for the taking. At that
> point, you might as well ditch your low-quality obsolete
> television and trade up for a high-quality obsolete television,
> since it will cost you next to nothing. Either that, or pick
> up free (or buy for cheap) about 10 or 20 obsolete televisions
> and set up a wall of televisions in your garage. If you have
> cable TV service, you can split the signal and tune each one
> to a different station, and watch them all at once, just like
> David Bowie in a certain sci-fi movie from the 1970's. :-)

And then you get to pay to dispose of the TV's in many cities of the US.

TOPIC: welcome to cheap price for shoes
handbags boots jeans t-shirts watches belts wholesale...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Feb 7 2008 11:44 am

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TOPIC: Hello members!

== 1 of 1 ==
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