Today's topics:
* Un-insulated water heater tank by woodstove! - 3 messages, 1 author
* فيديو دعارة جنس بنغالي جرار (عذرا) - برنامج 99 - 1 messages, 1 author
* For Non-Muslims - 1 messages, 1 author
* you ask and quran answer - 2 messages, 1 author
* Surviving in New York on 99 cents - 5 messages, 2 authors
* Punishing the frugal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free-Use this group to test your intelligence and communication skills - 1
messages, 1 author
* wholesale dior fendi louis vuitton handbags & wallets,
cheap puma trainers UGG boots - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Un-insulated water heater tank by woodstove!
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 8:58 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
<> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:16:55 GMT, "Lee K" <>
> wrote:
>>"Bill" <> wrote in message
>>> my > hot water heater????
>>Just curious: why is it that you want to heat hot water?
> Because water that doesn't contain heat is ice.
> Besides, he said: "Anyway I am now "pre-heating" the water going to my
> hot water heater."
> If it is pre-heated, then the water heater IS a hot water heater,
> smartass.
pot? kettle? :)
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:02 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
"Lee K" <> wrote in message
> <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:16:55 GMT, "Lee K" <>
>> wrote:
>>>"Bill" <> wrote in message
>>>> my > hot water heater????
>>>Just curious: why is it that you want to heat hot water?
>> Because water that doesn't contain heat is ice.
> Very observant. How does that relate to my question? Nothing was said
> about heating ice water, just heating hot water.
because by default, all water that isn't ice water contains heat, and could
be considered some form of hot? one person's warm is another person's hot.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:03 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
"willshak" <> wrote in message
> on 3/28/2008 11:16 AM Lee K said the following:
>> "Bill" <> wrote in message
>>> my > hot water heater????
>> Just curious: why is it that you want to heat hot water?
> You know what he meant. Have nothing else to contribute?
i figured he was being funny.
TOPIC: فيديو دعارة جنس بنغالي جرار (عذرا) - برنامج 99
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:00 pm
From: الحلوة
تحب صوتك يكون مثل العندليب او راشد الماجد او عبد المجيد عبدالله او
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شرح برنامج Ace ScreenSaver لصنع شاشات توقف رائعة
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............ قصة ذات مغزى كبير .........
امراه ابكت الشيخ محمد حسان ( ادخل ولن تندم )
حصريا : حلقات برنامج " أمراض الأمة " للشيخ محمد حسان " حفظه الله "...
الرقية الشرعية للعديد من المشايخ
اليكم المصحف المرتل برواية شعبة عن عاصم
الفيلم الذي أبكى العالم كله..الموت حقيقة لاخيال..صوت وصورة
شاب يموت اثناء محاضرة للشيخ محمد حسان
فيديو دعارة جنس بنغالي جرار (عذرا) - برنامج 99
TOPIC: For Non-Muslims
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:11 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
catchme <> wrote
> Tralfamador wrote
>> catchme wrote
>>> Einstein, a self-admitted atheist, found that "God is in the center of the Universe."
Thats not an athiest, stupid.
>>> lookout is upset that i use references to Einstein, because at least
>>> Einstein could have made the claim that he was rational in his beliefs.
He can claim anything he likes. He was actually stupid enough to
claim that god does not play dice with the universe. God may well
not, but something clearly does, most obviously with radioactive decay.
>> I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but
>> have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called
>> religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of
>> the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)
That aint religion.
>> I believe in Spinoza's God
So he aint an atheist.
>> who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and
>> actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)
More fool you.
>> The Jewish tradition also contains something else, something which finds splendid expression in many of the Psalms,
>> namely, a sort of intoxicated joy and amazement at the beauty and grandeur of this world, of which man can form just
>> a faint notion. This joy is the feeling from which true scientific research draws its spiritual sustenance, but which
>> also seems to find expression in the song of birds. To tack this feeling to the idea of God seems mere childish
>> absurdity. (Albert Einstein, 1934)
It is indeed.
> everytime i read someone like Einstein, I am led to a greater recognisance of my own beliefs.
More fool you.
> When I say this, I mean that I am constantly evaluating, and adapting- I am a thinking person, and therefore on
> occasion i am bound to recognise a flaw in my values.
But you dont even notice the crutch you are reaching for.
> Much of my own religion (i.e. on spirituality and respect for Nature)
> is on similiar terms with Einstein, save that i belive as aristotle, in seeking out one's own truth- and therefore I
> imagine a God much
> diferent from Einstein and that of Organised Religion- a God who is (for the most part) as disaffected with Humanity
> as we would be with an ant farm.
Just the crutch you need.
> I dont fear God- not in the sense that if i commit a sin, im going to die.
Few religions run that line.
> In the greater sense, that what was made can be undone by the merest whisper of a whim from a Superior Being...this i
> fear.
More fool you.
> But why create the Universe at all?
Yep, thats the obvious flaw in your crutch.
> If you were God, how else could you prove your power, if there was no one to witness it? God's fear is that of being
> alone.
Mindlessly silly.
> Therefore he needs us and we need Him. Whatever name you call him, he does not care. Likely he will answer to every
> religious belief.
Just another mindless crutch.
> The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical.
Only for the terminally wooly minded fools.
> It is the sower of all true science.
> He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.
Mindlessly silly.
> To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant
> beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the
> center of true religiousness.
> ( Albert Einstein - The Merging of Spirit and Science)
Just another crutch.
> My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely
> superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with our
> weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality.
> Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God.
> (Albert Einstein,The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press)
> but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist
> whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the
> fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
Easy to claim, hell of a lot harder to actually substantiate that claim.
> I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our
> own being. (Albert Einstein)
Your problem.
> I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of that
> pattern. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The
> human mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it
> conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand
> dimensions are as one? (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton
> University Press, 2000 p. 208)
Just another complete wank.
> Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs
> from the same source .
> . . They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres.
There is no music of the spheres.
> (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000 p. 214)
> In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet
> people who say there is no God.
Must be one of those rocket scientist wankers.
> But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support for such views. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein,
> Princeton University Press, p. 214)
Your problem.
> In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to
> awaken this religious feeling and keep it alive in those who are
> receptive to it. (Albert Einstein, 1930)
More fool you.
> also:
> No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus.
Trouble is that all that proves is what a fool he was.
> His personality pulsates in every word.
True of all the other fools that have started other religions too.
> No myth is filled with such life."
What he was stupid enough to believe is the myth.
And he was stupid enough to get nailed up by the romans.
> "To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty
> and sublimity reaches us only indirectly, this is religiousness."
Just another mindlessly silly wank, actually.
> (What I Believe, 1930)
TOPIC: you ask and quran answer
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:18 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
"max" <> wrote in message
> In article <47ec3816$0$6138$>,
> "Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote:
>> I bet he's not listening. He's also spammed a bunch of other groups, and
>> I've lampooned him there, too. He's never replied to me.
> I guess mormons aren't big on Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness.
> Perhaps the 10 commandments only apply between fellow mormons? How very
> islamofacist of you.
> You are credit to your faith, and an example to us all.
> .max
i thought he was referring to the muslim op, who, afaict, justs posts and
probably never reads.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:25 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
> "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote in message
> news:OM5Hj.3471$EJ2.1009@trndny03...
> john 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
> Word was God.
> not A god, just God. same entity; different manifestation.
"Stormin Mormon" <cayoung61**> wrote in message
> TinyURL was created!
> The following URL:
> c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=828e1
> 2ca67c20110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1
> has a length of 157 characters and resulted in the following TinyURL which
> has a length of 25 characters:
> b. He is God (John 1:1). Explain that when we speak of God, we usually
> refer to Heavenly Father. However, "the personage known as Jehovah in Old
> Testament times . is the Son, known as Jesus Christ, . who is also a God.
> Jesus works under the direction of the Father. . Many of the things that
> the
> scripture says were done by God were actually done by . Jesus" (Bible
> Dictionary, "God," 681).
so lds believes in multiple gods, not just one?
could you find me something in the kjv bible?
TOPIC: Surviving in New York on 99 cents
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:19 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Real Bev <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs
>>> $10.69. The taxes and fees and surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
> Unless you're within 14,000 feet of <something> you can't get DSL,
> and when you can it's still pitifully slow.
> BTW, you can't get naked DSL here, you have to buy local phone service ($17.88 minimum) and then add DSL on top of
> that.
You still benefit from not having to pay any call charges,
and its available to fall back to if the DSL goes down.
> And we can't get REAL high-deductible medical insurance either.
Because you lot were stupid enough to not force your politicians to allow that.
> Isn't political bribery wonderful?
Nothing wonderful about clowns like you lot that cant even
manage to elect those who will deliver what you want.
>> Mine doesnt go down every year now, and when it does, its usually not
>> during the time I even want to make phone calls, because everyone is asleep.
> We don't lose power that often, but having to re-set all the clocks is a real pain.
That was a comment on the broadband, not the power.
Anyone with a clue synchs the clocks using the net.
>> So voip at no hardware cost whatever makes a lot more sense than penny-a-minute long distance cards.
> Hardware is cheap or free. Monthly charges are not.
Anyone with a clue uses voip with no monthly charges.
>>> If I select measured (limited) service I can save maybe $3/month,
>>> which makes no difference when you add in the additional charges
>>> for what would be your normal phone usage.
>> Another good reason for choosing to use voip alone for a residential
>> user who can use a cellphone if the broadband is down and you need to
>> make a phone call while its down and when you are out of the house etc.
> That's only for the profligate people who use hundreds of cell minutes a month.
>> I can make voip calls using my cellphone too, so even if the
>> broadband is down, I just yawn and use the cellphone instead.
> Profligate, just as I said.
Wrong, just as I said.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:25 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>> Nope, you fucked that up completely. Any properly
>>>>>> implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN fuckwit.
>>>>> And that requires paying the monthly per line fees for both
>>>>> local and long distance service that VOIP is supposed to avoid.
>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>> I see.
>> No you dont.
>>> Spend ~$25/month to save maybe a nickel a month in LD?
>> Nope, only if you need that level of reliability of your
>> phone services and dont get it included with your DSL.
> But with a business you need that reliability.
Even a stupid race track bum should have noticed that no viable
business uses penny-a-minute long distance cards alone.
And that its completely trivial for any business
with a clue to have redundand broadband too.
>> And you save a lot more than a nickel a month in phone call charges too.
> What you do not comprehend is you pay a per line monthly fee for each land line even if they are not used.
I said that myself, fuckwit.
> You also do not understand that in many businesses each person may need their own phone.
They all get that even when its done using voip, fuckwit.
>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs
>>> $10.69. The taxes and fees and surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
>> Mine doesnt go down every year now, and when it does, its usually not during the time I even want to make phone
>> calls, because everyone is asleep.
>> So voip at no hardware cost whatever makes a lot more sense than penny-a-minute long distance cards.
>>> If I select measured (limited) service I can save maybe $3/month,
>>> which makes no difference when you add in the additional charges
>>> for what would be your normal phone usage.
>> Another good reason for choosing to use voip alone for a residential user who can use a cellphone if the broadband is
>> down and you need to make
>> a phone call while its down and when you are out of the house etc.
> But we have been talking about businesses,
Nope, only some stupid race track bum has.
Everyone else has noticed that no viable business uses penny-a-minute long distance cards alone.
>> I can make voip calls using my cellphone too, so even if the
>> broadband is down, I just yawn and use the cellphone instead.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 10:20 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> The Real Bev <> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs
>>>> $10.69. The taxes and fees and surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
>> Unless you're within 14,000 feet of <something> you can't get DSL,
> Wrong.
What yo you think the maximum distance is?
>> and when you can it's still pitifully slow.
> Wrong.
>> BTW, you can't get naked DSL here, you have to buy local phone service ($17.88 minimum) and then add DSL on top of
>> that.
> You still benefit from not having to pay any call charges,
> and its available to fall back to if the DSL goes down.
>> And we can't get REAL high-deductible medical insurance either.
> Because you lot were stupid enough to not force your politicians to allow that.
Yep, we need a system that takes care of unemployable people like you.
>> Isn't political bribery wonderful?
> Nothing wonderful about clowns like you lot that cant even
> manage to elect those who will deliver what you want.
>>> Mine doesnt go down every year now, and when it does, its usually not
>>> during the time I even want to make phone calls, because everyone is asleep.
>> We don't lose power that often, but having to re-set all the clocks is a real pain.
> That was a comment on the broadband, not the power.
> Anyone with a clue synchs the clocks using the net.
>>> So voip at no hardware cost whatever makes a lot more sense than penny-a-minute long distance cards.
>> Hardware is cheap or free. Monthly charges are not.
> Anyone with a clue uses voip with no monthly charges.
>>>> If I select measured (limited) service I can save maybe $3/month,
>>>> which makes no difference when you add in the additional charges
>>>> for what would be your normal phone usage.
>>> Another good reason for choosing to use voip alone for a residential
>>> user who can use a cellphone if the broadband is down and you need to
>>> make a phone call while its down and when you are out of the house etc.
>> That's only for the profligate people who use hundreds of cell minutes a month.
> Wrong.
>>> I can make voip calls using my cellphone too, so even if the
>>> broadband is down, I just yawn and use the cellphone instead.
>> Profligate, just as I said.
> Wrong, just as I said.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 10:23 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Souden <> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>> wrote
>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>> Nope, you fucked that up completely. Any properly
>>>>>>> implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN fuckwit.
>>>>>> And that requires paying the monthly per line fees for both
>>>>>> local and long distance service that VOIP is supposed to avoid.
>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>> I see.
>>> No you dont.
>>>> Spend ~$25/month to save maybe a nickel a month in LD?
>>> Nope, only if you need that level of reliability of your
>>> phone services and dont get it included with your DSL.
>> But with a business you need that reliability.
> Even a stupid race track bum should have noticed that no viable
> business uses penny-a-minute long distance cards alone.
> And that its completely trivial for any business
> with a clue to have redundand broadband too.
>>> And you save a lot more than a nickel a month in phone call charges too.
>> What you do not comprehend is you pay a per line monthly fee for each land line even if they are not used.
> I said that myself, fuckwit.
>> You also do not understand that in many businesses each person may need their own phone.
> They all get that even when its done using voip, fuckwit.
And it elides your simpleton brain that having a land line even as a
back up incurs monthly per line fees but as we know your idea of
business is getting your welfare stipend.
>>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs
>>>> $10.69. The taxes and fees and surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
>>> Mine doesnt go down every year now, and when it does, its usually not during the time I even want to make phone
>>> calls, because everyone is asleep.
>>> So voip at no hardware cost whatever makes a lot more sense than penny-a-minute long distance cards.
>>>> If I select measured (limited) service I can save maybe $3/month,
>>>> which makes no difference when you add in the additional charges
>>>> for what would be your normal phone usage.
>>> Another good reason for choosing to use voip alone for a residential user who can use a cellphone if the broadband is
>>> down and you need to make
>>> a phone call while its down and when you are out of the house etc.
>> But we have been talking about businesses,
> Nope, only some stupid race track bum has.
> Everyone else has noticed that no viable business uses penny-a-minute long distance cards alone.
>>> I can make voip calls using my cellphone too, so even if the
>>> broadband is down, I just yawn and use the cellphone instead.
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 10:40 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs
>>>>> $10.69. The taxes and fees and surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>>>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
>>> Unless you're within 14,000 feet of <something> you can't get DSL,
>> Wrong.
> What yo you think the maximum distance is?
I know there is no maximum distance.
>>> and when you can it's still pitifully slow.
>> Wrong.
>>> BTW, you can't get naked DSL here, you have to buy local phone
>>> service ($17.88 minimum) and then add DSL on top of that.
>> You still benefit from not having to pay any call charges,
>> and its available to fall back to if the DSL goes down.
>>> And we can't get REAL high-deductible medical insurance either.
>> Because you lot were stupid enough to not force your politicians to allow that.
>>> Isn't political bribery wonderful?
>> Nothing wonderful about clowns like you lot that cant even
>> manage to elect those who will deliver what you want.
>>>> Mine doesnt go down every year now, and when it does, its usually
>>>> not during the time I even want to make phone calls, because everyone
>>>> is asleep.
>>> We don't lose power that often, but having to re-set all the clocks
>>> is a real pain.
>> That was a comment on the broadband, not the power.
>> Anyone with a clue synchs the clocks using the net.
>>>> So voip at no hardware cost whatever makes a lot more sense than
>>>> penny-a-minute long distance cards.
>>> Hardware is cheap or free. Monthly charges are not.
>> Anyone with a clue uses voip with no monthly charges.
>>>>> If I select measured (limited) service I can save maybe $3/month,
>>>>> which makes no difference when you add in the additional charges
>>>>> for what would be your normal phone usage.
>>>> Another good reason for choosing to use voip alone for a
>>>> residential user who can use a cellphone if the broadband is down and you need
>>>> to make a phone call while its down and when you are out of the house
>>>> etc.
>>> That's only for the profligate people who use hundreds of cell
>>> minutes a month.
>> Wrong.
>>>> I can make voip calls using my cellphone too, so even if the
>>>> broadband is down, I just yawn and use the cellphone instead.
>>> Profligate, just as I said.
>> Wrong, just as I said.
TOPIC: Punishing the frugal
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 9:28 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
<h> wrote in message news:47f054d4$0$24082$
> <> wrote in message
>> Contact your congressperson and state your views. He or she is in a
>> position to affect this bailout. And congress does pay attention to
>> the phone calls and emails they get.
>> Also, one wonders about the future penalty for having a lot of 401k
>> and IRA money. No Social Security dollars for you greedy,
>> materialistic, conniving folks.... !! : (
> I've been waiting for that myself. However, since they take so much out in
> taxes (self-employed), I have a very hard time making even a $1,000/year
> contribution to my Roth, so I guess it's unlikely that I'll fall into the
> "rich" group. Then again, they keep upping the age for SS, so maybe I'll
> never have to retire if I work myself to death first.
"rich" is getting lower and lower. just look at how many will be caught
by the amt (the rich man's tax) when the stop patching it. coming soon.
TOPIC: Free-Use this group to test your intelligence and communication skills
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 10:38 pm
From: William Souden
If Rod Speed calls you a "fuckwit" you have an above average IQ.
Get the paper bag bot and you are way above average.
The flushing bot gets you into Mensa.
On the other hand if he agrees with you than you have a problem.
William Souden
sales fool/race track bum
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== 1 of 1 ==
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