Today's topics:
* Free-Use this group to test your intelligence and communication skills - 1
messages, 1 author
* For Non-Muslims - 3 messages, 3 authors
* The Definition - 19 messages, 5 authors
* YOU MUST KNOW THIS MAN - 1 messages, 1 author
* Surviving in New York on 99 cents - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Free-Use this group to test your intelligence and communication skills
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:36 pm
From: Al Bundy
On Mar 31, 12:38 am, William Souden <> wrote:
> If Rod Speed calls you a "fuckwit" you have an above average IQ.
> Get the paper bag bot and you are way above average.
> The flushing bot gets you into Mensa.
> On the other hand if he agrees with you than you have a problem.
> William Souden
> xxxxx fool/xxxx xxxxx bum
TOPIC: For Non-Muslims
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:47 pm
From: Aardvark
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:22:40 +0000, Aardvark wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:47:52 -0500, Lookout wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:28:52 GMT, Aardvark <aardvark@youllnever.know>
>> wrote:
>>>On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:26:49 -0500, Lookout wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:18:09 GMT, Aardvark <aardvark@youllnever.know>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:14:54 +0300, Markku Grönroos wrote:
>>>>>> "Aardvark" <aardvark@youllnever.know> kirjoitti
>>>>>> viestissä:n44Ij.34750$
>>>>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:01:38 +0300, Markku Grönroos wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Lookout -- Hell no say it's not so. <g>" <>
>>>>>>>> kirjoitti viestissä
>>>>>>>>> Lookout wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 31 Mar 2008 00:38:14 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30 Mar 2008 23:45:07 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30 Mar 2008 22:06:20 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They can be the same and different dumbass. They are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both made up. That's a fact. So what if you're left
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind by a cult you don't want to be part
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who cares? Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course I'm not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a secular humanist. Religion is not for me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do know the difference between a crutch that helps a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person walk and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life support system that keeps them going after death.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mainstream religion = crutch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientology = life support system
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure it out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prove there is life after death.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You obviously haven't read the first line of my post. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't believe there is an afterlife. I don't need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribed with the promise of reward or the threat of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> punishment to behave as a decent human.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But for the people who do, the promise of afterlife reward
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for good deeds and punishment for bad deeds is what keeps
>>>>>>>>>>>>> them in line. That is when religion is good - when it keeps
>>>>>>>>>>>>> people from doing bad. It's a crutch, yes, but it helps
>>>>>>>>>>>>> them walk.
>>>>>>>>>>>> They're idiots.
>>>>>>>>>>> Then get up from behind your computer and tell it to their
>>>>>>>>>>> faces as they leave church.
>>>>>>>>>> I've been Birmingham talk radio on the most widely listened to
>>>>>>>>>> christian talk radio show back in 88 and did just that. 3 days
>>>>>>>>>> running. And laughed in their faces (ears). By the last day it
>>>>>>>>>> was the busiest call in they ever had and calls were 1 in 3 for
>>>>>>>>>> my opinion. I've written numerous local editorials saying just
>>>>>>>>>> that and I've stopped the elementary schools from handing out
>>>>>>>>>> bibles.
>>>>>>>>> Man, this person is an absolute lunatic. He doesn't have a job
>>>>>>>>> it seems and he has nothing else to do but harass people on
>>>>>>>>> Earth. It's a sad, sad and sad state of mind he has. He is
>>>>>>>>> trolling everything. Yes, he is more of an asstacular ass-hole
>>>>>>>>> and a shittacular shit-hole that could ever be imagined.
>>>>>>>>> <VBG>
>>>>>>>>> ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure
>>>>>>>>> Usenet News==----
>>>>>>>>> The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
>>>>>>>>> 120,000+ Newsgroups
>>>>>>>>> ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via
>>>>>>>>> Encryption =----
>>>>>>> What exactly is your point? You reply to posts all over the
>>>>>>> fucking place without adding any comment or sensible reply.
>>>>>>> BTW you missed one of the crossposted groups again.
>>>>>Still got nothing to say, eh?
>>>> Filter Markku Grönroos
>>>I'm fucking about with him. Look what he's doing to the crossposted
>>>groups. Every time he makes a reply, for want of a better word, he
>>>removes for some reason. :-)
>>>I'm posting this from that group :-).
>> Continue to march soldier
> I think he thinks he's going to kill this thread in by
> replying to every post in this thread after removing that newsgroups in
> his headers.
> He doesn't seem to realise the futility of that.
> HEY MARKKU!!!!!!!!!! If you're there, look at this post! All I have to
> do is reply to anyone's post but yours and it shows up in
> You fixated Finn, you. :-)
Your efforts are all to nothing Markku.
Liverpool. European City Of Culture 2008
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:04 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Lookout <> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 06:01:13 +1100, "Rod Speed"
> <> wrote:
>> Lookout <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> catchme <> wrote
>>>>> Tralfamador wrote
>>>>>> catchme wrote
>>>>>>> Einstein, a self-admitted atheist, found that "God is in the
>>>>>>> center of the Universe."
>>>> Thats not an athiest, stupid.
>>>>>>> lookout is upset that i use references to Einstein, because at
>>>>>>> least
>>>>>>> Einstein could have made the claim that he was rational in his
>>>>>>> beliefs.
>>> Not me. You must mean my troll. Looks like he's gone now.
>>>> He can claim anything he likes. He was actually stupid enough to
>>>> claim that god does not play dice with the universe. God may well
>>>> not, but something clearly does, most obviously with radioactive
>>>> decay.
>>> Again, that must be my troll because I never said or implied that.
>> That was a comment about what Einstein said,
>> not a comment about what any poster here said.
>>>>>> I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this
>>>>>> but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can
>>>>>> be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the
>>>>>> structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
>>>>>> (Albert Einstein, 1954)
>>>> That aint religion.
>>>>>> I believe in Spinoza's God
>>>> So he aint an atheist.
>>>>>> who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in
>>>>>> a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human
>>>>>> beings. (Albert Einstein)
>>>> More fool you.
>>>>>> The Jewish tradition also contains something else, something
>>>>>> which finds splendid expression in many of the Psalms, namely, a
>>>>>> sort of intoxicated joy and amazement at the beauty and grandeur
>>>>>> of this world, of which man can form just a faint notion. This
>>>>>> joy is the feeling from which true scientific research draws its
>>>>>> spiritual sustenance, but which also seems to find expression in
>>>>>> the song of birds. To tack this feeling to the idea of God seems
>>>>>> mere childish absurdity. (Albert Einstein, 1934)
>>>> It is indeed.
>>>>> everytime i read someone like Einstein, I am led to a greater
>>>>> recognisance of my own beliefs.
>>>> More fool you.
>>>>> When I say this, I mean that I am constantly evaluating, and
>>>>> adapting- I am a thinking person, and therefore on occasion i am
>>>>> bound to recognise a flaw in my values.
>>>> But you dont even notice the crutch you are reaching for.
>>>>> Much of my own religion (i.e. on spirituality and respect for
>>>>> Nature)
>>>>> is on similiar terms with Einstein, save that i belive as
>>>>> aristotle, in
>>>>> seeking out one's own truth- and therefore I imagine a God much
>>>>> diferent from Einstein and that of Organised Religion- a God who
>>>>> is (for the most part) as disaffected with Humanity as we would be
>>>>> with an ant farm.
>>>> Just the crutch you need.
>>>>> I dont fear God- not in the sense that if i commit a sin, im
>>>>> going to die.
>>>> Few religions run that line.
>>>>> In the greater sense, that what was made can be undone by the
>>>>> merest whisper of a whim from a Superior Being...this i fear.
>>>> More fool you.
>>>>> But why create the Universe at all?
>>>> Yep, thats the obvious flaw in your crutch.
>>>>> If you were God, how else could you prove your power, if there was
>>>>> no one to witness it? God's fear is that of being alone.
>>>> Mindlessly silly.
>>>>> Therefore he needs us and we need Him. Whatever name you call him,
>>>>> he does not care. Likely he will answer to every religious belief.
>>>> Just another mindless crutch.
>>>>> The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation
>>>>> of the mystical.
>>>> Only for the terminally wooly minded fools.
>>>>> It is the sower of all true science.
>>>> Wrong.
>>>>> He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder
>>>>> and
>>>>> stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead.
>>>> Mindlessly silly.
>>>>> To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting
>>>>> itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our
>>>>> dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms - this
>>>>> knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness. (
>>>>> Albert Einstein - The Merging of Spirit and Science)
>>>> Just another crutch.
>>>>> My religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely
>>>>> superior spirit that reveals itself in the little that we, with
>>>>> our
>>>>> weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality.
>>>>> Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God.
>>>>> (Albert Einstein,The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh
>>>>> Hoffman, Princeton University Press)
>>>>> but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional
>>>>> atheist
>>>>> whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the
>>>>> fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth.
>>>> Easy to claim, hell of a lot harder to actually substantiate that
>>>> claim.
>>>>> I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of
>>>>> our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.
>>>>> (Albert Einstein)
>>>> Your problem.
>>>>> I see a pattern, but my imagination cannot picture the maker of
>>>>> that
>>>>> pattern. I see a clock, but I cannot envision the clockmaker. The
>>>>> human
>>>>> mind is unable to conceive of the four dimensions, so how can it
>>>>> conceive of a God, before whom a thousand years and a thousand
>>>>> dimensions are as one? (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton
>>>>> University Press, 2000 p. 208)
>>>> Just another complete wank.
>>>>> Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the
>>>>> same
>>>>> as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same
>>>>> source .
>>>> Nope.
>>>>> . . They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres.
>>>> There is no music of the spheres.
>>>>> (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000
>>>>> p. 214)
>>>>> In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited
>>>>> human mind, am able to recognise, there are yet people who say
>>>>> there is no God.
>>>> Must be one of those rocket scientist wankers.
>>>>> But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support
>>>>> for such views. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton
>>>>> University Press, p. 214)
>>>> Your problem.
>>>>> In my view, it is the most important function of art and science
>>>>> to
>>>>> awaken this religious feeling and keep it alive in those who are
>>>>> receptive to it. (Albert Einstein, 1930)
>>>> More fool you.
>>>>> also:
>>>>> No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence
>>>>> of Jesus.
>>>> Trouble is that all that proves is what a fool he was.
>>>>> His personality pulsates in every word.
>>>> True of all the other fools that have started other religions too.
>>>>> No myth is filled with such life."
>>>> What he was stupid enough to believe is the myth.
>>>> And he was stupid enough to get nailed up by the romans.
>>>>> "To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is
>>>>> something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity
>>>>> reaches us only indirectly, this is religiousness."
>>>> Just another mindlessly silly wank, actually.
>>>>> (What I Believe, 1930)
>>>> Pffft.
>>> Don't forget Einstein was wrong about the expanding universe theory,
>>> even made up a "universal constant" to hide his mistake. It took
>>> Hubble viewing Andromeda to make Einstein rethink and admit he was
>>> wrong.
>> Sure, but at least he did admit he was wrong.
> And he's wrong on a living god.
Corse he is. And a complete wanker in all of the shit of his quoted above.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 3:42 pm
From: You pitiful motherfuckers
Aardvark wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 18:22:40 +0000, Aardvark wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:47:52 -0500, Lookout wrote:
>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:28:52 GMT, Aardvark <aardvark@youllnever.know>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:26:49 -0500, Lookout wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:18:09 GMT, Aardvark <aardvark@youllnever.know>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:14:54 +0300, Markku Grönroos wrote:
>>>>>>> "Aardvark" <aardvark@youllnever.know> kirjoitti
>>>>>>> viestissä:n44Ij.34750$
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:01:38 +0300, Markku Grönroos wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Lookout -- Hell no say it's not so. <g>" <>
>>>>>>>>> kirjoitti viestissä
>>>>>>>>>> Lookout wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 31 Mar 2008 00:38:14 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30 Mar 2008 23:45:07 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 30 Mar 2008 22:06:20 GMT, Scientology is a cult
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <Your@ema.yil> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> They can be the same and different dumbass. They are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> both made up. That's a fact. So what if you're left
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind by a cult you don't want to be part
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Who cares? Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Of course I'm not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm a secular humanist. Religion is not for me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do know the difference between a crutch that helps a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person walk and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life support system that keeps them going after death.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mainstream religion = crutch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Scientology = life support system
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure it out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prove there is life after death.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You obviously haven't read the first line of my post. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't believe there is an afterlife. I don't need to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribed with the promise of reward or the threat of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> punishment to behave as a decent human.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But for the people who do, the promise of afterlife reward
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for good deeds and punishment for bad deeds is what keeps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them in line. That is when religion is good - when it keeps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people from doing bad. It's a crutch, yes, but it helps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them walk.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> They're idiots.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Then get up from behind your computer and tell it to their
>>>>>>>>>>>> faces as they leave church.
>>>>>>>>>>> I've been Birmingham talk radio on the most widely listened to
>>>>>>>>>>> christian talk radio show back in 88 and did just that. 3 days
>>>>>>>>>>> running. And laughed in their faces (ears). By the last day it
>>>>>>>>>>> was the busiest call in they ever had and calls were 1 in 3 for
>>>>>>>>>>> my opinion. I've written numerous local editorials saying just
>>>>>>>>>>> that and I've stopped the elementary schools from handing out
>>>>>>>>>>> bibles.
>>>>>>>>>> Man, this person is an absolute lunatic. He doesn't have a job
>>>>>>>>>> it seems and he has nothing else to do but harass people on
>>>>>>>>>> Earth. It's a sad, sad and sad state of mind he has. He is
>>>>>>>>>> trolling everything. Yes, he is more of an asstacular ass-hole
>>>>>>>>>> and a shittacular shit-hole that could ever be imagined.
>>>>>>>>>> <VBG>
>>>>>>>>>> ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure
>>>>>>>>>> Usenet News==----
>>>>>>>>>> The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
>>>>>>>>>> 120,000+ Newsgroups
>>>>>>>>>> ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via
>>>>>>>>>> Encryption =----
>>>>>>>> What exactly is your point? You reply to posts all over the
>>>>>>>> fucking place without adding any comment or sensible reply.
>>>>>>>> BTW you missed one of the crossposted groups again.
>>>>>> Still got nothing to say, eh?
>>>>> Filter Markku Grönroos
>>>> I'm fucking about with him. Look what he's doing to the crossposted
>>>> groups. Every time he makes a reply, for want of a better word, he
>>>> removes for some reason. :-)
>>>> I'm posting this from that group :-).
>>> Continue to march soldier
>> I think he thinks he's going to kill this thread in by
>> replying to every post in this thread after removing that newsgroups in
>> his headers.
>> He doesn't seem to realise the futility of that.
>> HEY MARKKU!!!!!!!!!! If you're there, look at this post! All I have to
>> do is reply to anyone's post but yours and it shows up in
>> You fixated Finn, you. :-)
> Your efforts are all to nothing Markku.
Yeah, that's right. All of you motherfuckers are pitiful. <g>
----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
TOPIC: The Definition
== 1 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:46 pm
From: The Natural Philosopher
Rod Speed wrote:
> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>> Ophelia wrote
>>> James Farrar wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>> Without the yanks, the british military system wouldnt have lasted for very long.
>>>> Two years, three months, then. (And if you're referring to
>>>> Lend-Lease, that didn't start until 18 months after the War).
>>> Aye and they made sure they got their pound of flesh!
>> Is it coincidence that just after we finished paying off the war debt, teh US economy moves into deep recession?
> Thats a lie, nothing like that happened.
> And no one got to repay the Marshall Plan either.
> And no europeans paid the yanks for what the war in europe cost them either.
> Unlike what the stupid europeans attempted after WW1 which produced WW2.
Good grief. You really believe all that crap?
== 2 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:50 pm
From: "William Black"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> William Black <> wrote
>> So, suggest a credible end to the war.
> You lot put your hands up when you realise that the yanks arent going to
> bail you out.
For various reasons, mainly taht teh people in power knew they'd be shot by
the Nazis, that isn't going to happen.
>> No invasion is possible.
> Pig ignorant lie. In spades if Adolf hadnt been stupid enough to invade
> russia that early.
Details because some very clever people have gone into this in great depth.
>> After early in 1940 the appeasers had been separated from power, there's
>> nobody prepared to surrender.
> There would have been plenty if the yanks had told you lot that you were
> doomed and that they werent prepared to send you a damned thing
> without payment in cas up front because your prospects were so pathetic.
Well no.
It was 'cash up front' until 1941 and 'lease lend' came in
>> Where does the UK go without US support?
> They put their hands up, just like Holland and France etc did.
> Adolf would certainly have been prepared to accept an amicable ceasefire,
> but its likely that
> the english would have been too stupid to do that if the yanks had told
> them to get fucked.
Well, no evidence so far of any of that.
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
== 3 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:50 pm
From: The Natural Philosopher
Rod Speed wrote:
> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>> Peter Bruells <> wrote
>>>>>> Ayatollah of rock 'n' roller <> writes
>>>>>>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>>>>>>> News reader wrote
>>>>>>>>> Runge11 wrote
>>>>>>>>>> yes, forgetting what your own country is doing to the
>>>>>>>>>> rest of the world. Take a mirror and look at yourself.
>>>>>>>>> Yeah the U.S. doesn't help the world out at all.
>>>>>>>>> We saved France from becoming Germany.
>>>>>>>> Russia actually.
>>>>>>> I also think you'll find that the British army also helped a
>>>>>>> bit here and there (together with other armies of course).
>>>>>> The Canadians also get forgotten.
>>>>> Without the yanks, they wouldnt have been able to do anything much.
>>>> Without the Yanks, they wouldn't have NEEDED to do anything much ;-)
>>> Only in your pathetic little pig ignorant fantasyland.
>>> Until Pearl Harbor, the yanks basically hoped that the stupid
>>> europeans would just rip each others throats out, yet again.
>> While they sat back waiting to see which winner they colod make a profit out of.
> Another pig ignorant lie. If that had been what it was about, they would have demanded cash
> up front and not had lend lease where the loser could avoid paying for what they had got.
They coldn't get cash up front. By that time they were already fighting
te Japanese, allied with te Gremans, so it was s good deal to leand
money at a p[unitive rate to someone who was already doing the fighting
n their nehlaf.
No war in which the USA has been the major player has actually ever been
> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we wouldnt
> see an endless repeat of world war after world war in every generation as well.
One of Churchills best bits of con-artistry. "Pssst. The commies will
take over Europe if you don't give us some money"
== 4 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:52 pm
From: The Natural Philosopher
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Black <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we wouldnt
>>> see an endless repeat of world war after world war in every generation as well.
>> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
> Irrelevant to that ensuring that there wouldnt be WW3 a generation later.
>> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
> Pity about Lend-Lease which left it for dead.
> Pity about the yanks choosing to deal with Europe first, even tho they
> had experience much more of a direct problem for themselves with Japan.
>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
> Pig ignorant lie. You never got billed for the total cost
> of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
Amd europe never got paid or Radar, the rocket engine, the guided
missile, the jet engine, transonic aircraft or the computer.
All of which got handed over on a plate.
> You never got billed in full for what the yanks spend to save your bacon in WW1 either.
You never got billed one half of what you stole.
== 5 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:54 pm
From: "William Black"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> William Black <> wrote
>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
Read up on the 'McMahon Act some time.
Start at
>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
> Pig ignorant lie.
You never got billed for the total cost
> of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
As has been explained elsewhere, we didn't need our bacon saving.
It would have just taken a bit longer.
But the TUBE ALLOYS project comes on stream in about 1948 and the UK wins...
Besides, turning up late to save the world is nothing to boast about.
Doing it twice seems to show an inability to learn...
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
== 6 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:54 pm
From: The Natural Philosopher
William Black wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> James Farrar <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Without the yanks, the british military system wouldnt have lasted for
>>>> very long.
>>> Two years, three months, then.
>> Nope, it wouldnt have lasted that long without the yanks.
> So, suggest a credible end to the war.
> No invasion is possible.
> After early in 1940 the appeasers had been separated from power, there's
> nobody prepared to surrender.
> Where does the UK go without US support?
Uncle Joe Stalin.
Who won the European war really. And nicked half of europe to pay for it.
== 7 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:08 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Black <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that
>>>> we wouldnt see an endless repeat of world war after world war in
>>>> every generation as well.
>>> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
>> Irrelevant to that ensuring that there wouldnt be WW3 a generation later.
>>> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
>> Pity about Lend-Lease which left it for dead.
>> Pity about the yanks choosing to deal with Europe first, even tho they had experience much more of a direct problem
>> for themselves with Japan.
>>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
>> Another pig ignorant lie.
>>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
>> Pig ignorant lie. You never got billed for the total cost
>> of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
> Amd europe never got paid or Radar, the rocket engine, the guided missile, the jet engine, transonic aircraft or the
> computer.
> All of which got handed over on a plate.
And europe never paid for all the developments like the telephone,
production lines, heavy aircraft developments, the transistor, integrated
circuits, the PC, credit cards, fast food, the internet, TV.
All of which got handed over on a plate.
>> You never got billed in full for what the yanks spend to save your bacon in WW1 either.
> You never got billed one half of what you stole.
You clowns in spades.
== 8 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:15 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Black <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> William Black <> wrote
>>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
>> Another pig ignorant lie.
> Read up on the 'McMahon Act some time.
Doesnt say anything like your pig ignorant lie.
> Start at
No thanks, none of that is any news to me or anyone with a clue.
You lied.
>>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
>> Pig ignorant lie.
> Nope.
Doesnt say anything like your lie.
>> You never got billed for the total cost of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
> As has been explained elsewhere,
Lied, actually.
> we didn't need our bacon saving.
How odd that Churchill begged for yank assistence.
> It would have just taken a bit longer.
It wouldnt have happened if the yanks had demanded
cash up front because your prospects were so dismal.
> But the TUBE ALLOYS project comes on stream in about 1948 and the UK wins...
Only because the yanks bailed you lot out in WW2.
> Besides, turning up late to save the world is nothing to boast about.
No one is boasting, just rubbing your ungrateful noses in the
FACT that without the bailout, you'd have been fucked, twice.
> Doing it twice seems to show an inability to learn...
Yeah, getting involved in a full world war twice does that in spades with you clowns.
And the Marshall Plan, which you were never billed for, ensured that
even you clowns wouldnt actually be stupid enough to try it again.
== 9 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:21 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> Peter Bruells <> wrote
>>>>>>> Ayatollah of rock 'n' roller <> writes
>>>>>>>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>>>>>>>> News reader wrote
>>>>>>>>>> Runge11 wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> yes, forgetting what your own country is doing to the
>>>>>>>>>>> rest of the world. Take a mirror and look at yourself.
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah the U.S. doesn't help the world out at all.
>>>>>>>>>> We saved France from becoming Germany.
>>>>>>>>> Russia actually.
>>>>>>>> I also think you'll find that the British army also helped a
>>>>>>>> bit here and there (together with other armies of course).
>>>>>>> The Canadians also get forgotten.
>>>>>> Without the yanks, they wouldnt have been able to do anything much.
>>>>> Without the Yanks, they wouldn't have NEEDED to do anything much ;-)
>>>> Only in your pathetic little pig ignorant fantasyland.
>>>> Until Pearl Harbor, the yanks basically hoped that the stupid
>>>> europeans would just rip each others throats out, yet again.
>>> While they sat back waiting to see which winner they colod make a profit out of.
>> Another pig ignorant lie. If that had been what it was about, they would have demanded cash up front and not had lend
>> lease where the loser could avoid paying for what they had got.
> They coldn't get cash up front.
Yep, so you clowns would have been fucked if they had decided that
your prospects were so dismal it was just cash up front or nothing.
> By that time they were already fighting te Japanese,
Pig ignorant lie. That came much later than the assistence without cash up front.
> allied with te Gremans, so it was s good deal to leand money at a punitive rate
Another pig ignorant lie.
> to someone who was already doing the fighting n their nehlaf.
Another pig ignorant lie.
> No war in which the USA has been the major player has actually ever been won...conclusively.
Another pig ignorant lie. Pity about WW1 and WW2. WW2 in spades.
>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we wouldnt see an endless repeat of world war
>> after world war in every generation as well.
> One of Churchills best bits of con-artistry. "Pssst. The commies will take over Europe if you don't give us some
> money"
You clowns never got a cent from the Marshall Plan.
> Haha.
He wasnt laughing when the entire pom empire decided that you clowns had passed your useby date.
== 10 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:22 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>>> Ophelia wrote
>>>> James Farrar wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> Without the yanks, the british military system wouldnt have lasted for very long.
>>>>> Two years, three months, then. (And if you're referring to
>>>>> Lend-Lease, that didn't start until 18 months after the War).
>>>> Aye and they made sure they got their pound of flesh!
>>> Is it coincidence that just after we finished paying off the war
>>> debt, teh US economy moves into deep recession?
>> Thats a lie, nothing like that happened.
>> And no one got to repay the Marshall Plan either.
>> And no europeans paid the yanks for what the war in europe cost them either.
>> Unlike what the stupid europeans attempted after WW1 which produced WW2.
> Good grief. You really believe all that crap?
Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
== 11 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:29 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Black <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> William Black <> wrote
>>> So, suggest a credible end to the war.
>> You lot put your hands up when you realise that the yanks arent going to bail you out.
> For various reasons, mainly taht teh people in power knew they'd be shot by the Nazis, that isn't going to happen.
Have fun explaining how come it did with Holland, France, etc etc etc.
>>> No invasion is possible.
>> Pig ignorant lie. In spades if Adolf hadnt been stupid enough to invade russia that early.
> How?
> Details because some very clever people have gone into this in great depth.
If the yanks had told you lot that you werent getting a damned thing without
cash up front for it, they'd have starved you out just by waiting long enough.
Particularly if they had had the sense to not turn on Russia until you'd put your hands up.
>>> After early in 1940 the appeasers had been separated from power, there's nobody prepared to surrender.
>> There would have been plenty if the yanks had told you lot that you
>> were doomed and that they werent prepared to send you a damned thing
>> without payment in cas up front because your prospects were so pathetic.
> Well no.
Fraid so.
> It was 'cash up front' until 1941
Bare faced lie.
> and 'lease lend' came in
Bare faced lie.
>>> Where does the UK go without US support?
>> They put their hands up, just like Holland and France etc did.
>> Adolf would certainly have been prepared to accept an amicable ceasefire, but its likely that
>> the english would have been too stupid to do that if the yanks had told them to get fucked.
> Well, no evidence so far of any of that.
Another bare faced lie. Pity about Churchill's mindless ravings.
== 12 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:24 pm
From: "Ophelia"
William Black wrote:
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we
>> wouldnt
>> see an endless repeat of world war after world war in every
>> generation as well.
> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
Exactly and it wasn't cheap either!
== 13 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:29 pm
From: "Ophelia"
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Black <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that
>>> we wouldnt see an endless repeat of world war after world war in
>>> every generation as well.
>> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
> Irrelevant to that ensuring that there wouldnt be WW3 a generation
> later.
>> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
> Pity about Lend-Lease which left it for dead.
> Pity about the yanks choosing to deal with Europe first, even tho they
> had experience much more of a direct problem for themselves with
> Japan.
>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
> Pig ignorant lie. You never got billed for the total cost
> of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
> You never got billed in full for what the yanks spend to save your
> bacon in WW1 either.
I always get rather concerned about people who shout Lie Lie Lie!!
I understand that it isn't easy to give a reasoned argument, but Lie, Lie,
Lie is NOT the answer
== 14 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:31 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
> William Black wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> James Farrar <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> Without the yanks, the british military system wouldnt have lasted for very long.
>>>> Two years, three months, then.
>>> Nope, it wouldnt have lasted that long without the yanks.
>> So, suggest a credible end to the war.
>> No invasion is possible.
Bare faced lie.
>> After early in 1940 the appeasers had been separated from power, there's nobody prepared to surrender.
>> Where does the UK go without US support?
> Uncle Joe Stalin.
Who wouldnt have done a damned thing if Adolf hadnt been stupid enough to invade his country.
> Who won the European war really. And nicked half of europe to pay for it.
== 15 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:36 pm
From: "Ayatollah of rock 'n' roller"
And yanks wonder why the whole world thinks of them as weak cowards, too
afraid to fight.
Wish the Europeans had never created them.
== 16 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 3:13 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Ophelia <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Black <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we wouldnt see an endless repeat of world war
>>>> after world war in every generation as well.
>>> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
>> Irrelevant to that ensuring that there wouldnt be WW3 a generation later.
>>> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
>> Pity about Lend-Lease which left it for dead.
>> Pity about the yanks choosing to deal with Europe first, even tho they had experience much more of a direct problem
>> for themselves with Japan.
>>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
>> Another pig ignorant lie.
>>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
>> Pig ignorant lie. You never got billed for the total cost
>> of what the yanks spent in europe to save your bacon.
>> You never got billed in full for what the yanks spent to save your bacon in WW1 either.
> I always get rather concerned about people who shout Lie Lie Lie!!
Your problem.
> I understand that it isn't easy to give a reasoned argument, but Lie, Lie, Lie is NOT the answer
There's plenty of reasoned argument in my posts, you pathetic excuse for a bullshit artist.
== 17 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 3:15 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Ophelia <> wrote
> William Black wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> And there's the tiny matter of the Marshall Plan that ensured that we wouldnt
>>> see an endless repeat of world war after world war in every generation as well.
>> No Marshall Plan money for the UK.
>> They wouldn't give us any for political reasons.
>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
> Exactly
Nope. You never got JUST a loan. You never got billed
for what the US spent saving your bacon in europe.
> and it wasn't cheap either!
The yanks spent a hell of a lot more than they ever lent you.
Why shouldnt you pay part of what it cost to save your bacon ?
== 18 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 3:48 pm
From: "William Black"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> The Natural Philosopher <a@b.c> wrote
>> Amd europe never got paid or Radar, the rocket engine, the guided
>> missile, the jet engine, transonic aircraft or the computer.
>> All of which got handed over on a plate.
> And europe never paid for all the developments like the telephone,
> production lines, heavy aircraft developments, the transistor, integrated
> circuits, the PC, credit cards, fast food, the internet, TV.
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
== 19 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 3:50 pm
From: "William Black"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> William Black <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> William Black <> wrote
>>>> Same as the stab in the back over nuclear weapons.
>>> Another pig ignorant lie.
>> Read up on the 'McMahon Act some time.
> Doesnt say anything like your pig ignorant lie.
>> Start at
> No thanks, none of that is any news to me or anyone with a clue.
> You lied.
>>>> We got a loan, which has been repaid in full.
>>> Pig ignorant lie.
>> Nope.
> Yep.
> Doesnt say anything like your lie.
>>> You never got billed for the total cost of what the yanks spent in
>>> europe to save your bacon.
>> As has been explained elsewhere,
> Lied, actually.
>> we didn't need our bacon saving.
> How odd that Churchill begged for yank assistence.
>> It would have just taken a bit longer.
> It wouldnt have happened if the yanks had demanded
> cash up front because your prospects were so dismal.
>> But the TUBE ALLOYS project comes on stream in about 1948 and the UK
>> wins...
> Only because the yanks bailed you lot out in WW2.
>> Besides, turning up late to save the world is nothing to boast about.
> No one is boasting, just rubbing your ungrateful noses in the
> FACT that without the bailout, you'd have been fucked, twice.
>> Doing it twice seems to show an inability to learn...
> Yeah, getting involved in a full world war twice does that in spades with
> you clowns.
> And the Marshall Plan, which you were never billed for, ensured that
> even you clowns wouldnt actually be stupid enough to try it again.
Lack of content, and inability to read references given, noted.
You're a buffoon.
Piss off now, you're dismissed...
William Black
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 1:50 pm
From: Al Bundy
On Mar 30, 10:06 pm, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <>
> "Al Bundy" <> wrote in message
> > wrote:
> >> In The Name Of Allaah,
> >> Most Gracious, Most Merciful
> >> Written by S.H. Pasha
> > I used to think only cockroaches could multiply this fast. The Chinese
> > and Islam posters have proven me wrong.
> kindler, gentler is the new islamic tact. if you don't buy it, it'll be
> conversion
> at the point of a sword. they're aiming for world conversion by 2020.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll aim lower.
TOPIC: Surviving in New York on 99 cents
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 2:38 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Souden <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> What I'm bitter about is that my monthly local phone service costs $10.69. The taxes and fees and
>>>>>>>>>>> surcharges bring it up to $17.88.
>>>>>>>>>> A good reason for having naked DSL and just yawning when the broadband does go down.
>>>>>>>>> Unless you're within 14,000 feet of <something> you can't get DSL,
>>>>>>>> Wrong.
>>>>>>> What yo you think the maximum distance is?
>>>>>> I know there is no maximum distance.
>>>> Doesnt say anything like what Bev said.
>>>> And says just what I said.
>>> You said there is no maximum distance.
>> And there clearly isnt as every single one of your cites makes very clear indeed.
>> In spades with the last two.
>>> The link says:
>>> CLECs and ILECs work from distance estimates or actual checks
>>> before accepting an order. Here is what we know of the distance
>>> limits they work by. If you have more information specific to a
>>> provider, please feel free to add it below, or if you can confirm
>>> more provider limits, please talkback here: Distance remarks Read
>>> [17286]
>> Thats not saying there is a single maximum distance that applys to all DSL providers, cretin.
>> And it clearly shows a table where the distance varys with provider, fuckwit.
>>>> Doesnt say anything like what Bev said.
>>>> And doesnt conflict with what I said.
>>> You said there are no distance limits.
>> And there clearly isnt as every single one of your cites makes very clear indeed.
>> In spades with the last two.
>>> The link says:
>>> Distance is measured by the length of the cable that twists and
>>> turns underground - not as the crow flies. The limitations are
>>> different for the different types of DSL. The distance limit for
>>> ADSL is typically 18,000 feet or approximately 3 miles.
>> And the other cites clearly show that there is no absolute limit of 18,000 feet, fuckwit.
>> And the word TYPICALLY is there for a reason, fool.
>>>> Doesnt say anything like what Bev said.
>>>> And in fact says precisely what I said, that there is no absolute maximum distance.
>>> Actually it says:
>>> The repeater sits in the middle of a long line between HDSL2 modems and regenerates the dying HDSL2 signal, which
>>> peters out as lines lengthen. Without a repeater, customer sites must be within 12,000 feet of the switching office.
>>> The repeater pushes that distance to 24,000 feet
>> So clearly there is no maximum distance when repeaters can be used, fuckwit.
>>>> Doesnt say anything like what Bev said.
>>>> And in fact says precisely what I said, that there is no absolute maximum distance.
>>> Actually it says:
>>> mpass about 80 percent of its customer base.
>> Pity about the other 20%, fuckwit.
>>> According to SBC spokesperson Shawn Dainas, outfitting the gateways
>>> with DSL puts most customers within 12,000 feet of the neighborhood
>>> gateway, giving SBC the ability to offer DSL speeds of 1.5 megabits
>>> per second downstream and 6 Mbps upstream.
>> Doesnt say a damned thing about any absolute distance limit, fuckwit.
>>>> No surprise that the best you can manage is race track bum.
>>> No surprise that with your inability to comprehend what you read
>> I comprehended all that shit you cited fine thanks, fuckwit. Unlike you.
>>> or admit error
>> Not a single error of mine to admit there, fuckwit.
>> Every single cite of your SUPPORTED what I said, that Bev's distance is just plain wrong and that there is no single
>> maximum distance for DSL, fuckwit.
> Initial Rod Speed claim:There is no maximum distance, period.
And not one of your cites said that there is a single maximum distance for all DSL, fuckwit.
And not one of them is anything like Bev's stupid claim either.
> Rod Speed after links are posted showing maximum distances:
You never ever asked about maximum DISTANCES, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
> The links support his claim.
Which is precisely what they do, that there is no single maximum distance for all DSL, fuckwit.
> Ros Speed after the text from those links showing maximum distances are posted:
You never ever asked about maximum DISTANCES, you pathetic excuse for a lying bullshit artist.
> No, I never said that, I said there was no single maximum distance.
Which is clearly what I did say when thats what Bev claimed, fuckwit.
No surprise that the best you can manage is lying race track bum.
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