Monday, July 21, 2008

25 new messages in 13 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* animation cartoons - 2 messages, 2 authors
* u just click ,u get world figurs to house - 1 messages, 1 author
* Spacing Trips to the Grocery Store? - 8 messages, 5 authors
* Want to see funny pics and clips? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is Virginity in teenage like "HELL"...? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Is Virginity in teenage like HELL...? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Your win 10,000$ in my groups Pls register your name and address in below of
the website http://namithawithyou.blogspot.
com/ - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal ways --- but REJECT Jameson's ! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Glamour models & Fasion designing New look watch my profile http://www. - 1 messages, 1
* Spam - 1 messages, 1 author
* I found natural cures for gout un-frugal - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Find the cheapest gas in you area - 1 messages, 1 author
* Shop wal-mart online store - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: animation cartoons

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 20 2008 11:20 pm
From: puhuiren


top animation cartoons

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:47 am
From: clams_casino

puhuiren wrote:

>top animation cartoons
Cool - virus ladden spam from Malaysia.

TOPIC: u just click ,u get world figurs to house

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 12:15 am
From: raja


TOPIC: Spacing Trips to the Grocery Store?

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 1:08 am
From: "FarmI"

"h" <> wrote in message
> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in message
>> "h" <> wrote in message
>>> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in message
>>>> "h" <> wrote in message
>>>>> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in message
>>>>>> "h" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> I'd wonder why anyone would bother to make the transition to skim
>>>>>>>> milk at all. Skim milk so alters the taste and the texture it's
>>>>>>>> easier to just go without 'milk' rather than use skim. Changing to
>>>>>>>> lower fat milk, I can understand for an adult as it still has some
>>>>>>>> taste of milk and operates like milk in cooking, but skim, no. And
>>>>>>>> children need full cream milk, which I guess is less of an issue
>>>>>>>> for all us regualrs here who seem to all be old farts.
>>>>>>> I was raised on skim milk and I love it. Because I low-carb I don't
>>>>>>> drink it much, but I would never, ever think of drinking whole milk
>>>>>>> or even 1%. It's gag-worthy and tastes like a glass of cream.
>>>>>> ??????? But you put heavy cream in your coffee??????
>>>>>> I find that truly gag worthy.
>>>>>> Yuck. Also, no one ever "needs"
>>>>>>> to drink milk. The only milk you need is breast milk, and once
>>>>>>> you're >>>>>>> weened, you're all set.
>>>>>> True, so why the heavy cream in you coffee?
>>>>> Because it tastes good, of course.
>>>> You find milk gag worthy because it tastes of cream but you
>>>> voluntarily put cream in your coffee saying it tastes good. Hmmmmm.
>>>> Don't you notice the blobs of fat on the top of your coffee?
>>> Not because it "tastes of cream", but because it's as thick as an ice
>>> cream shake. It's the texture, not the taste, doofus.

Note: This reponse you wrote immediately above is in response to my comment
about cream in coffee. You state that you use cream in coffee because of
the texture, not the taste.

>> Your story does shift about. Now you say it's the texture not the taste.
>> Since you seem to be suffering from short term memory loss, I suggest you
>> read back through your posts. Only one post ago, you said you put heavy
>> cream in your coffee because it tastes good. Your food choices could
>> very well be contributing to your memory loss.

Note: this para of mine is in response to your conflicting comments in the
space of 2 posts. First response from you; you like cream in your coffee
because of the taste. Second response from you; you like cream in your
coffee because of the texture NOT the taste.

> Exactly what I said.

No, you cannot have it both ways.

> I drink heavy cream in coffee because it tastes good.

Yes, so you said. That is why I then queried you when you went on to say
that it was because of the texture NOT the taste.

> teaspoon in 8 oz of coffee.
> I drink skim milk instead of whole because of the texture.

So, what you really meant to write, but didn't because you failed to read
what I actually wrote was that you drink skim because of the texture not
cream in your coffee because of the texture.

Whole milk, to
> me, has the texture of an ice cream shake, which I find disgusting as a
> beverage. It tastes just fine, but I still wouldn't drink it. Your reading
> comprehension is probably impaired by all the carbs you eat.

Perhaps you could try rereading this post in it's entirity. I don't hold
much hope that you will be able to follow it given your failure to do so to
date, but what I wrote and the incogrous answers you gave might dawn on you
if you read it enough times.

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 1:08 am
From: "FarmI"

"h" <> wrote in message
> "FarmI" <ask@itshall be given> wrote in message
>> "h" <> wrote in message
>>> "enigma" <> wrote in message
>>>> "h" <> wrote in
>>>>> You can either be a sugar burning machine or a fat burning
>>>>> machine. I'd rather run my system on fat, thank you very
>>>>> much. Your body can make all the sugar it needs from
>>>>> protein and fat. No highs and lows plus very low
>>>>> cholesterol numbers.
>>>> and since the human body evolved to burn fat rather than
>>>> sugar, it's more efficient that way.
>>>> i was a little confused this morning when NPR was talking to
>>>> the American team at Tour de France & they were saying the 2
>>>> guys hadn't been at their best the past 2 days, and then said
>>>> they were stuffing them with heavy carbs... my brain just went
>>>> "DUH!".
>>> Wow. You'd really think that world-class athletes would know better.
>> World class athletes do know better and that is why the Tour de France
>> cyclists, in common with other elite athletes, stock up on carbs. They
>> and the hugely expensive Teams which support them take advice from
>> specialists in the field of human nutrition and sports medicine. That is
>> why the cyclists consume enormous amounts of carbs.
>> And
>>> speaking of evolution, of course the human body is designed to run
>>> low-carb. When you look at the worst of the carbs, they're all man-made,
>>> pre-packaged stuff made from processed grains and refined sugar.
>> So why only look only at the McDonalds end of the carbohydrate foods?
>> I try to eat only
>>> animals, animal products, and plants (raw, mostly). Stuff that human
>>> beings have always eaten and that the human body has evolved to best
>>> digest. I think wheat, like high-fructose corn syrup, should not be
>>> consumed by people. Grain is what food eats.
>> You say you eat plants, yet wheat is a plant. Complex carbohydrates are
>> plants. This fact is not complex.
>> Have you ever actually bothered to talk to a reputable nutritionist or a
>> dietician about how you have supposedly eaten now for decades? And
>> especially if your partner is following the diet you say he is yet
>> spending 2-3 hours a day in a gym in a state that must be either ketosis
>> or bordering on it.
>> Your current diet and a supposedly long history of following it, would be
>> putting you at risk of heart disease and bowel cancer at the very least.
>> And that's before even wondering about the state of your liver, breath
>> and bowel movements.
> Rave on carb junky. All the healthy eaters here are just fine, thanks.
> Plonk.

Failure to recognise medical facts noted.

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 1:13 am
From: "FarmI"

"Ann" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:52:57 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 11:40:55 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:20:19 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>>>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:52:58 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>>>>>> ??? Do you mean that when an American uses the term "powdered
>>>>>>>> milk" they mean the equivalent of powdered skim milk?
>>>>>>> Home users, yes. Except it's called Instant Nonfat Dry Milk.
>>>>>>>> If you do mean that, I'm even more mystified as to why anyone would
>>>>>>>> bother
>>>>>>>> to use the stuff.
>>>>>>> For adults at least, skim milk is healthier than milk with fat.
>>>>>> Healthier????? On the basis of it's fat content? Seems like there
>>>>>> is a need for a bit of education about relative fat levels in food if
>>>>>> people think that.
>>>>> There is also quantity consumed to consider. Some people treat milk as
>>>>> a beverage rather than as a food.
>>>> True. And they need that education I mentioned.
>>>>>> here
>>>>>>> are other sources of calcium and A&D like yogurt and cheese. And if
>>>>>>> one has a yen for dairy fat, there is always butter and ice cream.
>>>>>>> <g>
>>>>>> And cheese. That is very high fat.
>>>>> Again, it's the quantity consumed. And I'd rather spend my dairy fat
>>>>> "ration" on the fat-equivalent amount of cheese than on whole milk.
>>>> ???? To intake the equivalent amount of fat between cheese and even
>>>> full cream milk, you would have to guzzle milk all day long.
>>> How do you define "guzzle"? The USDA recommendation is three 8oz
>>> servings of milk (or equivalent) per day = 24oz. From the National
>>> Dairy Council, "... in Cheddar cheese the 3.2% fat (in milk) is
>>> increased to 32% (in cheese)...". Which makes the arithmetic easy,
>>> 2.4oz of Cheddar cheese has approx the same amount of fat as the RDA
>>> (24oz) of whole milk. Whole milk mozzarella has about 2/3 and skim milk
>>> mozzarella about 1/2 the fat content of Cheddar. I'd rather have pizza
>>> or a cheese steak than the milk.
>> I would leave the milk and have the steak without any adulterating cheese
>> anywhere near it cheese and I'd leave the pizza to you to eat.
> I don't know if you have cheese steaks in Australia, but if you don't like
> pizza, you probably wouldn't like them either.

I'm not keen on pizza. We make it now and then but my husband would be
prepared to eat it more often that I would.

>> I define 'guzzle' in terms of the the discussion you and I are having,
>> which is, to recap, that adults don't neeed to use milk as a beverage
>> rather than a food and if they do, they need educating.
> The USDA 24oz number is based on food value. However, it's not written
> that one has to drink it.

No, you never said it was and nor did I.

I just ran the numbers and I consume about 50%
> (12oz) of that in the form of reconstituted nfdm (4# box/8 wks).
>> In addition to that, you mentioned that you use milk on cereal, I use it
>> on cereal (when I don't use fruit juice or nothing) and I add it to
>> coffee. You mentioned nothing other than cereal. I wouldn't consume 24
>> oz of milk a day and from what you have written, I assume (perhaps
>> wrongly) that you don't either.
> No need to assume. I've already posted "The only circumstance under which
> I drink milk is when it's heavily fortified with chocolate."
>> In fact I can't think of anyone I know who would drink 24 oz of milk a
>> day who is over 5 years old.
>> And you used cheddar as the cheese example. I took you more for a
>> Camembert sort.
> You jest. I wouldn't consider paying that much for cheese.

I didn't mean French Camembert, I meant knock off style Camambert.

I find the difference in price is not enough to discourage me from buying it
now and then.

And as I
> indicated, I used cheddar as the example because it's what came up in the
> Google search (and it is a common high fat cheese).

Tch, tch Ann, you're beginning to sound like 'h'. Your indication of using
cheddar as an example was not stated.

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 4:08 am
From: Jim

Ann wrote:
> Jim wrote:
> > Ann wrote:
> >>
> > [....]
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>What are the costs of regular milk
> > [....]
> >> >>>
> >> >>I just paid $14.28 for a box of nfdm that alleges to make 5 gallons
> > [....]
> >> >>
> >> > Skim, 2% and whole milk is $1.99 / gal at Aldi's, here in RI
> >>
> >> I live in a state (PA) with a milk marketing board that sets minimum
> >> prices. Just checked and in June,in my area, the price per gallon was
> >> 3.35 (skim) -> 3.69 (whole). So, the price here was at least that. .
> >
> > paid $3.79 for a half gallon of milk here last week.
> Why?

I wanted some milk and that's what the store wanted for it.
I thought it was a bit high, but I wanted some milk so I paid it.

I don't completely understand how this works but when my stomach
is acting up and causing me to feel bad I can drink milk and my
stomach will calm down.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:45 am
From: clams_casino

Neon John wrote:

>On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 17:53:37 -0400, clams_casino
><> wrote:
>>Ann wrote:
>>>I just paid $14.28 for a box of nfdm that alleges to make 5 gallons of
>>>skim milk. I don't know the price of liquid skim milk here.
>>Skim, 2% and whole milk is $1.99 / gal at Aldi's, here in RI
>You sure that wasn't $4.99 a gallon? That's what even the no-name milk at
>Save-a-Lot costs here. 2% and skim are a bit cheaper. Mayfields, the area's
>name brand is over $6 for a gallon of whole milk.
>I'm pretty sure that TN has "price supports" for milk but still, it's hard to
>imagine that much difference in price, especially since TN is a big dairy
>Maybe Aldi's is offering milk as a big loss leader?

Could be, but it's been $1.99/gallon since they opened here about 3-4
months ago.

Next best pricing is currently $2.79 at Cumberland Farms for 1%. The
retail grocers tend to charge $3.25 - $4.50.

Aldi's continually surprises me on their pricing. Bananas were 44
cents/ lb this week and their tortiila chips were 99 cents (13 oz) which
are far superior to Tostitos at 3x the price. Lettuce was 99 cents
(same Foxy brand as the majors at $1.79). Large eggs were $1.19 vs.
$2.50 at the chain grocer. Whole watermelons at $4.49 (the chain grocers
charge that for 1/4 melon).

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:54 am
From: Ann

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:13:50 +1000, FarmI wrote:

> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 17:52:57 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 11:40:55 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:20:19 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>>>>> "Ann" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:52:58 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>>>>>>>>> ??? Do you mean that when an American uses the term "powdered
>>>>>>>>> milk" they mean the equivalent of powdered skim milk?
>>>>>>>> Home users, yes. Except it's called Instant Nonfat Dry Milk.
>>>>>>>>> If you do mean that, I'm even more mystified as to why anyone
>>>>>>>>> would bother
>>>>>>>>> to use the stuff.
>>>>>>>> For adults at least, skim milk is healthier than milk with fat.
>>>>>>> Healthier????? On the basis of it's fat content? Seems like there
>>>>>>> is a need for a bit of education about relative fat levels in food
>>>>>>> if people think that.
>>>>>> There is also quantity consumed to consider. Some people treat milk
>>>>>> as a beverage rather than as a food.
>>>>> True. And they need that education I mentioned.
>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>> are other sources of calcium and A&D like yogurt and cheese. And
>>>>>>>> if one has a yen for dairy fat, there is always butter and ice
>>>>>>>> cream. <g>
>>>>>>> And cheese. That is very high fat.
>>>>>> Again, it's the quantity consumed. And I'd rather spend my dairy fat
>>>>>> "ration" on the fat-equivalent amount of cheese than on whole milk.
>>>>> ???? To intake the equivalent amount of fat between cheese and even
>>>>> full cream milk, you would have to guzzle milk all day long.
>>>> How do you define "guzzle"? The USDA recommendation is three 8oz
>>>> servings of milk (or equivalent) per day = 24oz. From the National
>>>> Dairy Council, "... in Cheddar cheese the 3.2% fat (in milk) is
>>>> increased to 32% (in cheese)...". Which makes the arithmetic easy,
>>>> 2.4oz of Cheddar cheese has approx the same amount of fat as the RDA
>>>> (24oz) of whole milk. Whole milk mozzarella has about 2/3 and skim
>>>> milk mozzarella about 1/2 the fat content of Cheddar. I'd rather have
>>>> pizza or a cheese steak than the milk.
>>> I would leave the milk and have the steak without any adulterating
>>> cheese anywhere near it cheese and I'd leave the pizza to you to eat.
>> I don't know if you have cheese steaks in Australia, but if you don't
>> like pizza, you probably wouldn't like them either.
> I'm not keen on pizza. We make it now and then but my husband would be
> prepared to eat it more often that I would.
>>> I define 'guzzle' in terms of the the discussion you and I are having,
>>> which is, to recap, that adults don't neeed to use milk as a beverage
>>> rather than a food and if they do, they need educating.
>> The USDA 24oz number is based on food value. However, it's not written
>> that one has to drink it.
> No, you never said it was and nor did I.

Oops, that's an expression that didn't travel well. It means "it's not
carved in stone", not a requirement.
>> I just ran the numbers and I consume about 50%
>> (12oz) of that in the form of reconstituted nfdm (4# box/8 wks).
>>> In addition to that, you mentioned that you use milk on cereal, I use
>>> it on cereal (when I don't use fruit juice or nothing) and I add it to
>>> coffee. You mentioned nothing other than cereal. I wouldn't consume
>>> 24 oz of milk a day and from what you have written, I assume (perhaps
>>> wrongly) that you don't either.
>> No need to assume. I've already posted "The only circumstance under
>> which I drink milk is when it's heavily fortified with chocolate."
>>> In fact I can't think of anyone I know who would drink 24 oz of milk a
>>> day who is over 5 years old.
>>> And you used cheddar as the cheese example. I took you more for a
>>> Camembert sort.
>> You jest. I wouldn't consider paying that much for cheese.
> I didn't mean French Camembert, I meant knock off style Camambert.
> I find the difference in price is not enough to discourage me from
> buying it now and then.

Genuine or not, it's still a specialty cheese that I don't recall seeing
in the dairy case. Next time I go shopping at the market that has a
specialty section, I'll (if I remember) take a look.
< And as I
>> indicated, I used cheddar as the example because it's what came up in
>> the Google search (and it is a common high fat cheese).
> Tch, tch Ann, you're beginning to sound like 'h'. Your indication of
> using cheddar as an example was not stated.

"From the National Dairy Council, "... in Cheddar cheese the 3.2% fat (in
milk) is increased to 32% (in cheese)...". Which makes the arithmetic

You wrote: "And you used cheddar as the cheese example." Yes, I did, but
"cheddar" was not one of my search words.

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 6:03 am
From: Ann

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 07:08:45 -0400, Jim wrote:

> Ann wrote:
>> Jim wrote:
>> > Ann wrote:
>> >>
>> > [....]
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>What are the costs of regular milk
>> > [....]
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>I just paid $14.28 for a box of nfdm that alleges to make 5 gallons
>> > [....]
>> >> >>
>> >> > Skim, 2% and whole milk is $1.99 / gal at Aldi's, here in RI
>> >>
>> >> I live in a state (PA) with a milk marketing board that sets minimum
>> >> prices. Just checked and in June,in my area, the price per gallon was
>> >> 3.35 (skim) -> 3.69 (whole). So, the price here was at least that.
>> >> .
>> >
>> > paid $3.79 for a half gallon of milk here last week.
>> Why?
> I wanted some milk and that's what the store wanted for it. I thought it
> was a bit high, but I wanted some milk so I paid it.
> I don't completely understand how this works but when my stomach is acting
> up and causing me to feel bad I can drink milk and my stomach will calm
> down.

Back in the olden days, before it was found that many stomach ulcers are
caused by bacteria, milk was a standard "treatment" ... the "Sippy diet".

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 8:58 am
From: Dennis

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 08:54:45 -0400, Ann <> wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:13:50 +1000, FarmI wrote:
>> I didn't mean French Camembert, I meant knock off style Camambert.
>> I find the difference in price is not enough to discourage me from
>> buying it now and then.
>Genuine or not, it's still a specialty cheese that I don't recall seeing
>in the dairy case.

Perhaps the cat had eaten it. I understand it was extremely runny
that day anyway.

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

TOPIC: Want to see funny pics and clips?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 2:09 am
From: ""

Visit us at

TOPIC: Is Virginity in teenage like "HELL"...?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 2:44 am
From: ""

Dear friends! its really a serious issue....

what do you think...???

Schooling is for Studies or Sex...?

Just read about what Teenagers thinks and want to do in their

TOPIC: Is Virginity in teenage like HELL...?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 3:00 am
From: Ruchi

Dear friends! its really a serious issue....

what do you think...???

Schooling is for Studies or Sex...?

Just read about what Teenagers thinks and want to do in their

TOPIC: Your win 10,000$ in my groups Pls register your name and address in
below of the website http://namithawithyou.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 3:19 am
From: hot jayanthi

Your win 10,000$ in my groups

Pls register your name and address
in below of the website

TOPIC: Frugal ways --- but REJECT Jameson's !

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 4:23 am
From: "Nixon.D"

"Capitalist Pig" <> wrote in message
On 21 juil, 07:22, "Nixon.D" <> wrote:
> "Capitalist Pig" <> wrote in message
> On 20 juil, 00:34, "Nixon.D" <> wrote:> My Dear Andy;
> > Your abysmally naive response to my post cannot be ignored !!
> > The Scotch drink you refer to is NOT "whiskey" it is whisky. ONLY
> > Scotland is allowed by international law to call their spirits WHISKY.
> > "Whiskey" is probably something they bastardized in Texas as they
> > gradually
> > lost the civilizing protocols and living standards of Scotland.
> =========================================================
> Then what do the Irish drink? My bottle of Jamison's clearly says
> "whiskey"
> =======================================================
> I suspect you are referring to JamEson's Whiskey. That is not real Whisky.
> Scotland produces real whisky.
> But God only knows what those damned "mackeral snapping" Irish might
> drink!
> Most of them are Catholic you know. They've been known to drink everything
> from Anti-Freeze to shaving lotion.
> Settle yourself in with a big ol' jug of Drambuie, a box of Ritz crackers,
> and a block of bleu cheese. You'll be living the good life for sure and
> your worries will soon fly away like little migrating butterflies.
> McDaveOfMerryland
> ========================================================

France is about 90% Catholic. The national hard spirit here is Pastis
which you drink with water. Judging by all the available varities
available Whisky (Scotch) is popular. There are about as many
varieties of sea salt available as there are of Scotch whiskey. There
are maybe 800 cheeses, they are made from pasturized or unpasturized
cow, sheep and goat's milk.

You're all set then. All, you lack is a big ol' box of Ritz crackers and
you'll be off and running.
If they don't have them there I could send you a box.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 10:06 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Jul 19, 3:55 pm, Al Bundy <> wrote:

>  There's no need to use margarine either. I've heard the health claims
> for butter. I just don't chose to wear it.-

Well, there's no NEED to do anything but lay down and die. However,
most people aren't willing do exercise that option.

A little butter won't hurt most people.

Cindy Hamilton

TOPIC: Glamour models & Fasion designing New look watch my profile http://www.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:33 am
From: hot rathi

Glamour models & Fasion designing
New look

watch my profile


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:55 am
From: clams_casino the spammer wrote:


Reporting abusive spammers does help - sometimes.

"Thank you for notifying us about this but the website has already been
If there is anything else we can help you with feel free to contact us."

TOPIC: I found natural cures for gout un-frugal

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 8:00 am
From: James

I haven't found any natural cures to be effective. Even if they were
effective they cost a lot more than cheap generic drugs used for
effective treatment.

The other benefit to me using cheap drugs is I can enjoy eating what I
like instead of a very restricted diet.

I'm still looking for an effective natual cure. So far things that
didn't work for me includes concentrated cherry juice, baking soda,
meatless diet.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 9:11 am

On Jul 21, 11:00 am, James <> wrote:
> I haven't found any natural cures to be effective.  Even if they were
> effective they cost a lot more than cheap generic drugs used for
> effective treatment.
> The other benefit to me using cheap drugs is I can enjoy eating what I
> like instead of a very restricted diet.
> I'm still looking for an effective natual cure.  So far things that
> didn't work for me includes concentrated cherry juice, baking soda,
> meatless diet.

Gout happens when you consume too much protein, fat, alcohol along
carbs. Cut the carbs, consume only moderate alcohol, and the gout

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 9:25 am
From: "Dave"

Gout happens when you consume too much protein, fat, alcohol along
carbs. Cut the carbs, consume only moderate alcohol, and the gout

My diet is almost zero carbs, and I don't drink (haven't since I was a
teenager). I'm starting to get gout. I guess you've just proved the OP's
point. -Dave

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 9:42 am

If you have gout get Gout Out!

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 12:25:17 -0400, in misc.consumers.frugal-living "Dave"
<noway@nohow.not> wrote:

>Gout happens when you consume too much protein, fat, alcohol along
>carbs. Cut the carbs, consume only moderate alcohol, and the gout
>My diet is almost zero carbs, and I don't drink (haven't since I was a
>teenager). I'm starting to get gout. I guess you've just proved the OP's
>point. -Dave

TOPIC: Find the cheapest gas in you area

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 8:33 am
From: ""

Hi everybody,

You can all find cheap gas near you using the service provided by us
It is also accessible via mobile phone at

TOPIC: Shop wal-mart online store

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 8:56 am

hop Walmart Store Online Find Feature and accessories at Wal-Mart.
Shop for Features and take advantage of our Every Day Low Prices. Why
stand in line Click here Order Online.


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